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INTRODUCTIONIntheworldoftoday,theglobalclimatechangeanditsinfluenceonecologyhavebe-comeaveryimportantproblem,towhichmanyscientists,governnentleadersandordinarypcoplepaycloseattentionI1-'].Inl979,theWorldClimateResearchProgram(WCP)waslaiddowninthefirstworldclimatemeeting.lnl99(),thesecondworldclimatemeetingwasconvcl1edinGencva,andalltl1eexpertsagreedthattheglobalwarmlngwillbeextremelyseriousdisasterthananynatUralcalamityever.Attl1eMectingof"WorldEnvironmentandDevelopment,"holdinBrazil…  相似文献   
本研究通过电镜观察与酶解分析确定香菇(Lentinula edodes)菌丝细胞壁组成.并进行了双核菌丝原生质体的分离和培养.研究发现:酶解过程中,菌丝原生质体一般只从菌丝顶端等新生部位释放出来.合适的渗透剂、菌龄和酶解温度是原生质体得率的重要保证;原生质体再生菌丝过程是一个间歇性的依赖于原生质团涌动流向的过程,再生菌丝的形成经历了原生质体形成突起-哑铃状-分枝状等不同形态类型的再生阶段;再生菌丝体在形态上没有观察到锁状联合,栽培后未能结实,初步判断为单核菌株.  相似文献   
Papaya ringspot virus‐type W (PRSV‐W) is the most prevalent and important viral pathogen of cucurbits in Brazil. It can be effectively controlled by the incorporation of genetic resistance into susceptible melon cultivars. The present study identified amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers linked to the PRSV‐W resistance Prv1 allele. The susceptible yellow‐fleshed melon‐breeding line AF426prv1 and its nearly isogenic‐resistant line AF426Prv1, which carries the Prv1 allele resident in the Indian cantaloupe U.S. Plant Introduction (PI) 180280, were screened for AFLP marker polymorphisms. Of 30 251 AFLP loci, only three were polymorphic between the nearly isogenic lines. Segregation analyses for these three polymorphic markers and the Prv1 allele using a BC1 population of 197 plants indicated close linkage (0.5% recombination frequency) between marker EK190 (HindIII‐CGA and MseI‐GTG; 190 bp) and Prv1. Thus, EK190 might be a useful marker in breeding programmes aiming to develop melon cultivars resistant to PRSV‐W. The other two markers are closely linked to each other, but distantly linked to Prv1.  相似文献   
不同时期水分胁迫对葡萄果实生长发育的影响   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
张大鹏  罗国光 《园艺学报》1992,19(4):296-300
H. Yamagishi    T. Terachi    A. Ozaki    A. Ishibashi 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(2):172-177
To assess the differentiation of the chloroplast genome in wild and cultivated species of Raphanus , nucleotide sequence polymorphisms were investigated for approximately 2 kbp ranging from trnL (UAA) to psbG in R. raphanistrum and R. sativus . Eighteen plants of wild species, 10 Japanese wild radish plants ( R. sativus ), and 31 cultivated plants were used for sequence analysis. Intraspecific variations of the chloroplast genome were present both in wild and cultivated Raphanus . All three genes investigated ( trnL , trnF and ndhJ ) contained nucleotide substitutions within the genus. Whereas, larger numbers of mutations were observed in the intergenic regions. Using the detected variations, the 59 radish plants were classified into 11 haplotypes, seven of which were unique to wild species. Among the haplotypes, one type corresponded completely with the Ogura male sterile cytoplasm. All the cultivated radishes belonged to one of four types, of which three were also observed in Japanese wild radish. The haplotypes were classified into four groups by cluster analysis, and the distribution in the dendrogram confirmed that cultivated radish has multiple origins. On the other hand, the seven haplotypes uniquely observed in R. raphanistrum were considered as useful materials to provide genetic diversity of cytoplasm for breeding of cultivated radishes.  相似文献   
王万华 《蚕学通讯》2006,26(4):25-26
秋用蚕种浸酸是一项十分重要的生产工作,是属于环节多、参加人员多、技术处理要求严格的流水作业,如日浸酸4万张毛种,十多个生产环节,需技术人员30人左右,辅助工100多人。如何进行有效组织保证生产安全,提高蚕种质量,多年来我们进行了探索。以前我们均采用的是拉通式组织浸酸工  相似文献   
土壤—作物资源多目标优化配置分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种多目标土壤—作物资源优化配置的数量化分析方法,并对江苏省东海县土壤资源进行优化配置。结果表明:白浆土、岭砂土、包浆土、紫砂土等岗岭低产土应稳定小麦面积,压缩玉米面积,优先发展春花生、大豆、水稻;洼地砂姜黑土、水稻土应发展小麦—水稻和小麦—玉米两熟制,并适时换茬;介于上述两类土壤间的潮棕壤亚类和潮土类应大力发展小麦—花生两熟制。  相似文献   
丛枝菌根真菌诱导玉米根系形态变化及其机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄京华  刘青  李晓辉  曾任森  骆世明 《玉米科学》2013,21(3):131-135139
以高油115和正大619为实验材料,分别通过盆栽和田间试验研究接种摩西球囊霉和地表球囊霉对玉米根系形态和根系内源生长素含量的影响。结果表明,玉米形成菌根后根系形态明显改变,根条数显著多于对照,并且接种处理与对照间的差异随菌根侵染率的上升而加大,差异极显著。生长60 d时,有菌根的玉米单株总根长度为788.61 cm,根系重量达8.26 g,均显著高于无菌根的对照。根系生长素含量随菌根侵染率上升而增加,并且显著高于不接种的对照。丛枝菌根真菌侵染可以促使玉米根内生长素含量上升,根条数增多,增加吸收面积,促进玉米生长。  相似文献   
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