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Wildfire effects on understory shrubs and herbs, regeneration of the seedling and sapling size classes, and downed and dead fuels were assessed in a mixed conifer stand located in the Lake Tahoe Basin in which California white fir (Abies concolor var. lowiana [Gord.] Lemm.) was most abundant but with Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) also prevalent. In burned and unburned stand portions, prefire measurements served as a basis of comparison for the postfire measurements pertinent to each study component. Fire severely suppressed the understory vegetation, which was dominated by shrubs such as bush chinquapin (Chrysolepis sempervirens [Kellogg] Hjelmqvist) and antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata [Pursh] DC.), while a tepid postfire recovery of most of the preexisting species in the burned stand portion was augmented by new ones, including shrubs such as snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus Douglas ex Hook.) and whitethorn (Ceanothus cordulatus Kellogg) ceanothus and herbs such as Holboell's rockcress (Arabis holboellii Hornem.). Tree seedling abundance was also substantially reduced in the burned portion, but the postfire population was dominated by Jeffrey pine whereas white fir had been most prevalent originally. Sapling regeneration was eliminated from the burned stand portion regardless of species. Downed and dead fuel loading was severely diminished by the fire, especially regarding fine fuels, permitting subsequent sheet erosion to imperil new seedling regeneration. These results contribute to an understanding of the direction and pace of postwildfire succession on sites occupied by Sierra Nevada mixed conifer and similar forest cover types, which is critical in decisions concerning the need for, and extent of, postfire site rehabilitation measures.  相似文献   
First decade findings on the impacts of organic matter removal and soil compaction are reported for the 26 oldest installations in the nation-wide network of long-term soil productivity sites. Complete removal of surface organic matter led to declines in soil C concentration to 20 cm depth and to reduced nutrient availability. The effect is attributed mainly to the loss of the forest floor. Soil C storage seemed undiminished, but could be explained by bulk density changes following disturbance and to decomposition inputs of organic C from roots remaining from the harvested forest. Biomass removal during harvesting had no influence on forest growth through 10 years. Soil compaction effects depended upon initial bulk density. Soils with densities greater than 1.4 Mg m−3 resisted compaction. Density recovery was slow, particularly on soils with frigid temperature regimes. Forest productivity response to soil compaction depended both on soil texture and the degree of understory competition. Production declined on compacted clay soils, increased on sands, and generally was unaffected if an understory was absent.  相似文献   
The study investigated diversity and frequency of occurrence of glomale (Arbuscular- or Vesicular Arbuscular-) mycorrhizal fungi on three farming systems in a drought prone and nitrogen deficiency site in southern Malawi. The farming systems comprised of two agroforestry systems of Sesbania sesban (L) Merr intercropped with maize and Sesbania macrantha E Phillips & Hutch. intercropped with maize and a maize monocrop systems without fertilizer, with nitrogen, phosphorus and a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus. Species diversity and species frequency of occurrence were examined in soil samples obtained in the dry and wet seasons. Twelve glomale mycorrhizal species were recorded, four species being in the genus Acaulospora, four in Glomus, two in Gigaspora and two in Scutellospora. Species diversity in the two agroforestry systems were not significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different but had lower species diversity than maize monocrop with only Sesbania macrantha intercropped with maize significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower. Species diversity was significantly increased by the inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Inorganic phosphorus fertilizer had no effect. The study shows that the occurrence and persistence of glomale species are influenced by agroforestry combinations, and that the spores of most species are tolerant to dry conditions. Only four species responded to fertilizer application with the occurrence of spores of some species high and some low. Management practices have great implication in the persistence of spore propagules of glomale species. The order Glomale was revised in 2001 and upgraded to a phylum Glomeromycota.  相似文献   
The main challenges faced in the reclamation of severely degraded lands are in the management of the systems and finding plant species that will grow under the harsh conditions common in degraded soils. This is especially important in extremely adverse situations found in some substrates from mining activities or soils that have lost their upper horizons. Under these conditions, recolonization of the area by native vegetation through natural succession processes may be extremely limited. Once the main physical and chemical factors restrictive to plant growth are corrected or attenuated, the introduction of leguminous trees able to form symbioses with nodulating N?-fixing bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi constitutes an efficient strategy to accelerate soil reclamation and initiate natural succession. These symbioses give the legume species a superior capacity to grow quickly in poor substrates and to withstand the harsh conditions presented in degraded soils. In this article we describe several successful results in Brazil using N?-fixing legume tree species for reclamation of areas degraded by soil erosion, construction and mining activities, emphasizing the potential of the technique to recover soil organic matter levels and restore ecosystem biodiversity and other environmental functions.  相似文献   
Composted sewage sludge (biosolids) supply plant available Fe and may represent a sustainable alternative to more costly chelated Fe fertilizers currently used to supplement nutrition in hybrid poplar test plots of elevated soil pH. To test the response of poplars, field plots were amended with composted biosolids at two agricultural rates: 22.75 and 44.5 Mg ha−1. Iron EDDHA served as a fertilizer check and control plots received no amendment. The hybrid poplar OP-367 (Populus deltoides × P. nigra) was planted on a 3.6 m grid spacing. Significant amounts of P and Fe originating from the sewage treatment process were detected in soils 13 months after amending. Chlorosis evaluated with a SPAD-502 meter, showed that poplars amended with biosolids remained the least chlorotic and had greater tree growth when compared to Fe EDDHA and control plots during two growing seasons. Biosolids show promise as a cost effective alternative for the remediation of Fe chlorosis in hybrid poplar agroforestry plantations and present new opportunities in northwestern New Mexico for municipalities seeking solid waste land disposal options.  相似文献   
Abstract— In vitro enzyme assays are rapid, inexpensive techniques for estimating protein digestibility of feed ingredients. Three assays—the Lazo single-enzyme assay with porcine trypsin; the Hsu multi-enzyme assay with porcine trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, and peptidase; and the Satterlee multi-enzyme assay with porcine trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, peptidase, and bacterial protease—were used to estimate relative protein digestibility (RPD) of selected feed ingredients used in diets for the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Ingredients tested were casein, gelatin, rice bran, shrimp meal, soybean meal, wheat gluten, and six varieties of fish meal. A highly significant, inverse, linear relationship existed between final pH in each of the enzyme assays and in vivo apparent protein digestibility of the ingredient in P. vannamei feeding trials. Ranking of RPD coefficients obtained in the Lazo single-enzyme assay followed closely the ranking of published in vivo apparent protein digestibility coefficients for the same ingredients in P. vannamei digestibility trials. Results indicated that a single-enzyme assay with porcine trypsin identified differences in protein digestibility of feedstuffs in vitro as well as the two multi-enzyme assays tested. The porcine-trypsin, single-enzyme assay appears to be a potentially useful tool for evaluating protein quality and relative protein digestibility of feedstuffs for P. vannamei.  相似文献   
We evaluated the suitability of fish waste diet (FWD) for culturing the minute rotifer Proales similis through the observation of their population growth and particle size selective feeding. A total of five treatments either with Nannochloropsis oculata or FWD (0.75 and 0.50 g/L) or the combination of N. oculata and FWD were set up in triplicates. P. similis were cultured in diluted natural seawater (8 g/L salinity) and 26 ± 1°C with the diet treatments being applied randomly. We daily monitored the rotifer density, the number of bacteria and the water quality in all the cultures. The population density of P. similis increased exponentially in all treatments, while the mean growth in FWD 0.75 g/L was significantly higher (p < .05) than that in the control. Addition of N. oculata to FWD resulted to lowered P. similis population growth. Bacterial colony count was high in FWD and introduction of P. similis to the diet decreased their density. The estimated bacteria ingestion rates were generally in the range of 6.03 × 102–1.24 × 104 bacteria/rotifer/hr and there was a positive linear relationship between bacterivory and rotifer population growth. We also observed a shift in the particle size distribution with a reduction in the frequency and concentration of small‐sized particles (<2.5 μm) at day 6. These results accentuate the potential of fish‐processing waste as diet for culturing P. similis which feeds on bacteria and small particles (≤2.5 μm) that are by‐products of degradation of this diet.  相似文献   
A recent population hypothesis for Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica), a critical forage species, argued that interactions between life history and circulation associated with glacial trough systems drive circumpolar distributions over the continental shelf. In the Ross Sea, aggregations of eggs and larvae occur under fast ice in Terra Nova Bay, and the hypothesis predicted that dispersing larvae encounter outflow along the western side of Drygalski Trough. The outflow advects larvae towards the shelf‐break, and mixing with trough inflow facilitates return toward the inner shelf. To examine the hypothesis, we compared samples of P. antarctica collected near Coulman Island in the outflow, along Crary Bank in the inflow, and a third set taken over the rest of the Ross Sea. We ruled out misidentification using an innovative genetic validation. Silverfish larvae comprised 99.5% of the catch, and the highest population densities were found in Drygalski Trough. The results provided no evidence to reject the population hypothesis. Abundance indices, back‐calculated hatching dates, length distributions and growth were congruent with a unified early life history in the western Ross Sea, constrained by cryopelagic early stages in Terra Nova Bay. By contrast, a sample in the Bay of Whales revealed much smaller larvae, suggesting either a geographically separate population in the eastern Ross Sea, or westward connectivity with larvae spawned nearby by fish sourced from troughs upstream in the Amundsen Sea. These results illustrate how hypotheses that integrate population structure with life history can provide precise spatial predictions for subsequent testing.  相似文献   
Bottom trawl fishing is a controversial activity. It yields about a quarter of the world's wild seafood, but also has impacts on the marine environment. Recent advances have quantified and improved understanding of large‐scale impacts of trawling on the seabed. However, such information needs to be coupled with distributions of benthic invertebrates (benthos) to assess whether these populations are being sustained under current trawling regimes. This study collated data from 13 diverse regions of the globe spanning four continents. Within each region, we combined trawl intensity distributions and predicted abundance distributions of benthos groups with impact and recovery parameters for taxonomic classes in a risk assessment model to estimate benthos status. The exposure of 220 predicted benthos‐group distributions to trawling intensity (as swept area ratio) ranged between 0% and 210% (mean = 37%) of abundance. However, benthos status, an indicator of the depleted abundance under chronic trawling pressure as a proportion of untrawled state, ranged between 0.86 and 1 (mean = 0.99), with 78% of benthos groups > 0.95. Mean benthos status was lowest in regions of Europe and Africa, and for taxonomic classes Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Our results demonstrate that while spatial overlap studies can help infer general patterns of potential risk, actual risks cannot be evaluated without using an assessment model that incorporates trawl impact and recovery metrics. These quantitative outputs are essential for sustainability assessments, and together with reference points and thresholds, can help managers ensure use of the marine environment is sustainable under the ecosystem approach to management.  相似文献   
  1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are becoming a widely used tool for the conservation of biodiversity and for fishery management; however, most of these areas are designed without prior knowledge of the basic ecological aspects of the species that they are trying to protect.
  2. This study investigated the movement of two top predators: the Galapagos shark, Carcharhinus galapagensis, and the yellowtail amberjack, Seriola lalandi, in and around the Motu Motiro Hiva Marine Park (MMHMP) using MiniPAT satellite tags to determine the effectiveness of this MPA for the protection of these species.
  3. The Galapagos sharks (n = 4) spent most of their tag deployment periods inside the MMHMP. However, high intraspecific variability was observed in their movement dynamics. Daily individual maximum movements ranged from 17 to 58 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island, the only emergent island within the MMHMP, ranged from 31 to 139 km.
  4. The maximum linear distance travelled for a female juvenile Galapagos shark (152 cm total length) was 236 km, which is greater than the maximum distance previously documented for juveniles of this species (<50 km).
  5. For the yellowtail amberjack (n = 1), 91% of the satellite geolocations were within the MMHMP, with a maximum daily distance travelled of 6 km. The maximum distance travelled between points was 111 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island was 62 km.
  6. All archival tagged fish spent most of their time at depths of <50 m and never left the epipelagic zone. Daytime versus night-time differences were pronounced in all individuals but showed high interindividual variability.
  7. This study provides a baseline on the movement of these two top predators in the MMHMP and provides valuable insights for the creation of MPAs in the region and elsewhere.
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