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The closed-chamber method is the most common approach to determine CH4 fluxes in peatlands. The concentration change in the chamber is monitored over time, and the flux is usually calculated by the slope of a linear regression function. Theoretically, the gas exchange cannot be constant over time but has to decrease, when the concentration gradient between chamber headspace and soil air decreases. In this study, we test whether we can detect this non-linearity in the concentration change during the chamber closure with six air samples. We expect generally a low concentration gradient on dry sites (hummocks) and thus the occurrence of exponential concentration changes in the chamber due to a quick equilibrium of gas concentrations between peat and chamber headspace. On wet (flarks) and sedge-covered sites (lawns), we expect a high gradient and near-linear concentration changes in the chamber. To evaluate these model assumptions, we calculate both linear and exponential regressions for a test data set (n = 597) from a Finnish mire. We use the Akaike Information Criterion with small sample second order bias correction to select the best-fitted model. 13.6%, 19.2% and 9.8% of measurements on hummocks, lawns and flarks, respectively, were best fitted with an exponential regression model. A flux estimation derived from the slope of the exponential function at the beginning of the chamber closure can be significantly higher than using the slope of the linear regression function. Non-linear concentration-over-time curves occurred mostly during periods of changing water table. This could be due to either natural processes or chamber artefacts, e.g. initial pressure fluctuations during chamber deployment. To be able to exclude either natural processes or artefacts as cause of non-linearity, further information, e.g. CH4 concentration profile measurements in the peat, would be needed. If this is not available, the range of uncertainty can be substantial. We suggest to use the range between the slopes of the exponential regression at the beginning and at the end of the closure time as an estimate of the overall uncertainty.  相似文献   
The threat posed by invasive alien species to global crop production and biodiversity is recognized as one of the major drivers of global change today. Here we report on a successful implementation and operational use of new technology to support risk- and crisis management in the case of fighting an invasive plant disease. The open geospatial standards Web Feature Service Transaction (WFS-T) was implemented in software for GPS-enabled mobile phones communicating with a GeoServer backend in order to track down and eradicate disease outbreaks and susceptible host plants. This new technology offering georeferenced events online from field provides new possibilities for real time action in risk and crisis management.  相似文献   
In order to test seasonal, rearing, maturing and anaerobic muscle activity effect on the flesh quality of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) a total of 80 farmed turbot from three different strains from reared under natural or continuous light were killed by a percussive blow to the head in November (winter, Icelandic strain), March (spring, Portuguese strain) and June (summer, domesticated strain (France turbot)). To test the effect of anaerobic muscle activity, 10 fish were on each occasion pre rigor filleted, where one fillet was used as a control, while the other fillet was electrically stimulated using a squared 5 Hz, 10 V pulsed DC for 3 min. All pre rigor fillets were measured for pH, weighed, wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in polystyrene boxes with ice. After 7 days of storage the fillets were measured instrumentally for pH, drip loss, colour (CIE L* a* b*) and texture properties such as hardness and shear force, while fillet shrinkage and colour (RBG) were evaluated with computer imaging on photographs from a standard lightbox. Results showed that softness of the flesh was mainly influenced by factors associated with growth, such as season, photoperiod and maturation. Anaerobic muscle activity simulated with electrical stimulation caused an increase in drip loss (<1%) and loss of shear force (<4%), but had no effect on hardness or fillet shrinkage. Computer imaging revealed that muscle contractions related to the electrical stimulus forced out blood from the fillet causing less reddishness for the entire storage period. We conclude that a pH drop upon slaughter associated with anaerobic muscle activity has a minor effect on the flesh quality in the short run, while seasonal/alternatively genetic effects are predominant.  相似文献   
Greywater is a potential resource of water that can be improved to meet the quality needed for irrigation. This study evaluated the performance of bark, activated charcoal, polyurethane foam and sand filters in removing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), surfactants, phosphorus, nitrogen and microbial indicators from greywater during start-up and steady state. In column experiments, 0.6?m high filters (diameter 20?cm) were fed for 113?days with artificial greywater at a hydraulic loading rate of 0.032?m3?m?2?day?1 and an organic loading rate of 0.014?kg BOD5 m?2?day?1. Bark and activated charcoal efficiently reduced the concentrations of organics (BOD5), surfactants (methylene blue active substances??MBAS), total phosphorus (Tot-P) and total thermotolerant coliform numbers, while sand and foam were less efficient. Bark, activated charcoal, foam and sand reduced influent BOD5 by 98, 97, 37 and 75?%; MBAS by >99, >99, 73 and 96?%; Tot-P by 97, 91, 36 and 78?%; and total nitrogen by 19, 98, 13 and 5?%, respectively. BOD5 and MBAS were efficiently reduced directly from start-up by bark and activated charcoal, while foam needed 30?days to achieve about 50?% reduction in BOD5. Bark was the most efficient filter in reducing thermotolerant faecal coliforms (2.4 log10), while foam achieved the lowest reduction (0.5 log10). Overall, bark and activated charcoal filters appeared to be the most suitable filters for improving greywater quality to reach irrigation quality in terms of organic matter reduction. Performance of these filters under higher and fluctuating loadings and the long-term sustainability of the filter materials need further investigation.  相似文献   
The diffusion of hydrogen atoms across solid oxide surfaces is often assumed to be accelerated by the presence of water molecules. Here we present a high-resolution, high-speed scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of the diffusion of H atoms on an FeO thin film. STM movies directly reveal a water-mediated hydrogen diffusion mechanism on the oxide surface at temperatures between 100 and 300 kelvin. Density functional theory calculations and isotope-exchange experiments confirm the STM observations, and a proton-transfer mechanism that proceeds via an H(3)O(+)-like transition state is revealed. This mechanism differs from that observed previously for rutile TiO(2)(110), where water dissociation is a key step in proton diffusion.  相似文献   
From an ecological point of view it is important to close nutrient cycles by recirculating mineral nutrients from the urban society back to agriculture and forestry, and thereby obtaining a sustainable resource utilisation. A part of this cycle is illustrated by irrigation of bioreactor landfill leachates on short rotation forests. This paper presents a budget for nutrients and heavy metals, beginning with the leachates and ending with the harvested tree fraction. The hypotheses were: The applied minerals deliver nutrients to the trees. The nutrient content in the accumulating biomass corresponds to the amount of mineral nutrients applied. The concentrations of heavy metals in the trees will remain low. The uptake of elements in birch was for P 35%, Ca 1. 2%, Cd 64%, Cu 10%, Mn 19%, Ni 0. 11%, and for Zn 26% of the supplied amounts. It was concluded that nutrients, with some exceptions, are supplied in sufficient amounts from the irrigated leachates to achieve optimal biomass growth, that the amounts of ions immobilised by the plants were significantly lower compared to the applied amounts, and that the concentrations of heavy metals are not increasing in the trees after irrigation. The overall conclusion is that a leachate irrigation system is efficient if the available vegetated land area is large enough for effective nutrient uptake, but the nutrient ratio may need to be balanced to meet the needs of the plants.  相似文献   
To assess the mobility of Pb and associated metals in a highly contaminated shooting range soil (Losone, Ticino, Switzerland), we investigated the spatial distribution of the metals and their relation to preferential water flow paths. A 2.2 m2 plot located 40 m behind the stop butt was irrigated with a solution containing bromide and Brilliant Blue, a slightly sorbing dye. A soil profile 50 cm in width was sampled down to 80 cm with a spatial resolution of 2.5 cm, resulting in 626 samples. Concentrations of elements (12 ≤ Z ≤ 92) were determined by energy‐dispersive Xray fluorescence spectrometry, and Brilliant Blue concentrations were determined with a chromameter. In the acidic (pH 3), organic matter‐rich, well drained Dystric Cambisol, maximum concentrations of 80.9 g kg‐1 Pb, 4.0 g kg‐1 Sb, and 0.55 g kg‐1 Cu were measured in the topsoil. Within 40 cm soil depth, however, Pb, Sb, and Cu approached background concentrations of 23 mg kg‐1, 0.4 mg kg‐1, and 9.4 mg kg‐1, respectively. The even horizontal distribution and the steep gradient along soil depth indicate tight metal binding in the topsoil, and a fairly homogeneous transport front. In contrast, water flow through the profile was highly heterogeneous. In the uppermost 20 cm, preferential flow was initiated by heterogeneous infiltration at the soil surface, but had no influence on metal distribution. Below 20 cm, however, preferential flow originated from larger tree roots, and metal concentrations were significantly elevated along these macropores. Spatial distributions of Pb, Sb, and Cu were similar, suggesting that all three metals are strongly retained in the topsoil and transported along preferential water flow paths in the subsoil.  相似文献   
Evidence from DNA‐analysis is commonplace in human criminal investigations, and while it is increasingly being used in wildlife crime, to date, its application to control and enforcement activities in fisheries and aquaculture has only been sporadic. Contemporary DNA‐analysis tools are capable of addressing a broad range of compliance issues, species identification, mislabelling of fish products, determining the origin of catches and the farm of origin of aquaculture escapees. Such applications have the potential to ensure traceability along the fish product supply chain and to combat consumer fraud and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing. Nevertheless, DNA‐analysis is not yet used routinely in investigations into compliance with fisheries and aquaculture legislation. One potential reason for this is that DNA‐analysis techniques may have been regarded as too expensive. However, costs have plummeted over the past decade prompting us to objectively assess whether the costs associated with routine use of DNA‐analysis techniques for fisheries and aquaculture control and enforcement activities do constitute an impediment. Based on a number of recent fisheries and aquaculture compliance investigations that incorporated DNA‐analysis, our results indicate that the use of genetic analysis was justified and worthwhile in all cases examined. We therefore conclude that the costs associated with DNA‐analysis do not represent a barrier to the routine adoption of DNA‐analysis techniques in fisheries and aquaculture compliance investigations. Thus, control and enforcement agencies should be encouraged to use such techniques routinely.  相似文献   
Ever-increasing demand for water to irrigate crops, support aquaculture, provide domestic water needs and to protect natural aquatic and riparian habitats has necessitated research to reduce impacts from a parallel increase in invasive aquatic weeds. This paper reviews the past 4-5 years of research by USDA-ARS covering such areas as weed biology, ecology, physiology and management strategies, including herbicides, biological control and potential for use of natural products. Research approaches range from field-level studies to highly specific molecular and biochemical work, spanning several disciplines and encompassing the most problematic weeds in these systems. This research has led to new insights into plant competition, host-specificity, and the fate of aquatic herbicides, their modes of action and effects on the environment. Another hallmark of USDA-ARS research has been its many collaborations with other federal, state action and regulatory agencies and private industry to develop new solutions to aquatic weed problems that affect our public natural resources and commercial enterprises.  相似文献   
Freshwater bathing is one of the main treatment options available against amoebic gill disease (AGD) affecting multiple fish hosts in mariculture systems. Prevailing freshwater treatments are designed to be long enough to kill Neoparamoeba perurans, the ectoparasite causing AGD, which may select for freshwater tolerance. Here, we tested whether using shorter, sublethal freshwater treatment durations are a viable alternative to lethal ones for N. perurans (2–4 hr). Under in vitro conditions, gill‐isolated N. perurans attached to plastic substrate in sea water lifted off after ≥2 min in freshwater, but survival was not impacted until 60 min. In an in vivo experiment, AGD‐affected Atlantic salmon Salmo salar subjected daily to 30 min (sublethal to N. perurans) and 120 min (lethal to N. perurans) freshwater treatments for 6 days consistently reduced N. perurans cell numbers on gills (based on qPCR analysis) compared to daily 3 min freshwater or seawater treatments for 6 days. Our results suggest that targeting cell detachment rather than cell death with repeated freshwater treatments of shorter duration than typical baths could be used in AGD management. However, the consequences of modifying the intensity of freshwater treatment regimes on freshwater tolerance evolution in N. perurans populations require careful consideration.  相似文献   
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