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Purple and yellow nutsedge are two of the most troublesome weeds in the world. In the south-eastern USA, both weeds are common in vegetable crops and are the most difficult weeds to control in this region. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the herbicidal activity of five liquid isothiocyanates (ITCs) (benzoyl, o -tolyl, m -tolyl, tert -octyl, and 3-fluorophenyl) on purple and yellow nutsedge. All ITCs were applied to soil in jars at 0, 100, 1000, 5000, and 10 000 nmol g−1 of soil and sealed for 72 h to prevent gaseous losses, followed by nutsedge growth evaluations after an additional 18 days. All ITCs reduced purple and yellow nutsedge shoot density and shoot biomass over the concentrations evaluated, with differences in the effectiveness on each species apparent among the compounds. Based on the lethal concentration values for shoot density, all ITCs were more effective in suppressing purple nutsedge than yellow nutsedge. Benzoyl and 3-fluorophenyl were generally the most effective of the five ITCs evaluated.  相似文献   
Selected engineering properties of seeds of four red clover varieties were studied. The seeds of diploid and tetraploid forms were statistically different in terms of true and bulk density, porosity, volume, 1000 seed weight, equivalent diameter and yellowness index. The volume, 1000 seed weight and equivalent diameter were found to be statistically higher for tetraploid than for diploid forms. The accuracy of varietal classification based on the physical properties of seeds was found to be most satisfactory. Varieties of Bona and Jubilatka were identified with 100% accuracy based on the physical properties of seeds. Bona was the most conducive variety for the classification of red clover seeds based on four groups of engineering properties. The relationships between groups of properties described by total redundancy did not exceed 50% for any of variable pairs.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Although cryptococcosis is a well-characterised disease of cats, the factors predisposing individuals to infection are unknown. As an indication of the immune status of an individual, lymphocyte subsets can be analysed. Reference ranges for feline lymphocyte subsets (Pan T+, CD4+, CDS+ and B cells) were established using a rapid whole blood technique and flow cytometry. There were no effects of age or sex on lymphocyte subset values. The numbers of circulating leucocytes and lymphocyte subsets were determined in FIV-positive and FIV-negative cats with cryptococcosis and compared with a group of healthy control cats.
There were only minor differences in the numbers of lymphocyte subsets among the subgroups of cats examined in the study and the predisposition to cryptococcosis in cats could not be explained by deficiencies in lymphocyte subsets. There was a tendency for FIV-negative cats with cryptococcosis to have reduced numbers of circulating CD4+ cells and lower CD4:CD8 ratios compared with normal cats, although the interpretation of this finding was complicated by the wide reference range for normal cats. The extent to which this is the cause of the fungal infection was not determined.
The only difference in leucocyte or lymphocytes subset values between FIV-negative cats with cryptococcosis and FIV-positive cats with cryptococcosis was that the CD4+ percentage was lower in the FIV-positive cats. The absolute CD4+ count was similar however, in FIV-positive and FIV-negative cryptococcosis cases. On the basis of this and other available information, the categorisation of cryptococcosis as a disease defining the AIDS phase of FIV infection may be incorrect.  相似文献   
Summary: 7 of 8 dogs receiving combination drug therapy consisting of flucytosine together with amphotericin B and/or a triazole for cryptococcosis or aspergillosis developed cutaneous or mucocutaneous eruptions during the course of treatment. Lesions resolved in all cases following discontinuation of flucytosine despite continued administration of other antifungals, suggesting the eruption was referable primarily to the flucytosine component of therapy. Lesions developed 13 to 41 days (median 20 days) after commencing flucytosine (105 to 188 mg/kg/day divided and given every 8 h; median dose rate 150 mg/kg/day). The cumulative dose of flucytosine given prior to the first signs of the drug eruption ranged from 1.7 to 6.8 g/kg (median 2.3 g/kg). The eruptions consisted of depigmentation, followed by ulceration, exudation and crust formation. The scrotum was affected in all 4 male dogs, the nasal plane in 6 of 7 cases, while the lips, vulva, external ear canal and integument were involved in a smaller number of cases. There was considerable variation in the severity of lesions, with changes being most marked when flucytosine was continued for several days after lesions first appeared. Some dogs experienced malaise and inappetence in association with the suspected drug eruption. Healing took a variable period, typically in excess of 2 weeks after discontinuing flucytosine, with up to 2 months being required for total resolution of the lesions. All lesions resolved eventually without scarring or permanent loss of pigment.  相似文献   
Objective To obtain a better understanding of a disease affecting dogs in which nodular mycobacterial granulomas are present in the subcutis or skin. Design Retrospective survey Procedure A diagnosis of an unidentified mycobacterial infection was made in 45 dogs following detection of acid-fast bacilli surrounded by granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation in tissue sections. Eight cases were identified from the records of our diagnostic laboratory. In all cases culture for mycobacteria was unsuccessful. Another 37 cases were identified by practitioners and veterinary pathologists in response to a survey mailed to veterinary clinics throughout Australia. Data from these 45 cases were entered into a data base. The data set was incomplete, as some respondents did not answer all questions. Results Over 90% of affected dogs had short coats and about half were Boxers or Boxer-cross dogs. A weak seasonal trend for the development of primary lesions in autumn and winter was identified. Cases were recorded from New South Wales (35 dogs), Western Australia (4), Queensland (4), Tasmania (1) and New Zealand (1). The subcutis and skin of the ears and head (including the ears) were involved in 64% and 85% of cases, respectively, for which lesion site was recorded. Culture was attempted but was unsuccessful in 19 cases, including 11 cases where material was submitted to our laboratory and/or a Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory. Lymph node enlargement, internal organ involvement or constitutional signs were not a feature of the syndrome, and most lesions did not worry the dogs. Although many practitioners recorded a favourable response to therapy with doxycycline (response rate 57%) or amoxycillin-clavulanate (63%), spontaneous resolution of infection was thought to have occurred in six of seven dogs (86%) not given systemic antimicrobials, and three dogs where antimicrobials had failed previously. A minority of cases failed to respond to antimicrobial therapy and continued to have chronic lesions. There was no discernible trend for dogs of a particular age or sex to be affected. Conclusion This syndrome is caused by saprophytic mycobacteria of limited pathogenicity that give rise to lesions restricted principally but not exclusively to the subcutis and skin of body extremities. Fastidious growth requirements have prevented their isolation on synthetic media used for culture of mycobacteria. Organisms presumably enter the subcutis following a breach in integrity of the epidermal barrier and produce self-limiting disease in immunocompetent dogs. Lesions tend to resolve spontaneously. The possibility of a public health threat from affected dogs is highly unlikely.  相似文献   
Triterpene saponins from aerial parts of Medicago truncatula cv. Jemalong A-17, M. truncatula Gaertn.var. longispina Urb., and M. truncatula Gaertn. var. truncatula were profiled and quantified using reverse-phase liquid chromatography with on-line photodiode array detection and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-PDA/ESI/MS/MS). The determination was based on standard curves obtained for the 18 available saponin standards, previously isolated from Jemalong A-17. Aerial parts of all three subspecies contained 17 saponins previously identified and also a substantial amount of astragaloside VIII (3-GlcA-Xyl-Rha soyasapogenol B), not previously reported in M. truncatula. The compositions of saponin mixtures were very similar in the three subspecies with three dominant groups, recognized as zanhic acid, medicagenic acid, and soyasapogenol glycosides. Relative proportions of these three groups were also similar in the three subspecies: var. longispina had 49.5, 48.1, and 2.4%; var. truncatula, 41.5, 53.4, and 5.1%; and Jemalong A-17, 42.1, 56.6, and 1.3% of zanhic acid, medicagenic acid, and soyasapogenol glycosides, respectively. Jemalong A-17 had 30% lower total content of saponins as compared to M. truncatula var. longispina and M. truncatula var. truncatula; in relation to the dry matter, var. longispina contained 0.22%, var. truncatula, 0.22%, and Jemalong A-17, 0.15% dry matter of saponins. If one takes into consideration that this determination was performed on spring-collected samples, it can be concluded that the concentration of saponins in M. truncatula is similar to the concentration in alfalfa (Medicago sativa); the proportions of the three groups of saponins in these species are slightly different from those found in alfalfa, having a higher content of zanhic acid glycosides.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A latex cryptococcal antigen agglutination test (LCAT) was performed on sera obtained during the first 14 days of treatment from 58 animals (46 cats, 9 dogs, 2 koalas and 1 long billed corella) with cryptococcosis. The same commercial kit was used for all samples, and most serum samples were treated with pronase before testing. Sera from all 58 cases tested positive with the qualitative LCAT protocol (using undiluted sera), while sera from all 26 cats without cryptococcosis tested negative. Titres determined using the quantitative protocol ranged from 1 to 131 072 (median titre between 2048 and 4096), with 57 of 58 cases (including all 8 animals that presented for neurological signs) having titres 2 and thus considered positive according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The LCAT titre was positively correlated with disease severity (r = 0.4169; P = 0.0011), and patients with disseminated skin and/or lymph node involvement had significantly higher titres than those that did not (P = 0.0157). The presence of neurological signs, the species of the patient, concurrent viral disease (in cats) and the biotype of the isolate had no significant association with the LCAT titre. Cats that died of active cryptococcosis despite treatment did not have significantly higher titres (P = 0.3010) than those that responded to treatment. Sequential LCAT determinations obtained in 37 patients during treatment provided a useful quantitative indication of clinical progress, although the decline in titre lagged somewhat behind clinical improvement. Generally, the antigen titre declined by 2 to 4 fold per month during successful therapy. Although there are insufficent data to make unequivocal recommendations, we suggest that either antifungal therapy be continued until the LCAT titre declines to less than 1, or therapy be discontinued after a 32 fold or greater reduction in titre, with periodic monitoring of the serum antigen titre. Treatment of serum samples with pronase substantially increased the sensitivity of the LCAT.  相似文献   
Six cases (3 cats, 3 dogs) of cryptococcosis were cured using combination chemotherapy that included amphotericin B. We developed a simple, practical and inexpensive method of administering amphotericin B as a subcutaneous infusion during the treatment of these patients. For this, the calculated dose of amphotericin B (0.5 to 0.8 mg/kg) was added to 400 mL, for cats, or to 500 mL, for dogs, of 0.45% saline containing 2.5% dextrose. These amounts were given subcutaneously 2 or 3 times weekly over several months, to a total cumulative dose of 8 to 26 mg/kg body weight. Subcutaneous infusions were generally well tolerated by the animals, although concentrations of amphotericin B in excess of 20 mg/L resulted in local irritation. This protocol enabled the administration of larger, and thus more effective, quantities of amphotericin B without producing marked azotaemia.  相似文献   
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