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Dynamics of the cumulation of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in developing seed of four soybean genotypes under the defined climatic conditions in the course of three years was observed. Samples were being taken at weekly intervals from the point at which the grain reached a size suitable to be analyzed up to the full maturity of the seed. By analyzing the results it was found out that the intense cumulation of the minerals tested took place during the stages III and IV of the seed development, that is, in the course of intense cumulation of dry matter and the most expressive metabolic activity in the seed. Investigation of the impact of climatic conditions provides evidence that cumulation of the tested macroelements has been favourably influenced by increased precipitation along with moderate air temperatures within the seed developing period. The highest content of the minerals found with the cultivar Maksimirka independently of the year investigated reveals that mineral cumulation in soybean seed is affected by the cultivar and genetic particularity.  相似文献   
Although there are notable infectious conditions that are capable of producing clinical disease in the NWC, overall, these species are quite healthy. Of the bacterial diseases, enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens types C and D would be deemed the most significant in North America, while type A also would be regarded as important in South America. Other important bacterial infections of potential concern are tuberculosis, Johne's disease, anthrax, malignant edema, actinomycosis, tetanus, and the South American condition referred to as alpaca fever, which, to date, has not been observed in North America. Fungal infections include classical ringworm, principally caused by Trichophyton spp., and the cases of coccidioidomycosis that are associated with the arid desert lands of the southwestern United States. Most notable of naturally occurring viral infections in the NWC would be rabies, ecthyma, and a recently described blindness neuropathy that has been associated with the equine herpesvirus I. NWC can be infected experimentally with agents causing hoof-and-mouth disease and vesicular stomatitis, but naturally occurring cases do not seem to occur. Serological evidence of exposure to many viral agents, including blue tongue, parainfluenza 3, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine herpesvirus I, bovine viral diarrhea, influenza A, and rotavirus, has been demonstrated; however, no clinical disease associated with these agents, as yet, is apparent.  相似文献   
Two 7 day feeding trials were conducted with channel catfish swim-up fry to evaluate growth, feed conversion ratio, and body composition of fish fed one of the following feeds: salmon starter, catfish starter, or trout starter. Fish fed the salmon or trout starter feeds gained 50–75% more weight, converted feed more efficiently, and had higher body fat stores than fish fed the catfish starter feed. This may be related to the higher protein and energy content of these two feeds. It may be advantageous to feed salmonid starter feeds to hatchery reared catfish fry; however, it is not known whether or not the improved performance observed in the hatchery continues once the fish are stocked into nursery and grow out ponds.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of sarcocysts of macro- and microscopic species of Sarcocystis was compared from naturally infected water buffalo from India. Grossly visible sarcocysts had walls consisting of cauliflower-like villar protrusions, typical of S. fusiformis. The sarcocyst wall of the microscopic species of Sarcocystis was 6.4 microns thick and consisted of tightly packed conical villar protrusions that were 9.6 microns long and 3.7 microns wide at the base. At approximately 3 microns above the base, the distal two-thirds of the villar protrusion became conical shaped and was bent laterally at an angle of 45 degrees to the sarcocyst surface. The granular layer beneath the villar protrusions was 0.9 microns thick. In S. levinei the granular layer was 1.9 microns thick, the villar protrusions were narrow and it had a highly undulating primary cyst wall. Whether the microscopic S. levinei-like sarcocysts of Indian and Malaysian water buffalo are distinct species of Sarcocystis will require further investigation.  相似文献   
CERES-Maize (Vl. 0) predicted no grain yield when 100% defoliation occurred during vegetative growth. This result conflicted with field observations where 100% defoliation early in the vegetative stage did not materially reduce grain yield. CERES-Maize was modified to realistically predict yields when defoliation greater than 50% occurred during vegetative growth by taking into account stem (stem proper and sheath) photosynthesis and translocation of dry matter from the stem to the developing leaves. With these modifications, predictions from CERES-Maize were in good agreement with field measurements when defoliation occurred both early and later in the vegetative stage. This modified version of CERES-Maize can be the basis of a decision support system for defoliating pests of corn where yields can be evaluated under different management strategies and climate scenarios.  相似文献   
Samples of rapeseed from three Italian growing environments (Bologna, Perugia and Palermo) were analysed for glucose content and dry weight of 1000 seeds every three or four days starting from the end of flowering until complete ripening. In addition, the content of oil, soluble and total proteins, glucosinolates and myrosinase activity was determined in samples of mature seeds. The cultivars used were jet Neuf and Lingot (type 0) and Tandem, Jade and Santana (type 00). From the results it emerged that the point of intersection of the two branches of the linear regression plots for different glucose-consumption kinetics found during seed filling, in addition to being strongly affected by the climate of the test environment, is correlated with quantitative and qualitative production, independently of the genotype.  相似文献   
In summary, peritonitis in the horse is a potentially life-threatening disease that must be treated promptly and aggressively. Therapy should be aimed at reducing systemic shock and hypovolemia, correction of the primary cause, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy, and abdominal drainage and lavage. The prognosis depends on the ability to diagnose and treat the underlying cause and prevent the development of complications. Mortality rates can be as high as 59.7%, with horses developing postoperative peritonitis having a 56% mortality rate. Long-term complications like adhesion formation or internal abscesses may further reduce the survival rate. The prognosis is best determined by an early and quick response to aggressive treatment.  相似文献   
Mixed cropping of leguminous underseed species and cereal crops may increase productivity and serve some additional purposes. Two leguminous weed species which are widely distributed in annual crops of the Ethiopian highlands have been studied with varying coverage in greenhouse trials in Ethiopia with regard to their suitability as underseeds and with wheat ( Triticum turgidum [L.] Thell. var. durum [Desf.] MacKey) as a main crop. The competitive effects of Scorpiurus muricatus L. on the grain yield of wheat were smaller than those of Medicago polymorpha L. (-14.1 % and -23.6 % respectively, compared with the underseed free control) which is mainly ascribed to differences in their speed of development and shoot height. The residual effects of the underseed's root masses on the grain yield of the successive teff crop (Eragrostis tef [Zucc] Trotter) were significantly higher with Scorpiurus muricatus (+99.3 %) than with Medicago polymorpha (+63.6 %). The results are discussed with regard to the specific site conditions in the cereal-dominated cropping systems of the Ethiopian highlands.  相似文献   
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