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小麦作为世界上广泛种植的粮食作物之一,其种质资源日益匮乏,创造小麦外源染色体易位系是拓宽小麦遗传基础的有效途径。创造易位系的方法有利用电离辐射、利用杀配子染色体、通过调节Ph基因的作用诱发部分同源染色体交换、通过染色体错分裂、利用组织培养诱导易位。对这几种创造小麦易位系的方法进行了综述,并作出展望,为小麦育种提供基础。  相似文献   
为有效地保护卢氏鸡这一优良家禽遗传资源,并为其开发利用提供参考,介绍了卢氏鸡的特征特性;从原有的生物特性发生改变,保种场存在其他鸡种群,存在疾病垂直传播威胁等方面分析了保种存在的问题;从制定卢氏鸡保种与开发方案,鼓励企业投资开发、以促进保种,划定保种区、开展本品种选育,加强种质资源的疫病防控等方面提出了卢氏鸡保种与开发利用的对策。  相似文献   
通过近期重点工程规划实例分析江苏省水土流失综合治理措施及其效益,以期为今后的水保规划和综合治理提供借鉴。通过分析江苏省水土流失现状及特点,建立丘陵山区以小流域为单元的山、水、田、林、路综合治理措施体系,平原沙土区以小区域为单元的河、沟、堤、田、林、路综合治理措施体系,并规划各分区重点工程措施分布及工程量;在此基础上,进一步构建水土保持效益评价的指标体系及相应计算模型,进行规划措施的生态、经济、社会效益测算与分析。结果表明,全部措施生效当年可减蚀土壤1.38×106 t,拦蓄水1.27×108 m3;规划实施期末累计经济效益总额5 059.05万元,农民人均增收552.18元,效益显著。  相似文献   
This study chose Shangshu 19 (S19) and Jixu 23 (J23) categorized by valid tuber root number per plant as analyzing varieties and arranged treatment combinations consisted of two nitrogen forms ammonium nitrogen (AN) and amide nitrogen (XN) integrated with two nitrogen rates 60 kg hm-2 (LN60) and 180 kg hm-2 (HN180), using field and pot trial assays, plus a check treatment received no nitrogen supply in order to make research on the anatomical observation on sweet potato tuber root differentiation and expression characteristics of IbEXP1 gene associated with tuber root formation in ammonia nitrogen in 2014 and 2015. Our results showed that the storage root yield of Shangshu 19 associated with more valid tuber root number per plant was significantly higher than Jixu 23 at harvest stage, which was significant difference compared with each other. In addition, nitrogen levels and nitrogen forms had significant interaction effects. The 60 kg hm-2 ammonium nitrogen treatment in two sweet potato genotypes achieved the highest final storage root yield in field experiment and showed higher valid tuber root number per plant, which attributed to the younger tubers whose root diameter between 0.5 cm and 5.0 cm during the canopy closure period. It had been observed that 60 kg hm-2 ammonium nitrogen treatment possessed the most vessels in the primary xylem bundle and the lignified parenchyma cells of the stele tissues in the pre-cambial period, followed with possessing high level expression of IbEXP1 gene, the biggest root diameter and stele diameter and the most number of primary and secondary xylem bundles in the course of primary cambium growth. As the vascular cambium was initiated, relative expression of IbEXP1 gene at 60 kg hm-2ammonium nitrogen treatment and the degree of parenchyma cells lignification were intermediate between no nitrogen application and high nitrogen treatments, however, the diameter of root and stele and the ratio of them were highest, which achieved the perfect harmony in lignification and division of parenchyma cells in tuberization.  相似文献   
黑麦(Secale cereale)含有丰富的优良基因,在小麦遗传改良中具有重要利用价值。为了鉴定普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)与奥地利黑麦杂交后代选育的抗白粉病品系N9436-1的黑麦遗传物质,对其进行了细胞学、基因组原位杂交、Giemsa-C分带、SCAR(sequence characterized amplified region)标记以及酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)分析。结果表明,N9436-1形态学和细胞学稳定,2n=44=22Ⅱ,对白粉病免疫,携带奥地利黑麦的多小穗性状。以奥地利黑麦总基因组DNA为探针的原位杂交结果及Giemsa C-分带显示,N9436-1含有2条奥地利黑麦的1R染色体, SCAR标记鉴定及A-PAGE分析进一步证实N9436-1携带有黑麦遗传物质,表明N9436-1携带的抗白粉病基因不同于Pm8和Pm17,是新的抗白粉病基因,可作为白粉病抗源用于小麦抗病育种。  相似文献   
为提出有效措施预防黄土高原西部地区春小麦生产受到气象和农业干旱的影响,估算了1961—2018年期间、时间尺度1~6个月标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index, SPEI)以及深度0~10 cm和深度10~40 cm的土壤水分亏缺指数(Soil moisture deficit index, SMDI),探究了气象和农业干旱时空变化规律;利用DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟了黄土高原西部7个站点春小麦1961—2018年的生长要素和产量数据,分析了其时空变化规律;并研究了气象和农业干旱对春小麦生长过程及产量的影响。结果表明:以甘肃临夏站为例,时间尺度1~6个月SPEI和SMDI的干湿状态总体上一致,SPEI总体呈现干湿交替,深度0~10 cm的SMDI以及深度10~40 cm的SMDI的变化基本一致,均呈现变湿润的趋势。DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟黄土高原西部春小麦生长过程和产量方面的效果良好(决定系数R2为0.65~0.84);1961—2018年春小麦最...  相似文献   
The improved Analytic Hierarchy Process is adopted for the optimal decision of waste water treatment process. The unified test of traditional method is avoided owing to using the three scale method and inducting the optimum transfer matrix and then converting into the unified judgement matrix. It is proven by example that it is feasible to use the improved Analytic Hierarchy Process in the optimal decision of the waste water treatment process.  相似文献   
In order to analyze the reason why the Spiral Up-flow Reactor system has excellent removal effect of COD, N and P, the authors use PHOENICS, a computational fluid dynamics program, to investigate the hydraulic characteristics and flow model of the anaerobic part of Spiral uP-flow reactor. The result shows that the fluid in the reactor unit flowed upward by the spiral way, and that flow pattern was combined by plug flow and complete-mix flow, and that the percentage of plug flow was about sixty-five percent. Spiral Up-flow Reactor units the Characteristics of PFR and CSTR, which makes it work well.  相似文献   
In view of the vehicle cornering or path changing under ultimate handling maneuver, a 3-DOF nonlinear vehicle dynamics model which takes the vehicle lateral velocity, yaw rate and body roll angle as the State variables is presented. Based on the dynamic analysis, the method which using additional yaw moment produced by different longitudinal braking force among each wheels to improving vehicle handling stability in emergency situations is discussed. Considering the sideslip angle as one of the vehicle state variables is difficult to measuring, the sideslip angle estimation based on vehicle dynamic model and kinematics is designed. And then, based on the theory of siding model control, the combining sliding model control system is founded, which taking the vehicle yaw rate and body side-slip angle errors between the estimated and the real as the input variables, and taking the braking torque and the steering angle as control aims. The simulation results indicate that the control method can effectively improve the vehicle lateral handling stability.  相似文献   
阿夫及其衍生小麦品种(系)的SSR分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了研究小麦骨干亲本阿夫(Funo)遗传物质在其衍生品种(系)的传递规律,用247对SSR引物对阿夫和8个阿夫子一代衍生品种(系)的亲本进行分析,发现有3个标记Xwmc398 (178 bp, 151 bp)、Xgwm400(180 bp, 149 bp)和Xgwm268(191 bp)在阿夫上有稳定、清晰的特异带。以筛选的特异引物对5个阿夫系选品种和255个阿夫衍生品种(系)进行了SSR分析。结果表明,Xwmc398在5个系选品种中均有阿夫的特异带,而Xgwm400只在安选2号,Xgwm268只在扬麦1号具有阿夫特异带。Xwmc398在阿夫子一代至子六代衍生品种(系)中的遗传频率分别为52.8%、38.4%、16.7%、0.0%、0.0%和0.0%, 平均为32.2%;Xgwm400的相应遗传频率分别为32.1%、19.2%、41.7%、33.3%、20.0%和0.0%,平均为26.7%;Xgwm268的相应传递率分别为22.6%、34.4%、11.1%、12.1%、0.0%和0.0%,平均为24.7%。表明SSR位点Xwmc398、Xgwm400和Xgwm268在阿夫衍生品种(系)中有明显的传递。  相似文献   
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