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黄瓜全雌性基因连锁的AFLP和SCAR分子标记   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
 本研究以全雌品种‘戴多星’自交系和弱雌品种‘北京截头’自交系为双亲杂交获得F1 ,然后得到F2 性型分离群体, 利用分离群体分组分析法(Bulked Segregant Analysis, BSA) 构建全雌和弱雌两个基因池, 筛选了64对AFLP选择性引物EcoR I-NN +Mse I-NNN组合, 发现EcoR I-TG +Mse I-CAC引物组合在全雌基因池中扩增出一条分子量为234 bp的特异带。经F2 代单株验证, 该特异条带能在全雌单株中稳定出现。以MAP MAKER (Version 310) 软件分析, 该标记与全雌性位点的连锁距离在617 cM。命名该连锁标记为TG/CAC234。将该特异条带回收、克隆、测序, 设计特异SCAR引物, 再对F2 代单株基因组DNA进行扩增, 仅在全雌单株中扩增出1条分子量为166 bp 的特异带, 表明已成功地将与黄瓜全雌性连锁的AFLP标记转化为操作简便、表现稳定的SCAR标记, 该标记命名为SA166。  相似文献   
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The aim of the study was to investigate source‐sink relations of wheat under continuous heat stress and to identify bottle necks of yield formation. A pot experiment was conducted in two climatic chambers exposing wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Thasos) either to day/night temperatures of 20/20°C (control conditions) or of 30/25°C (heat stress) during the whole vegetation period in the absence of plant water deficit. Plants were harvested at four phenological stages: three‐node stage (DC 33), start of flowering (DC 61), grain filling (DC 75) and maturity (DC 94). Heat stress shortened the development phases of the plants and caused a significant decrease in total above‐ground biomass between 19% and 41%. At grain filling and at maturity, the reductions in total shoot biomass mainly resulted from grain yield depressions by 77% and 58%, respectively. The ear number per plant was significantly higher under heat stress in comparison with the control, at maturity it was more than doubled. On the contrary, under heat stress, the kernel number per ear was strongly decreased by 83% and 75% during grain filling and at maturity, respectively. The decrease in individual kernel weight was 23% at maturity. Thus, the heat‐stressed plants were able to strongly increase the number of ear‐bearing tillers which were able to set only a small number of kernels, yet these kernels showed good grain filling. The harvest index (HI) of heat‐stressed plants was significantly reduced by 36% (control: HI = 50.1% ± 0.4, heat: HI = 32.2% ± 0.9***). The plants in the stress treatment adapted to the adverse conditions by less biomass production which presumably allowed a higher transpiration without an increase in total water consumption. Nevertheless, under heat stress, the water use efficiency (WUEgrain) was strongly decreased by 62% as a result of a small grain yield. In ears and grains, the sucrose, glucose and fructose concentrations were not significantly different between control and heat stress at start of flowering and during grain filling. Thus, the supply of assimilates was not restricted (no source limitation). Sink capacity was reduced by heat stress, as lesser and smaller kernels were produced than in the control. Concerning sink activity, the sink‐limiting step during kernel set is probably the active transport of hexoses across the plasma membrane into the developing kernels, which could also affect grain filling. This needs to be investigated in more detail in further studies.  相似文献   
Influences of biophysical and electrical fields on Lymantria monacha L. Caterpillar migrations, Faraday experiments, physical measurements Examinations of caterpillars migrations ofLymantria monacha in respect of biophysical food sources (food of normal zones and of zones of earth radiation) showed) — when compared with results of preceding mortality investigations — that larvae especially prefered food corresponding to certain developmental stages. Also the directions est west had a distinct influence on the caterpillars migrations. Influences of the migrations by direction as well as by the available food were different in the ranges investigated (normal zone, zone of earth radiation, metal zone). The result was a migration behaviour in the zone of earth radiation and in the metal zone like a reflected image when compared to the normal zone in respect to direction, in the metal zone partlly also to the food sources.The zone of earth radiation was especially frequented by L1 and also as place of pupation.Experiment of rearing caterpillars ofLymantria monacha encaged under Faraday Conditions showed that restricting of entering the electrical fields was of unfavourable influence on first instar larvae, but of favourable on elder ones. This ascertained former results, that electrical-magnetical powers are promoting the vitality of first, but restrict this of last developmental stages.Measurements for indirect registration of biophysical fields by means of cathode ray oscillograph are described.

Vortrag gehalten am Südtiroler Entomologentag in Dietenheim bei Bruneck am 21. September 1976.  相似文献   
First-zones of earth radiations are shown as preferred places of aggregations of insects, especially forest insects. After a survey given about factors, probably evoking dowsing, many examples are given for influences of electric-magnetic powers and such of gravity phenomens to behaviour and vital functions of insects, particularly mentioning the results of research ofG. Becker andF. Schneider. Considering facts in literature together with own experiences in this field of investigation the opinion is expressed, that both ultraoptic factors-both of efficiency on insects: a) the electric-magnetic powers-different from their environment and b) the metal effect as a gravity phenomen are necessary for the appearance of the dowsing phenomen. The metal effect is capable to stimulate the movement of the rod, but needs for its releasing from coverings the presence of altered electric-magnetic fields. The metal effect may likely be compared to resonance oscillations of gravity waves arising on Aluminium plates, as it is supposed bySchneider.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Laborversuche zur Markierung von Nonnenraupen und Nonnenfaltern mit den Seltenen Erden Europium und Dysprosium behandelt, sowie Freilanduntersuchungen zum Studium der Ausbreitung mit Europium gekennzeichneter Nonnenfalter. Imagines, die mit Mengen von 1/Exemplar im Raupenstadium besprüht worden waren, erwiesen sich, ebenso wie im Vorjahr in derselben Weise behandelte Kiefernspinner, als deutlich markiert. Zur Kennzeichnung der Falter gelangten im Labor und im Freiland 10 Europium, im Labor auch 10 Dysprosium/Exemplar mittels Besprühung erfolgreich zur Anwendung. Die Ausbreitungsuntersuchungen ergaben einen Überflug markierter Falter auf eine Entfernung von 2 km.
Summary The present paper describes laboratory experiments in marking nun-caterpillars and nun-moths with the rare earths Europium and Dysprosium, as well as field studies on the spread of nun-moths marked with Europium. Nun-moths, sprayed with quantities of 1/individual in the caterpillar stage, proved distinctly marked, and so did pine spinners(Dendrolimus pini) treated the same way past year. Marking of moths succeeded in both laboratory and field by spraying with 10 Europium, in the laboratory also with 10 Dysprosium per individual. Spreading studies revealed marked moths overflying distances of 2 kilometres.

Résumé L'ouvrage présent traite d'essais en laboratoire sur le marquage de chenilles et de papillons de la Nonne(L. monacha) au moyen des terres rares Europium et Dysprosium, ainsi que de recherches au terrain sur l'expansion de papillons de cette espèce marqués d'Europium. Les images de la Nonne, ayant été aspérgées au stade larvaire d'une dose de 1 par individu, se sont avérées distinctement marquées, de même que les Bombyx du Pin traités de la même manière l'année passée. — Le marquage de papillons a été effectué avec succès au laboratoire et au terrain au moyen de 10 d'Europium — au laboratoire aussi de 10 de Dysprosium — par individu, appliqués par aspersion. Les recherches sur l'expansion ont révélé un survol de papillons marqués à une distance de 2 km.

Für weitgehende Unterstützung der entomologischen Untersuchungen sei den Herren Dr. W. Schedl, Förster C. Holzschuh und Förster F. Stradner der forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt, der physikalischen Auswertung Herrn Ing. D. Koch, Reaktorzentrum Seibersdorf, herzlich gedankt. Besonderer Dank sei auch der Landesforstinspektion Niederösterreich, der Bezirksforstinspektion Waidhofen/Thaya und der Forstverwaltung von Fischen-Ankern für großzügige Hilfe bei der Durchführung der Freilanduntersuchungen ausgesprochen.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungSiehe: Geschichtliche, statistische und wirtschaftspolitische Studie von Professor Franz Lesengi in der ungarischen Zeitschrift Erdészeti Kisérletesk (Forstliche Versuche), 3. heft, 1927.  相似文献   
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