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Lipid degradation of cod liver during frozen storage was studied, where the effects of storage temperatures (?18/?24°C), packaging methods (vacuum packing/regular plastic bag and waxed cardboard box), and seasonal variations (March/June/September) were evaluated. For this, the formations of free fatty acids (FFA) and peroxide value (PV) were analyzed. Lipid degradation within different parts of the liver (middle/surface) was also investigated. Increase in FFA and PV was observed for most of the samples throughout the frozen storage period. Vacuum packaging and lower storage temperature had a significantly stronger preservative effect on lipid degradation in all seasons. Higher FFA content was observed in cod liver captured in June than in its counterparts from September and March. More intense increase in PV was observed for liver collected in June compared to September. Furthermore, significant difference in PV was observed in different layers of the liver while FFA showed minimum variation between the surface and the middle part of the cod liver. Based on the present results, packaging method and storage temperature have a significant effect on lipid hydrolysis and oxidation in frozen cod liver.  相似文献   
A lupinosis-associated myopathy occurred in 26 of 48 sheep given a crude toxic extract of Phomopsis leptostromiformis, and in 18 of 34 sheep that grazed a toxic lupin stubble. Treatment with selenium or alpha-tocopherol alone neither prevented nor cured the myopathy, but selenium and alpha-tocopherol together may have been partially effective. Among the group of 48 intoxicated sheep, those with myopathy had a significantly lower mean terminal concentration of alpha-tocopherol in their livers than those with no myopathy. There was no relationship between the severity of liver injury and the occurrence of the myopathy. It was considered that this lupinosis-associated myopathy may have a similar pathogenesis to nutritional myopathy. Data on plasma creatine phosphokinase and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activities, plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations and terminal tissue concentrations of selenium and alpha-tocopherol are presented.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the structural changes in the reproductive tract of Asiatic black bears using serial transrectal ultrasonography. In addition, the ultrasonographic observations were compared with the results of vaginal cytology and hormonal analyses. The collection of blood for hormonal analysis, vaginal cytology and transrectal ultrasonography was performed in two bears (Bears 1 and 2) from June 2011 to August 2013 without mating and in a third bear (Bear 3) from April to December 2012, allowing natural mating. Serial ultrasonographic observations showed cyclic changes in ovarian structures (e.g. emergence of small follicles, growth and ovulation of dominant follicles and corpus luteum (CL) formation) during the reproductive cycles of the three bears. The diameter of the uterine horns remained similar throughout the reproductive cycle in Bears 1 and 2, and it remained similar from April until October, but an enlargement containing foetuses was observed in Bear 3 in December. The ultrasonographic observations were consistent with the data obtained through vaginal cytology and progesterone analysis during the reproductive cycle. An average of 4.0 (±0.4) dominant follicles was observed during the oestrous stage (May‐August), during which the superficial cells accounted for >90% of the total vaginal cells. In addition, the detection of an average of 2.6 (±0.2) CL was associated with increased plasma progesterone concentrations (3.0 ± 0.4 ng/ml) between June and December (near hibernation). In conclusion, serial transrectal ultrasonography demonstrated yearly oestrous (ovulation) cycles via follicular dynamics and CL formation on ovaries, accordingly with vaginal cytology and hormonal level in the Asiatic black bear.  相似文献   
Epidemics often result in organizational, policy and technical changes within a country. In 1999, an epidemic of campylobacteriosis was reported in Iceland. The recent availability of fresh poultry products in the marketplace was suggested as the source of infection. This paper reports on the context of the epidemic, reviews interventions implemented to prevent campylobacteriosis, and discusses lessons learned. A retrospective study of interventions implemented in Iceland from June 1995 to December 2007 was conducted by interviewing key informants and reviewing Iceland's literature. Cumulative incidence rates of domestic campylobacteriosis by year and average incidence rates per epidemic period were calculated. Interventions included on-farm surveillance of Campylobacter, producer education, enhanced biosecurity measures, changes in poultry processing, a leak-proof packaging policy, a freezing policy for products from Campylobacter-positive poultry flocks, consumer education, and the creation of a legislated inter-organizational response committee. These interventions appear to have collectively contributed to a decrease in campylobacteriosis' incidence rate near pre-epidemic baseline levels. Expert consultations revealed that the implementation of a Campylobacter surveillance program in poultry and the freezing policy were critical to controlling the disease in the Icelandic population. It was also recognized that new multidisciplinary collaborations among public health, veterinary, and food safety authorities and a sustained co-operation from the poultry industry were integral factors to the mitigation of the epidemic. Iceland's response to the campylobacteriosis epidemic is a lesson learned of inter-disciplinary and inter-organizational precautionary public health action in the face of a complex public health issue.  相似文献   


Preliminary studies indicated decreased glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity in blood of ewes on scrapie-afflicted farms. Other studies have shown decreased GPX activity in brain of prion-infected mice and in prion-infected cells in vitro. The aim of this study was to examine the GPX activity in blood as well as the distribution of GPX-activity levels from ewes on farms in scrapie-afflicted areas in Iceland.


Blood samples were collected from 635 ewes (non-pregnant [n = 297] and pregnant [n = 338]) on 40 farms in scrapie-afflicted areas during the years 2001–2005, for analysis of GPX activity. The farms were divided into three categories: 1. Scrapie-free farms (n = 14); 2. Scrapie-prone farms (earlier scrapie-afflicted, restocked farms) (n = 12); 3. Scrapie-afflicted farms (n = 14). For comparison, 121 blood samples were also collected from non-pregnant ewes on one farm (farm A) in a scrapie-free area (scrapie never registered). Chi-square test was used to test for normal distribution of GPX-results, and Kruskal-Wallis test to compare GPX-results between categories.


The GPX-results appeared to be biphasically distributed in ewes in all three scrapie categories and on farm A. The presumptive breaking point was about 300 units g Hb-1. About 30–50% of the GPX-results from ewes in all three scrapie categories were below 300 units g Hb-1 but only about 13% of the GPX-results from ewes on farm A. The mean GPX activity was highest on farm A, and was significantly lower on scrapie-prone farms than on scrapie-free or scrapie-afflicted farms (non-pregnant and pregnant ewes: P < 0.005, respectively; non-pregnant and pregnant ewes combined: P < 0.0005).


1) the distribution of GPX-results in blood of Icelandic ewes apparently has a biphasic character; 2) the GPX-results were higher in ewes on one farm in a scrapie-free area than in ewes on farms in the scrapie-afflicted areas; 3) GPX-activity levels were significantly lowest on earlier scrapie-afflicted, restocked farms, which might have a bearing on the recurrence of sporadic scrapie on these farms; 4) further study on the possible role of GPX activity in the occurrence of scrapie in Iceland is warranted.  相似文献   
Knowledge of congenital malformations and their causes in horses is generally sparse. Such conditions require more scientific attention to improve their diagnostics and inform prevention strategies. Here, a unique syndrome of bilateral oblique facial clefts (meloschisis), rudimentary eyes and hydrocephalus is reported in an equine foetus spontaneously aborted at gestation day 224. The cause of abortion was considered to be intrauterine death caused by umbilical cord torsions and subsequent compromised blood flow, but the aetiology of the malformation could not be determined. A detailed history, which includes exposure to a range of pharmaceutical compounds during the early stages of pregnancy, is provided and emphasizes the need for accurate recording of treatments in pregnant animals.  相似文献   
Enzymatically hydrolyzed fish protein hydrolysates could be used as a source of antioxidative nutraceuticals. In our current work, we have investigated alkali-solubilized tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus) protein hydrolysates for their ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) and for their reducing power. Tilapia protein isolate was prepared by an alkaline solubilization technique and used as a substrate for enzyme hydrolysis. Cryotin, protease A 'Amano' 2, protease N 'Amano', Neutrase and Flavourzyme, were used separately to determine their effectiveness in hydrolyzing tilapia protein isolate. ROS scavenging ability was quantified using an isoluminol enhanced chemiluminescent assay in the presence of a) hydrogen peroxide or b) mononuclear cells isolated from human blood. Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of the hydrolysates using 2, 2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) or 2,2'-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), were also investigated. Results showed that, in general, the TEAC, FRAP values and ROS scavenging ability of the hydrolysates increased with an increase in the degree of hydrolysis. Among the different hydrolysates, those prepared using Cryotin were most effective and Amano A2 hydrolysates were least effective in scavenging ABTS*(+) and ROS generated by hydrogen peroxide. However, FRAP assay showed that hydrolysates prepared using Flavourzyme were most effective, and Amano N and Neutrase hydrolysates were least effective in reducing ferric ions. No significant difference was observed among the hydrolysates produced with different enzymes in their ability to scavenge ROS generated by phorbol myristate acetate stimulated mononuclear cells. These results shed light on the in vitro ROS scavenging ability of alkali solubilized tilapia protein hydrolysates, as well as potential nutraceutical use of these hydrolysates.  相似文献   
Fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) have gained increasing attention as nutritious fish products. Lipid oxidation associated with fishy odor in FPH limits its utility. Thus, an appropriate pretreatment of fish mince prior to hydrolysis by lowering pro-oxidants and lipid substrates could tackle such a problem. Different pretreatments of Nile tilapia minces including (1) washing (W), (2) washing and membrane removal (W-MR), and (3) washing/membrane removal followed by acid or alkaline solubilization (W-MR-Ac or W-MR-Al) were conducted prior to hydrolysis. During the hydrolysis process, degree of hydrolysis (DH) and chemical changes were monitored. Color and sensory properties of milk fortified with hydrolysates prepared from mince without and with pretreatment were also determined. Among the pretreated mince samples, W-MR-Al contained the lowest remaining myoglobin and heme iron contents and also showed the lowest total lipid and phospholipid contents (P?<?0.05). When mince and W-MR-Al were hydrolyzed using Alcalase for up to 120?min, higher DH were found in W-MR-Al. Furthermore, lower peroxide values, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and non-heme iron contents of hydrolysates from W-MR-Al were also observed (P?<?0.05). When FPH powder from mince and W-MR-Al (0.3% to 0.5%) were fortified in milk, the former yielded a lower likeness score (P?<?0.05) at all levels used. The addition of the latter up to 0.5% had no effect on likeness of all attributes, compared with control (without FPH). An appropriate pretreatment of mince was a promising approach to lower fishy odor problem, caused by lipid oxidation in FPH.  相似文献   
The effect of different acid and alkali treatments followed by pH readjustment on solubility and conformation of trout hemoglobins was investigated. At low pH (1.5-3.5) hemoglobin was unfolded at faster rates as the pH was lowered. Inclusion of 500 mM NaCl at low pH significantly increased the rate of unfolding. At alkaline pH (10-12) the conformation of hemoglobin was much less affected than at acid pH, and the presence of salt had little additional effect. When hemoglobin solutions were adjusted to neutrality at different stages of unfolding, the recovery of native structure on refolding was proportional to the extent of unfolding prior to pH readjustment: the more unfolded the protein, the less was the recovery of native structure. The presence of salt led to a smaller recovery of native structure. The more improperly unfolded the hemoglobin was (and hydrophobic), the lower was its solubility. Results suggest that the presence of NaCl (25-500 mM) may not only interfere with the refolding process but also enhance the hydrophobic interactions of improperly refolded hemoglobin, possibly due to charge screening. These results show that proper control of unfolding and refolding time and ionic strength in processes using highly acidic or alkaline conditions can minimize loss of hemoglobin solubility.  相似文献   
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