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Drug-dependent neural plasticity related to drug addiction and schizophrenia can be modeled in animals as behavioral sensitization, which is induced by repeated noncontingent or self-administration of many drugs of abuse. Molecular mechanisms that are critical for behavioral sensitization have yet to be specified. Long-term depression (LTD) of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-mediated synaptic transmission in the brain has been proposed as a cellular substrate for learning and memory. The expression of LTD in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) required clathrin-dependent endocytosis of postsynaptic AMPARs. NAc LTD was blocked by a dynamin-derived peptide that inhibited clathrin-mediated endocytosis or by a GluR2-derived peptide that blocked regulated AMPAR endocytosis. Systemic or intra-NAc infusion of the membrane-permeable GluR2 peptide prevented the expression of amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization in the rat.  相似文献   
American ginseng is the premier medicinal plant harvested from the wild in the United States. In this study, seven populations of ginseng plants were censused every 3 weeks during the growing season over 5 years to monitor deer browse and harvest and to project population growth and viability. The minimum viable population size was approximately 800 plants, a value greater than that of all populations currently being monitored. When simulated deer browsing rates were reduced 50% or more, population viability rose sharply. Without more effective deer population control, ginseng and many other valuable understory herbs are likely to become extinct in the coming century.  相似文献   
Evoked potential correlates of auditory signal detection   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A long-latency comnponent of the averaged evoked potential recorded from the human scalp varied in close relationship with subjects' perceptual reports in an auditory signal detection task. Detected signals evoked potentials several times larger than did undetected signals, falsely reported signals, or correctly reported nonsignals. The threshold signal intensity at which detection perfornmance exceeded chance levels was identical with concurrently obtained electro-physiological measures of threshold.  相似文献   
Summary Over a period of three years seed potatoes were sprouted in three different types of container in three different structures. In a polythene-covered structure the effect of the container on sprout length was inconclusive but in a ventilated house the sprouts on seed in the trays and sacks were significantly longer than those in the boxes. In both structures the difference in the yields of the seed from the different container was not significant. The sprouts on the seed in the polythene-covered structure were longer and more numerous than those in the ventilated house, and although in one year the yield from seed from the polythene structure was significantly greater than that from the ventilated house in the following year this result was reversed. The seed from an open-fronted straw barn had the shortest sprouts and lowest yields.
Zusammenfassung W?hrend einer dreij?hrigen Versuchsperiode wurde in Vorkeimkistchen, S?cken und Kisten eingelegtes Pflanzgut in einem belüfteten Kartoffellagerraum, in einer offenen Scheune und in einem im Freien aufgestellten Stapel vorgekeimt. Der Stapel war mit einer Poly?thylenfolie bedeckt und mittels eines elektrischen Heizkabels erw?rmt (Abb. 1; Tabelle 1). Man sch?tzte, dass für die Herrichtung des Stapels 70 Minuten (AK) pro Tonne Kartoffeln n?tig waren (Abb. 2; Tabelle 2). W?hrend der Lagerzeit wurde die Temperatur in den Vorkeimeinrichtungen registriert. Wenn diese 5 °C überschritt, wurde die Differenz (°C) mit der Zeit (Stunden) multipliziert und das Ergebnis als ‘Grad-Tage’ ausgedrückt (Tabelle 3). Vor dem Auspflanzen wurden Proben von den drei Varianten in den verschiedenen Vorkeimeinrichtungen genommen, um Daten über Keimzahl und Keiml?nge zu sammeln (Tabelle 4a) und Signifikanzwerte zu errechnen (Tabelle 4b). Im Fall der Vorkeimung unter Folie war die Auswirkung des Pflanzgutbeh?lters auf die Keiml?nge nicht entscheidend. Im belüfteten Kartoffellagerraum aber waren die Keime des Pflanzgutes aus den Vorkeimkisten und den S?cken bedeutend l?nger als solche aus den Kisten. In beiden F?llen zeigten die Ertr?ge des Pflanzgutes aus den verschiedenen Beh?ltern keine signifikanten Unterschiede (Tabellen 4a und 4b). Im allgemeinen wuchsen die Keime des unter der Poly?thylenfolie gelagerten Pflanzgutes l?nger als solche im belüfteten Lagerraum (Tabelle 4a); in einem Jahr brachte jenes Pflanzgut h?here Ertr?ge als dieses und im folgenden Jahr war es umgekehrt. Das Pflanzgut aus der offenen Scheune wies die kürzesten Keime und die kleinsten Ertr?ge auf. Aus den Resultaten ergeben sich die Folgerungen, dass der Vorkeimbeh?lter keinen Einfluss auf die Ertr?ge ausübt und dass es m?glich ist, den Mittelwert der l?ngsten Keime auf ungef?hr 12 mm zu beschr?nken. Ferner wurde festgestellt, dass eine Sonderausführung des Vorkeimhauses mit mechanischer Belüftung keinen deutlichen Vorteil bringt.

Résumé Pendant trois années, on a fait germer des plants de pomme de terre conservés en caisses, en sacs et en caissettes dans trois types d'abri, soit dans un magasin ventilé, un hangar à c?tés ouverts et un système où les contenants étaient entassés en plein air, puis couverts d'un film de polyéthylène et chauffés électriquement par un cable flexible (Fig. 1, Tabl. 1). On a calculé que le temps nécessaire pour réaliser le troisième type d'abri était de 70 minutes de main d'oeuvre par tonne de pommes de terre stockées (Fig. 2, Tabl. 2). Pendant la période de stockage, on a enregistré la température dans les abris et on a calculé des ‘degré-jours’ (Tabl. 3) en multipliant le nombre de degrés audessus de 5 °C par le temps de dépassement (en heures). Avant la plantation, on a prélevé des échantillons dans les contenants dans chacun des trois abris, l'on a déterminé la longueur et le nombre de germes et l'on a calculé la signification des résultats (Tabl. 4b). L'influence du contenant sur la longueur des germes n'était pas concluante dans le cas d'abri en film de polyéthylène; par contre dans le magasin ventilé, les germes des tubercules étaient nettement plus longs dans les caisses et les sacs que dans les clayettes. Dans les deux cas, le contenant n'exer?ait pas d'influence significative sur la récolte (Tabl. 4a et 4b). En général, les germes des tubercules provenant de l'abri couvert de polyéthylène étaient plus longs et plus nombreux que ceux des échantillons provenant du magasin ventilé (Tabl. 4a). Une année, la récolte provenant des tubercules stockés dans le magasin ventilé a été supérieure, mais l'année suivante on observait le contraire. Les tubercules conservés dans le hangar à c?tes ouverts ont présenté les germes les plus courts et ont produit les rendements les plus bas. De tout quoi, il est conclu que le type de contenant dans lequel les germes se développent n'a pas d'influence sur la récolte et qu'il est possible de limiter la longueur moyenne des germes les plus longs à 12 mm environ. De plus, l'emploi d'un local spécial équipé d'un système mécanique de ventilation n'apporte aucun avantage pour la germination des plants de pomme de terre.
RNA interference is a phenomenon in which the introduction of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) into cells triggers the degradation of the complementary messenger RNA in a sequence‐specific manner. Suppressing expression of vital genes could lead to insect death, therefore this technology has been considered as a potential strategy for insect pest control. There are three main routes of dsRNA administration into insects: (i) injections to the hemolymph, (ii) topical, and (iii) feeding. In this review, we focus on dsRNA administration through feeding. We summarize novel strategies that have been developed to improve the efficacy of this method, such as the use of nano‐based formulations, engineered microorganisms, and transgenic plants. We also expose the hurdles that have to be overcome in order to use this technique as a reliable pest management method. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The efficacy of milbemycin oxime was evaluated at dosages of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 mg/kg of body weight in dogs naturally infected with mature Ancylostoma spp, at a dosage of 0.50 mg/kg in dogs with experimentally induced immature and mature A caninum, and at dosages of 0.55 to 0.86 mg/kg in dogs naturally infected with mature Trichuris vulpis. Milbemycin oxime was 95 and 99% effective against mature Ancylostoma spp at dosages of 0.50 and 0.75 mg/kg, respectively, but only 49% effective at a dosage of 0.25 mg/kg. Efficacy was 49% against pulmonary L3-L4 stages of A caninum (36 hours after inoculation), greater than 80% against L4 (120 hours after inoculation) and early L5 stages (216 hours after inoculation), and greater than 90% against experimentally induced mature stages (360 hours after inoculation). Milbemycin oxime was also 97% effective in the removal of mature Tr vulpis from naturally infected dogs. Adverse reactions were not observed following treatment in any of the dogs.  相似文献   
This study investigated the performance of steers grazing rhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) (RBFT) compared to nonrhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (BFT) in pure stands or when interseeded with endophyte-free tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; TF). Five forage treatments of RBFT, BFT, TF, RBFT+TF, and BFT+TF (four replicate paddocks per treatment) were continuously stocked in spring and fall of 1998 and spring of 1999. Grazing for individual treatments was terminated when pasture mass fell below 900 kg/ha. Average daily gain was greatest (P < 0.10) in pure stands of BFT and RBFT, but total forage production, and thus grazing days, for these treatments was low. Average daily gain for steers grazing BFT+TF and RBFT+TF treatments was not different from (spring and fall 1998) or greater (P < 0.10) (spring 1999) than that for TF. Total forage production of BFT+TF and RBFT+TF was greater (P < 0.10) than that of TF in spring 1998. In fall 1998, BFT+TF produced more (P < 0.10) total forage than either RBFT+TF or TF, and in spring 1999, RBFT+TF had less (P < 0.10) total forage than TF or BFT+TF. Total steer days on mixed pastures were greater (P < 0.10) than that for TF in spring and fall 1998 but not different from those for TF in spring 1999. In all three trials total weight gain/hectare was greater (P < 0.10) for RBFT+TF and BFT+TF than for TF. The RBFT+TF and BFT +TF had greater (P < 0.05) CP than TF in spring and fall 1998 and less (P < 0.05) NDF and ADF in fall 1998. We concluded that either RBFT or BFT could be interseeded with tall fescue to enhance ADG and total steer days.  相似文献   
The depolymerization of individual high and low molecular weight (HMW and LMW, respectively) glutenin subunits (GS) from the glutenin macropolymer (GMP) in doughs during mixing was investigated by reversed-phase (RP) HPLC and SDS-PAGE. Cultivars with different dough strengths, as well as lines null for specific HMW-GS and biotypes differing at individual HMW-GS and LMW-GS encoding loci, were studied. During mixing, the proportion of total HMW-GS in GMP decreased, and the ratios of different subunits in the GMP in doughs changed. There was a loss of chromosome 1B- and 1D-encoded x-HMW-GS, while the relative proportions of y-HMW-GS (among HMW-GS) increased. Changes in 1B subunits occurred first, while most of the changes in 1D HMW-GS content occurred during dough breakdown. Changes were more pronounced for doughs of weak to average strengths than for stronger doughs. RP-HPLC analysis demonstrated a consistent increase in the retention times (surface hydrophobicity) of chromosome 1D-encoded HMW-GS but not of other HMW-GS or LMW-GS during mixing. SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC demonstrated that specific B subunits, typically those with lower hydrophobicity, were selectively depolymerized from the GMP during dough breakdown, while the proportions of specific C subunits, typically those with greater hydrophobicity, increased. Similar trends were seen in analyses of several pairs of biotypes differing at single LMW-GS encoding loci, although there were slight differences in the depolymerization behavior of wheats with different allelic compositions. The results suggest that dough breakdown may be triggered by the loss of specific HMW-GS from the GMP, and a structural hierarchy may exist for different LMW-GS within glutenin in doughs.  相似文献   
Contaminated ground represents a problem in all the industrialized countries of the world. Contaminated ground may give rise to hazards and that implies a degree of risk which also involves a problem of definition. The investigation of a site which is suspected of being contaminated differs somewhat from a routine site investigation. Sampling of soils, groundwater and gas producing material may be required. Various precautions may be necessary in doing this and operatives may have to wear protective clothing. The first case history considered involves a site investigation for a relief sewer in Glasgow, Scotland. As the site investigation progressed it ran into made‐ground which contained chemical waste. The presence of this waste meant that the nature of the investigation changed and much more stringent safety precautions had to be taken. It also meant that the initial location of the sewer tunnel had to be repositioned at greater depth in uncontaminated sandstone rather than in the superficial deposits above. Two further case histories associated with coal mining in the Ruhr district of Germany are included. The methods involved in investigating these two sites are described, as is their rehabilitation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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