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Four known flavonoids were isolated from the aerial parts of Salvia moorcroftiana.  相似文献   
Résumé Découvert il y a plus de 50 ans, dans des huiles de foies de squaloides, le squalène C30 H50 a été ensuite identifié et dosé dans plusieurs huiles d'origine végétale.Les auteurs décrivent une nouvelle méthode de dosage, plus spécifique et plus sensible, par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et déshydrogenation de la fraction insaponifiable de végétaux.Les teneurs sont, en mg pour 100 g, d'environ 150 pour l'huile d'olive, 4 pour les feuilles d'olivier, 2 pour la luzerne, 0,1 pour les feuilles de sureau, acanthe, laitue et les feuilles et racines de carottes.
Summary Discovered more than 50 years ago in liver oils of squaloids, squalene C30 H50 was later identified and determined in several oils of vegetable origin.The authors describe a new, more specific, and more sensitive, method of determination by gas chromatography and dehydrogenation of the unsaponiüable fraction of plants.The contents are, in mg per 100 g, about 150 for olive oil, 4 for olive-tree leaves, 2 for alfalfa, 0.1 for the leaves of elder, acanthus, lettuce, and leaves and roots of carrots.

Zusammenfassung Vor mehr als 50 Jahren im Lebertran von Haifischen entdeckt, wurde das Squalen später in mehreren Ölen pflanzlichen Ursprungs identifiziert und bestimmt.Die Verfasser beschreiben eine neue mehr spezifische und empfindliche Bestimmungsmethode mittels Gaschromatographie und Dehydrogenierung der unverseifbaren Fraktion der Pflanzen.Die Gehalte sind, in mg/100 g, ungefähr 150 für Olivenöl, 4 für die Blätter des Ölbaumes, 2 für Klee, 0,1 für die Blätter des Hollunders, für Bärenklau, für Kopfsalat sowie für Blätter und Wurzeln der Möhren.

avec 1 fig.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The molecular diversity of Tomato leaf curl viruses (ToLCVs), from the two main tomato growing areas of Jessore and Joydebpur, Bangladesh, was investigated. The viral DNA was amplified from tomato plants exhibiting mild and severe symptoms by polymerase chain reaction, and the complete genomes of the ToLCVs were sequenced. An isolate of the bipartite Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-Severe (ToLCNDV-Svr) was associated with the severe symptom phenotype from Jessore (ToLCNDV-Svr[Jes]). A previously undescribed monopartite virus, designated Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus-Mild (ToLCJV-Mld), was sequenced from plants showing mild symptoms. ToLCNDV-Svr[Jes] was most closely related to ToLCNDV-[Lucknow] at 95.7% nucleotide (nt) identity and Tomato leaf curl Gujarat virus-[Varanasi] at 90.6% nt identity, based on DNA-A and -B component sequences. ToLCJV-Mld was similar to Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus at 87.1% DNA-A nt identity. Identification of ToLCNDV-Svr[Jes] and ToLCJV-Mld was in addition to the previously described Tomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus, with which they shared 73.2 and 86.0% DNA-A nt identities, thus demonstrating the existence of at least three distinct viruses infecting tomato in Bangladesh. Nucleotide identities and placement in phylogenetic trees suggested that the three ToLCVs may have had different evolutionary pathways. The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, transmitted the viruses of this study equally efficiently. Four tomato cultivars (TLB111, TLB130, TLB133, and TLB182) resistant/ tolerant to South Indian ToLCV were screened against the Bangladesh ToLCVs in 2003-04. Although challenged by diverse viruses and potentially mixed infections, disease incidence remained low (6 to 45%) in the resistant cultivars compared with local cultivars (68 to 100%).  相似文献   
Synteny and collinearity in plant genomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Correlated gene arrangements among taxa provide a valuable framework for inference of shared ancestry of genes and for the utilization of findings from model organisms to study less-well-understood systems. In angiosperms, comparisons of gene arrangements are complicated by recurring polyploidy and extensive genome rearrangement. New genome sequences and improved analytical approaches are clarifying angiosperm evolution and revealing patterns of differential gene loss after genome duplication and differential gene retention associated with evolution of some morphological complexity. Because of variability in DNA substitution rates among taxa and genes, deviation from collinearity might be a more reliable phylogenetic character.  相似文献   
Groundwater samples were collected from shallow aquifers underneath an industrial complex in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Arsenic (As) concentrations in the groundwater samples varied between 10?8.6 and 10?6.8 M (0.18 and 11.14 µg L?1), with an average of 10?7.5 M (2.19 μ L?1). The analysis of variance for the analytical data showed that sampling locations had significantly affected As concentrations in the groundwater samples. Analytical and thermodynamic calculations showed that H2ASO4 ? was the most predominant As species in acidic groundwater samples, and HAsO4 2? was the most abundant species in alkaline groundwater samples. Concentrations of H3AsO4° and AsO4 3? were too low to be important in this study. Reduced As chemical forms were also expected to be very low. All the groundwater samples were undersaturated with respect to the thermodynamic solubility isotherms of Ca3(AsO4)2(c), Fe3(AsO4)2(c), and Mn3(AsO4)2(c) minerals. Lack of reliable thermodynamic data for these arsenates could be responsible for differences between the theoretical and measured concentrations of As in the shallow groundwater samples. The general trend in the distribution of HAsO4 2? activities in the groundwater samples was parallel to that of the Ca3(AsO4)2 solubility isotherm but different from those of Fe3(AsO4)2(c), and Mn3(AsO4)2(c). These data suggest that As concentrations in the groundwater samples were probably controlled by the precipitation and dissolution of Ca3(AsO4)2 type mineral. A three step hypothesis for As interactions in groundwater/soil system is proposed that combines both solid phase formation and adsorption of As onto the solid colloidal surfaces. This hypothesis is expected to better represent As behavior in groundwater/soil environment.  相似文献   
Use of egg custard augmented with cod liver oil (CLO) fed during the day, and of an overnight feed with Moina micrura, were evaluated in terms of its effects on production of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) postlarvae (PL). Four levels of CLO (0, 1,3 and 5%) were tested. Significantly higher mean (sd) productions, ranging from 11.27 (1.16) to 13.02 (1.70) PL l–1, were obtained for larvae fed egg custard enriched with CLO compared with that of 7.83 (1.58) PLl–1 for larvae fed egg custard without CLO. The development and survival of larval stages were also higher for the CLO diets. The -3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) in egg custard increased with increasing CLO level (0–5%). The fatty acid composition of postlarvae reflected the composition of the diet.  相似文献   
A feeding trial using five semi-purified diets (50% crude protein) was conducted to investigate the effects of different dietary amino acid patterns on growth and body composition of juvenile Japanese flounder. The control diet contained casein and gelatin as intact protein sources and four other diets contained 30% casein–gelatin (2:1, w/w) and 20% crystalline amino acids (CAA). CAA were added to the diets to simulate the amino acid pattern found in red sea bream egg protein (REP), Japanese flounder larvae whole body protein (FLP), Japanese flounder juvenile whole body protein (FJP), and brown fish meal protein (BFP), respectively. The test diets were fed to triplicate groups of juveniles (2.75±0.05 g) twice a day for 40 days to evaluate weight gain, survival, feed conversion efficiency (FCE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and apparent protein utilization (APU). The apparent retention of total dietary amino acids in the whole body and A/E ratios of the whole body were also evaluated. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed the diet containing the dietary amino acid pattern of BFP followed by fish fed the control, FJP, FLP and the REP diets. Percent survival, FCE, PER and APU were also significantly (P<0.05) affected by the amino acid pattern in the diets, indicating the highest value in fish fed the BFP diet. Except for a few amino acids, the amino acid composition of the whole body did not show marked differences with different dietary amino acid pattern. Results suggest that BFP could be more suitable as a reference amino acid pattern in the diet of juvenile Japanese flounder compared to the amino acid pattern of FLP, FJP or REP.  相似文献   
Antibiotic resistance in avian bacterial pathogens is a common problem in the Bangladesh poultry industry. The aim of the present study was to provide information on the present status of antibiotic resistance patterns in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli in Bangladesh. Of 279 dead or sick poultry of different ages, 101 pathogenic E coli strains isolated from broilers and layer hens with colibacillosis infections were screened to determine phenotypic expression of antimicrobial resistance against 13 antibiotics used in both veterinary and human medicine in Bangladesh. Of 101 pathogenic E. coli isolates, more than 55% were resistant to at least one or more of the tested compounds, and 36.6% of the isolates showed multiple-drug-resistant phenotypes. The most common resistances observed were against tetracycline (45.5%), trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (26.7%), nalidixic acid (25.7%), ampicillin (25.7%), and streptomycin (20.8%). Resistance to ciprofloxacin (12.9%), chlormaphenicol (8.9%), nitrofurantoin (2%), and gentamicin (2%) was also observed, and none of the isolates were resistant to tigecycline as well as extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producers. One isolate was resistant to cefuroxime (1%), cefadroxil (1%), and mecillinam (1%) but was not an ESBL producer. Resistance rates, although significant in Bangladeshi isolates, were found to be lower than those reported for avian isolates from the Republic of Korea and clinical, avian, and environmental isolates from Bangladesh. The high level of antibiotic resistance in avian pathogens from Bangladesh is worrisome and indicates that widespread use of antibiotics as feed additives for growth promotion and disease prevention could have negative implications for human and animal health and the environment.  相似文献   
The levels of tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) in synovial fluid (SF) and serum in cases of canine osteoarthritis (OA) were measured. OA was induced by a surgically-created medial patellar luxation in the left stifle of 24 dogs. SF and blood samples were collected at 1.5- and 3-month intervals, respectively. Every 3 months, one dog was euthanatized to collect tissue samples from both stifles. TRAP levels in SF and serum were measured using a spectrophotometer, and TRAP-positive cells in joint tissues were identified by enzyme histochemistry. MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in SF and serum were detected by Western blotting and ELISA, respectively. TRAP in SF from the stifles and serum was significantly increased (p < 0.05) after 3 months. TIMP-2 in SF and serum was significantly decreased (p < 0.05), whereas MMP-2 in SF was significantly increased (p < 0.05) during the progression of OA. Histochemistry revealed an increased number of TRAP-positive cells in tissues from OA-affected joints. Assays measuring TRAP, MMP-2, and TIMP-2 in SF and serum, and methods that detect increased numbers of TRAP-positive cells in the joint tissues can play an important role in identifying the early phases of degenerative changes in canine joint components.  相似文献   
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