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A three-dimensional mathematical hydraulic model was applied to calculate velocity profiles and discharge under steady, uniform flow conditions in rectangular and compound open-channel cross sections. The velocity profiles were used to calculate surface velocity coefficients for use with the float method for discharge estimation in the field. Surface velocity coefficients were calculated at increments of one-eighth of the base width from the vertical walls to the center of the cross section, and submergence of the float object from 0 to 30 cm, with a 5-cm depth increment. Model results were summarized to show the relationship between surface velocity coefficient and channel characteristics compared to values published by the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). For rectangular cross sections, the coefficients from the model are generally higher than the published USBR values. But the coefficients from the model and USBR are in very close agreement for the tested compound cross sections. The published coefficients by the USBR are a function of only average water depth. However, the model results show that the coefficient is also related to channel size, cross-sectional aspect ratio, surface roughness height, float submergence and lateral location of the float object. These factors should be included in the determination of the surface velocity coefficient to improve the discharge estimations from the application of the float method.  相似文献   
Drought is the main factor affecting crop grain yield. Increasing grain yield under drought and crop water use efficiency (WUE) is essential for enhancing world crop production and food availability. The objective of this study, carried out in India on 20 durum wheat cultivars, under three water regimes (full irrigation, limited irrigation and residual soil moisture) and during two seasons, was to investigate the potential use of plant traits (particularly carbon isotope discrimination, Δ, and ash content, ma) to predict grain yield and WUE in wheat. WUE components were estimated using a soil water balance model (Budget) allowing comparison of environments in data scarce situations. A highly significant correlation was noted between grain yield and grain Δ across water regimes. However, the associations between grain yield, Δ and ma were found to depend highly on the water regime and environmental conditions. The association between grain yield and grain Δ was significant under full irrigation in season 1 and under residual soil moisture in season 2. Significant positive correlations were noted in both seasons between grain yield and leaf Δ under residual soil moisture and between grain yield and leaf ash content at anthesis under limited irrigation. A significant correlation was found across environments between grain and leaf Δ and T, the quantity of water transpired during the growth cycle, as estimated by the soil water balance model. T also significantly correlated to grain and leaf ma. Variation in WUE across environments was driven more by runoff, drainage and soil evaporation than by harvest index and transpiration. The associations between WUE and transpiration, runoff and Δ were negative but not significant. WUE was significantly correlated with leaf and grain ma at maturity. The study indicates that Δ and ma can be used as indirect selection criteria for grain yield and suggests that ma is a good predictor of transpiration, grain yield and WUE across environments. The use of mechanistic models that allows differentiating between cultivars should permit in a next future to analyze the relationships between WUE, Δ and ma across cultivars and evaluate the possibility to use these traits as predictors of WUE in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   
依据国家电网公司最新编制的<供电企业安全风险评估规范>和<供电企业作业安全风险辨识防范手册>,设计开发供电企业安全风险评估管理系统.该系统根据以往工作经验,与企业日常安全生产相结合,对日常标准化作业进行安全风险评估,并对企业安全风险信息进行科学管理.通过对安全风险评估管理流程进行分析,确定系统设计的总体目标,完成系统总体架构设计.实践表明,该系统可有效提高安全风险评估工作的科学性与规范性.  相似文献   
农业机械导航中的GPS定位误差分析与建模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现高精度的农业机械导航,分析了GPS定位误差及其相关性,运用时间序列分析方法建立GPS静态和动态定位误差的AR模型,给出了导航过程中的定位误差处理方法,并在自制的农田智能移动平台上进行了实验.结果表明,处理后的GPS定位误差信号的相关性明显下降,接近于白噪声,定位误差均值从0.1951m下降为-0.0022m.  相似文献   
定量测定小麦叶片叶绿素含量在小麦估产、农情监测等方面具有重要意义.本研究验证高光谱成像技术结合偏最小二乘-最小二乘支持向量机(PLS-LS-SVM)建模方法预测大田冬小麦叶绿素含量的可行性.首先利用所搭建高光谱成像系统以线扫描方式获取大田冬小麦叶片反射光谱,进而得到其立方体图像数据,并在小麦叶片光谱图像上选择感兴趣区域计算出光谱平均反射率值.为保证PLS-LS-SVM模型的鲁棒性和预测稳定性,首先通过PLS方法解决多重共线性问题并将输入变量维数减至4维,然后利用LS-SVM进行训练建模.所建叶绿素含量预测模型的决定系数达R2=0.8459,预测均方根误差RMSEV=0.4370.研究结果表明,基于高光谱成像系统,采用PLS-LS-SVM建立模型用来预测大田冬小麦叶绿素含量是完全可行的.  相似文献   
我国是世界水果生产大国,随着近年来果园生草覆盖技术的推广,果园割草机快速发展迫在眉睫。分析和阐述了我国果园割草机切割装置、行走系统、仿形装置等关键部件,以及导航、避障和自动识别等关键技术的相关发展,同时介绍和分析了国内外割草机的发展现状,结合牵引式、自走式等割草机类别,归纳了部分国内外具有代表性的割草机机型、特点及存在的问题。结合矮砧密植与乔砧适植两种果园种植模式,总结了我国割草机发展过程中农机农艺结合较差、研发制造水平较低、机具作业速度与割刀工作速度匹配不当、高新技术应用欠缺等问题,提出了在割草机应用中应注重与农艺相结合,提升设计研发与生产制造水平,注重解决割草机作业速度与割刀工作速度的匹配,加强高新技术应用,尽早实现割草机自动化、智能化、信息化应用,推进果园机械化除草进程。  相似文献   
水稻插秧时,均匀、定位、定量及可靠施肥是保证秧苗均匀吸收肥料、均匀生长的必要因素,侧深施肥技术的应用给出了水稻生产过程中科学合理的施肥方法,以上问题有了明显改善,但水田机械施肥时肥料易受潮粘结堵塞带来了新的难题。为此,设计了一种电动螺旋施肥装置,并对该技术的优越性进行了分析。该装置通过控制器来调节直流电机转速,驱动软轴强制排肥,不但实现了施肥量的无极调节,且传动简单节省了空间,解决了水稻插秧侧深施肥过程中肥料受潮粘结堵塞开沟器的问题,提高了肥料排施作业质量和效果。样机试验表明:该机具有施肥均匀、性能先进及安全可靠等特点。该项新技术及装置技术关键突破后,解决了水稻插秧侧深施肥作业堵塞问题,可为水稻插秧侧深施肥技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
9R-60型揉碎机目前应用非常普遍,但因其功耗大、效率低等实际问题急需对其结构参数进行优化设计。为此,在现有机型的基础上,设计并搭建了一个长、宽、高分别为718、712、687 mm的9R-60型揉碎机试验台。经过强度校核,设计了连接主轴等关键零件,在传动主轴和皮带轮之间通过联轴器、连接主轴和支架等接入JN 3 3 8-AN系列直连式扭矩转速传感器,为后续开展功率、揉碎质量等目标参数优化设计的单因素(如转子转速、秸秆喂入速度和喂入量等因素)正交试验和振动测试试验提供了平台。对揉碎机进行单因素试验表明:揉碎机揉碎质量随主轴转速的增大呈现增大的趋势,随喂入速度的增大呈现减小的趋势,随喂入量(不超过机器本身最大喂入量)的增大秸秆丝化率变化趋势几乎都在95%左右;揉碎机功耗随主轴转速、喂入量、喂入速度的增加呈现增大的趋势。  相似文献   
Responding to changes in rural-urban linkages and government policies, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production systems in Costa Rica are undergoing transitions. Impacts of changes in bean production systems on environmental and economic sustainability were analysed at the field, farm and policy levels. A combination of interviews, agronomic surveys, on-farm experiments, and secondary information was used. Changes in agronomic and economic conditions over time were assessed by conducting agronomic surveys and experiments on farms representing a range of land-use intensities. Trade-offs between productivity and stability were quantified using Modified Stability Analysis. The adoption of land and agrochemical-intensive methods by resource-poor farmers cultivating steep lands resulted in decreased environmented and economic sustainability. Farmers with adequate resources were able to maintain economic viability by transferring land out of beans and into other commodities, particularly cattle. However, this shift in resource use decreased social equity by decreasing farm labour opportunities for smallholders and landless farmers and diminishing land available for tenants. These studies indicate that the impact of technology introduction on farming system sustainability can be assessed effectively by conducting integrated socioeconomic and agronomic analyses across farms representing various land-use practices and intensities.  相似文献   
将菌种大豆根瘤菌(R12)、解磷菌(S7)、解钾菌(C1)制作成复合菌剂,并进行不同固定化处理.以大豆为试验作物,探讨不同施肥方法对大豆(鼓粒期)生物学性状及土壤氮磷钾含量的影响.试验结果表明,复合菌剂能显著提高土壤及作物的氮磷钾含量和作物的生物学性状.  相似文献   
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