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The relationships between the concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) as measured by X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), aqua regia, and HNO3 pressure digestion were studied in soil samples covering a wide range of heavy metal concentrations. The soils were contaminated by sewage sludge, exhaust depositions, river sediments of mining residues, and dump material. The question was addressed whether the source of heavy metals or other soil properties affect the relationship between these three methods. The aqua regia-digestible fraction of the five heavy metals reached on average 64% of the XRF-detectable content. The pressure accelerated HNO3-digestible fraction of the five heavy metals was on average 71% of the XRF-detectable content; the respective phosphorus (P) fraction reached a median of 75%. This suggests that HNO3 pressure digestion can also be used for characterizing the total P content of soils. Aqua regia extraction and HNO3 pressure digestion gave similar values for Zn, Pb, and Cu, which dominate the heavy metal load of most contamination sources. Significantly higher Cr values were obtained by HNO3 pressure digestion than by aqua regia extraction. Additionally, the Cr contents were affected by the source, e.g. sewage sludge had relatively high contents of aqua regia and HNO3 pressure extractable contents in comparison to the XRF values. The element-specific relationships between the three methods were all highly significant. However, the respective multiple linear regression models were in most cases affected by soil organic carbon (C), in some cases by clay or soil pH.  相似文献   
Isotopically exchangeable P (IEP) is usually considered to be completely plant‐available and the major source of P for plant uptake. The aim of the present study is to test whether plants can, besides IEP, also use non‐IEP and if part of the IEP has an equilibrium concentration in soil solution which is below the minimum concentration, CLmin, and can therefore not be taken up by plants. A pot experiment was carried out with maize for two years on two soils, an acid sandy and a neutral loamy soil, either without P fertilizer or fertilized with ten P sources of different solubility. Throughout both years of the study, pots were kept moist either without plants or planted twice with maize (Zea mays L., cv. Athletico). At the end of the experiment, plant P uptake, P concentration in the soil solution (CL), and P accessible to isotopic exchange within 5 d (E5d) were measured. Plant growth decreased the E5d which was about equal to P uptake by maize for most treatments in the acid soil. But for some treatments, i.e., five in the acid and eight in the neutral soil, P uptake was up to 50% larger than the decrease of E5d, indicating that plants had, besides IEP, also used P from non‐IEP sources. At adequate P supply, both soils had an E5d of about 100 mg P (kg soil)–1, but about 30 to 40 mg kg–1 of this IEP had an equilibrium P concentration in the soil solution below CLmin of 0.1 μmol L–1 at which P would actually not be plant‐available. This study shows that plants take up P mainly from IEP, but not the whole IEP is plant‐available. Furthermore, plants may also use P from non‐IEP sources.  相似文献   
Only a minor part of Maillard reaction studies in the literature focused on the reaction between carbohydrates and peptides. Therefore, in continuation of a previous study in which the influence of the peptide C-terminal amino acid was investigated, this study focused on the influence of the peptide N-terminal amino acid on the production of pyrazines in model reactions of glucose, methylglyoxal, or glyoxal. Nine different dipeptides and three tripeptides were selected. It was shown that the structure of the N-terminal amino acid is determinative for the overall pyrazine production. Especially, the production of 2,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine and trimethylpyrazine was low in the case of proline, valine, or leucine at the N-terminus, whereas it was very high for glycine, alanine, or serine. In contrast to the alkyl-substituted pyrazines, unsubstituted pyrazine was always produced more in the case of experiments with free amino acids. It is clear that different mechanisms must be responsible for this observation. This study clearly illustrates the capability of peptides to produce flavor compounds such as pyrazines.  相似文献   
The influence of canopy composition on litterfall and throughfall was investigated in a mixed spruce beech forest in central Germany. We hypothesised that different parts of the mixed canopy created distinct patterns of element inputs via litterfall and throughfall. The investigation was carried out in two plots, representing the most contrasting cases of mixed forests: a stand greatly dominated by spruce (SDP) and a stand greatly dominated by beech (BDP). The canopies of the two plots were classified in four categories: pure beech, pure spruce, mixed canopy and gap. Amounts of throughfall water were lower and major element fluxes were higher under spruce than under beech in both plots, indicating that the nutrient inputs under the canopies of individual trees are driven by species-specific properties of the canopies and are quite independent of the degree of admixture. With the exception of K+, mixed canopies showed intermediate element inputs via throughfall, compared with pure canopy classes. The K+ input was significantly greater under mixed canopies, and these differences were more pronounced in the SDP than in the BDP. Results suggest that individual spruce trees in the BDP induce greater spatial heterogeneity of throughfall input than individual beech trees in the SDP. Nutrient inputs via foliar litterfall were similar among the different canopy classes, but the Mg input was lower under spruce canopy. This effect was balanced by higher Mg input via spruce throughfall. In our study, throughfall was the main source of heterogeneity in nutrient inputs, while foliar litterfall had a homogenising effect.  相似文献   
“近自然林”——一种理念的起源与传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲林业在走过了大面积纯林种植后,出现了地力衰退、病虫害频发、系统稳定性差等种种弊端,人们逐渐认识到遵循自然规律,以自然的力量改造、经营森林,将会使森林产生最大的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。1886年,德国慕尼黑工业大学造林学教授卡尔嘎耶(KarlGayer)在其著作“gesmifchte wald(历史森林)--Jeine begriindung und pflege(没有培育和养护的林业)”一书中写到“我们师法自然而不应该过于远离大自然的规律,  相似文献   
It was hypothesized that soil respiration can be affected by canopy composition. Hence, admixture of trees as a common forest management practice may cause significant change in the carbon cycling. This study was conducted in a mixed spruce-beech stand at Solling forest in central Germany to investigate the effect of canopy composition on soil respiration. The canopy cover was classified in four major canopy classes (pure beech, pure spruce, mixed and gap), and the area under each canopy class was identified as a sub-plot. Soil respiration in each sub-plot (n=4) was measured monthly from Jun 2005 to July 2006. Results show significant difference in annual soil respiration between the beech (359 g·m−2·a−1 C) and gap (211 g·m−2·a−1 C) sub-plots. The estimation of the total below-ground carbon allocation (TBCA) based on a model given by Raich and Nadelhoffer revealed considerably higher root CO2 production in the beech sub-plot (231 g·m−2·a−1 C) compare to the gap sub-plot (51 g·m−2·a−1 C). The contribution of the root respiration to the total soil respiration was higher in the soil under the beech canopy (59%) compared with the soil in the gap (29%). The findings suggested that the condition under the beech canopy may cause more desirable micro-site for autotrophic respiration and consequently higher CO2 release into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of cells and even tissue is feasible. New exciting findings arise in the promising field of cryobiology, e.g. the cryopreservation of whole ovaries. Uterus cryopreservation would be advantageous not only for experimental biology, but also for transplantation surgery. The objective of this study was to evaluate various cryopreservation protocols as well as various storage temperatures in cryopreservation of whole swine uteri. The used freezing protocol was slow (0.2°C/min) after arterial perfusion with 1%, 5% or 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution for 10 min and equilibration in this solution for 30 min. Viability of the organs was tested by histological examination, biochemical parameters and by the capability of rhythmical contractions in a perfusion system. Eighty swine uteri were cryopreserved. All uteri that were frozen with 10% and 5% DMSO were viable after thawing for at least 1 h, whereas only 40% survived with the use of 1% DMSO and 0% with the use of 0.5% DMSO, respectively. There was no difference regarding the survival rates after various cryostorage periods for up to 16 weeks or after cryostorage for 2 weeks in −70°C or −130°C. The cryopreservation of a whole organ such as the swine uterus is a valuable method for the study of cryoprotective agents and freezing protocols. This study demonstrates clearly that the perfusion of the organ with cryoprotectants is the only factor which allows the uterus to contract.  相似文献   
Potato stolbur is a phytoplasmal disease that seriously affects yield and tuber quality in South Eastern Europe, Russia and the Mediterranean areas. In 2007 and 2008, field experiments were carried out to determine stolbur resistance of processing potato cultivars at Sannicolau Mare (Romania) by determining consistency and concentration of reducing sugars (fructose and glucose), sucrose and phytoplasmas in potato tubers. In both years, non-symptomatic potato tubers showed sucrose levels in the range of 3,000 mg kg−1 fresh weight (FW). In contrast, sucrose concentrations were up to 11,820 mg kg−1 FW in 2007 and 19,560 mg kg−1 FW in 2008 in tubers showing severe symptoms. These high values severely affect suitability of tubers for processing as sucrose serves as substrate for the formation of reducing sugars that are the limiting factor in fried potato production for Maillard-related discolouration. The cultivars examined differed considerably in susceptibility to stolbur disease. Whereas cvs. ‘Courage’ and ‘Lady Rosetta’ showed high numbers of diseased tubers and high sucrose concentrations, ‘Lady Claire’ had a lower incidence of symptomatic tubers and lower sucrose concentrations. However, fully resistant cultivars were not observed. Across all cultivars examined, phytoplasmal concentration was significantly higher in symptomatic tubers than in non-symptomatic ones.  相似文献   
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