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The dietary habits of the sea urchin Salmacis sphaeroides and the gastropod Trochus maculatus in ex situ mariculture were examined. Fouling algal assemblages on terracotta tiles were exposed to the grazers and compared. Except for Day 0, the assemblages on Days 2, 13 and 27 differed significantly across treatments. S. sphaeroides rapidly consumed most algae, leaving an assemblage dominated by turf algae and bare tile. T. maculatus primarily fed on green filamentous algae, resulting in an even distribution of other algal functional groups, while control tiles were dominated by green filamentous algae. Using three representative fouling algae species (Bryopsis corymbosa, Hypnea spinella and Lobophora variegata), the consumption rates of both grazers and dietary preferences of S. sphaeroides were examined through a single‐diet and a choice experiment respectively. The single‐diet experiment revealed differential algal consumption rates for S. sphaeroides (H. spinella = B. corymbosa > L. variegata) and T. maculatus (B. corymbosa > H. spinella = L. variegata). The choice experiment showed that S. sphaeroides preferred H. spinella over the other two species. These experiments highlighted the importance of understanding the dietary habits of grazers as this has direct implications on their effectiveness as biological controls of fouling macroalgae in mariculture.  相似文献   
A single‐factor experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary astaxanthin concentration on the skin colour of snapper. Snapper (mean weight=129 g) were held in white cages and fed one of seven dietary levels of unesterified astaxanthin (0, 13, 26, 39, 52, 65 or 78 mg astaxanthin kg?1) for 63 days. Treatments comprised four replicate cages, each containing five fish. The skin colour of all fish was quantified using the CIE L*, a*, b* colour scale after 21, 42 and 63 days. In addition, total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of two fish cage?1 were determined after 63 days. Supplementing diets with astaxanthin strongly affected redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values of the skin at all sampling times. After 21 days, the a* values increased linearly as the dietary astaxanthin concentration was increased before a plateau was attained between 39 and 78 mg kg?1. The b* values similarly increased above basal levels in all astaxanthin diets. By 42 days, a* and b* values increased in magnitude while a plateau remained between 39 and 78 mg kg?1. After 63 days, there were no further increases in measured colour values, suggesting that maximum pigmentation was imparted in the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg?1 after 42 days. Similarly, there were no differences in total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg?1 after 63 days. The plateaus that occurred in a* and b* values, while still increasing in magnitude between 21 and 42 days, indicate that the rate of astaxanthin deposition in snapper is limited and astaxanthin in diets containing >39 mg astaxanthin kg?1 is not efficiently utilized. Astaxanthin retention after 63 days was greatest from the 13 mg kg?1 diet; however, skin pigmentation was not adequate. An astaxanthin concentration of 39 mg kg?1 provided the second greatest retention in the skin while obtaining maximum pigmentation. To efficiently maximize skin pigmentation, snapper growers should commence feeding diets containing a minimum of 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg?1 at least 42 days before sale.  相似文献   
基于作物生长监测诊断仪的玉米LAI监测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索作物生长监测诊断仪(CGMD-402型)在作物长势监测应用中的精准性与适用性,连续2年在不同氮肥水平下进行不同玉米品种的实验。使用作物生长监测诊断仪采集冠层归一化差值植被指数(Normalized differential vegetation index,NDVI)、比值植被指数(Ratio vegetation index,RVI),并同步以ASD FR-2500型野外高光谱辐射测量仪获取冠层光谱反射率,构建NDVI、RVI高光谱植被指数;通过对比两种仪器获取的植被指数特征及其定量关系,评价CGMD-402型作物生长监测诊断仪监测精度;基于CGMD-402型作物生长监测诊断仪获取的NDVI、RVI,建立叶面积指数(Leaf area index,LAI)监测模型,并对模型监测精度进行验证。结果表明:玉米冠层NDVI、RVI随施氮量增加而增加,增加幅度分别为8.20%~36.59%、4.40%~25.16%;CGMD-402型作物生长监测诊断仪与ASD FR-2500型野外高光谱辐射测量仪获取的NDVI、RVI相关系数分别为0.991、0.985,决定系数分别为0.983、0.969,说明CGMD-402型作物生长监测诊断仪具有较高的监测精度,可替代ASD FR-2500型野外高光谱辐射测量仪获取NDVI、RVI指数;利用CGMD-402型作物生长监测诊断仪获取NDVI、RVI,建立LAI监测模型的决定系数分别为0.911、0.898;以独立数据对模型精度进行验证,模型预测值与田间实测值间决定系数分别为0.963、0.954,相对误差分别为6.65%、9.37%,表明二者具有高度一致性。研究表明,利用作物生长监测诊断仪能有效监测玉米不同品种LAI动态变化,可以替代AccuPARLP-80型植物冠层分析仪获取玉米LAI数据。  相似文献   
拟松材线虫对黑松苗的致病性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
测定来源于中国、日本、韩国、加拿大、挪威和法国的20个拟松材线虫种群对2年生黑松苗的致病力。根据其致病力大小分为3类:第1类致病力很强,致死率大于85%,RHS(相关寄主适生性)系数大于100,包括法国的1个种群和中国的3个种群;第Ⅱ类有较强的致病潜能,在环境适宜的情况下可能造成严重危害,这一类数量最多,包括中国的11个种群和加拿大的1个种群;第Ⅲ类几乎没有致病力,其致死率和RHS系数都是0,包括韩国的2个种群及日本和挪威各1个种群。试验证明法国BmFr种群致死速度最快,致病力最强。黑松苗在感染拟松材线虫后,用自然界水分胁迫和PEG胁迫处理,结果表明,干旱胁迫能明显加快黑松苗死亡速度,且大大提高死亡率。提示在高温干旱的年份拟松材线虫可造成松树的大面积死亡。  相似文献   
三种植物性杀虫剂对烟草码绢金龟生物活性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内生物活性测定表明,印楝素对烟草码绢金龟成虫具有较强的忌避作用和拒食作用,苦楝油作用稍弱,烟株表现出药害症状,除虫菊反而具有一定的诱集和刺激取食效果,这3种植物性杀虫剂的毒杀作用均很弱.根据1%印楝素安全、活性高,但药效期较短的特点,提出了用印楝素防治码绢金龟的意见.  相似文献   
Landscape Ecology - In the original publication of the article, the third author name has been misspelt. The correct name is given in this Correction. The original version of this article was revised.  相似文献   
Flavan-3-ol monomers and polymers composition of seeds from wild (17) and autochthonous (8) Vitis vinifera grapes growing in northern Tunisia were evaluated. Wild grape seeds were spherical with a small beak and relatively a high seed/berry ratio (~ 18.1%w/w). Local cultivars developed pyriform-shaped seeds with a well-developed beak representing on average 2.2% of total weight of the berry. Flavanol concentrations ranged between 40.9 and 67.5 mg/g FW in seeds from wild accessions and between 48.9 and 96.7 mg/g FW in seeds from cultivated grapes. Differences between accessions were highly significant (p < 0.01) and seeds from cultivar ‘Boukhasla’ showed the highest polyphenols content. Among flavan-3-ol monomers, (+)-catechin was predominant for all ecotypes and generally their abundance was: (+)-catechin (Cat) > (?)-epicatechin (Ec) > (?)-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (EcG). The Cat/Ec ratio was approximately 1.7 for wild grapes while it was about 2.5 for cultivated grapes. Procyanidins in wild seeds differed from cultivated ones by a lower mDP and higher proportions of galloylated derivatives, likely to affect fruit bitterness and astringency. (?)-epicatechin was the main extension subunit in grape seed procyanidins, reaching on average 52% in wild and 58% in cultivated seeds. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on seeds morphometry and procyanidin profile indicated close proximity between some wild and cultivated grapes suggesting that some cultivars derived from ancestral events of local domestication or cross hybridization with native wild plants.  相似文献   
Seasonal speedup along the western flank of the Greenland Ice Sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been widely hypothesized that a warmer climate in Greenland would increase the volume of lubricating surface meltwater reaching the ice-bedrock interface, accelerating ice flow and increasing mass loss. We have assembled a data set that provides a synoptic-scale view, spanning ice-sheet to outlet-glacier flow, with which to evaluate this hypothesis. On the ice sheet, these data reveal summer speedups (50 to 100%) consistent with, but somewhat larger than, earlier observations. The relative speedup of outlet glaciers, however, is far smaller (<15%). Furthermore, the dominant seasonal influence on Jakobshavn Isbrae's flow is the calving front's annual advance and retreat. With other effects producing outlet-glacier speedups an order of magnitude larger, seasonal melt's influence on ice flow is likely confined to those regions dominated by ice-sheet flow.  相似文献   
用来自日本和中国的几个松材线虫虫株,分别对黑松、马尾松和雪松进行接种,接种后分离树体内的线虫,并观察树体的组织细胞变化。研究结果表明,2个日本虫株均能使黑松、马尾松和雪松发病并枯死,而中国线虫虫株仅能够使黑松和马尾松发病枯死,不能使雪松致病。接种后不同时间分离线虫,比较线虫在寄主体内的数量消长情况。发现凡接种发病死亡的,其体内线虫数量最多;发病但没有死亡的,其体内线虫数量也较多;中国虫株接种的雪松,一直没有表现任何症状,其体内也分离到了一定数量的线虫。接种后组织病理学变化表明,细胞和组织变化与线虫的移动和扩散有关。黑松和马尾松,接种日本和中国浙江松材线虫虫株后,72 h时皮层和韧皮部的薄壁细胞变形、死亡普遍存在,树脂道泌脂细胞和木射线细胞均遭到线虫破坏。144 h后,皮层、韧皮部、木质部和髓心大量细胞死亡,形成空洞,管胞中可见线虫活动。而对于雪松,接种日本松材线虫虫株后,皮层、韧皮部和形成层细胞死亡,树脂道泌脂细胞和木射线细胞死亡,有少量代谢物聚集。中国松材线虫虫株接种后,初期皮层、韧皮部细胞变形并破坏;但是,细胞的破坏只局限在小范围内。后期皮层、韧皮部细胞被破坏,但形成层完整,木射线和管胞基本完好。  相似文献   
通过田间对感根结虫病的丝瓜植株取样调查发现 ,勒克瑙根结线虫居群对中国亚热带地区丝瓜生产危害较大 ,受害面积占调查面积的30% ,减产25%以上。研究发现勒克瑙根结线虫居群危害丝瓜的原因是丝瓜属于勒克瑙根结线虫的寄生植物 ;防治勒克瑙根结线虫居群危害最有效、最经济的方法是利用勒克瑙根结线虫属专性植物寄生线虫的生物学特性 ,实行蔬菜品种轮作。  相似文献   
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