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The pharmacology of flukicidal drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mature weight (A) and rate of maturing (K) were estimated for 283 Angus, 140 Hereford and 280 Shorthorn cows utilizing the asymptotic regression equation Yt=A(1-Be-Kt). The Yt was weight of the individual at age t; and B was an estimate related to early life weight changes and provided for a Y-intercept (A-B). Each breed consisted of four inbred and two noninbred lines. Regression of estimated growth curve parameters on levels of inbreeding of the individuals and of their dams and effects of early reproductive performance (EREPRO) were studied as sources of variation in addition to line differences and trends in line values over years. Considered jointly with inbreeding of the dam and with EREPRO, inbreeding of the individual was negatively related (P less than .01) to estimates of A in the three breeds and unrelated (P greater than .10) to estimates of K. Each 1% increase in inbreeding of the individual was associated with about 2 kg decrease in estimated mature weight. An increase in inbreeding of the dam of an individual was negatively related to estimates of K in Angus (P less than .01) and Shorthorns (P less than .05). Inbreeding of dams was positively related to estimates of A in the three breeds, but only in Shorthorns could the relationship be declared significant. Estimates of A were about 46 kg heavier and estimates of K about .010 less for each year an individual failed to produce a calf during her first three opportunities. In general, A values declined in all three breeds during the study. Significant changes were observed in all Hereford analyses and after inbreeding was included in the Angus analysis, while inclusion of inbreeding in the Shorthorn analysis caused the change to become unimportant. The K values increased in all three breeds during the study; however, the change could be declared significant only in Herefords.  相似文献   
The clinical and pathological findings in four young adult rottweiler dogs with subaortic stenosis and secondary bacterial endocarditis of the aortic valve are described. The four dogs, two males and two females, ranged in age from 18 months to three years. Three had three- to four-week histories of lethargy, anorexia, weight loss and intermittent coughing that progressively worsened. Bacterial aortic valvular endocarditis was diagnosed on the basis of physical examination and radiographic and ultrasound findings. Subaortic stenosis was not suspected clinically, but was found at necropsy. The fourth dog was known to have a subaortic stenotic ring at six months of age and developed clinical signs similar to the other dogs four weeks before euthanasia. Bacterial aortic valvular endocarditis and a subaortic stenotic ring were found at necropsy. It is suspected that the turbulence in blood flow caused by the stenotic rings damages the endocardium of the aortic valve, predisposing to the development of endocarditis.  相似文献   
After giving an account of the principles of pressure measurement in flowing air and a review of the literature on tracheal catheters, the authors describe the construction, the introduction and the function of their own transtracheal catheter. This is a teflon catheter with several side–ports which is introduced into the cervical trachea by a guide technique. After introduction, the catheter is stiffened by the insertion of 2 steel wires. The catheter was studied in model experiments concerning: a) the ability to measure the static pressure in flowing air, and b) the dynamic accuracy of a recording system built up around the catheter.The results indicated that the intratracheal pressure sensed in exercising horses well reflected the static pressure, and that the dynamic accuracy of the recording system was good to about 60 Hz. The present technique of recording the intratracheal pressure was used on 122 occasions in 69 exercising horses with only one complication referable to the catheter occurring. The transtracheal route of catheterisation may be superior, as catheters introduced by this route do not appear to influence the function of the pharynx and larynx. In contrast, nasotracheal catheters that traverse the larynx, might interfere with the respiratory function. kw|Keywords|k]upper airway obstruction k]frequency response  相似文献   
Attempts were made to raise antibodies against corynetoxins, a family of toxins responsible for annual ryegrass toxicity. The glycolipid nature of corynetoxins made them ideally suited for incorporation into the structure of small unilamellar liposomes. Sheep were injected with corynetoxin liposomes with and without adjuvants such as lipid A and muramyl dipeptide, and the sera tested for anti-corynetoxin antibody. Similarly, rabbits were injected with hydrolysed corynetoxin coupled to human IgG and keyhole limpet haemocyanin and with corynetoxin coupled to bovine serum albumin. These preparations were administered with complete Freund's adjuvant. The failure of any of these preparations to elicit an anti-corynetoxin antibody response in either sheep or rabbits is discussed.  相似文献   
‘Simultaneous’ urethral pressure profilometry using microtip pressure transducer catheters was evaluated as an aid to the diagnosis of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence by means of comparisons between 50 continent and 50 incontinent anaesthetised bitches. Highly significant differences were detected and the technique was found to have considerable potential as a diagnostic aid.  相似文献   
SURGICAL repair of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common cardiovascular procedures performed in veterinary and human medicine.1–3 The techniques have been well documented and used successfully.2–5  相似文献   
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