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Summary A pilot health monitoring system was started in 1990 to develop statistically valid data for use in estimating the disease frequencies in dairy cattle and buffaloes. This paper presents the design of the monitoring programme and frequencies of selected diseases. Eighty herds were selected with typical livestock management practices of the farmers in the area. Veterinary assistants visited the farms once a month for 12 months to collect livestock inventory, production, disease and preventive treatment data. The incidence density method was used as a measure of disease frequency.In adults, breeding problems, mastitis and gastro-intestinal problems were the highest reported conditions. Respiratory problems were the commonest in young stock. The calves of both species frequently had gastro-intestinal and respiratory disease conditions. Most of the calf crop of both species were lost within the first 3 months of life.
Monitoreo De Problemas De Salud Bovina En Hatos Lecheros Pequenos En El Territorio Capital De Islamabad
Resumen Se inició un sistema de monitoreo piloto en 1990, con el propósito de desarrollar datos estadísticos válidos para estimar la frecuencia de enfermedades en ganado lechero y en búfalos. Este artículo presenta el diseño del programa de monitoreo y la frecuencia de las enfermedades seleccionadas. Se seleccionaron ochenta hatos con el manejo típico de los ganaderos del área. Los veterinarios visitaron las fincas una vez al mes durante 12 meses para colectar información. El método de densidad en la incidencia fue usado para medir la frecuencia de enfermedades.En adultos, las condiciones más frecuentemente encontradas fueron problemas de fertilidad, mastitis y problemas gastrointestinales. Las afecciones respiratorias fueron el común denominador en jóvenes. Los terneros de ambas especies se encontraron frecuentemente con problemas gastrointestinales y respiratorios, conjuntamente, siendo la mortalidad extremadamente alta en los 3 primeros meses de vida para ambas especies.

Gestion Des Problemes De Sante Bovine De Petits Troupeaux Laitiers Sur Le Territoire De Islamabad: Schema, Donnees Et Frequences De La Maladie
Résumé Un système pilote de gestion de la santé a débuté en 1990 pour développer des données statistiquement valables pour être utilisées dans l'estimation de la fréquence des maladies de bovins laitiers et de buffles. Cet article présente le schéma du programme de gestion et les fréquences des maladies sélectionnées. Quatre vingt troupeaux ont été choisis; leur élevage était conduit selon la méthode propre aux fermiers de la région. Des assistants vétérinaires ont visité les fermes une fois par mois durant 12 mois pour relever les données sur l'inventaire du bétail, la production, les maladies et les traitements préventifs. L'importance de l'incidence a été utilisée comme méthode pour mesurer la fréquence des maladies. Chez les adultes, les problèmes prédominants dans les conditions indiquées concernaient la reproduction, les mammites et des troubles gastrointestinaux. Les problèmes respiratoires étaient les plus communs chez le jeune bétail. Les veaux des deux espèces présentaient fréquemment des troubles respiratoires et gastrointestinaux. La majorité de la production de veaux des deux espèces étaient perdue dans les trois premiers mois de vie.
The potential zoonotic risk of Toxocara canis infections from consumption of swine or poultry viscera containing larvae was assessed using a pig model. Two groups of six pigs were fed either fresh swine viscera (group FS) or poultry viscera (FP) containing around 3500 Toxocara larvae. Another two groups of six pigs were fed swine viscera (PS) or poultry viscera (PP) preserved at 4 degrees C for 1 week. All pigs were necropsied 14 days after the exposure. Liver white spots were counted and T. canis specific IgG antibodies were measured by ELISA. Larval burdens were assessed in the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, lungs, brain, tongue, and eyes. All recipient pigs exhibited several white spots on the liver surface and detectable antibody levels. Larvae were recovered predominantly from the lungs, but also from the mesenteric lymph nodes and the liver, a few larvae were found in the brain and tongue of the pigs. Two larvae were found in the eyes of two pigs in group FS. Mean percentages of total larval recoveries in groups FS, FP, PS, and PP were 75.3, 63.6, 42.6, and 18.8%, respectively. Significantly higher numbers of larvae were recovered from pigs given swine viscera than pigs given poultry viscera. The preservation at 4 degrees C for 1 week caused a significant reduction in the larval infectivity overall, nevertheless, the recoveries remained substantial. The fact that larvae migrating in swine or poultry organs and tissues have high infectivity in pigs even after preservation at 4 degrees C for 1 week, suggests that human infection with T. canis might easily occur following consumption of raw or undercooked dishes, either fresh or refrigerated, prepared from swine or poultry organs and tissues harbouring T. canis larvae.  相似文献   
Imidacloprid has been used as a key insecticide for controlling sucking insect pests of cotton, whereas Spodoptera litura also has been indirectly exposed to this insecticide in Pakistan. To evaluate the risk of resistance evolution and to develop a better resistance management strategy, a field collected population was selected with imidacloprid in the laboratory. Thereafter, fitness cost, realized heritability and cross resistance of imidacloprid resistance in S. litura were investigated. After 14 generations of selection with imidacloprid, S. litura developed a 137.48-fold resistance to the insecticide. Bioassay revealed that this strain showed cross-resistance to acetamiprid (RR 8.52) and a little to lamdacyhalothrin (1.92) but negative cross-resistance was found to methomyl (−0.19). The resistant strain had a relative fitness of 0.38, with substantially lower rates of larval survival, larval duration, male pupal duration, development time, emergence rate of healthy adults, fecundity, hatchability, and prolonged larval and pupal duration. Mean relative growth rate of the larvae, intrinsic rate of population increase, and biotic potential was lower for the selected populations. The estimated realized heritability (h2) of imidacloprid resistance was 0.15 in the resistant strain of S. litura. Development of the resistance may cost significant fitness for the resistant population. This study provided valuable information for further understanding the impact of imidacloprid resistance on physiological parameters of S. litura and for facilitating the development of resistance management strategies.  相似文献   
Estimating variation in grain mineral concentration and bioavailability in relation to grain yield and the year of cultivar release is important for breeding wheat with increased content of bioavailable minerals. The grain yield and yield components, grain phytate concentration, and concentration and bioavailability of minerals (zinc Zn, iron Fe and calcium Ca) in wheat grains were estimated in 40 wheat cultivars released in Punjab (Pakistan) during the last five decades. Mean grain Zn and Ca concentrations in current-cultivars were significantly lower (≥14%) than in obsolete cultivars released during the Green Revolution (1965–1976). Much of this variation was related to increased grain weight in current-cultivars. There was a positive correlation among minerals (r = 0.39 or higher, n = 40) and minerals with phytate in wheat grains (r = 0.38 or higher, n = 40). The tested cultivars varied widely in grain yield and grain phytate-to-mineral molar ratios (phytate:mineral). Compared to obsolete cultivars, the current-cultivars had a higher phytate:mineral ratio in grains, indicating poor bioavailability of minerals to humans. The study revealed a non-significant relationship between grain yield and phytate:mineral ratios in grains. Therefore, breeding for lower phytate:mineral ratios in wheat grains can ensure increased mineral bioavailability without significant reduction in the yield potential. Future breeding should be focused on developing new genotypes suitable for mineral biofortification and with increased mineral bioavailability in grains.  相似文献   
Urea is a common ingredient of the diets of intensively fed lambs, but is increasingly required for industrial processes. Maize steep liquor (MSL) is a by-product of maize grain degradation to produce starch that may be a suitable replacement. Fifty growing lambs were fed on equinitrogenous diets in which between 0% and 80% of the urea was replaced by MSL; their growth and metabolism were recorded over 70 days. Increasing replacement of urea by MSL increased feed intake and nutrient digestibilities, leading to increased growth rates, more efficient feed conversion, and increased nitrogen retention. Concentrations of triiodothyroxin, thyroxin, glucose, and methionine were increased by replacement of urea by liquor, and plasma urea was reduced. This study suggests that MSL is a suitable replacement for up to 80% of urea in the diet of rapidly growing lambs.  相似文献   
The present paper reports the prevalence of coccidiosis in industrial broiler chickens in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan to determine the occurrence of different species of Eimeria in the area and to assess their correlation with the environmental conditions including temperature, humidity and rainfall. The study was conducted from January 2009 to December 2010. Examination of chicken guts revealed 43.89% (n = 3,283/7,480) prevalence of coccidiosis. The highest prevalence (27.04%) was recorded of Eimeria tenella followed by Eimeria maxima (22.42%), Eimeria acervulina (19.89%) and Eimeria necatrix (4.02%). The prevalence of disease was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in autumn (60.02 ± 4.38) followed by summer (47.42 ± 2.92), spring (36.92 ± 2.27) and winter (29.89 ± 3.43). Likewise, prevalence of different species of Eimeria also varied (P < 0.05) in different seasons of the year except that of E. necatrix. A strong correlation (P < 0.05) of environmental conditions with the overall and species-wise prevalence of coccidiosis was recorded except E. necatrix.  相似文献   
Seroprevalence, clinical findings, and lesions of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in Beetal goats were recorded during an outbreak. The overall seroprevalence of CCPP was 32.50%. Confirmation of Mycoplasma mycoides in serum was carried out using counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) technique. The highest CIE-positive cases were recorded in the older goats (51.72%) as compared to young ones. Nasal swabs collected from 39 goats showing respiratory signs were found positive for M. mycoides. The most consistent clinical findings were mild to severe cough, purulent nasal secretion, emaciation, dyspnea, increased respiration rate, and pyrexia. Mortality due to CCPP was 9.17%. Consolidation of lungs exhibited the highest frequency (100%), followed by alveolar exudation (90.90%) and pleural adhesion (72.72%). Among the microscopic lesions, septal peribronchiolar fibrosis exhibited the highest frequency (81.81%), followed by fibrinous pleuritis (63.63%) and peribronchiolar cuffing of mononuclear cells (54.54%) in lungs. From these results, it was concluded that CCPP under subtropical conditions has high prevalence in Beetal goats and leads to significant mortality.  相似文献   
The progressive morphohistopathologic changes, distribution pattern of lesions and ultrastructural characteristics in Eimeria arloingi infection were investigated in experimentally infected kids. The 18 newborn animals allocated to 3 equal groups. Two of groups, A, B were inoculated with a single dose of 1 × 103 and1 × 105 sporulated oocysts of E. arloingi, respectively. At 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days postinoculation (DPI), 1 kid from each group was necropsied for pathologic and ultrastructural studies. Progressive lesions were present at 21, 28, 35 and 42 DPI in the jejunum, ileum, cecum with fewer in the duodenum and proximal colon. The oocysts shedding begin between 16 to 18 DPI. Grossly, minimal changes were observed at 21 DPI as few whitish plaques or nodules and advanced lesions at 42 DPI as pseudoadenomatous pattern in the mucosa and a cerebriform pattern on the serosal surface of jejunum and ileum. Early histopathologic lesions due to schizogony phase were including presence of intracytoplasmic developmental stages of the parasite such as trophozoites, immature to mature schizonts and mild infiltration of inflammatory cells. In late lesions due to various stages of gametogony, the histological pattern was mainly remarkable hyperplasia of the villi and crypts epithelial cells, eventually developed into papillary projections of reactive epithelium. The mesenteric lymph nodes showed a few numbers of large schizonts in the cortical lacteals. This study showed E. arloingi as a highly pathogenic species for kids, the incubation period was 16–18 days and the main target organ was jejunum with characteristic morphohistopathologic lesions.  相似文献   
In the Padma floodplain of Bangladesh, the traditional system of agriculture has become unsustainable due to high population growth. Mango-based agroforestry which has been practiced by the farmers since the 1990s, is a promising alternative and is considered as one of the few options to lift farmers out of poverty and improve livelihood security. This paper examines the potential of mango-based agroforestry to improve livelihoods, using data collected by rapid rural appraisal, farmer participatory research, stakeholder analysis and a farm household survey in six representative villages in the floodplain. Farmers with the least land were found to allocate a higher percentage of their land to agroforestry, and the increased income from agroforestry compared to other agricultural systems helps reduce relative poverty. This income maintains basic household needs, providing food security and fuelwood, and contributes to healthcare, housing and sanitation conditions, and meeting educational expenses.  相似文献   
A new stearoyl glucoside of ursolic acid, urs-12-en-3β-ol-28-oic acid 3β-d-glucopyranosyl-4′-octadecanoate and other compounds were isolated from the leaves of Lantana camara L. The structure of this new glycoside was elucidated and established by standard spectroscopic methods. In streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats it showed significant reduction in blood glucose level.  相似文献   
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