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植物伯克霍尔德菌Burkholderia plantarii是引起水稻秧苗细菌性立枯病的重要病原菌之一,其侵染性、繁殖力及适应性均很强,严重威胁中国水稻生产。文章围绕B.plantarii的发生、危害及致病机理,着重论述了细菌群体感应系统(quorum sensing,QS)的生理功能及其在B.plantarii致病力调控方面的最新研究进展,并进一步从根际微生物互作角度,综述了种间信号分子对病原菌群体淬灭(quorum quenching)的作用机制,同时结合种间信号分子的独特性,展望了其在新型微生物杀菌剂研发中的重要性和应用潜力。  相似文献   
In order to determine the role of the cecum on energy use in growing chickens, metabolizability of the dietary energy and energy expenditure were examined in the week following bilateral ligation and washing out of the cecum. Apparent metabolizable energy (AME) values were 14.30 and 13.69 kJ/g air‐dry matter for sham‐operated and cecally ligated chickens, respectively. These values were found to be significantly different (P < 0.05). Although AME intake and fasting heat production were decreased by cecal ligation, the distribution of AME (measured as fasting and feeding heat production, as well as heat increment and energy retention, as a proportion of AME intake) was not affected. These results suggest that the cecum helps chickens extract AME from corn‐soybean type diets with little, if any, effect on AME use, based on the present study of growing chickens in the week following cecal ligation.  相似文献   
Basidiocarps of the violet root rot fungus, Helicobasidium mompa, are less frequently used for isolation than are mycelial strands and sclerotia even though the basidiocarps are conspicuously produced at the trunk base of diseased plants. Basidiocarps are also more suitable for storage. This paper describes an improved method for obtaining pure cultures from basidiocarps using microcentrifuge tubes to facilitate the awkward steps of rinsing fungal materials under a dissecting microscope. Received 28 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 4 August 2000  相似文献   
(pp. 17–24)
A trial calculation was performed of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity and the amount of nitrogen input based on various statistical data, which were compiled from each city, town and village in Hokkaido prefecture. The relationship between the excess quantity of nitrogen, after nitrogen input, and the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity and the nitrate-nitrogen concentration of the groundwater was considered.
Environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity = nitrogen output by the crops + acceptable level of residual nitrate in the soil profile.*
*It is calculated by the amount of nitrate precipitation evapotranspiration ×10 mg L−1.
  • 1) 

    The average value of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity in Hokkaido Prefecture was observed to be 183 kg ha−1. The maximum and minimum values of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity were 308 kg ha−1 and 94 kg ha−1, respectively. When the average value of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity with respect to main agricultural land use was compared across municipalities, it was largely in the following order · grassland (218 kg ha−1), upland (169 kg ha−1), and paddy land (157 kg ha−1).

The present study was conducted to elucidate the effects of dietary lysine levels on the proportion of oxidative muscle fibers in porcine muscle. Two 6-week-old barrows from each of five litters were used. Each littermate was assigned to one of two diets, control (lysine content: 1.16%) or low lysine (LL) diet (lysine content: 0.73%). The diets were iso-energetic and iso-protein, and contained all essential amino acids (apart from lysine) in the recommended amounts. The pigs were fed these diets for 3 weeks. Citrate synthase (EC activity in longissimus dorsi and rhomboideus muscles was higher in the LL group ( P  < 0.05). In both muscles, pigs fed the LL diet had a higher proportion of muscle fiber with activities of reduced nicotinic amide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (EC, P  < 0.01). The abundance of mRNA of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α in rhomboideus muscle was higher in the LL group ( P  < 0.05), and those of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 were higher in both longissimus dorsi and rhomboideus muscles in the LL group ( P  < 0.05). We conclude that reduced intake of dietary lysine enhances proportion of oxidative muscle fiber, and hence oxidative capacity of porcine muscle.  相似文献   
This study aimed to apply radar technology to a large quadruped animal. We first developed a non-contact respiration measurement system using millimeter-wave array radar for a horse in standing position. Specifically, we measured the respiration of a stationary domestic horse in stables. Simultaneously, we measured the respiration rate using infrared thermography and developed a method for analyzing the radar information while verifying the rate of agreement. Our results suggested that the radar technology detected breathing and accurately measured the respiration of a horse, despite variation in the breathing frequency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to apply a non-contact respiration measurement system using millimeter-wave array radar has been applied to large animals in an upright position, thereby demonstrating its potential application in animal husbandry and welfare.  相似文献   
建立了超高效液相色谱-质谱联用检测五氟磺草胺在水稻植株、稻田土壤、田水和糙米中残留的分析方法,结合田间试验研究了五氟磺草胺在稻田环境中的消解及残留特性,并对稻米中五氟磺草胺残留的膳食暴露进行了初步评估。结果表明:在0.005~0.5 mg/L范围内,五氟磺草胺的质量浓度与对应的峰面积间呈良好线性关系,检出限(LOD)为0.001~0.002 mg/kg,定量限(LOQ)为0.003~0.005 mg/kg。在0.005~0.5 mg/kg添加水平下,五氟磺草胺在水稻植株、稻田土壤、田水和糙米中的平均回收率在89%~106%之间,相对标准偏差在2.8%~8.5%之间。浙江、福建和黑龙江2年3地的田间试验表明:0.025%五氟磺草胺颗粒剂在水稻植株、稻田土壤和田水中的消解半衰期分别为1.5~3.3,3.0~4.7和1.6-3.0 d,说明该药剂在稻田环境中消解速率较快。以五氟磺草胺有效成分含量37.5和56.3 g/hm2分别施药1次,于水稻成熟期采样检测,发现其在糙米中的残留量低于0.005 mg/kg,表明其膳食摄入风险很低,该研究结果可为五氟磺草胺风险评估提供一定参考。  相似文献   
Degeneration of the optic pathway has been reported in various animal species including cattle. We experienced a case of bilateral optic tract degeneration characterized by severe gliosis in a Japanese black cattle without any obvious visual defects. To evaluate the significance, pathological nature and pathogenesis of the lesions, we examined the optic pathway in 60 cattle (41 Japanese black, 13 Holstein and 6 crossbreed) with or without ocular abnormalities. None of these animals had optic canal stenosis. Degenerative changes with severe gliosis in the optic pathway, which includes the optic nerve, optic chiasm and optic tract, were only observed in 8 Japanese black cattle with or without ocular abnormalities. Furthermore, strong immunoreactivity of glial fibrillary acidic protein was observed in the retinal stratum opticum and ganglion cell layer in all 5 cattle in which the optic pathway lesions could be examined. As etiological research, we also examined whether the concentrations of vitamin A and vitamin B12 or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection was associated with optic pathway degeneration. However, our results suggested that the observed optic pathway degeneration was probably not caused by these factors. These facts indicate the presence of optic pathway degeneration characterized by severe gliosis that has never been reported in cattle without bilateral compressive lesions in the optic pathway or bilateral severe retinal atrophy.  相似文献   
Advanced reproductive technologies are being applied for the propagation of squirrel monkeys, to ensure their preservation as a genetic resource and the effective use of their gametes in the future. In the present study, oocytes and spermatozoa were collected from live squirrel monkeys, following which piezo intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was performed using these gametes. Follicular development was induced by administering equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) containing inhibin antiserum to an immature squirrel monkey female. The unilateral ovary was excised after the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), to induce ovulation, following which the larger developed follicular oocytes were collected. Follicular oocytes were prepared for ICSI using sperm from the epididymal tail of a unilateral testis extracted from a mature male. The embryos were continuously incubated in CMRL 1066 medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum. Embryo culture was performed with cumulus cells. Two experiments of ICSI carried out with three females resulted in 14 mature oocytes from the 49 cumulus-oocyte complexes collected and five embryos, three of which developed into blastocysts. These blastocysts were vitrified, thawed, and transferred to recipient monkeys, but no pregnancies resulted. In conclusion, the present study is the first to successfully produce ICSI-derived blastocysts from MII oocytes obtained by means of hormone administration (a combination of eCG+inhibin antiserum and hCG) and in vitro maturation in immature squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   
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