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The study of anatomy is important to accomplish any kind of surgical and medical procedure and to understand the physiology and diseases of animals. It is no different in veterinary dentistry. The study of oral anatomy helps the veterinarian to accomplish any kind of surgical procedure more quickly and with less damage to tissues, especially in cases of major oral surgery. In fact, under-standing the anatomy is easier when this knowledge is acquired directly, with surgical application. This article describes the essentials of the oral anatomy of the dog and cat, correlating this knowledge with the dental procedures to be used by veterinarians as a guide.  相似文献   
Plants require access to free water for nutrient uptake, but excess water surrounding the roots can be injurious or even lethal because it blocks the transfer of free oxygen between the soil and the atmosphere. Genetic improvement efforts in this study were focused on the increased tolerance in roots to waterlogging. Among a pool of clones generated in vitro from leaf explants of rootstock Mr.S.2/5 of Prunus cerasifera L., the S.4 clone was flood tolerant whereas the S.1 clone was sensitive. The S.4 clone formed adventitious roots on exposure to flooding. Moreover, the chlorophyll content and mitochondrial activity in the leaf and root, soluble sugar content, alcohol dehydrogenase activity and ethylene content were different between the clones. The sorbitol transporter gene (SOT1) was up-regulated during hypoxia, the alcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADH1 and ADH3) were up-regulated in the leaves and down-regulated in the roots of the S.4 clone during hypoxia, and the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-oxidase gene (ACO1) was up-regulated in the leaves and roots of the S.4 clone during hypoxia and down-regulated in the wild-type roots. In addition, in the S.4 root, hypoxia induced significant down-regulation of a glycosyltransferase-like gene (GTL), which has a yet-undefined role. Although the relevant variation in the S.4 genome has yet to be determined, genetic alteration clearly conferred a flooding-tolerant phenotype. The isolation of novel somaclonals with the same genomic background but with divergent tolerance to flooding may offer new insights in the elucidation of the genetic machinery of resistance to flooding and aid in the selection of new Prunus rootstocks to be used in various adverse environments.  相似文献   
The commercial broiler chicken strains are the result of successful selection programmes. Most of the problems related to welfare arise from the high growth rate and body weight. The use of environmental enrichments in intensive farming could have a positive effect on birds by increasing animal welfare. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of Hermetia illucens (HI) and Tenebrio molitor (TM) live larvae in the diets of broiler chickens on growth performance, carcass yield and health status. A total of 180 four-day-old male broiler chickens (Ross 308) were randomly allotted to 18 pens. Each pen was assigned to one of the three dietary treatments (6 replicates/treatment, 10 birds/replicate) as follows: (i) control diet (C): commercial feed (two feeding phases: starter [4–11 days] and grower [12–38 days]), (ii) HI: C + 5% of the expected daily feed intake (DFI) HI live larvae (calculated on dry matter [DM]) and (iii) TM: C + 5% of DFI TM live larvae (DM). At 39 days of age, birds were slaughtered. Growth performance parameters were overall not affected by dietary treatments, except for the grower phase feed conversion ratio (FCR) and the overall FCR being better in the TM broilers than the others (p < 0.01). No differences were observed for slaughtering performance and haematological and serum parameters, except for the spleen relative weight being higher (p < 0.01) in the birds administered with larvae when compared to the C group. Gut morphometric indexes and histopathological alterations were not influenced by insect larvae administration. In conclusion, the administration in limited quantities of HI and TM live larvae as environmental enrichment has no negative effects on broiler chicken growth performance and health status. A behavioural study could confirm that live insect larvae represent a novel natural environmental enrichment in broiler farming.  相似文献   
Summary This study investigated the relationship between resumption of ovarian activity and body condition in a herd of 20 zebu cows in the humid tropics. Blood chemistry profiles to monitor nutritional status were also evaluated. Plasma progesterone was used to determine ovarian activity. During the study, which lasted 18 weekspost partum, 7 of the animals resumed ovarian activity while 13 remained in the anoestrous stage. The beginning of the first luteal phase was registered on day 87±19 (range 60 to 106). The animals which resumed cyclicity were in significantly better body condition and had significantly higher mean body weight than anoestrous cows. In the group which resumed ovarian activity, calcium levels decreased significantly from 3 weeks before until the first rise of progesterone in the first normal cycle. The study was divided into 2 periods corresponding to weeks 0 to 8 (I) and 9 to 18 (II) based on the finding that until week 8 all animals were reproductively inactive. During period I there were no significant differences between the groups in blood concentrations of albumin, glucose, urea, cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus. During period II albumin was significantly higher and urea significantly lower in the cows resuming ovarian activity. The results suggest that cows able to maintain their body condition from calving through the earlypost-partum period will have shorter intervals to firstpost-partum oestrus than cows which have lost body weight. The lower urea and higher albumin levels in the cyclic animals probably reflected a better feed efficiency—the demands of lactation were compensated by an altered nitrogen metabolism.
Reinicio De La Actividad Ovarica En Vacas Zebu (Bos Indicus) En El Tropico Humedo: Influencia De La Condicion Corporal Y De Los Niveles Plasmaticos De Algunos Compuestos Relacionados Con La Nutricion
Resumen Este estudio investigó la relación entre el reinicio de la actividad ovárica y la condición corporal en un rebaño de 20 vacas zebú en el trópico húmedo. Se realizaron también análisis de sangre para monitorizar el estado nutricional de los animales. Se utilizaron los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona para determinar actividad ovárica. Durante el estudio, que duró las primeras 18 semanas postparto, 7 animales reiniciaron la actividad ovárica mientras que los 13 restantes permanecieron en anoestro. El inicio de la primera fase luteínica tuvo lugar el día 87±19 postparto (rango 16–106). Los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica tenían una condición corporal significativamente mejor y un peso significativamente más alto que los animales que se mantuvieron en anoestro. En el grupo de animales que reinició la actividad ovárica, la concentración plasmática de calcio disminuyó significativamente durante las tres últimas semanas antes del aumento en la concentración de progesterona correspondiente al primer ciclo ovárico. Debido a que hasta la octava semana después del parto todos los animales estuvieron en anoestro, el estudio se dividió en dos períodos: período I (semanas 1 a 8) y período II (semanas 9 a 18). Durante el período I no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de animales en las concentraciones plasmáticas de albúmina, glucosa, urea, colesterol, calcio ni fósforo. Durante el período II la concentración de albúmina fue significativamente más alta en el grupo de animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica, mientras que la concetración de urea fue significativamente mayor en los animales que permanecieron en anoestro. Los resultados sugieren que las vacas que son capaces de mantener su condición corporal durante las primeras semanas postparto tienen intervalos parto-estro más cortos que las vacas que han perdido condición corporal. El hecho de que los animales que reiniciaron antes su actividad ovárica tuvieran una concentración plasmática de albúmina superior y una concentración de urea inferior que los que permanecieron en anoestro probablemente refleja una mayor eficiencia en la utilización del alimento en los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica. Es decir, las demanadas energéticas de la lactación fueron compensadas mediante un cambio en el metabolismo del nitrógeno.

Reprise De l'Activite Ovarienne Chez Des Femelles Zebus (Bos Indicus) Dans Les Pays Tropicaux Humides: Influence De l'Etat De Sante Et Des Teneurs De Certains Composants Sanguins Lies A l'Alimentation
Résumé Cette étude examina la relation centre la reprise de l'activité ovarienne et l'état de santé d'un groupe de 20 femelles zébus des pays tropicaux humides. Les profiles chimiques du sang furent aussi analysés pour contrôler l'état nutritionnel. La teneur en progestérone du plasma fut utilisée pour déterminer l'activité ovarienne. Pendant l'étude, qui dura 18 semaines après le vêlage, sept animaux reprirent une activité ovarienne alors que treize restèrent à un stade sans oestrus. Le début de la première phase lutéale fut enregistré au jour 87±19 (écart 60–106). Les animaux qui reprirent des cycles furent de façon significative en meilleure condition physique et eurent un poids moyen significativement superieur aux femelles sans oestrus. Dans le groupe qui reprit une activité ovarienne, les teneurs en calcium diminuèrent de façon significative trois semaines avant la première montée de progestérone du premier cycle normalisé. L'étude fut divisée en deux périodes correspondant aux semaines 0–8 (phase I) et 9–18 (phase II) se basant sur le fait que les animaux furent tous inactifs du point de vue reproductif jusqu'a la huitième semaine. Pendant la phase I, il n'y eut pas de différences significatives entre les groupes pour les concentrations sanguines en albumine, glucose, urée, cholestérol, calcium et phosphore. Pendant la phase II l'albumine fut de façon significative plus élevée et l'urée plus basse chez les femelles reprenant une activité ovarienne. Les résultats suggèrent que les femelles capables de maintenir leur condition physique pendant toute la période du vêlage auront un premier oestrus plus rapide que les femelles ayant perdu du poids. Les teneurs plus faibles en urée et plus fortes en albumine chez les animaux ayant un cycle reflètent probablement d'une meilleure efficacité dans la nutrition. Les demands en lactation furent compensées par l'altération due métabolisme azoté.
The study of different natural carbon sinks has become especially important because of climate change effects. The restoration of contaminated areas can be an ideal strategy for carbon sequestration. The studied area was affected by toxic Aznalcóllar mine spill in 1998. Restoration process of the contaminated area was based, mainly, on the use of two organic amendments: leonardite (LE) and biosolid compost (BC). The objective of this study was to verify whether the application of these amendments promotes the long‐term carbon sequestration in this soil. Five treatments were established: untreated control, biosolid compost (doses 4 and 2) and leonardite (doses 4 and 2). The addition of amendments implied an improvement in soil quality that was directly related to the amendment dose: decrease in bulk density, increase in pH, higher respiration rates and an improvement in the stratification ratio. Dose‐dependent changes in the molecular composition of soil organic matter were shown by nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. Both amendments promoted carbon retention, although because of the low mineralization rates of soil organic matter in LE treatments, the carbon storage was higher. The dosage effect on the carbon balance was more important in LE treatments, whereas in the BC treatments, the balance was similar for both doses. Our findings suggest that LE4 significantly increased the total organic carbon and it was the most suitable treatment for long‐term carbon storage, because of its molecular composition rich in relatively stable aromatic and lignin‐derived compounds. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The software (Integrated Resources for Evaluating Numerical Estimates) is a data analysis tool designed to provide easy access to statistical techniques for use in model evaluation. Mostly, non-replicated model estimates (Ei) are compared against non-replicated measurements (Mi). The software also allows comparing individual estimates against replicated measurements (or vice versa) and replicated estimates against replicated measurements. The evaluation of model performance is essentially based on the difference EiMi, or on the correlation–regression of Ei vs. Mi (or vice versa). In addition, model evaluation by probability distributions, pattern analysis, or fuzzy-based aggregation statistics is allowed. Graphics are included in most analytical tasks. The results are displayed in separate spreadsheets and can be exported into MS Excel workbooks.  相似文献   
Flanking sequences of the puroindoline a(pinA) and puroindoline b (pinB) genes from Triticum monococcum, T. urartu, Aegilops speltoides and A. tauschii were obtained by inverse PCR. Two accessions from each of these related diploid taxa were sequenced, and the sequences compared to those of the soft hexaploid wheat cultivar `Penawawa'. As expected from the origin of the D-genome in hexaploid wheat, the highest sequence identity was observed for the A. tauschii sequences, whereas the sequences for A.speltoides were the most divergent. The promoter sequences were further analyzed for putative regulatory elements, and the possible significance of several highly conserved sequence motifs is discussed. Western blots of Triton X-114 extracted proteins separated by SDS-PAGE confirmed the accumulation of pinA and pinB gene products in the endosperm of all the germplasm lines studied. The deduced amino acid sequences for the related diploid taxa do not imply any major structural changes as compared to the wild-type T. aestivum puroindolines, and is therefore in agreement with the soft endosperm texture of these species. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In this work an HPLC method for the determination of azadirachtin residues on olives was developed, and the field degradation kinetics of the pesticide was studied. In field trials the active ingredient (a.i.) decay had a half-life time of 0.8 days, which was too short to show a good efficacy of treatment. The mechanism of disappearance of the pesticide studied with model systems showed that it was unrelated to evaporation, thermodegradation, and co-distillation, but it was related to photodegradation. The high photodegradation rate of commercial formulations calls for the need to test different formulates in order to increase the persistence of the residue and thus the pesticide's efficacy.  相似文献   
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