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Mediterranean demersal trawl fisheries traditionally operate using small diamond-shape meshes in the codend, which tend to retain almost all animals. We investigated the effect of mesh configuration on the size selectivity of nine species (the scaldfish Arnoglossus laterna, the broad-tail shortfin squid Illex coindettii, the European hake Merluccius merluccius, the red mullet Mullus barbatus, the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the common pandora Pagellus erythrinus, the deepwater rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris, the Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus and the poor-cod Trisopterus minutus capelanus) commonly captured in the Mediterranean demersal trawls. Two codends having meshes with the same opening (ca. 38 mm) but different mesh configuration (DM38: diamond-mesh and SM38: square-mesh configuration) were fished daily and alternately on the same trawl. They demonstrated a substantial improvement in selectivity with square-mesh. Selectivity was measured using the covered codend technique, the cover being supported by circular hoops.The results were analysed taking into account the between-haul variation in selectivity. Two other important external variables were identified: the trawling depth and the codend catch, which for some species influenced between-haul variation, but there was no evidence of a coherent effect on selectivity parameters.The selectivity of 40 mm diamond-mesh codend has been reported to be rather poor because a large proportion of the codend catch is immature and smaller than the minimum landing size (MLS) or first maturity size. With the exception of the flatfish (A. laterna), the effect of a change of mesh configuration from diamond- to square-mesh on size selectivity positively affected the retention length at 50% (L50). However, square-meshes were found to be unsuitable for flat and/or deep-bodied fish as these escape more readily from diamond-meshes.The Council Regulation (EC) No. 1967/2006, concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean, establishes the MLS of marine organisms. However, the increase in L50 with square-mesh would not avoid some of the existing contradictions in allowing the use of codend mesh which leads to lower L50 than the MLS.  相似文献   
Aspergillus is a promising source of bioactive secondary metabolites. The addition of insect-derived material in the broth culture could trigger the biosynthesis of insecticidal and antimicrobial compounds by entomopathogenic fungus (EF). Insects inhabit diverse niches and interact with various bacteria, for this reason, when a fungus kills an insect should inhibit the insect’s gut bacteria to prevent the insect consumption by bacteria. According with this hypothesis, the EF is able to produce substances that inhibit bacteria growth or bacteria virulence strategies. In the present, investigation is demonstrated that the addition of Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) components (2 % w/v) in a culture of saprophytic fungus Aspergillus parasiticus MOR 3 induces the production of a novel compound present inside mycelium 2-(4-bromophenyl)-2-oxoethyl benzoate, that is reported here for the first time as a natural product of A. parasiticus. In addition, increased significantly the fungal extracellular production of undecyl 4-fluorobenzoate. The mycelium extract (ME) at 250 μg per g of diet on adult population of T. castaneum produced an alteration of the feeding behavior of coleopteran insects (Repellency index = +30). The fraction derived from ME (Fr2) that contained the organobromine compound, 2-(4-bromophenyl)-2-oxoethyl benzoate had the highest inhibition of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence factors like elastase enzyme (49 %) at 5 μg/ml and biofilm formation (43 %) at 100 μg/ml. The results suggest that the extract from mycelium of a non-aflatoxigenic A. parasiticus MOR 3 strain is a potential candidate as food coleopteran repellent as well as an anti-virulence strategy of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
We investigated the perceived impact of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) to pastoralists in Isinya Division, a wildlife dispersal area of Nairobi National Park, and used a range of participatory epidemiology methodologies. We compared the relative importance, incidence and impact of MCF compared to other locally defined important diseases with a total of 158 respondents in 11 group meetings and 21 household meetings in July 2004. Direct losses due to disease were investigated through lowered prices as a result of the emergency sale of disease-infected animals.

Overall, Maasai in Isinya Division perceived east coast fever (ECF) to be the most important cattle disease and to have the highest incidence. Anthrax was considered to have the largest impact. In areas within or adjacent to the wildebeest calving zone, MCF was perceived to be the most important cattle disease and also to have the largest impact. Outside the calving zone, MCF was considered the fourth-most important disease with the fourth largest impact, and these were areas where wildebeest were less common. MCF was also the fourth-most common disease, and across the Division incidence was estimated at 5% in calves and 10% in adults. However, MCF incidence varied greatly throughout the study area, from 3% to 12%, and the highest incidence risks were found in areas where wildebeest came to calve. The percent drop in sale price per animal infected with MCF was estimated at 50% for MCF for the year 2003–2004.

Forced avoidance movements away from wildebeest calves were reported to decrease livestock production due to loss of access to prime grazing sites. As suggested by pastoralists in this study, the development of compensation schemes or incentives from wildlife would reduce the conflict between livestock keeping and wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of diets with Spirulina and plant oils (POs) inclusion for white sturgeon weaning and their effects on the fatty acid (FA) composition of fish flesh. Three isoproteic (45%) and isoenergetic (21 MJ kg?1 DM) diets were formulated: one fish meal‐based diet integrated with fish oil (FMO) and two 40% Spirulina meal‐based diets integrated with corn (SPC) or soybean (SPS) oils respectively. One hundred and thirty‐five white sturgeon fingerlings (mean weight 17.5 g) were stocked randomly in nine fibreglass tanks. At the end of the trial, which lasted 71 days, the growth performance traits and somatic indexes were determined. The chemical composition, gross energy and FA profile were determined on the fish fillets. No significant effects were observed for the growth performances or fillet chemical composition. The FA profile of the fillets reflected those of the diets. In particular, the fillets of the fish fed with the SPC and SPS diets were lower in n‐3 FA, due to the substitution of fish oil (FO) with POs. It is possible to replace FO and meal in sturgeon; therefore, Spirulina meal integrated with POs could be a good alternative to sturgeon diet.  相似文献   
Species-rich old-growth forests dominated by Quercus wereextensive in the highlands of Chiapas until a few decades ago. Current land-use is resulting in replacement of Quercus by Pinusspp. in the canopy of the remaining forest fragments, which areless diverse, drier, and more exposed to freezing temperatures.Forest floor and soil are also modified and may limit theregeneration of many woody species. We studied the influence oflitter type (pine needles vs. oak leaves), litter depth (0, 3, 6and 14 cm), and litter cover (3 cm vs. 0 cm of loose litter ontop of sowed acorns) on the emergence and growth of seedlings ofQuercus rugosa, a dominant tree in pine-oak forests. Seedlingemergence and establishment were affected by the interaction ofexperimental factors. Uncovered acorns on pine litter were moreexposed to desiccation; this effect was more evident with deeperlitter. Acorns sowed on oak litter were not affected by levels oflitter cover and litter depth. The results can be of use indefining further field studies, and practices of direct seedingfor restoration of pine-dominated stands.  相似文献   
A greenhouse rhizobox experiment was carried out to investigate the fate and turnover of 13C‐ and 15N‐labeled rhizodeposits within a rhizosphere gradient from 0–8 mm distance to the roots of wheat. Rhizosphere soil layers from 0–1, 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–6, and 6–8 mm distance to separated roots were investigated in an incubation experiment (42 d, 15°C) for changes in total C and N and that derived from rhizodeposition in total soil, in soil microbial biomass, and in the 0.05 M K2SO4–extractable soil fraction. CO2‐C respiration in total and that derived from rhizodeposition were measured from the incubated rhizosphere soil samples. Rhizodeposition C was detected in rhizosphere soil up to 4–6 mm distance from the separated roots. Rhizodeposition N was only detected in the rhizosphere soils up to 3–4 mm distance from the roots. Microbial biomass C and N was increased with increasing proximity to the separated roots. Beside 13C and 15N derived from rhizodeposits, unlabeled soil C and N (native SOM) were incorporated into the growing microbial biomass towards the roots, indicating a distinct acceleration of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and N immobilization into the growing microbial biomass, even under the competition of plant growth. During the soil incubation, microbial biomass C and N decreased in all samples. Any decrease in microbial biomass C and N in the incubated rhizosphere soil layers is attributed mainly to a decrease of unlabeled (native) C and N, whereas the main portion of previously incorporated rhizodeposition C and N during the plant growth period remained immobilized in the microbial biomass during the incubation. Mineralization of native SOM C and N was enhanced within the entire investigated rhizosphere gradient. The results indicate complex interactions between substrate input derived from rhizodeposition, microbial growth, and accelerated C and N turnover, including the decomposition of native SOM (i.e., rhizosphere priming effects) at a high spatial resolution from the roots.  相似文献   
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