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Global Oscillation Network Group data reveal that the internal structure of the sun can be well represented by a calibrated standard model. However, immediately beneath the convection zone and at the edge of the energy-generating core, the sound-speed variation is somewhat smoother in the sun than it is in the model. This could be a consequence of chemical inhomogeneity that is too severe in the model, perhaps owing to inaccurate modeling of gravitational settling or to neglected macroscopic motion that may be present in the sun. Accurate knowledge of the sun's structure enables inferences to be made about the physics that controls the sun; for example, through the opacity, the equation of state, or wave motion. Those inferences can then be used elsewhere in astrophysics.  相似文献   
Objectives To document the equine perioperative mortality rate and to highlight any factor associated with an increased risk of death up to 7 days after anaesthesia. Study design A prospective observational epidemiological multicentre study. Methods Data were recorded from all equidae undergoing general anaesthesia in 62 clinics. Power calculations indicated that 45 000 cases were required to detect the significance of important variables. Details of each horse, operation, anaesthetic agents and clinic personnel were recorded. Outcome at 7 days was recorded as: alive, put to sleep (PTS) or dead. Data were analysed by a standard multilevel logistic regression approach, considering the effects of clustering at the level of clinic. Results Data were collected from 41 824 cases over 6 years. A total of 39 025 (93.3%) were alive on day 7 and 785 were dead giving an overall death rate of 1.9% (95% CI: 1.8–2.0) and 2014 (4.8%) were PTS. About 5846 horses undergoing emergency abdominal surgeries (‘colics’) were excluded from subsequent analyses. A total of 35 107 ‘noncolic’ horses were alive at 7 days and 328 dead giving a death rate for noncolics of 0.9% (95% CI: 0.8–1.0). Five hundred and forty‐three (1.5%) noncolic horses classified PTS were excluded from further analyses. There were 109 (33%) deaths from cardiac arrest or post‐operative cardiovascular collapse, with 107 (32%) from fractures and myopathies. Fracture repair, out of hours surgery, and age below 1 month was associated with increased risk of dying whereas the use of acepromazine and intravenous anaesthetic agent maintenance of anaesthesia was associated with reduced risk. Conclusions A number of potential contributors to the high risk of anaesthetic‐related mortality have been identified. Further investigation of the underlying mechanism for their apparent harmful effects and development of alternative techniques is merited.  相似文献   
Sensitivity of boreal forest carbon balance to soil thaw   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We used eddy covariance; gas-exchange chambers; radiocarbon analysis; wood, moss, and soil inventories; and laboratory incubations to measure the carbon balance of a 120-year-old black spruce forest in Manitoba, Canada. The site lost 0.3 +/- 0.5 metric ton of carbon per hectare per year (ton C ha-1 year-1) from 1994 to 1997, with a gain of 0.6 +/- 0.2 ton C ha-1 year-1 in moss and wood offset by a loss of 0.8 +/- 0.5 ton C ha-1 year-1 from the soil. The soil remained frozen most of the year, and the decomposition of organic matter in the soil increased 10-fold upon thawing. The stability of the soil carbon pool ( approximately 150 tons C ha-1) appears sensitive to the depth and duration of thaw, and climatic changes that promote thaw are likely to cause a net efflux of carbon dioxide from the site.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A simulation study was conducted to examine the influence of population size and number of boars in service per year on overall economic response which was predicted under an BLUP-animal model. The simulated populations should resemble a closed nucleus herd of a pig breeding company. With extension of the sow populations from 60 to 180 sows the overall economic response increased by 32% and the discounted net economic response increased by 53%. The main reason for the higher response in larger populations was the higher realized selection intensity which increased by 17% (24 boars/60 sows versus 24 boars/180 sows). For the same populations, the accuracy of predicted breeding values increased by 8.1% due to more information available from relatives. The reduction in additive genetic variance showed only a small difference between the populations with different sizes, but when selection response was calculated per 1% reduction in additive genetic variance the efficiency to exploit genetic variance in larger populations was up to 50% higher. When sequential culling of boars in the breeding stock was practised, also a reduction in generation interval was found with increased population size. Under an equal size of sow population, a higher number of boars per year led to an increase in selection response due to a low generation interval (e. g. 6% when 24 versus 12 boars per year were used in service in a population of 180 sows) and a lower reduction in additive genetic variance (1% higher genetic standard deviation when 24 boars were used) which more than offset the lower realized selection intensity (-1.5%) and accuracy of selection (-1.0). The expected one generation responses predicted by the conventional approach overestimated the overall genetic merit by 24% to 46%. Causes were 8%-19% overestimation of accuracy of selection, 13%-15% lower genetic standard deviation and 4%-13% overestimation of selection intensity under fixed service time of boars. The rate of inbreeding was very high with 1.36% to 2.04% and depends mainly on the number of boars and the selection strategy of boars. Sequential culling of boars resulted in a high rate of inbreeding due to an increase in variance of family size. In comparison to selection on selection index, under an animal model the use of more boars per year with short fixed service time in a large sow population was recommended. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Wirkung der Sauenzahl und Verwendungsdauer von Ebern auf Selektionserfolg und Inzucht bei Verwendung eines Tiermodells in einem geschlossenen Nukleus Eine Simulationsstudie wurde durchgeführt, um den Einflu? der Populationsgr??e und der Anzahl eingesetzter Eber je Jahr auf den Gesamtzuchtfortschritt, der mit einem BLUP-Tiermodell gesch?tzt wurde, zu untersuchen. Die simulierten Populationen sollten die geschlossene Nukleusherde eines Zuchtunternehmens wiedergeben. Durch die Erh?hung der Populationsgr??e von 60 auf 180 Sauen stieg der Gesamtzuchtfortschritt um 32% und der diskontierte Netto-Gesamtzuchtfortschritt um 53%. Der bedeutendste Grund für die Steigerung des Zuchtfortschritts bei Ausdehnung der Populationsgr??e war eine h?here realisierte Selektionsintensit?t (17% bei 24 Eber/60 Sauen im Vergleich zu 24 Eber/180 Sauen). Für die gleichen Populationen stieg die Genauigkeit der Zuchtwertsch?tzung um 8,1% durch einen Zuwachs an Verwandteninformationen. Die Verminderung der additiv genetischen Varianz zeigte nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen Populationen verschiedener Gr??e; wurde jedoch der Selektionserfolg je 1% Reduktion der additiv genetischen Varianz berechnet, war die Effizienz der Aussch?pfung der genetischen Varianz in gr??eren Populationen um bis zu 50% h?her. Bei Anwendung von sequentieller Merzung von Ebern in der Zuchtherde zeigte sich ebenfalls eine Reduktion des Generationsintervalls mit ansteigender Populationsgr??e. Bei gleicher Populationsgr??e von Sauen führte ein h?herer Einsatz von Ebern je Jahr zu einer Erh?hung des Zuchtfortschritts durch ein geringeres Generationsintervall (z. B. 6% wenn 24 anstatt 12 Ebern je Jahr in einer Population von 180 Sauen eingesetzt wurden) und durch eine geringere Reduktion der additiv genetischen Varianz (1% h?here genetische Standardabweichung, wenn 24 Eber eingesetzt wurden), die die geringere realisierte Selektionsintensit?t (-1,5%) und Genauigkeit der Zuchtwertsch?tzung (-1,0%) mehr als ausglichen. Der durch konventionelle Sch?tzmethoden ermittelte erwartete Einjahres-Zuchtfortschritt übersch?tzte den Gesamtzuchtfortschritt um 24% bis 46%. Die Gründe lagen in 8%-19% übersch?tzung der Genauigkeit der Zuchtwertsch?tzung, 13% bis 15% geringeren genetischen Standardabweichung und 4% bis 13% übersch?tzung der Selektionsintensit?t bei konstanter Einsatzdauer der Eber. Die festgestellten Inzuchtraten von 1,36% bis 2,04% sind sehr hoch und waren vorwiegend abh?ngig von der Anzahl der Eber und der Selektionsstrategie der Eber. Sequentielle Merzung der Eber bewirkte eine hohe Inzuchtrate aufgrund des Anstiegs der Varianz in der Familiengr??e. Bei Anwendung des Tiermodells wurde im Vergleich zum Selektionsindex eine h?here Einsatzzahl von Ebern über einen kurzen Zeitraum in einer gro?en Population empfohlen.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Records of performance testing from 309 Japanese Shorthorn bulls were used to estimate genetic parameters for ultrasonic fat thickness. Young bulls were tested for 140 days from 9 months of age. Backfat was measured by ultrasound at six positions on each side, from shoulder to loin, at a constant weight of 470 kg. Four of the positions were approximately 10 cm from the mid-line and were defined as upper positions. Two positions were 25 cm from the mid-line and were defined as lower positions. Variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood, using canonical transformation under a multi-trait animal model. Heritabilities (h(2) ) from a single measurement were 0.32-0.48 on upper positions and 0.37-0.27 on lower positions. Corresponding positions on each side of the animal showed very high genetic correlations, from 0.94 to 0.99. The estimated h(2) values of the sum of measurements of four left and right upper positions were 0.52 on both sides. The sum of measurements from eight upper positions showed the highest h(2) , 0.55, and genetic correlations among these summed measurements were nearly 1. Genetic correlations between average daily gain and all fat measurements were mostly slightly negative. The estimated h(2) value for daily gain was 0.44. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetische Parameter für ultraschallgemessene Fettdicke japanischer Shorthorn Rinder Die Messungen an 309 japanischen Shorthorn Bullen wurden zur Sch?tzung herangezogen. Diese waren von 140 Tagen bis 9 Monate Alter einer Mastleistungas prüfung unterzogen worden. Ultraschall Fettdicke wurde an 6 Positionen von Schulter bis Lende bei 470 kg Gewicht erhoben, vier ungef?hr 10 cm der Mittellinie werden als obere, zwei 25 cm entfernt als untere Position definiert. Die Varianzkomponenten wurden nach kanonischer Transformation auf der Basis eines Mehr-Merkmalmodells mittels restringiertier Maximum Likelihood gesch?tzt. Heritabilit?ten für Einzelmerkmale waren für obere Positionen 0,32 bis 0,48, fü untere 0,37 bis 0,27, die genetischen Korrelationen waren zwischen 0,94 und 0,99. Die Heritabilit?t für die Summe der vier oberen Positionen an jeder Seite war 0,52, die für alle acht oberen Positionen 0,55. Genetishce Korrelationen zwischen Tageszuwachs und allen Fettdicken waren meistens schwach negativ, die Heritabilit?t für ersteren 0,44.  相似文献   
In ruminants, superovulatory treatments started at the time of follicular wave emergence result in greater and less variable ovulatory responses and embryo yields compared with the treatments begun in the presence of a large growing antral follicle(s) from the previous waves. The progesterone–oestradiol treatment is routinely used for follicular wave synchronization in cattle. The main objective of this study was to characterize the ovarian responses, hormonal profiles and in vivo embryo production in anoestrous Rideau Arcott ewes (May‐June), which were superovulated after pretreatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)‐releasing intravaginal sponges and a single dose of oestradiol‐17β (E2‐17β). Six days after insertion of MAP sponges, eight ewes were given an i.m. injection of 350 μg of E2‐17β (E2‐17β‐treated ewes); 10 ewes were given an i.m. injection of vehicle (control ewes). Multiple‐dose Folltropin®‐V treatment, followed by the bolus injection of GnRH (50 μg i.m.), began 6 days after E2‐17β/vehicle injection. Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography revealed that: (i) the interval between E2‐17β/vehicle injection and regression of all follicles ≥5 to 3 mm in diameter was shorter (p < 0.01; 2.6 ± 0.4 vs 4.8 ± 0.6 days respectively); and (ii) the interval between injection and emergence of the next follicular wave was longer (p < 0.05; 5.4 ± 0.3 vs 1.2 ± 0.4 days, respectively) in E2‐17β‐treated than in control ewes. During the 6 days after injection, the mean FSH peak concentration and basal FSH concentration were lower (p < 0.01) in E2‐17β‐treated ewes. The mean ovulation rate and the number of recovered embryos did not differ (p > 0.05) between the two groups of ewes. However, the number of luteinized unovulated follicles per ewe, and the variability in the number of luteal structures and overall embryo yield were less (p < 0.05) in E2‐17β‐treated compared with control ewes. In conclusion, the MAP–E2‐17β pretreatment significantly reduced the variability in ovarian responses and embryo yields, without affecting the embryo production in superovulated anoestrous ewes.  相似文献   
The adjuvant activity of Chenopodium quinoa (quinoa) saponins on the humoral and cellular immune responses of mice subcutaneously immunized with ovalbumin (OVA) was evaluated. Two quinoa saponin fractions were obtained, FQ70 and FQ90, and 10 saponins were determined by UPLC/Q-TOF-MS. Mice were immunized subcutaneously with OVA alone or adjuvanted with Quil A (adjuvant control), FQ70, or FQ90. FQ70 and FQ90 significantly enhanced the amount of anti-OVA-specific antibodies in serum (IgG, IgG1, and IgG2b) in immunized mice. The adjuvant effect of FQ70 was significantly greater than that of FQ90. However, delayed type hypersensitivity responses were higher in mice immunized with OVA adjuvanted with FQ90 than mice treated with FQ70. Concanavalin A (Con A)-, lipopolysaccharide-, and OVA-stimulated splenocyte proliferation were measured, and FQ90 significantly enhanced the Con A-induced splenocyte proliferation. The results suggested that the two quinoa saponin fractions enhanced significantly the production of humoral and cellular immune responses to OVA in mice.  相似文献   
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