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4种暖季型草坪草的抗旱性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对百喜草、假俭草、狗牙根和结缕草4种暖季型草坪草进行土壤持续干旱,测定叶片水分饱和亏、叶绿素、细胞膜相对透性等生理生化指标,并运用模糊隶属函数法进行抗旱性评价。结果表明:干旱胁迫下,狗牙根的水分饱和亏上升幅度最小,而土壤含水量显著高于其他品种,表明狗牙根的抗旱机制主要为保持体内高水势的御旱机制上;狗牙根的叶绿素含量下降幅度最小,相对电导率和丙二醛上升幅度也最小;运用隶属函数法得出百喜草、假俭草、狗牙根和结缕草的隶属函数值分别为:0.506、0.501、0.566和0.537,表明抗旱性强弱为狗牙根结缕草百喜草假俭草;在适合暖季型草坪草生长的干旱地区,狗牙根可以作为培植草坪的首选品种。  相似文献   
The mechanics of fresh wood with and without a fatigue pre-treatment that mimics a mechanical pulping process was experimentally studied. The mechanical properties of Norway spruce samples under compression are considered with the macroscopic stress–strain data and from local strain properties via digital image correlation technique. The results highlight the effects of the orientation of the wood annual rings compared to the loading direction and of the pre-fatigue. The wood presents a low yield point when the annual rings are tilted compared to the load axis, but the Young’s modulus and yield stress are higher when the annual rings are either parallel or perpendicular to the load direction. In the last case, buckling of softest layers occurs. The fatigue treatment makes the wood less stiff as deduced from the decreases of Young’s modulus and yield stress, whatever the orientation of annual rings. Secondly, it creates a thin and localized softened layer.  相似文献   
从综合丰富度、均匀度、多样性的角度评价林分群落物种多样性,提出物种多样性综合指数的概念,突破传统以单方面描述物种多样性的局限。以湖南省平江县福寿国有林场为案例,利用24块样地数据,对筛选出的指标运用CRITIC法确立权重,得出各样地物种多样性综合指数的计量模型,既反映了物种多样性指数的传统信息,又反映了实际样本数据的信息,使得综合指数的结果更加合理。  相似文献   
The discovery of ectotrophic mycorrhizae of Pinus patula Schlecht. et Cham. formed by Boletus edulis Bull, ex Fr., Amanita muscaria (L. ex Fr.) Pers. ex Hooker and possibly Tuber rapaeodorum Tul. et Tul. and Lycoperdon umbrinum Pers. is described. Aseptic culturing of mycorrhizae was carried out with A. muscaria and B. edulis, and chemical tests employed in agaricology, applied to these species and L. umbrinum to determine their association with natural mycorrhizae.  相似文献   
Design of wood/montmorillonite (MMT) intercalation nanocomposite   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Studying new wood composites through nano science and technology (NSC) will develop new compounding theory of wood, and accelerate the combination of new technology, wood science, material science and other disciplines. The compounding of wood and inorganic MMT on nanoscale molecular level has high potential to greatly improve the mechanical properties, fire retardance, abrasion resistance, decay resistance, dimensional stability and other properties of wood. Based on the great achievements of polymer/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites, this paper reviewed nano intercalation compounding methods (i.e. in-situ intercalative polymerization and direct polymer intercalation), and discussed the structure, properties and modification of montmorillonite (MMT). According to the main chemical components and particular structure of wood, the authors discussed the liquefaction and plasticization of wood, compared the dissolvability and meltability between wood and polymer, and then systematically put forward the basic idea, technological processes and schematic diagram to prepare wood/MMT nanocomposites (WMNC). The key technology to prepare WMNC is either to introduce delaminated MMT nanolayers into wood with the help of some intermediate polymers, or to obtain liquefied wood or plasticized wood from the complicated natural composite. It is applicable and effective to realize wood/MMT nanoscale compounding with the help of proper intercalation agent and medium polymer through the proposed “one-step” or “two-step” impregnating processes.  相似文献   
This study looked at the effects that multi-nutrient fertilization had on understory vegetation nutrient concentrations at four conifer forested locations in the inland Northwest. Multi-nutrient fertilization of conifer stands cannot only enhance the overstory species in the inland Northwest but also the understory vegetation. Determination of nutrient concentration response to fertilization treatments can provide managers the ability to better manipulate their forests for grazing and wildlife habitat. We grouped the understory vegetation into three general life forms: forbs, grasses and grass-likes, and shrubs. Multi-nutrient fertilization had little effect on nitrogen concentration across all life forms. Potassium and sulfur generally increased in concentration. Micronutrients as a whole showed less variability in response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Boron, copper, molybdenum, and zinc generally showed increases in concentrations across all life forms. We were able to conduct analyses on a selected number of understory vegetation species. Individual species showed variability in nutrient concentration response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Wildlife habitat and grazing quality were both increased and decreased following multi-nutrient fertilization. Increases in nutrient concentrations will provide more nutritious vegetation to these animals and vice versa for decreases in concentrations.  相似文献   
Clement  C.R.  Weber  J.C.  van Leeuwen  J.  Astorga Domian  C.  Cole  D.M.  Arévalo Lopez  L.A.  Argüello  H. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):195-206
Agroforestry Systems - Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) was domesticated as a fruit crop by the first Amazonians in traditional Neotropical agroforestry systems, but research and development...  相似文献   
García-Barrios  L.  Ong  C.K. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):221-236

During the 1980s, land- and labor-intensive simultaneous agroforestry systems (SAFS) were promoted in the tropics, based on the optimism on tree-crop niche differentiation and its potential for designing tree-crop mixtures using high tree-densities. In the 1990s it became clearer that although trees would yield crucial products and facilitate simultaneous growing of crops, they would also exert strong competitive effects on crops. In the meanwhile, a number of instruments for measuring the use of growth resources, exploratory and predictive models, and production assessment tools were developed to aid in understanding the opportunities and biophysical limits of SAFS. Following a review of the basic concepts of interspecific competition and facilitation between plants in general, this chapter synthesizes positive and negative effects of trees on crops, and discusses how these effects interact under different environmental resource conditions and how this imposes tradeoffs, biophysical limitations and management requirements in SAFS. The scope and limits of some of the research methods and tools, such as analytical and simulation models, that are available for assessing and predicting to a certain extent the productive outcome of SAFS are also discussed. The review brings out clearly the need for looking beyond yield performance in order to secure long-term management of farms and landscapes, by considering the environmental impacts and functions of SAFS.

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