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本文探讨了5%左旋咪唑注射液按10mg/kg 体重剂量的不同驱虫次数对生长育肥猪驱虫效率、中毒反应及生产性能的影响。结果表明,1)在60~240日龄全期试验内,分别于60和150日龄各驱虫1次的试验Ⅰ组猪日增重极显著高出对照组(不驱虫)的23.9%(p<0.01);也显著高于只在60日龄驱虫1次的试验Ⅱ组(p<0.05),尽管Ⅱ组猪日增重显著高于对照组14.5%(p<0.05)。2)用药后,猪只应激毒性反应为100%,但均能自然康复。3)2次驱虫的效率比1次驱虫的高,且彻底。因此,用左旋咪唑给生长育肥猪驱虫,宜进行2次(分别于60和150日龄),可显著改善生长性能和提高经济效益,适宜在农(山)区养猪中推广。  相似文献   
萘乙酸对大白菜钙素吸收运转及防治干烧心病的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
闻凤英  孙德岭 《园艺学报》1991,18(2):148-152
本研究从补钙入手,探索防治干烧心病的方法。用0.7%CaCl_2·2H_2O对和50ppmNAA混合液在大白菜结球期叶面喷洒5次,经8年试验,对大白菜干烧心病的相对防治效果达80%以上。 在此基础上,采用~(45)Ca示踪试验的方法对防病机理做了进一步研究。结果表明,无论从根部还是从叶部加萘乙酸对根部和叶部~(45)Ca的吸收和运转均具有促进作用,并且改变了其在大白菜植株内的分配规律。对照株单位干叶重dpm值自外向内呈下降趋势(130×10~3─60×10~3);用NAA处理株则相反,自外向内呈增加趋势(120×10~3─250×10~3),说明萘乙酸具有促进钙素向叶球中内部运转的功效。这种效果在贮藏期间仍能保持。另外,~(45)Ca向直接受到NAA处理部位的运转量有明显增高的趋势。这一结果为补钙防治干烧心病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
对N×特青示范田中试区与肥料试验田各处理小区稻株分析结果表明:抽穗后,亚种间杂交稻N×特青比常规稻特青干物质生产能力强,灌浆速度快;地上部各器官占植株干重比例,前者叶片比重大于茎,后者茎比重大于叶。亚种间杂交稻对肥料反应敏感,抽穗后,干物质累积,植株高度,每穗总粒数和粒重均随施肥量增加而增加,在高肥区有利于进一步提高产量,但增施氮肥后,灌浆速度明显滞后。  相似文献   
通过对二化螟群集性的调查分析,初步查明在不同类型田、水稻的不同生育期、二化螟幼虫的不同龄次,二化螟幼虫的群集性不同.这为科学制订二化螟防治指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
农业产业化主体的困惑——个人理性与团体理性的冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙头企业、中介服务机构和农户构成农业产业链条不可缺少的组成部分。任何一方对个人理性的盲目追求,会损害团体理性。因此,有必要对个人理性作适当的调整,以利于团体理性的发挥。  相似文献   
A biotin/avidin double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antigens of Leptospira interrogans serovars in experimentally inoculated bovine urine samples was evaluated. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) from rabbits immunized with L. interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjobovis sonicated, whole cell, and formalinized-heated antigen preparations were purified by a protein A-superose column coupled to fast protein liquid chromatography, and evaluated for species specificity in the ELISA. The ELISA using each specific IgG detected as few as 10(4) leptospires of the homologous serovar hardjo diluted in phosphate-buffered saline solution with Tween 20 (PBSS-Tween 20). On immunoblot analysis of proteinase-K-digested whole cell leptospiral preparations, each IgG revealed the presence of bands specific to serovar hardjo, suggesting the presence of serovar-specific epitopes on the lipopolysaccharide molecules. The minimum number of cells of heterologous serovars pomona, grippotyphosa, bratislava, icterohaemorrhagiae and copenhageni detected by each ELISA was greater, ranging from 10(6) to 10(7). The common antigenic determinants observed on immunoblot analysis were different for each specific IgG, except for a major cross-reacting, possibly flagellar, protein doublet at approximately 36-36.5 kDa. Leptospires were equally well detected by the ELISA in both bovine urine and PBSS-Tween 20.  相似文献   
60日龄肉鹅发生小鹅瘟的诊治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴川市板桥镇某养鹅专业户饲养的一群肉鹅,60日龄时发生一种以下痢、脱水死亡为特征、伴有阵发性抽搐及扭头神经症状的疫病。经诊断检查,确诊为小鹅瘟病,现将诊治情况报告如下:1发病情况2000年4月19日,该专业户共购进雏鹅187只,1日龄时注射抗小鹅瘟血清,每只鹅1mL,育雏期间共死亡3只,尚余184只。养至6月18日时发现病鹅1只,20日病鹅发展到5只,并出现死鹅1只。至22日时共发病10只,死亡5只。发病期间,鹅主曾用土霉素、青霉素、禽菌灵等多种抗菌药物进行治疗,但效果均不理想。2 临床症状 病…  相似文献   
本试验以6个普通亚麻品种为材料,进行工艺长相关性状的通径分析。结果表明,5个相关性状对工艺长度影响大小顺序为:单株粒重>单株粒数>千粒重>株高>主茎分枝数。降低单株粒重是提高工艺长度的主要途径。在千粒重、单株粒重相对稳定的类型中,选择植株较高、单株粒数较多者,或在株高、单株粒数相对稳定的类型中,选择千粒重较高者是提高工艺长度的重要途径。减少主茎分枝数亦可有效提高工艺长度,但作用较小。  相似文献   
Canine thyroglobulin (cTg) has been isolated and purified. It has similar electrophoretic patterns as Tg from other mammalian species. The main fraction had a MW of 660,000, whereas also fractions of a MW of approximately 1,300,000 (dimer) and 330,000 (subunit) were present. The iodine content was 0.8 to 1.0 % (w/w). cTg did not cross-react with antibodies against human Tg to a degree that would allow the use of a radioimmunoassay for human Tg for the determination of cTg in serum or plasma. Therefore a polyclonal antiserum was raised against cTg and a homologous radioimmunoassay was developed, which was sensitive (0.4 μg/l) and specific (cross-reactivity in cTg assay of human Tg, goat Tg, T4, T3, and DIT < 0.01 %).

Plasma Tg levels in normal dogs of both sexes and aged 3–15 years amounted to 192 ± 73 μg/l (mean ± SD, n=30). There was no relation between plasma Tg and T4 levels.  相似文献   

Established by the former Ministry of Forestry in 1986, Dagangshan Forest Ecosystem Research Station is one of the 14 national key sites in the field of ecosystem research. In this paper, the basic situation of Dagangshan Forest Ecosystem Station is described, including geographic location, natural conditions, biological resources, research conditions, instruments, achievement, prospects etc.  相似文献   
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