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Four groups of six 5-month-old merino lambs were exposed to infection with 12,000 larvae of Trichostrongylus rugatus per week and one group was killed at each of 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks. Numbers of adult worms increased in an approximately linear manner throughout the experiment; the percentage of larvae developing to adults remained between 35 and 25% throughout the course of the experiment. Sub-total villus atrophy was evident in the anterior small intestine of each group of infected sheep and significant reductions occurred in the plasma concentrations of albumin and phosphate. Serum globulin and calcium concentrations rose in infected animals. No clinical signs were observed in infected sheep, no alteration in bone histology was detected and no decrease in growth rate occurred.  相似文献   
Groups of six worm-free merino lambs were infected with 100,000 larvae of T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus, T. rugatus or a mixture of the three species and were slaughtered 21 days later. Nematodes were distributed predominantly in the first 3 m of the small intestine where they caused subtotal villus atrophy. T. vitrinus caused severe erosion of the epithelium; erosion was less severe with T. colubriformis infections and mild with T. rugatus infections. Plasma concentrations of albumin declined during the experiment and were most marked in sheep infected with T. vitrinus. Plasma phosphate concentrations declined during infection with all three species, while plasma concentrations of globulin and calcium declined only in sheep infected with T. vitrinus. Food intake was reduced in all groups, but was most marked with sheep infected with T. vitrinus. T. vitrinus appeared to be more pathogenic than the other species.  相似文献   
Ribosomes from Brucella abortus strain 19 were isolated by differential centrifugation. The 70S ribosomes were purified by pelleting through 0.5 M ammonium chloride and 30% sucrose. The resulting ribosomes were designated washed ribosomes and consisted of 64–65% RNA and 35–36% protein with sedimentation coefficients of 50S and 30S. When the washed ribosomes were tested by immunodiffusion against immune bovine sera, no precipitins were detectable. The immunogenic responses of the washed ribosomes were determined in guinea pigs, lemmings, and calves. Inoculation dosages as low as 1.0 microgram in guinea pigs and 0.1 microgram in lemmings protected against challenge with virulent B. abortus. Results of similar studies in a limited number of calves indicated that a dose of 1 mg may be protective. Brucella ribosomes did not appear to elicit marked undesirable side effects when used as immunizing agents.  相似文献   
Soil profiles having lithological discontinuities, i.e., stratified or layered profiles, occur worldwide. Their genesis as part of the upper‐regolith formation is comparatively well understood, particularly in Central Europe where extensive research on relic periglacial cover beds has been done. But the pedogenetic and ecological implications of lithologically discontinuous soils (LDS) are less well known. Most textbooks rely on the so‐called A‐B‐C‐model as a climate‐driven approach to soil formation. After reviewing definitions and concepts of lithological discontinuities and how they form, we present a pedogenetic model extending the traditional approach by considering substrate genesis and regolith dynamics. The consequences in the interpretation of vertical distributions of parameters of soil acidification and of heavy metals are investigated for typical soil profiles from the W Ore Mountains and the central‐German lowlands. Results show how lithological discontinuities influence the depth gradients and that properties inherited from substrate should be distinguished, if possible, from those developed by pedogenesis.  相似文献   
Among the Phytophthora species that cause black pod of cacao, P. megakarya is the most virulent, posing a serious threat to cacao production in Africa. Correct identification of the species causing the black pod and understanding the virulence factors involved are important for developing sustainable disease management strategies. A simple PCR‐based species identification method was developed using the species‐specific sequences in the ITS regions of the rRNA gene. A phylogenetic tree generated for 119 Phytophthora isolates, based on the 60S ribosomal protein L10 gene and rDNA sequence, verified the PCR‐based identification assay and showed high interspecific variation among the species causing black pod. Phytophthora megakarya isolates were uniformly virulent in an assay using susceptible cacao pod husks inoculated with zoospores, while the P. palmivora isolates showed greater divergence in virulence. The virulence of P. megakarya was associated with earlier production of sporangia and an accelerated induction of necrosis. While zoospore germ tubes of both species penetrated pods through stomata, only P. megakarya produced significant numbers of appressoria. A hypersensitive‐like response was observed when attached SCA‐6 pods were inoculated with P. palmivora. SCA‐6 pods became vulnerable to P. palmivora when wounded prior to zoospore inoculation. Phytophthora megakarya was more aggressive than P. palmivora on attached SCA‐6 pods, causing expanding necrotic lesions with or without wounding. Phytophthora megakarya is predominant in the Volta region of Ghana and it remains to be seen whether it can displace P. palmivora from cacao plantations of Ghana as it has in Nigeria and Cameroon.  相似文献   
Radar soundings of the subsurface of Mars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The martian subsurface has been probed to kilometer depths by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter. Signals penetrate the polar layered deposits, probably imaging the base of the deposits. Data from the northern lowlands of Chryse Planitia have revealed a shallowly buried quasi-circular structure about 250 kilometers in diameter that is interpreted to be an impact basin. In addition, a planar reflector associated with the basin structure may indicate the presence of a low-loss deposit that is more than 1 kilometer thick.  相似文献   
G Sun  DL Dilcher  S Zheng  Z Zhou 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1998,282(5394):1692-1695
Angiosperm fruiting axes were discovered from the Upper Jurassic of China. Angiosperms are defined by carpels enclosing ovules, a character demonstrated in this fossil. This feature is lacking in other fossils reported to be earliest angiosperms. The fruits are small follicles formed from conduplicate carpels helically arranged. Adaxial elongate stigmatic crests are conspicuous on each carpel. The basal one-third of the axes bore deciduous organs of uncertain affinities. No scars of subtending floral organs are present to define the individual fertile parts as floral units, but the leaf-like structures subtending each axis define them as flowers. These fruiting axes have primitive characters and characters not considered primitive.  相似文献   
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