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The physical and physicochemical properties and morphogenetic characteristics of the buried soddy gleyic and gleyed paleosols developed from the glaciolacustrine loamy sediments on the southern coast of the Finnish Gulf in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene (12–9 ka, calibrated) are considered. It is shown that the morphology and properties of these paleosols sharply differ from those of the enclosing gravelly sands deposited in the ancient basins. The latter substrates serve as the major type of soil-forming materials for the modern surface soils. The studied paleosols fill wedge-shaped structures dissecting the gravelly sediments. Their profiles are well preserved, though their normal horizontal orientation is disturbed; large soil blocks were displaced into the open wedges. The presence of these soils attests to the fact that the initial soil cover in the studied region was formed in the Late Glacial epoch soon after the retreat of the glacial sheet. The good degree of preservation of the paleopedogenic information recorded in the profiles of these paleosols is of great value for the paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   
Soil hydraulic properties are needed in the modeling of water flow and solute movement in the vadose zone. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have received the attention of many researchers for indirect determination of hydraulic properties from basic soil properties as an alternative to direct measurement. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of cascade forward network (CFN), multiple-linear regression (MLR), and seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) methods using prediction capabilities of point and parametric PTFs developed by these methods. The point PTFs estimated field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), available water capacity (AWC), and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and the parametric PTFs estimated the van Genuchten retention parameters. A total of 180 soil samples was extracted from the UNSODA database and divided into two groups as 135 for the development and 45 for the validation of the PTFs. The model performances were evaluated with three statistical tools: the maximum error (ME), the model efficiency (EF), and the D index (D) using the observed and predicted values of a given parameter. Despite the fact that the differences among the three methods in prediction accuracies of the point and parametric PTFs were not statistically significant (p > 0.05) except θr and α (p < 0.05) based on the ANOVA test, overall MLR and SUR were somewhat better than CFN in prediction of the point PTFs, whereas CFN performed better than the other two methods in prediction of the parametric PTFs. The F.F values of FC and θr for CFN, MLR, and SUR methods were 0.705. 0.805, 0.795 and 0.356, −0.290, −0.290, respectively, which refer to the best and worst predictions. Properties (Ks, θr, α) having some difficulty in prediction were better predicted by CFN and SUR methods, where these methods predict all hydraulic properties from basic soil properties simultaneously rather than individually as in MLR. This suggests that multivariate analysis using such functional relationships between hydraulic properties and basic soil properties can be utilized in developing more accurate point and parametric PTFs with less time and effort.  相似文献   
Heavy metal pollution of urban soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical properties of urban soils (southeastern administrative district, Moscow) affecting the behavior of heavy metals were studied. The current heavy metal pollution level of the soils was assessed. The use of different approaches for the pollution standardization is shown to produce different results. The fractional composition of the metal compounds in the soils and the factors affecting its formation under technogenic pollution were investigated. In the district studied, the distribution of heavy metals by the fractions primarily depended on the chemical properties of the heavy metals themselves; the pollution level; and, to a lesser degree, on the soil properties. Zinc and cadmium were the most mobile metals in the soils studied.  相似文献   
Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccon Schrank, 2n = 4x = 28) consists in a hulled wheat; its cultivation has been drastically reduced during the last century as a consequence of its low yield. Recently, its agronomic and nutritive values, as well as the increase of popularity of organic agriculture, have led to a renewed interest making its cultivation economically viable in the marginal lands with an increase of the cultivated areas. In Italy, it mainly survives in few marginal lands of central and southern Italy, where local varieties, adapted to the natural environment from where they originate, are used; moreover, some selected lines have also been developed. In the present work, agro-morphological and qualitative traits, together with molecular analyses of 20 emmer accessions consisting of Italian landraces, breeding lines, and cultivars, were performed. The field experiments were conducted for two consecutive years (2001/2002–2002/2003) in two locations: Viterbo in central Italy, and Foggia in south Italy. The analyzed emmer wheat accessions showed a good amount of genetic variability for both evaluated agro-morphological and molecular traits. This study illustrates an increase in earliness, GY, TW, TKW, and YI going from landraces, breeding lines to cultivars, while the variability does not change proportionally.  相似文献   
Salinity and sodicity effects on respiration and microbial biomass of soil   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
An understanding of the effects of salinity and sodicity on soil carbon (C) stocks and fluxes is critical in environmental management, as the areal extents of salinity and sodicity are predicted to increase. The effects of salinity and sodicity on the soil microbial biomass (SMB) and soil respiration were assessed over 12weeks under controlled conditions by subjecting disturbed soil samples from a vegetated soil profile to leaching with one of six salt solutions; a combination of low-salinity (0.5dSm−1), mid-salinity (10dSm−1), or high-salinity (30dSm−1), with either low-sodicity (sodium adsorption ratio, SAR, 1), or high-sodicity (SAR 30) to give six treatments: control (low-salinity low-sodicity); low-salinity high-sodicity; mid-salinity low-sodicity; mid-salinity high-sodicity; high-salinity low-sodicity; and high-salinity high-sodicity. Soil respiration rate was highest (56–80mg CO2-C kg−1 soil) in the low-salinity treatments and lowest (1–5mg CO2-C kg−1 soil) in the mid-salinity treatments, while the SMB was highest in the high-salinity treatments (459–565mg kg−1 soil) and lowest in the low-salinity treatments (158–172mg kg−1 soil). This was attributed to increased substrate availability with high salt concentrations through either increased dispersion of soil aggregates or dissolution or hydrolysis of soil organic matter, which may offset some of the stresses placed on the microbial population from high salt concentrations. The apparent disparity in trends in respiration and the SMB may be due to an induced shift in the microbial population, from one dominated by more active microorganisms to one dominated by less active microorganisms.  相似文献   
The dynamics of pore space structure in different filled soil constructions during water infiltration and wetting–drying processes is studied. Model laboratory experiments in columns physically simulate water infiltration after penetration at a rate of 600 mm with free outflow from the lower end of the column followed by multiple drying of soil constructions composed by alternating layers of sand, peat, and A and В horizons of soddy-podzolic soil. In two- and three-dimensional tomographic images, changes in the pore space and the interpenetration of solid phase at the boundaries between individual horizons of soil constructions are analyzed.  相似文献   
Maintaining seed viability and germplasm integrity is a challenging task in conservation of plant genetic resources, as seeds under storage will lose viability and genetic changes will occur. Attempt was made to analyze the patterns of genetic changes in wheat germplasm under ex situ genebank storage and accelerated ageing treatments. A set of 16 naturally aged wheat accessions under ex situ genebank storage since 1994 were sampled. Four recently regenerated wheat accessions were selected, four random seed samples were chosen from each accession, and three of them were exposed to three different accelerated ageing treatments. These 32 seed samples in two germplasm sets displayed a range of germination rates from 4 to 98 %. Thirty-seven microsatellite markers representing 21 wheat chromosomes were applied to screen 12 seeds of each sample and 449 SSR alleles were scored. Large SSR variation was found in each germplasm set. There was 73.1 % of the total SSR variation present among the naturally aged samples and 78.2 % present among the accelerated ageing samples. Several analyses for genetic association consistently revealed no clear genetic separations among samples of high or low germination rates in both germplasm sets. Samples under different accelerated ageing treatments did not show much genetic differentiations from the original sample of each accession. Mantel tests revealed non-significant associations between SSR variability and sample germination rates for both germplasm sets. These findings are useful for understanding seed deterioration under different ageing conditions and suggest that genome-wide SSR variability may not provide sensitive markers for the monitoring of wheat seed viability.  相似文献   
Water quality assessment typically includes the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by oxidation of organic matter with Cr(VI) in an acidic medium followed by digestion. Unfortunately, the required reagents are harmful and the reaction times are rather long. We investigated earlier the use of H2O2 as a more environmentally friendly oxidizing agent to replace the hazardous chromates. In the present study, we have furthered this possibility by incorporating the use of H2O2 in the presence of UV light. A protocol has been devised and tested with standards and real samples that replaces toxic Cr(VI), halves the amount of silver sulfate required, and greatly reduces the necessary reaction time, thus yielding a faster and more environmentally sound method.  相似文献   
The study of soil cover in the mountainous forest-steppe on the southwestern macroslope of Khentei Ridge has shown that the spatial distribution of soils is controlled by the ruggedness of topography, slope aspects, geocryological conditions, and the thickness of loose deposits. The soils belong to the orders of lithozems and organo-accumulative soils (Mollic Leptosols) of the postlithogenic trunk of pedogenesis. Dark-humus and mucky–dark-humus horizons of the organic matter accumulation are characteristic features of these soils. The investigated area is differentiated according to the soil moistening conditions on the slopes of different aspects. Favorable growth conditions for dwarf birch and Siberian larch at the southern boundary of the boreal forests in Mongolia are explained by the relatively high moistening of mucky–darkhumus lithozems and mucky–dark-humus soils developed on windward northern slopes and on mountain terraces in places of the local snow accumulation by wind. An important role in preservation of forest vegetation belongs to permafrost in small cirque-like depressions.  相似文献   
Soil nitrogen (N) loss related to surface flow and subsurface flow (including interflow and groundwater flow) from slope lands is a global issue. A lysimetric experiment with three types of land cover (grass cover, GC; litter cover, LC; and bare land, BL) were carried out on a red soil slope land in southeast China. Total Nitrogen (TN) loss through surface flow, interflow and groundwater flow was observed under 28 natural precipitation events from 2015 to 2016. TN concentrations from subsurface flow on BL and LC plots were, on average, 2.7–8.2 and 1.5–4.4 times greater than TN concentrations from surface flow, respectively; the average concentration of TN from subsurface flow on GC was about 36–56% of that recorded from surface flow. Surface flow, interflow and groundwater flow contributed 0–15, 2–9 and 76–96%, respectively, of loss load of TN. Compared with BL, GC and LC intercepted 83–86% of TN loss through surface runoff; GC intercepted 95% of TN loss through subsurface flow while TN loss through subsurface flow on LC is 2.3 times larger than that on BL. In conclusion, subsurface flow especially groundwater flow is the dominant hydrological rout for N loss that is usually underestimated. Grass cover has the high retention of N runoff loss while litter mulch will increase N leaching loss. These findings provide scientific support to control N runoff loss from the red soil slope lands by using suitable vegetation cover and mulching techniques.  相似文献   
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