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根据所测定的白色力克斯兔(WR)、哈尔滨白兔(HW)及杂种一代(F_1,?WR×?HW)和回交一代[B_1,?WRX×?F_1,包括分离出的力克斯毛型(B_1R)和正常毛型(B_1N)]的5个血液蛋白多态系统——红细胞酯酶(Es—1、Es—2和Es—3)、前转铁蛋白(Prt)和后白蛋白(Po)的基因频率和基因型新率,比较了群体间的基因分布,估算了各群体内的平均杂合度和群体间的遗传距离,并运用类平均聚类法进行了聚类分析.结果表明,白色力克斯兔和哈尔滨白兔基因分布差异最大.亲缘关系最远;杂种一代和回交一代基因分布差异最小,亲缘关系最近;杂交一代和回交一代与白色力克斯兔亲缘关系较近,与哈尔滨白兔较远;回交一代中B_1N和B_1R间基因分布也存在一定差异.各群体平均杂合度大小为0.5223(HW)、0.4182[B_1,0.4846(B_1N)和0.3223(B_R)]、0.1105(F_1)和0.3946(WR).研究结果表明,利用蛋白多态性探讨家兔品种或品系间亲缘关系以及区分家兔品种或品系是可行的.此外,本文还结合各群体的变异性,对白色力克斯免和哈尔滨白兔的选育进行了探讨.  相似文献   
李传祥 《中国家禽》2007,29(14):26-27
要想养好肉鸡,并获得较好的经济效益,必须要具备几个条件:优良的品种;全价的饲料;优良完好的设备;精心科学的管理;严格的防疫和疾病控制.现在当前农村肉鸡养殖户中管理方面存在的误区介绍如下:……  相似文献   
乌梁素海面积约293 km2,水生植物总产量360万t/年,是典型的重度富营养化草型湖泊。如何开发利用乌梁素海水草资源不仅能解决当地饲料资源短缺问题,同时对该区生态系统的恢复与重建也有着重要的现实意义。开发水草饲料中遇到的一个问题就是水草氟含量超标,含量在143.2~184.2 mg/kg之间,已超过绵羊牧草安全量限量(30~40 mg/kg),长期食入过量氟会引起畜禽氟中毒。很多研究都证明了过量无机氟(NaF)的食入不但影响骨骼代谢,还会影响动物内分泌、神经系统、造血功能。氟经过水草富集虽然含氟量高,但经过植物体的稳衡作用后,对动物体的毒性下降[1]…  相似文献   
EM是一种新的微生物制剂,在动物生产中有着广泛的应用.该文主要综述了在羊只生产中EM制剂对羊只的环境、生长、产品质量、繁殖率、疾病防治等方面的作用效果,为实际应用提供了参考.  相似文献   
本试验使用5只成年母鸡,采用846合剂全身麻醉,伏卧或卧保定,进行输尿管引出手术,手术分两步进行,最后使输尿管开口从泄殖腔壁上游离出来,固定并暴露于尾下肛门上方的体表。试验结果表明,手术对我明显不良影响,术后鸡正常采食和产蛋,能长期饲养并分别采集单纯的尿液和粪便,可作为一种有用的试验动物模型。  相似文献   
西藏绒山羊被毛纤维特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了西藏绒山羊日土型、尼玛型和紫绒型被毛纤维中绒的直径和自然长度、毛的直径和长度、绒毛比。日土型羊绒的直径、自然长度均高于尼玛型和紫绒型,日土型和尼玛型羊的绒毛重量比高于紫绒型,而3种类型的绒毛根数比无显著差异(P>0.05)。绒的直径与自然长度、产绒量呈正相关,而且相关关系显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
鹿花盘水溶性成分的药理活性与临床应用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用分子筛方法制备的鹿花盘水溶性成分及多肽具有明显地抑制戊酸雌二醇所致的乳腺增生,其作用强度较丙酸睾丸素125 m g/kg 强。此外,还有较显著地促进巨噬细胞的吞噬功能和增加 T 淋巴细胞的增殖能力,抑制 M A- 737 乳腺癌的生长,改善乳腺癌小鼠 T 淋巴细胞的衰竭。通过急性、亚急性、过敏性等安全性试验检查证明,鹿花盘水溶性成分无任何毒副作用,进一步通过146 例乳腺增生患者的临床疗效观察,其有效率达8355 % ,是一种很有前途的妇女保健产品。  相似文献   
In 2008, two deer hunters in Virginia and Connecticut were infected with a unique strain of pseudocowpox virus, a parapoxvirus. To estimate the prevalence of this virus, and in an attempt to define the reservoir, Parapoxvirus surveillance was undertaken between November 2009 and January 2010. 125 samples from four ruminant species (cows, goat, sheep and white‐tailed deer) were collected in Virginia, and nine samples from white‐tailed deer were collected in Connecticut. We found no evidence that the parapoxvirus species that infected the deer hunters is circulating among domesticated ruminants or white‐tailed deer. However, parapoxvirus DNA of a different parapoxvirus species, bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV), was detected in 31 samples obtained from asymptomatic cattle in Virginia. Parapoxvirus DNA–positive cattle originated from the same counties indicating probable transmission among animals. Molecular analysis identified BPSV as the parapoxvirus affecting animals. Asymptomatic parapoxvirus infections in livestock, particularly young animals, may be common, and further investigation will inform our knowledge of virus transmission.  相似文献   
Brucellosis, caused by a facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella, is one of the most prevalent zoonosis worldwide. Host infection relies on several uncanonical virulence factors. A recent research hotpot is the links between carbon metabolism and bacterial virulence. In this study, we found that a carbon metabolism-related pyruvate kinase (Pyk) encoded by pyk gene (locus tag BAB_RS24320) was associated with Brucella virulence. Determination of bacterial growth curves and resistance to environmental stress factors showed that Pyk plays an important role in B. abortus growth, especially under the conditions of nutrition deprivation, and resistance to oxidative stress. Additionally, cell infection assay showed that Pyk is necessary for B. abortus survival and evading fusion with lysosomes within RAW264.7 cells. Moreover, animal experiments exhibited that the Pyk deletion significantly reduced B. abortus virulence in a mouse infection model. Our results elucidated the role of the Pyk in B. abortus virulence and provided information for further investigation of Brucella virulence associated carbon metabolism.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate toxic effects of aflatoxin B1(AFB1) on growth performance, organs, hepatic enzyme activities, apparent digestibility of nutrients and digestive enzyme activities in ducks. Ninety 1-day-old Cherry Valley commercial ducks were designed to three treatment groups with three replicates of ten birds each. Group I (control) was fed conventional feed free of AFB1, group II or III was fed the diets containing 20 μg/kg or 40 μg/kg AFB1-contaminated rice respectively. The feeding trial lasted 6 weeks. The results were that decreased body weight gain and feed intake, increased feed to gain ratio and selected organ weights (liver, kidney and pancreas) were observed in AFB1-treated groups. The activities of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were significantly increased in AFB1-contamined groups. The apparent digestibility of crude protein (CP) was significantly lower while activities of digestive enzyme from duodenum contents including protease, chymotrypsin, trypsin and amylase were increased in AFB1-treated group. These results indicated that AFB1 of feed could decrease growth performance and apparent digestibility of nutrients, change digestive enzyme activities of duodenum contents in duck.  相似文献   
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