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Soil disturbance often results in loss of soil organic matter and nitrogen (N) fertility, making revegetation of barren areas difficult. Yard waste composts are a potential source material to regenerate soil fertility so that revegetation success is improved. The N release behaviors of several compost materials produced within California were evaluated during a long-term, 586-day aerobic incubation. Two general types of compost were tested, including yard waste compost materials (lawn clippings and chipped brush) and cocomposted materials (biosolids bulked and composted with yard waste materials). Nitrogen release from composted material was measured using periodic soil solution extraction and soluble N analysis. Nitrogen release rates varied widely between source materials during the initial portions of the incubation period, with cocomposts having much greater release rates than the yard waste composts. Yard waste composts that were poorly cured or had high woody fiber content showed net immobilization of N during the initial incubation periods, which could potentially lead to N-limitations for plant growth in field conditions. Following additional curing in the soil, however, all yard waste compost materials had positive net N mineralization release rates. Release rates were similar to some of the native soils used as reference materials. The relationship of long-term aerobic N release and several other indicators of mineralizable or “bioavailable” N were evaluated, but the relationship of these other indicators with the aerobic incubation data was low. Because the cumulative N release from yard waste compost materials was a small fraction of the material's total N content, N leaching losses in field conditions are expected to be small and of short duration. Steady, long-term N release patterns were observed from composts throughout the second half of the study and would be expected to continue for an extended period in the field. Composts are shown to provide a suitable replacement source of slowly available N for plant establishment on drastically disturbed, low nutrient soils.  相似文献   
The annual plant Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam) is the most widespread invasive non‐native weed in the British Isles. Manual control is widely used, but is costly and laborious. Recently, biological control using the rust fungus Puccinia komarovii var. glanduliferae has been trialled. We designed an experiment to assess the impact of these control methods on invertebrate communities in relation to unmanaged and uninvaded habitats, and to determine whether mycorrhizal inoculation aided post‐control recovery of these communities. Sixty invaded and twenty uninvaded field soil blocks were transplanted to the experiment site, where a mycorrhizal inoculum was added to half of all blocks. Biological and mechanical control treatments were applied to twenty invaded blocks independently; the twenty remaining invaded blocks were left intact. Above‐ and belowground invertebrate samples were collected from the blocks at the end of the growing season. Overall, aboveground invertebrate abundance increased with the removal of I. glandulifera, and several groups showed signs of recovery within one growing season. The effect of mechanical control was more variable in belowground invertebrates. Biological control did not affect aboveground invertebrate abundance but resulted in large increases in populations of belowground Collembola. Our experiment demonstrates that mechanical removal of I. glandulifera can cause rapid increases in invertebrate abundance and that its biological control with P. komarovii var. glanduliferae also has the potential to benefit native invertebrate communities.  相似文献   
Estrogens of human and animal origin that reach the aquatic environment may enter human or animal organism and act as endocrine disruptors.To investigate the persistency of estrogens in laboratory experiments, estrone respectively 17beta-estradiol were added to stream water sampled from river Spree in Berlin. The concentration of estrone and 17beta-estradiol was quantified using enzyme-immuno-assay. The estrone concentration decreased to less than 5 % of the starting concentration at storage temperature of 5 degrees C within 56 days and at storage temperature of 20 degrees C within 14 days. If the estrone were added to autoclaved stream water, no biodegradation was observed. Biodegradation was enhanced when activated sludge was added. Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorenscens and Aeromonas hydrophila in monoculture did not degrade estrone in autoclaved stream water.The concentrations of 17beta-estradiol and estrone decreased similarly.The logistic function proved to be suitable to describe the course of time for the decrease of concentration.  相似文献   
To study adherence of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae to porcine lower respiratory epithelium, a cell culture model was developed using primary cultures of porcine lung epithelial cells (LEC). Adherence assays were performed and results were compared with data obtained with swine kidney cells (SK6). A. pleuropneumoniae efficiently adhered to LEC with up to 62 bacteria per cell after 2h of incubation. Reference strain of serotype 3 (R3) adhered better to LEC than reference strains of serotypes 1 (R1), 7 (R7) and 8 (R8). Overall the adherence to LEC was more rapid and up to 30-fold more efficient than adherence to SK6 cells. In search for the mechanism involved in the adherence event, we tested the effect of LPS which has previously been demonstrated to cause adherence of the pathogen to upper respiratory epithelium. Adherence assays with LPS transposon mutants demonstrated unaltered (mutant with modification in core/lipid A moiety) or even three-fold more adherence (mutants lacking O antigen) compared to the parent micro-organisms. Purified LPS of strains R1, R3, R7 and R8 did not inhibit adherence of R8 to LEC either, suggesting that LPS and particularly the O-antigen are not essential for adherence of A. pleuropneumoniae to LEC. The efficient, LPS-independent adherence of A. pleuropneumoniae to LEC cells indicates that A. pleuropneumoniae may carry different, cell type-specific adhesins and that primary cultures of lower respiratory epithelium are valuable infection models in studying A. pleuropneumoniae pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Aquatic macrophytes are well known accumulators for heavy metals, the reason why they are used as bioindicators for water quality and in phytoremediaton strategies. This study reports on the elemental concentrations in four free-floating aquatic macrophytes (S. auriculata; P. stratiotes; E. crassipes and E. azurea) growing in two water reservoirs (Santana e Vigário, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil) of an electric power plant that receive input from the polluted Paraíba do Sul River. Filtered water samples and water suspended solids from these environments were also analysed. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used as the principal method, allowing the determination of up to 41 elements, including the rare-earth elements (REEs) and other trace metals not assayed before in these macrophytes. The results show that all elements studied are accumulated by the macrophytes with concentration ratios (CR = [plant]: [water]) varying from about 1,000 to 200,000, based on the dry weight of the plant species. With a few exceptions, highest accumulations were observed in E. crassipes in which CRs increase in the sequence: Cu < Mo < Cr < Pb < Tl < Fe < La < Zn < Ce< Mn. Surprisingly high CRs (e.g. Ce: 74,000) and corresponding mass concentrations were observed for the rare-earth elements (e.g. ∑REE: 112 mg kg?1), also measured in the water suspended particle fraction. The results show that this fraction acts as an effective sink for trace metals in the aquatic system studied and seems to play also an important role in the transfer of metals from water to the plant species.  相似文献   
Summary The capacity of the maize genotype 4c1 to regenerate microcalli and embryos from cultured microspores has been examined by comparing various cold pretreatments and culture media, using microspores and pollen at different stages of development. Viability of cultured cells was tested with FDA and their development was traced with light and fluorescence microscopy using DAPI as a nuclear dye.It was found that a pre-incubation of dissected flowers floating in a liquid nutrient medium at 8°C during 10–14 days was most successful for the induction of cell division. Among the developmental stages tested only the microspores appeared to regenerate. Subculture at 25°C in the same liquid medium, supplemented with 0.1 mg/l TIBA, gave highest rates of microspore division, i.e. up to 70% at 4 to 6 days of culture.All pathways described earlier for maize androgenic embryogenesis were observed within the 4c1 genotype. Symmetric divisions occurred in cultured microspores but most frequently asymmetric divisions lead to the formation of microcalli within 12 days of culture. In at least 60% of all dividing microspores cells were derived from the generative nucleus. Microcalli further developed either into loose or compact calli. Compact calli formed embryo-like structures.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - Dicamba 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxy benzoic acid - 2,4D 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - PAA phenylacetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - YP medium Yu-Pei basal salt medium  相似文献   
Porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) are integrated in the genome of all pig breeds. Since some of them are able to infect human cells, they might represent a risk for xenotransplantation using pig cells or organs. However, the expression and biological role of PERVs in healthy pigs as well as in porcine tumours is largely unknown. Since we and others have recently shown overexpression of a human endogenous retrovirus, HERV-K, in human melanomas, we studied the expression of PERVs in melanomas of selectively bred Munich miniature swine (MMS) Troll. This breeding herd of MMS Troll is characterised by a high prevalence of melanomas, which histologically resemble various types of cutaneous melanomas in humans. Several genetic factors have been defined when studying inheritance of melanomas and melanocytic nevi in MMS Troll. Here we show that the polytropic PERV-A and PERV-B as well as the ecotropic PERV-C are present in the genome of all melanoma bearing MMS Troll investigated. Most interestingly, in the spleen, but not in other organs, recombinant PERV-A/C proviruses were found. PERV expression was found elevated in melanomas when compared to normal skin and viral proteins were expressed in melanomas and pulmonary metastasis-derived melanoma cell cultures. During passaging of these cells in vitro the expression of PERV mRNA and protein increased and virus particles were released as shown by RT activity in the supernatant and by electron microscopy. Genomic RNA of PERV-A, -B and -C were found in pelleted virus particles. Although PERV expression was elevated in melanomas and pulmonary metastasis-derived cell cultures, the function of the virus in tumour development is still unclear.  相似文献   
Cadmium (Cd) is toxic to plants, animals, and humans. However, different plant species growing on the same soil may have very different shoot Cd concentrations depending on properties such as size of the root system, Cd net influx, shoot‐growth rate, Cd translocation from root to shoot, and the ability to affect Cd availability in the soil. To investigate possible reasons for different shoot Cd concentrations maize, sunflower, flax, and spinach were grown on an acid sandy soil (pH<$>_{{\rm{(CaCl}}_{\rm{2}} {\rm)}<$> 4.5, and Corg 2.8%) in a growth chamber with Cd additions as Cd(NO3)2 of none, 14, and 40 μmol (kg soil)–1 resulting in Cd soil‐solution concentrations of 0.04, 0.68, and 2.5 μM. Only the high Cd addition caused a significant growth reduction of flax and spinach. The shoot Cd concentration was up to 30 times higher in spinach than in maize; the other species were intermediate. Of the plant properties studied only the variation of the Cd net influx explained the differences in shoot Cd concentrations. This was due to a decreased (maize, sunflower) or increased (flax) Cd concentration in soil solution or more effective uptake kinetics (spinach).  相似文献   
In order to delineate the contribution of primary vs. secondary circulatory circuits in the gill for acid-base and ionic regulation, the flow and composition of the fluids in the central venous sinus (CVS) and the systemic circuit of rainbow trout were studied by application of a previously developed microcannulation technique during normocapnic and hypercapnic conditions. The average haematocrit (Hct) of blood from dorsal aorta (DA) and sinus venosus (SV) ranged from 20.1 to 26.7%, whereas average Hct in the fluid from the branchial vein (BV), representing drainage from the central venous sinus (CVS), was in the range of 4.2 to 7.0%. Under normocapnic conditions, the largest fraction of cardiac output, 92.9%, was directed through the systemic vascular circuit, whereas the CVS circuit was perfused with 7.1 % of cardiac output. Hypercapnia did not significantly affect the blood flow distribution between the two circuits. The pattern of acid-base regulation in dorsal aortic blood reflected the characteristic response of fish exposed to environmental hypercapnia. Upon initiation of environmental hypercapnia (2% CO2), plasma PCO 2 was elevated in all three flow compartments (CVS, DA, SV), inducing an extracellular respiratory acidosis of about 0.4 pH units. pH and [HCO3 -] values in the DA were consistently lower, than those for both CVS and SV sites throughout the hypercapnic period. During the 8h of exposure plasma bicarbonate concentration was elevated by about 12 mM, complemented by a fall in extracellular [Cl-] of about 10 mM in all three compartments. The amount of HCO3 - gained at the CVS site during 8h of hypercapnia (3.3 mmol · kg-1) exceeds the amount accumulated in the extracellular space (2.1 mmol·kg-1), suggesting the CVS as the main site of ionic acid-base regulation in trout.  相似文献   
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