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白化茶树新品系——黄金斑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩震  王开荣  邓隆  李明  张龙杰 《茶叶》2013,39(3):125-126
本文简述了新梢白化茶树新品系‘黄金斑’的选育过程,同时介绍了该品系特性。该品系是适用于园林绿化和茶叶生产栽培应用的兼用品系。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法和调查法对体育教学环境的主体因素进行分析、研究,提出体育教学环境由物质环境和心理环境两大因素构成。体育教学物质环境的优化应该从体育教学场所、设备与教学的组织两方面来进行;体育教学心理环境的优化应从教与学的形式、课堂心理气氛、人际关系三方面进行优化。  相似文献   
微生物菌群之间配比协调关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对乳酸杆菌、乳酸球菌、枯草芽胞杆菌、酵母菌、大肠杆菌等菌种进行单独培养和不同比例的混合培养,测定了发酵过程中pH值、活菌数量及光密度的变化情况。结果表明,与含有25%混合菌液的发酵麸皮相比,含50%混合菌液的发酵麸皮,在发酵24 h后的需氧或厌氧活菌总数都有升高趋势(P>0.05),发酵1周后其pH值的下降趋势明显(P<0.05),说明乳酸菌数越多使pH下降越大。利用需氧(LB)和厌氧(MRS)培养液分别交叉培养需氧菌和厌氧菌,均能在相应的培养基上生长。充分说明厌氧菌和需氧菌混合培养在理论上是可行的。但是,如果用滤菌膜过滤后的培养过乳酸菌的MRS培养基来培养需氧菌时,这些菌种均不能在滤液中生长。  相似文献   
基于降水保证指数的四川省种植制度优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究自然降水对四川省农业生态区作物需水的满足程度及其保证指数,为各区域充分合理利用降水资源,选择防旱避灾种植制度提供理论依据。【方法】依据气温、海拔、干燥度、地形地势、地理位置等特点,将四川农业生态区划分为8个不同类型区,采用联合国粮农组织(FAO)推荐的分段单值平均作物系数法,订正各区域主要作物及其主要生育阶段的作物系数(初始生长期作物系数(Kcini)、生育中期作物系数(Kcmid)和成熟期作物系数(Kcend)),计算并比较各区域代表性站点的常见种植模式、主要作物、作物主要生育阶段自然降水对作物需水的满足度及其保证指数,选出各区域防旱避灾最优种植模式。【结果】①各种作物的Kcmid、Kcend值均小于或等于FAO的推荐值;盆地内部各区域作物系数较FAO推荐值偏低更多,攀西地区与FAO推荐值接近;小麦、油菜等夏收作物Kcend值均与FAO推荐值相同,而玉米、水稻等秋收作物Kcend值均低于FAO推荐值。②四川省各种植模式多年平均降水满足度地区之间差异较大。攀枝花、西昌、平武、成都、遂宁、巴中、宜宾、雅安降水满足度依次递增,分别为0.48,0.56,0.63,0.64,0.70,0.72,0.74,0.85。③四川省各种植模式降水保证指数变化范围较大,最低值仅为0.35,而最高值达到0.89。攀枝花各种植模式的降水保证指数普遍偏低,且多数低于0.4;雅安各种植模式的降水保证指数普遍较高,均在0.85以上。【结论】攀枝花等川西南山地干热河谷区、西昌等川西高原安宁河平原半湿润区和平武等川北半湿润山地丘陵过渡区最优种植制度为小麦-玉米-红薯(大豆)旱三熟;雅安等盆西高原盆地过渡湿润气候区和宜宾等川南中低山丘陵湿润气候区最优种植制度为油菜(马铃薯)-水稻水旱轮作两熟制;成都平原湿润气候区最优种植制度为马铃薯-水稻和油菜-玉米-红薯;遂宁等川中丘陵夏伏旱频发区最优种植制度为油菜(小麦)-玉米-红薯旱三熟;巴中等川东北盆周湿润山区防旱避灾最优种植制度为马铃薯(小麦)-玉米-红薯旱三熟。  相似文献   
AIM: To construct a bicistronic recombinant adenovirus carrying creatine kinase (CK) and human interleukin 12 (hIL-12) gene, and then detect the expression of both genes in vitro and metabolic product of CK in vivo. METHODS: Two PCR products, CK and hIL- 12 genes linked by IRES, were inserted into adenoviral vector. Adenovirus particles carrying CK-IRES-IL- 12 gene was generated through homologous recombination, packaging and propagation. Rabbit hepatocytes were isolated and transfected with adenovirus particles. CK and IL-12 gene expression was confirmed by Western blotting and ELISA, respectively.RESULTS: The expression of CK and human IL-12 in hepatocyte were confirmed in vitro. Metabolic product of CK, phosphocreatine (PCr), could be detected in liver by non-invasive phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) in vivo.CONCLUSION: In vivo detection of ectopic expression of CK gene in liver can be achieved by non-invasive 31P MRS through adenovirus transduction. The bicistronic recombinant adenovirus Ad5-hIL-12-IRES-CKb carrying CK and hIL- 12 provides a useful tool for the further study of using a reporter gene expression (CK) dynamically, non-invasively monitor a therapeutic gene expression (IL-12) in liver.  相似文献   
以黄瓜品种津优1号为试材,研究渐降低温胁迫(即以每小时下降1 ℃的平均速度进行降温处理)对黄瓜幼苗冷害指数及保护酶活性的影响。结果表明:与直降低温胁迫相比,渐降低温胁迫可以减轻黄瓜幼苗的冷害程度,冷害指数显著降低,保护酶SOD、POD和CAT活性显著增强,且随低温胁迫呈先上升后下降的趋势。  相似文献   
对矮砧苹果新植苗木和2~5年生幼树死亡的原因进行研究,表明苗木失水与轮纹病菌协同危害是主要原因;冻害、根部与主干病害、肥害及苗木质量差是重要原因。生产上及时发现问题,根据不同症状,进行准确的病因诊断,有针对性地采用不同的防控措施:培育不潜带轮纹病菌的苗木;苗木贮运、栽植和管理过程防止失水;栽植前用杀菌剂铲除部分病菌;防止冻害;2~5年生幼树合理肥水管理;防止贪绿徒长;有效地预防根部和枝干病虫害发生。  相似文献   
为更好地体现村民利益,在公共政策的视角下对现代乡村规划的技术路线进行了探讨,并着重对现代乡村规划的前期调研、调研资料的分析进行了阐述,试图找出现代乡村规划需要解决的重点问题,使现代乡村规划更具有针对性和可操作性.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate the significance of serum soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) in the vulnerability of coronary atherosclerotic plaque, the relationship between the level of sCD40L and the stenosis degree of the coronary artery by the coronary angiography (CAG), and other inflammatory factors. METHODS: According to WHO diagnostic criterior of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the results of CAG, 84 cases of CHD and 20 cases of non-CHD (NCHD) were included in this study. 84 cases of CHD were divided into three groups: 30 cases in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) group, 30 cases in unstable angina (UA), 24 cases in stable angina (SA). The sera levels of sCD40L in four groups were detected by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the results were expressed with μg/L. CAG were all conducted in four cases and the results were further evaluated by Jenkins score. ESR and CRP were detected at the same time. RESULTS: The sera levels of sCD40L in four groups were significantly different (P<0.01). The level of sCD40L in AMI group (8.48±4.13) μg/L was higher than that in SA group (4.36±2.68) μg/L, P<0.01 and NCHD group (4.12±1.96) μg/L, P<0.01. The level of sCD40L in UA group (8.72±4.26) μg/L was higher than that in SA group and NCHD group (P<0.01). The level of sCD40L in UA group was slightly higher than that in AMI group, but the difference of two group is not significant (P>0.05). The level of sCD40L in SA group was slightly higher than that in NCHD group, but the difference of two group is not significant (P>0.05). The sera levels of sCD40L in CHD were significantly and positively correlated with Jenkins score (r=0.524, P<0.01). The sera level of sCD40L was positively correlated with the levels of CRP and ESR. CONCLUSION: The sera levels of sCD40L in the patients with various types of CHD are significantly different. The level of sCD40L in the patients with AMI and UA are significantly higher than those in SA and NCHD groups, which may reflect the vulnerability of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. The sera levels of sCD40L is increased with the increasing number of diseased coronary branches and Jenkins score, suggesting that sCD40L promotes atherosclerosis and also can be used as a parameter to predict pathological severity of coronary atherosclerosis. The level of sCD40L is obviously correlated with the levels of CRP and ESR.  相似文献   
As maternal parents, diploid (L202-2x) and autotetraploid (L202-4x) of Oryza sativa cv. L202 were crossed with O. officinalis. Embryo development and fertilization in these two crosses were comparatively studied. There were no mature hybrid seeds obtained because all the hybridized spikelets died 30 days after pollination. The main reasons for no seed set were abnormal fertilization and development of the embryos and endosperms in the interspecific hybrids. There were double- fertilization, egg cell single-fertilization and non-fertilization in these crosses. Although 59.45% and 54.87% of hybrid embryos produced in the crosses of L202-2x/O. officinalis and L202-4x/O. officinalis, respectively, hybrid embryos ceased to develop or degenerated and plenty of free endosperm nuclei were in disaggregating state without developing cellular endosperms three days after pollination. Besides, some embryological differences in these two crosses were found, that is, the rate of double-fertilization and total rate of double- and single-fertilization in L202-2x/O. officinalis were higher than those in L202-4x/O. officinalis. The embryo and endosperm of hybrids developed more slowly, and embryos and free endosperm nuclei were more severely degenerated in L202-4x/O. officinalis than in L202-2x/O. officinalis. Five days after pollination, a few of embryos in L202-2x/O. officinalis developed into pear-shaped ones, however, embryos in L202-4x/O. officinalis were all degenerated. Therefore, it is more difficult to obtain interspecific hybrids by wide crosses between autotetraploid of O. sativa and O. officinalis.  相似文献   
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