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建立了海南省城乡统筹发展水平评价指标体系,对海南省城乡统筹发展水平进行综合评价,将海南省各市县经济发展、社会发展、基础设施及生态环境4个方面进行分类比较,得出各市县城乡统筹度及综合排序,最后提出海南省城乡统筹发展的建议。  相似文献   
Anaesthetic records of horses with colic anaesthetised between June 1987 and May 1989 were reviewed. pH and blood gas analyses were performed during 157 operations from which the horses were allowed to recover. A PaO2 of 8.0 kPa or less was measured during anaesthesia in seven of these horses. The horses were of different breeds, ages and sexes. Anaesthesia was induced with xylazine, guaifenesin and ketamine in four horses and with xylazine, guaifenesin and thiobarbiturate in three horses. Anaesthesia was maintained with inhalation anaesthetic agent and oxygen: isoflurane in five horses, halothane in one horse, and initially halothane but later isoflurane in one horse. Systolic arterial pressures during anaesthesia ranged from 80 to 150 mmHg, diastolic arterial pressures were between 60 and 128 mmHg, and heart rates were between 28 and 44 beats /min. Controlled ventilation was initiated at the start of anaesthesia. PaCO2 exceeded 6.7 kPa in three horses but was subsequently decreased by adjustment of the ventilator. PaO2 of 8.0 kPa or less was measured during early anaesthesia, with one exception, and persisted for the duration of anaesthesia. The horses' inspired air was supplemented with oxygen during recovery from anaesthesia, at which time measurement of blood gases in three horses revealed no increase in PaO2. Recovery from anaesthesia was uneventful. The surgical problems involved primarily the large intestine in five horses and the small intestine in two horses. Six horses were discharged from the hospital alive; one horse was reanaesthetised later the same day and destroyed without regaining consciousness. We concluded that none of the objective values recorded during the pre-anaesthetic evaluation could have been used to predict the complication of intraoperative hypoxaemia. We observed that once hypoxaemia developed it persisted for the duration of anaesthesia and even into the recovery period when the horses were in lateral recumbency and regaining consciousness. We assume that the altered metabolism from anaesthetic agents and hypothermia combined with adequate peripheral perfusion contributed to the lack of adverse consequences in six of the horses. The contribution of hypoxaemia to the deteriorating condition of the seventh horse is speculative.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effects of simulated transport stress on morphology and gene expression in the small intestine of laboratory rats. Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to 35 °C and 0.1×g on a constant temperature shaker for physiological, biochemical, morphological and microarray analysis before and after treatment. The treatment induced obvious stress responses with significant decreases in body weight (< 0.01), increases in rectal temperature, serum corticosterone (CORT), serum glucose (GLU), creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels (< 0.01), as well as expression of Hsp27/70/90 mRNA (< 0.05; < 0.01). The rat jejunum was severely damaged and apoptotic after mimicking transport stress, which may mainly be related to cell death, oxidation reduction and hormone imbalance determined by microarray analysis. The bioinformatics analysis from the present study would provide insight into the potential mechanisms underlying transport stress-induced injury in the rat small intestine.  相似文献   
试验通过收集出生、产犊和离群的记录,探究宁夏地区荷斯坦牛成母牛的淘汰情况,分析影响该地区奶牛长寿性的因素。对15 523头荷斯坦牛的生产寿命、在群寿命和利用胎次进行描述性统计,分析淘汰时的胎次、季节和泌乳阶段的分布情况;计算生产寿命、在群寿命和利用胎次之间的表型相关,利用固定模型分析场-出生年、出生季节、牧场规模、淘汰原因和头胎产犊月龄对长寿性的影响。结果显示,宁夏地区荷斯坦牛的平均利用胎次为2.36胎,平均生产寿命为736.59 d。荷斯坦牛成母牛在产后第1个月内的淘汰风险最高,随着泌乳阶段的延长,成母牛在每个胎次内的淘汰风险均逐渐降低;随着淘汰胎次的增加,奶牛淘汰更加集中发生在产后泌乳早期;生产寿命、在群寿命和利用胎次之间存在较高的表型相关(均>0.9),场-出生年、出生季节、牧场规模、淘汰原因和头胎产犊月龄对长寿性有显著影响(P<0.05),春季出生和22月龄头胎产犊的奶牛长寿性表现更好。本研究初步揭示了宁夏地区荷斯坦牛成母牛的淘汰规律和长寿性的影响因素,为宁夏地区牛群选育成母牛长寿性状奠定了基础。  相似文献   
苜蓿自毒性的研究进展及其前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从苜蓿自毒性的发现及概念入手 ,对苜蓿不同部分的自体毒素含量、不同土壤结构对自毒性的表现、不同的品种自体毒素含量的研究、自体毒素化合物对其它各类杂草或对作物的影响、苜蓿自毒性的可能物质基础、克服苜蓿自毒性的主要方法和途径等进行了论述。并展望未来可开展的研究领域以及我国开展相关研究的意义。  相似文献   
Most follicles undergo atresia during the developmental process. Follicular atresia is predominantly regulated by apoptosis of granulosa cells, but the mechanism underlying apoptosis via the mitochondria‐dependent apoptotic pathway is unclear. We aimed to investigate whether the mitochondria‐associated genes peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐gamma, coactivator1‐alpha (PPARGC1A), nuclear respiratory factor‐1 (NRF‐1), B‐cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (BCL‐2) and BCL2‐associated X protein (BAX) played a role in follicular atresia through this pathway. The four mitochondria‐associated proteins (PGC‐1α, which are encoded by the PPARGC1A gene, NRF‐1, BCL‐2 and BAX) mainly expressed in granulosa cells. The mRNA and protein levels of PPARGC1A/PGC‐1α and NRF‐1 in granulosa cells increased with the follicular development. These results showed that these genes may play a role in the regulation of the follicular development. In addition, compared with healthy follicles, the granulosa cell in atretic follicles had a reduced expression of NRF‐1, increased BAX expression and increased ratio of BAX to BCL‐2 expression. These results suggested that changes of the mitochondria‐associated gene expression patterns in granulosa cells may lead to follicular atresia during goat follicle development.  相似文献   
为探讨烯效唑(S3307)在寒地红小豆生长中缓解低温伤害、保护根系的作用,建立红小豆抗冷生产技术体系,达到保产增产的目的,在盆栽条件下,以两个红小豆品种宝清红(耐冷型品种)和天津红(冷敏型品种)为材料,于苗期在人工气候室进行低温(15℃,分别持续1,2,3,4,5d)和叶面喷施20mg·L^-1S3307处理,对红小豆根系抗寒生理指标、产量及不同温度敏感性红小豆品种的S3307响应差异进行测定和分析。结果表明,幼苗期低温导致红小豆根系逆境生理指标发生变化,低温诱导SOD、POD和CAT活性的增强,引起可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量的提高,同时也促使MDA含量上升,最终导致红小豆产量下降。与常温条件相比,喷施清水的宝清红和天津红,低温处理3d时,可溶性糖含量分别提高了59.21%和52.57%;脯氨酸含量分别提高了10.12%和25.39%;SOD、POD和CAT活性分别提高了14.92%和11.01%、5.93%和0.75%、53.33%和13.33%。低温处理5d时,可溶性蛋白含量分别提高了6.27%和3.15%;MDA含量分别显著提高了45.41%和51.08%、产量分别显著下降了19.39%和41.69%。低温条件下,喷施S3307与喷施清水的宝清红和天津红相比较,处理3d时,可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量分别提高了22.01%和0.46%、8.55%和1.40%;SOD活性分别提高了13.45%和24.06%、POD活性分别显著提高了23.60%和15.95%,CAT活性分别提高了4.35%和5.88%。处理5d时,MDA含量分别降低了9.05%和4.37%;产量分别显著提高23.06%和43.88%。综上,S3307通过增加可溶性物质和脯氨酸的含量,提高保护酶活性,降低MDA含量,从而缓解低温伤害,进而降低低温对红小豆造成的产量影响。  相似文献   
溶菌酶在食品工业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了溶菌酶的基本性质,着重讨论了溶菌酶抑制的微生物种类、机理,系统的阐述了溶菌酶的制备和在食品工业生产过程中应用的进展情况。  相似文献   
近年来,随着对病原微生物和各种传染性疾病研究的深入,我国生物实验室数量越来越多,完善实验室生物安保体系对于保护科研人员和社会安全具有重大意义。本文首先明确了实验室生物安保和实验室生物安全的区别与联系,而后指出我国存在生物安保相关法规制度不完善,实验室实施环节生物安保能力较为薄弱等问题,并借鉴WHO和部分发达国家的生物安保法规以及实施现状,提出了完善制度法规,加强实验室实施环节能力建设,强化生物安保培训,加强风险评估认识等适合我国生物安保发展现状的相关建议,以期为完善我国生物安保体系,加快生物安保发展提供参考。  相似文献   
An 8-year-old, neutered male Labrador retriever dog with generalized pruritis had a history of recurring atopic dermatitis and superficial pyoderma. Cocci and yeast were found on cytology and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius was cultured. A regimen of marbofloxacin, dexamethasone, ketoconazole, and cyclosporine in addition to bathing with 2% chlorhexidine shampoo resulted in marked improvement.  相似文献   
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