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为了解规模鸡场两种环境细菌在禁抗前后耐药性的变化,以评估使用抗菌药对养殖场用药的影响,通过对禁抗前以及禁抗6个月后规模鸡场的环境进行采样,培养分离大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌),然后针对15种常见抗菌药物开展药敏试验,并对敏感性进行比对。结果显示:禁抗前规模鸡场分离的大肠杆菌对妥布霉素、林可霉素、头孢拉定、卡拉霉素等较敏感,而对磺胺异噁唑、土霉素、头孢唑林和青霉素等耐药;金葡菌对头孢曲松、卡拉霉素、头孢唑啉、氟苯尼考等较敏感,而对土霉素、磺胺异噁唑、庆大霉素、妥布霉素等耐药。禁抗6个月后,两种细菌对大部分抗菌药的敏感性都有不同程度的增加,但对土霉素、磺胺异噁唑、氟苯尼考、青霉素等的敏感性增加不多甚至有降低。结果表明禁抗总体上可以增强鸡场环境中两种细菌对抗菌药的敏感性,降低耐药性。本文为指导规模鸡场禁用和科学使用抗菌药物提供了数据支持。  相似文献   
明莉 《农业工程》2015,5(S1):75-77
随着人类爱鸟意识的增强以及鸟类粮食的丰富,鸟类种群数量逐渐增大,然而,鸟类有时候会为人类生产、生活带来不可估量的损失,尤其是在航空安全以及农业生产中的损失。因此,越来越多的鸟害防治技术被应用到了这些领域。对鸟类益害的评定方式、驱鸟的意义、常见的驱鸟方式及其特点进行了简单介绍。  相似文献   
对于管网优化及投资分析来说,最不利情况下的水力条件不是普遍条件,不能够完全代表管网应当有的优化假定条件。通过管道控制灌溉面积来确定管道的流量,按照满足在一天内,管道控制的所有灌水器都灌溉一次的原则确定,并给出公式。让管道的流量这一重要参数,在高效节水灌溉工程优化和设计计算中变得简单并容易计算。  相似文献   
为了探析引起地温空调井抽回灌效果的主要制约因素,通过单相关系数分析、主成分绝对得分的源解析模型、拟合度检验和多元线性回归的方法分析影响单井回灌效率的影响因素。结果表明:井径、滤水管孔隙率及抽回灌井数比与单井回灌效率的相关性和拟合度较好,故将井径、滤水管孔隙率及抽回灌井数比作为影响单井回灌效率的关键因子,同时分析了单井回灌效率与关键因子的之间的拟合方程及多元线性回归方程,得到了单井回灌效率与关键因子之间的定量关系。  相似文献   
Tendons regenerate poorly due to a dense extracellular matrix and low cellularity. Cellular therapies aim to improve tendon repair using mesenchymal stem cells and tenocytes; however, a current limitation is the low proliferative potential of tenocytes in cases of severe trauma. The purpose of this study was to develop a method useful in veterinary medicine to improve the differentiation of Peripheral Blood equine mesenchymal stem cells (PB-MSCs) into tenocytes. PB-MSCs were used to study the effects of the addition of some growth factors (GFs) as TGFβ3 (transforming growth factor), EGF2 (Epidermal growth factor), bFGF2 (Fibroblast growth factor) and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) in presence or without Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) on the mRNA expression levels of genes important in the tenogenic induction as Early Growth Response Protein-1 (EGR1), Tenascin (TNC) and Decorin (DCN). The singular addition of GFs did not show any influence on the mRNA expression of tenogenic genes whereas the specific combinations that arrested cell proliferation in favour of differentiation were the following: bFGF2 + TGFβ3 and bFGF2 + TGFβ3 + LLLT. Indeed, the supplement of bFGF2 and TGFβ3 significantly upregulated the expression of Early Growth Response Protein-1 and Decorin, while the use of LLLT induced a significant increase of Tenascin C levels. In conclusion, the present study might furnish significant suggestions for developing an efficient approach for tenocyte induction since the external administration of bFGF2 and TGFβ3, along with LLLT, influences the differentiation of PB-MSCs towards the tenogenic fate.  相似文献   
为有效保护园林绿地中的自然天敌,以园林植物刺吸害虫及其天敌为调查对象,采用黄板诱集法,研究了园林绿地刺吸害虫及其天敌时序动态及发生规律。结果表明:绿地中京枫多态毛蚜(Periphyllus diacerivorus)、栾多态毛蚜(P.koelreuteria)、居松长足大蚜(Cinara pinihabitans)和白皮松长足大蚜(C.bungeanae)的发生期早于桃粉大尾蚜(Hyalopterus arundimis),且5种蚜虫种群均在夏季高温和天敌共同作用下崩溃;瓢虫和寄生蜂类天敌对碧桃(Pruns perscial f.duplex)上桃粉大尾蚜及捕食螨对碧桃上山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennensis)的跟随效应明显,而天敌对其它4种植物上蚜虫无明显跟随效应;施药虽可暂时降低阔叶植物上3种蚜虫的种群数量,却大量杀伤了害虫的天敌,停药后3种蚜虫仍爆发成灾,同时使6月后碧桃上山楂叶螨种群爆发和5月中旬后油松(Pinus tabuliformis)上针叶小爪螨(Oligonychus ununguis)种群数量较多。绿地中瓢虫、草蛉、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂类天敌的发生最高峰均位于5月下旬至6月下旬,除草蛉外,绿地中的瓢虫、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂类天敌在7—8月种群数量均极低。草蛉喜欢在五角枫(Acer mono)上栖息或搜寻寄主。  相似文献   
以一株粉红粘帚霉(Clonostachys rosea)CAYU-3菌株为试材,采用平板培养的评价方法,研究了该菌株在6种农产品(大豆、大米、玉米、小麦、马铃薯、花生)培养基(去渣或留渣)以及PDA培养基上的菌落生长和产孢情况。结果表明:该菌株在不同农产品培养基上的菌丝生长和菌落形态存在较大的差异。无论培养基是否留渣,在大豆、花生培养基上,该菌株的菌丝生长紧密,菌丝量多,而在玉米、大米、小麦培养基中菌丝疏松,菌丝量少,整体生长状况较差。在产孢方面,该菌株在不同的农产品培养基上产孢量存在显著差异。去渣处理对该菌株产孢量有显著影响。在去渣培养基中,花生培养基的产孢量最高(1.79×107个孢子·cm-2);在留渣培养基中,大豆培养基的产孢量最高(2.87×107个孢子·cm-2)。由此看来,大豆和花生培养基较适合该菌株的产孢。试验结果还表明,大米培养基对该菌株的产孢不是很有利,无论去渣与否,大米培养基的产孢量均较低(0.24×107~0.32×107个孢子·cm-2)。  相似文献   
曹贤  王梅  李铭 《长江蔬菜》2016,(10):90-91
对济源市蔬菜产业的生产、销售、管理等现状进行了调查,指出当前蔬菜产业发展中存在的主要问题,结合济源市蔬菜产业实际情况,提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among Salmonella isolated from dairy herds in New York, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, USA. Serogroup and antimicrobial susceptibility characteristics were determined for Salmonella from cattle and environmental samples collected during August 2000–October 2001 as part of a longitudinal study where 129 herds were visited at 2-month intervals. Salmonella isolates were tested (using a broth microdilution method) for susceptibility to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ampicillin, ceftiofur, ceftriaxone, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Of the 1506 isolates tested for minimum inhibitory concentrations to these 14 antimicrobial agents, 81.2% were pan-susceptible and for most herds (81.6%) the predominant antimicrobial resistance pattern was pan-susceptible. At least 1 Salmonella isolate resistant to 5 or more antimicrobial agents was found on 23.6% of herds. This resistance phenotype was most common among serogroups B and E1 and among samples from calves and farmer-designated sick cows. Resistant samples most frequently exhibited resistance to tetracycline, streptomycin, and/or ampicillin. No samples were resistant to ceftriaxone (though 13 were in the intermediate range), and very few samples were resistant to ciprofloxacin (n = 1), nalidixic acid (n = 5), or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (n = 7).  相似文献   
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