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A novel HPLC method was developed for detection of the Fusarium mycotoxin, moniliformin in whole maize plants. The method is based on hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) on a ZIC zwitterion column combined with diode array detection and negative electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI(-)-MS). Samples were extracted using acetonitrile-water (85:15), and the extracts were cleaned up on strong anion exchange columns. By this procedure we obtained a recovery rate of 57-74% moniliformin with a limit of detection at 48 ng/g and a limit of quantification at 96 ng/g using UV detection at 229 nm, which is comparable to current methods used. Limit of detection and quantification using ESI(-)-MS detection was 1 and 12 ng/g, respectively. Screening of maize samples infected with the moniliformin producing fungi F. avenaceum, F. tricinctum, or F. subglutinans detected moniliformin levels of 1-12 ng/g in 15 of 28 samples using ESI(-)-MS detection. To our knowledge this is the first example of HILIC separation in mycotoxin analysis.  相似文献   
Improvements in the field sampling, preservation, and determination of trace metals in natural waters have made many analyses more reliable and less affected by contamination. The speciation of trace metals, however, remains controversial. Chemical model speciation calculations do not necessarily agree with voltammetric, ion exchange, potentiometric, or other analytical speciation techniques. When metal-organic complexes are important, model calculations are not usually helpful and on-site analytical separations are essential. Many analytical speciation techniques have serious interferences and only work well for a limited subset of water types and compositions. A combined approach to the evaluation of speciation could greatly reduce these uncertainties. The approach proposed would be to (1) compare and contrast different analytical techniques with each other and with computed speciation, (2) compare computed trace metal speciation with reliable measurements of solubility, potentiometry, and mean activity coefficients, and (3) compare different model calculations with each other for the same set of water analyses, especially where supplementary data on speciation already exist. A comparison and critique of analytical with chemical model speciation for a range of water samples would delineate the useful range and limitations of these different approaches to speciation. Both model calculations and analytical determinations have useful and different constraints on the range of possible speciation such that they can provide much better insight into speciation when used together. Major discrepancies in the thermodynamic databases of speciation models can be evaluated with the aid of analytical speciation, and when the thermodynamic models are highly consistent and reliable, the sources of error in the analytical speciation can be evaluated. Major thermodynamic discrepancies also can be evaluated by simulating solubility and activity coefficient data and testing various chemical models for their range of applicability. Until a comparative approach such as this is taken, trace metal speciation will remain highly uncertain and controversial.  相似文献   
Species from the Penicillium roqueforti group were differentiated by volatile metabolite profiling primarily of sesquiterpenes. A total of 24 isolates from species P. roqueforti, Penicillium carneum, and the recently described species Penicillium paneum were inoculated on yeast extract sucrose agar. Volatile metabolites were collected by diffusive sampling onto tubes containing Tenax TA, overnight between the fifth and sixth days of incubation. Volatiles were thermally desorbed and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The sesquiterpene area of the chromatogram was investigated, and potential sesquiterpenes were tabulated by comparison of their Kovats retention index and mass spectrum. In general, P. carneum isolates produced the lowest number of sesquiterpenes, all of which were unique for P. carneum within the P. roqueforti group. P. roqueforti and P. paneum produced a larger variety of volatile metabolites, some of which they have in common and some of which are unique for the two species. (+)-Aristolochene was found in samples from P. paneum and P. roqueforti. Other Penicillium species in which (+)-aristolochene was also detected were P. commune, P. glandicola, and P. solitum.  相似文献   
Nitrate leaching during the winter period can be reduced and often prevented by growing catch crops after the harvest of a main crop. However, catch crops which effectively take up residual nitrogen do not necessarily show good nutrient effects on a succeeding main crop. The objective of this experiment was to investigate how the content of soil mineral nitrogen in spring was affected by the time of incorporation of non-legume catch crops and how the yield and nitrogen uptake of a succeeding main crop was influenced. The yield of spring sown onion and white cabbage was significantly increased by catch crop growing the previous autumn. The nitrogen effect of Italian ryegrass corresponded to 50–100 kg N per ha in the vegetables. However, the yield of spring barley was not significantly affected by the nitrogen released from decomposing catch crops. During decomposition of non-legume catch crops, grown at a high level of nitrogen fertility, nitrogen immobilization did not occur.  相似文献   
The multielemental composition of organic and conventional winter wheat, spring barley, faba bean, and potato was analyzed with inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and -mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The crops were cultivated in two years at three geographically different field locations, each accommodating one conventional and two organic cropping systems. The conventional system produced the highest harvest yields for all crops except the nitrogen-fixing faba bean, whereas the dry matter content of each crop was similar across systems. No systematic differences between organic and conventional crops were found in the content of essential plant nutrients when statistically analyzed individually. However, chemometric analysis of multielemental fingerprints comprising up to 14 elements allowed discrimination. The discrimination power was further enhanced by analysis of up to 25 elements derived from semiquantitative ICP-MS. It is concluded that multielemental fingerprinting with semiquantitative ICP-MS and chemometrics has the potential to enable authentication of organic crops.  相似文献   
The fruit ripening traits of pawpaw [ Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] were examined after harvest and after cold storage at -2, 2, 4, and 6 degrees C for up to 12 weeks. Generally, fruits stored at 2-4 degrees C for 4 weeks ripened normally, but those stored at -2 degrees C did not ripen normally, those stored at 6 degrees C were overripe, and by 6-8 weeks those stored at 2-4 degrees C had a lower respiration rate and ethylene production, lower firmness, and lower pH than fruit cold-stored for 4 weeks or less. These changes, and the occasional development of brown discoloration in the pulp once the fruits were moved back to room temperature, were evidence of chilling injury by 6 weeks. After harvest and through 4 weeks of cold storage, the main volatile compounds produced by fruit were methyl and ethyl octanoates and hexanoates. Volatile production significantly increased >5-fold in fruit ripened for 72 h after harvest or after removal from up to 4 weeks of cold storage. Fruit cold-stored for 6 weeks or more produced fewer total volatiles and esters but increased levels of such off-flavor compounds as ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, and hexanoic and decanoic acids. Alcohol acyltransferase (AAT) activity declined in cold-stored fruit but was not correlated with either total volatile production or total ester production. Alcohol dehydrogenase activity did not change during ripening after harvest or cold storage. Lipoxygenase activity was highest just after harvest or after 2 weeks of cold storage, but was low by 4 weeks. Thus, ripening of pawpaw fruit seems to be limited to 4 weeks at 2-4 degrees C with loss of ability to continue ripening and chilling injury symptoms evident at colder temperatures and after longer periods of cold storage.  相似文献   
The role of phospholipase A2 in the induction of drip loss from pig muscle has been investigated. In samples from porcine M. longissimus dorsi, total PLA2 activity as well as mRNA and protein levels of the group VIA iPLA2 (iPLA2-VIA) increased during the initial 4 h post-mortem period. Morphological studies of porcine muscle showed that at 4 h post-mortem, gaps had formed between muscle fibers and that the sarcolemma membrane borders appeared blurred. At the same time iPLA2-VIA protein levels were increased inside muscle fibers and at the sarcolemma. iPLA2-VIA mRNA abundance in samples from different breeds of pigs with variations in drip loss revealed no clear correlation between drip loss level and iPLA2-VIA expression. Together, these data indicate that during the post-mortem period, iPLA2-VIA expression and activity is increased at the muscle fiber membranes. PLA2 activity may affect membrane permeability and consequently the progression of drip formation in porcine muscle.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) reduces urinary calcium excretion in dogs with calcium oxalate urolithiasis. DESIGN: Original study. ANIMALS: 8 dogs with calcium oxalate urolithiasis. PROCEDURE: 4 treatment protocols were evaluated in each dog (a low calcium, low protein diet designed to prevent calcium oxalate urolith formation with and without administration of HCTZ [2 mg/kg (0.9 mg/lb) of body weight, PO, q 12 h] and a maintenance diet with higher quantities of protein and calcium with and without administration of HCTZ). At the end of each 2-week treatment period, 24-hour urine samples were collected. Blood samples were collected during the midpoint of each urine collection period. Analysis of variance was performed to evaluate the effects of HCTZ and diet on urine and serum analytes. RESULTS: Hydrochlorothiazide significantly decreased urine calcium and potassium concentration and excretion. Hydrochlorothiazide also significantly decreased serum potassium concentration. Compared with the maintenance diet, the urolith prevention diet significantly decreased urine calcium and oxalic acid concentration and excretion. Dogs consuming the urolith prevention diet had significantly lower serum concentrations of albumin and urea nitrogen. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of HCTZ decreased urine calcium excretion in dogs with a history of calcium oxalate urolith formation. The greatest reduction in urine calcium concentration and excretion was achieved when dogs received HCTZ and the urolith prevention diet. Results of this study suggest that the hypocalciuric effect of HCTZ will minimize recurrence of calcium oxalate urolith formation in dogs; however, long-term controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of HCTZ.  相似文献   
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