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The selective fermentation by human gut bacteria of gluco-oligosaccharides obtained from the reaction between the glucosyl group of sucrose and cellobiose, catalyzed by dextransucrases (DSR) from Leuconostoc mesenteroides , has been evaluated. Oligosaccharides were fractionated according to their molecular weight, and their effect on the growth of different bacterial groups was studied. To determine the structure (position and configuration of glycosidic linkages)-function relationship, their properties were compared to those of DSR maltose acceptor products (DSRMal) and of recognized prebiotic carbohydrates (fructo-oligosaccharides, FOS). Cellobiose acceptor products (DSRCel) showed bifidogenic properties similar to those of FOS. However, no significant differences related to molecular weight or isomeric configurations were found for DSRCel and DSRMal products.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the use of phytoremediation and soil conditioners in the recovery of physical attributes of a saline-sodic Fluvic Neossol in Brazil Northeast. The applied treatments were: Atriplex nummularia L., as phytoremediation plant, due to its ability to extract salts from the soil; organic conditioners, such as bovine and sheep manure; gypsum and polymer, as chemical conditioners. Samples with preserved structure were collected at the time of the experiment installation and 18 months after in the layers 0–10 cm and 10–30 cm. The analyzed attributes were: water dispersed clay, dispersion index, bulk density, penetration resistance, soil porosity, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The use of sheep manure, gypsum and polymer promoted an increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity in the 0–10 cm layer from 4.51 to 16.37 cm day?1, 11.26 to 23.95 cm day?1 and 7.24 to 22.77 cm day?1, respectively. Gypsum increased the macroporosity in the superficial layer by 42.6%. Atriplex and polymer were more efficient at reducing soil penetration resistance. The polymer was more efficient at improving the physical properties. However, it is necessary to consider phytoremediation with Atriplex as a more sustainable alternative that can still be used as complementary fodder in animal feed.  相似文献   
Antilisterial activities of Thymbra capitata and Origanum vulgare essential oils were tested against 41 strains of Listeria monocytogenes. The oil of T. capitata was mainly constituted by one component, carvacrol (79%), whereas for O. vulgare three components constituted 70% of the oil, namely, thymol (33%), gamma-terpinene (26%), and p-cymene (11%). T. capitata essential oil had a significantly higher antilisterial activity in comparison to O. vulgare oil and chloramphenicol. No significant differences in L. monocytogenes susceptibilities to the essential oils tested were registered. The minimum inhibitory concentration values of T. capitata essential oil and of carvacrol were quite similar, ranging between 0.05 and 0.2 microL/mL. Antioxidant activity was also tested, the essential oil of T. capitata showing significantly higher antioxidant activity than that of O. vulgare. Use of T. capitata and O. vulgare essential oils can constitute a powerful tool in the control of L. monocytogenes in food and other industries.  相似文献   
Tuberisation of the carrot root is accompanied by a regular accumulation of soluble carbohydrates, greater in the case of saccharose than for glucose and fructose, so that very soon the reserve is principally disaccharide in nature. At first there is also slight formation of starch but it generally disappears by the end of autumn.The role of the tissues of the carrot root does not seem to be merely that of accumulating sugars provided by the leaves, but also of taking part to a certain degree in the synthesis of the saccharose that they contain. The formation of starch appears to be related to the osmotic pressure of the cells which rises with the increase of sugars.The ripening of carrots is not a well-defined physiological phenomenon. It may be regarded as corresponding to the time when the level of soluble sugars attains a constant value, even if the root continues to grow and consequently accumulate a further quantity of sugar.Development of the tuberous root and accumulation of sugars do not cease under the influence of climatic conditions, but depend on the date of sowing, as if they were limited by an ageing of the cells.Winter normally brings about a break in the development of the roots and a beginning of the utilisation of sugars. However, in plants sown late, the roots continue to grow and accumulate soluble sugars until mid-winter. A part of these sugars results from the hydrolysis of starch, but some are assimilated by the few green leaves that persist.In spring, vegetation is resumed after rehydration of tissues that were partly dehydrated during the accumulation of sugars. Formation of the flowering stalk is accompanied by the progressive disappearance of all sugars, which does not permit the attribution to any particular sugar of a specific biological role either in the formation of cell constituents or in the release of energy.It also appears that saccharose is not a merely passive form of reserve sugar, but that it is probably involved in certain reactions as a metabolite independent of the two reducing sugars.The period of flowering is independent of the time of sowing.In the tuberous root of the carrot, as in that of the sugar-beet and the rhizome of Jerusalem artichoke, the levels of ash and sugar vary inversely. The phenomenon has no biological significance, as claimed by certain authors, since the high rate of sugar accumulation affects the ratio only in a mathematical sense by reducing the relative percentage of ash.
Zusammenfassung Die Wurzelbildung der Karotten wird begleitet von einer gleichmäßigen Zunahme löslicher Kohlenhydrate, wobei der Anteil der Saccharose stärker wächst als der der Glukose, so daß die Biose bald die Kohlenhydrat-Hauptreserve ist. Anfangs findet auch eine Bildung von Stärke statt, aber immer in sehr geringer Menge. Die Stärke verschwindet gegen Ende des Herbstes. Die Rolle des Karottengewebes scheint sich nicht nur auf die Anhäufung des durch die Blätter zugeführten Zuckers zu beschränken, sondern es nimmt auch in einem gewissen Maße Anteil an der Synthese der Saccharose, die im Gewebe enthalten ist. Die Bildung der Stärke scheint an die osmotische Spannung der Zelle, die sich immer durch den Beitrag des Zuckers erhöht, gebunden zu sein. Die Maturation der Karotte ist kein wohldefiniertes physiologisches Phänomen. Man kann sie als den Zeitpunkt beschreiben, in dem der Gehalt des löslichen Zuckers einen fast konstanten Wert erreicht, auch wenn die Speicherwurzel weiter wächst und dadurch neue Mengen an Kohlenhydraten anhäuft.Die Entwicklung der Wurzel und die Zunahme des Zuckers hört nicht unter dem Einfluß der klimatischen Bedingungen auf, sondern hängt ab vom Datum der Aussaat, als wäre sie begrenzt durch ein Älterwerden der Zellen.Im Winter stimmt normalerweise das Aufhören der Entwicklung der Wurzeln und der Beginn des Verbrauchs der Kohlenhydrate überein, während bei den Pflanzen, die später ausgesät werden, die Wurzeln noch wachsen und immer noch löslichen Zucker bis zur Mitte dieser Jahreszeit anhäufen. Ein Teil dieses Zuckers entstammt der Stärkehydrolyse, ein anderer bildet sich noch durch die chlorophyllische Assimilation, die in beschränktem Maße mittels einiger lebendig gebliebener Blätter fortdauert. Im Frühling beginnt die Wiederaufnahme des Wachstums mit einer Wiederhydratation der Wurzelgewebe, die während der Anhäufung der Kohlenhydrate teilweise ausgetrocknet waren. Die Bildung des blühenden Stengels wird begleitet von dem fortschreitenden Verschwinden sämtlicher Zucker, ohne daß man jedem eine biologische Rolle zuschreiben kann, sei es in der Bildung der Zellbestandteile oder in der Energieerzeugung. Es scheint auch, daß die Saccharose nicht nur als passive Reserve der reduzierenden Zucker angesehen werden darf, sondern daß sie wahrscheinlich wie ein Stoffwechselprodukt unabhängig von ihren beiden Bestandteilen in bestimmte Reaktionen eingreift.Die Blütezeit tritt unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Aussaat ein.In der Wurzel der Möhre sowie in der der roten Rübe und im Rhizom des Topinamburs verändern sich die Gehalte von Asche und Zucker umgekehrt. Dieses Phänomen hat keine biologische Bedeutung, wie bestimmte Autoren meinen, denn die starke Anhäufung der Zucker beeinflußt das Zucker-Asche-Verhältnis nur mathematisch gesehen infolge Herabdrücken des Prozentsatzes der Mineralstoffe.
The efficacy and tolerability of a marbofloxacin-clotrimazole-dexamethasone otic suspension (MCD) was compared with a standard topical treatment using a phase III clinical trial protocol. In a total of 140 dogs with clinical signs of acute or subacute otitis externa, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae and Malassezia were isolated from samples taken at inclusion to identify the causative pathogen; a further sample was collected in the event of failure or relapse, and from dogs (at day 14) for which Pseudomonas species had been isolated at inclusion. One group received MCD (10 drops per affected ear) once daily and a second received Surolan (containing polymyxin B, miconazole and prednisolone) (5 drops per affected ear), twice daily. Each group received treatment for 7 or 14 days according to the clinical outcome on day 7. Efficacy and tolerability were evaluated on days 7, 14 and, if necessary, 28 for dogs treated for 14 days. The trial demonstrated equivalence of both treatments in terms of efficacy, with a cure rate of 58.3% for MCD and 41.2% for Surolan. Both medications were equally well tolerated by dogs, but MCD was superior in terms of pain relief, decrease in pus quantity and smell, response rate and investigator's assessment on day 14.  相似文献   
The impact of an efflux pump-related interaction between ivermectin and danofloxacin on their intestinal transport (ex vivo) and disposition kinetics (in vivo) was assessed. Eighteen male Corriedale sheep were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Animals in Group A received 0.2mg/kg ivermectin by SC injection, those in Group B were given 6 mg/kg danofloxacin SC on two occasions 48 h apart and those in Group C were treated with both compounds at the same rates. Plasma concentrations of ivermectin and danofloxacin were measured by HPLC using fluorescence detection. Ex vivo intestinal drug transport activity was measured by the use of the Ussing chamber technique. Plasma concentrations of ivermectin in the first 6 days after injection tended to be higher in Group C than Group A. Contemporaneous treatment with ivermectin significantly increased systemic exposure to danofloxacin (AUC values were 32-35% higher) and prolonged the elimination half-life of danofloxacin (40-52% longer). Ex vivo, incubation with ivermectin significantly decreased the efflux transport of rhodamine 123, a P-glycoprotein substrate, in sheep intestine, but no significant effect of danofloxacin on transport activity was observed. Evaluation of the interaction of danofloxacin with the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) showed that pantoprazole and ivermectin significantly decreased danofloxacin secretion in the rat intestine. Thus, the ivermectin-induced reduction of danofloxacin efflux transport observed in this study may involve BCRP activity but the involvement of P-glycoprotein cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
As in most parts of the world where the cattle tick Boophilus microplus is established, resistance of ticks to acaricides occurs in New Caledonia. In order to implement laboratory resistance tests on larvae, engorged females collected in suspected farms are necessary. Investigations on the detachment schedule of the engorged females were conducted to explain certain field situations such as the lack or scarcity of engorged females on highly infested cattle driven from the pasture to the pen in the morning. Three experiments on Charolais steers naturally infested on pastures showed that: (1) engorged female burdens at sunrise are similar whether the steers spend the night in pasture or in a pen; (2) compared with steers maintained in a pen, morning detachment of females increases when the steers stay on the pasture or move from the pasture to the pen; (3) detachment rhythm of engorged females on steers staying the morning in a pen, is not influenced by feeding activity or exposition of steers to sun; (4) detachment occurs earlier for females attached on anatomical sites exposed to sun, and earlier from these sites for the steers in pasture or walking than for steers in a pen.  相似文献   
Bobwhite quails were treated with imazalil for 8 weeks. The fungicide was given admixed in the food at 0, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mg kg?1. Even at the highest dose tested, imazalil did not affect the liver weight or the hepatic microsomal protein content. In treated quails, no significant induction of cytochrome P-450 or NADPH-cytochrome c-reductase activity was observed. Furthermore, imazalil did not induce or inhibit 7-ethoxyresorufin or 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase in quail microsomes. Only a slight but significant increase by 35% and 49% in aniline hydroxylase activity was measured for the 500- and 1000-mg kg?1 dose levels, respectively. After a drug-free period of one week, aniline hydroxylase activity returned to control values, indicating that the effect was fully reversible. It is concluded that imazalil does not induce or inhibit drug-metabolizing enzymes in the quail, even at doses which exceed by far the maximum levels currently used to dress seed under field conditions (100 mg kg?1).  相似文献   
New mite-borne virus isolates from rakkyo,shallot and wild leek species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flexuous viruses were transmitted from rakkyo (Allium chinense) and wild leek species (especiallyA. commutatum) to plants of crow garlic (A. vineale), by transfer of dry bulb mites. By electron microscope decoration tests using three antisera and by inoculations onto test plants, it was concluded that from each of the two natural host species at least two viruses were isolated. The viruses from wild leeks are both pathogenic onAllium spp. and may be of economic importance. Decoration tests on a virus mixture from shallot obtained earlier, revealed another new mite-borne virus in this species. The mite-borne viruses ofAllium spp. appear to be very common; they are largely diverse and their identification remains difficult.  相似文献   
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