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Experiments were performed under controlled conditions on the development of four cucumber pests (Trialeurodes uaporariorum, Tetranychus urticae, Aphis gossypii and Thrips tabaci). The main variables were temperature, photoperiod and light intensity. The effect of these factors on the natural enemies Encarsia formosa and Amblyseius mckenziei was also assessed. Comparison of the results allows recommendations on manipulation of the glasshouse environment to favour biological control.  相似文献   
黄瓜花叶病毒外壳蛋白质进入叶绿体与症状发生的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 由感染黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)、健康和转外壳蛋白(CP)基因的烟叶以原生质体法制备纯化的叶绿体。经SDS-PAGE电泳,银染色,比较其蛋白质图谱。用CMV外壳蛋白游离亚基制备的抗血清进行Western blotting。结果发现:1.CP存在于CMV侵染的烟叶绿体中。2.叶绿体中CP的浓度和花叶症状严重程度呈正相关;3.表达CP的转基因烟草叶绿体中未测出CP存在。根据以上结果,认为CMV侵染的烟花叶症状产生与CP进入叶绿体有直接相关性。  相似文献   
The reactions of 20 inbred lines of Senecio vulgaris (groundsel) to inoculation with up to 10 isolates of Erysiphe fischeri (powdery mildew) were investigated in a number of repeat experiments. There was considerable variation among isolate/plant line reaction phenotypes with examples of both isolate-specific complete resistance and isolate-specific partial resistance. Some plant lines possessed high levels of partial resistance to all isolates tested. Incubation temperature and plant age influenced the infection types of some isolate/plant line combinations. In this pathosystem, complete and partial resistance, together with age-dependent and temperature-dependent resistance, appear to have evolved to facilitate a defence strategy based on a complex mosaic of interacting factors.  相似文献   
Spilocuea oleagina provoque en Crète des dégâts importants sur les cultivars d'olivier Mastoidis et Kalamon. Les fongicides cupriques suivants ont été testés contre la maladie: sulfate de cuivre (BBS 25), oxychlorure de cuivre (Virifix 50), sels cupriques des acides gras et résineux (Tenn Cop 5E) et sulfate ammoniacal de cuivre (Copac E). Deux traitements ont été effectués pendant les périodes critiques pour la Crète (début octobre, fin février) sur des arbres du cv. Kalamon. L'efficacité a étéévaluée par dénombrement des feuilles infectéès et des taches par feuille, sur échantillons prélevés dans la couronne des arbres traités. Pour estimer l'action phytotoxique des fongicides testés, on a ramasséà l'aide d'un filet plastique toutes les feuilles tombées. Les sels cupriques et le sulfate de cuivre ont montré la meilleure efficacitéà l'egard du pathogène. On a constaté de plus, 8 mois après le premier traitement chimique, une chute négligeable des feuilles saines.  相似文献   
Glyphosate was applied to panicles of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) before, at and after anthesis. The florets in spikelets exposed to the herbicide before, at and immediately after anthesis produced seeds with abnormal embryos and endosperm. Histological and embryological studies showed that in all cases the chemical did not stop the normal process of double fertilization in the florets. The zygote divided, but did not proceed beyond the proembryo stage. The development of both the proembryo and the endosperm was abnormal. The proembryos and the early stages of embryos showed no normal provascular or vascular tissue differentiation. Externally also there was no proper development of embryo parts, such as the scutellum, epiblast, shoot and root apices. The embryonic tissues showed considerable obliteration and shrinkage and the nuclei in cells appeared small and shrunken. The cells, especially in the meristem regions, appeared lacunose. The embryo and the endosperm in the caryopses treated with glyphosate 9 days after anthesis or later, were morphologically and structurally very similar to those of the controls of comparable age. It was concluded that the greater the delay of glyphosate application after anthesis, the less was the effect on seed development. Une étude histologique de l'effet du glyphosate sur le developpement des graines de folle avoine (Avena fatua L.) Du glyphosate a été appliquéà des panicules de folle avoine (Avena fatua L.), avant, pendant et après l'anthèse. Les fleurs dans les epillets exposés à l'herbicide avant, et pendant immédiatement après l'anthese ont donné des graines avec des embryons et des endospermes anormaux, Des études histologiques et embryologiques ont montré que dans tous les cas le produit n'a pas arrêté le processus normal de double fertilisation au niveau des florets. Le zygote s'est divisé mais n'a pas été au-delà du stade proembryon, Les développements du proembryon et de l'endosperme ont été anormaux. Les proembryons et les stades précoces des embryons n'ont pas montré de différenciations normales des tissus provasculaires ou vasculaires, Extérieurement également, il n'y a pas eu un développement plus correct des parties embryonnaires comme le scutellum, epiblast les ébauches racinaires et tigellaires. Leurs tissus embryonnaires ont montré des manques considérables et des rétrécissements et les noyaux dans les cellules sont apparus petits et rétrécis. Les cellules, particulièerement dans les régions méristématiques semblaient pleines de lacune. L'embryon et l'endosperme chez les caryopses traités au glyphosate 9 jours après l'anthèse ou plus tard, étaient structurellement et morphologiquement très voisins de ceux des témoins à un âge comparable. II en est conclu que plus le délai après l'anthèse de l'application du glyphosate était élevé, moins l'effet était fort sur le développement de la graine. Eine histologische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Glyphosat auf die Samenbildung des Flug-Hafers (Avena fatua L.) Glyphosat wurde auf die Rispen von Flug-Hafer (Avena fatua L.) vor, während und unmittelbar nach der Blüte appliziert, woraufhin die Embryos und das Endosperm sich anormal entwickelten. In histologischen und embryologischen Untersuchungen zeigte sich, daß der Wirkstoff in allen Fällen den normalen Befruchtungsprozeß nicht beeinträchtigte. Die Zygote teilte sich, doch kam sie nicht über das Proembryo-Stadium hinaus. Die Entwicklung sowohl des Proembryos als auch des Endosperms war anormal. Die Proembryonen und ersten Embryo-Stadien zeigten keine normale Entwicklung des Provascular-bzw. Leitungsgewebes. Auch äußerlich waren die Embryonen nicht ordentlich entwickelt, was sich am Scutellum sowie Epiblast und an den Sproß-und Wurzelspitzen zeigte. Die Embryo-Gewebe hatten beträchtliche Lücken und Schrump-fungen, und die Nuclei waren klein und geschrumpft. Die Zellen, besonders in den Meristemen, erschienen lückig. Nach Glyphosat-Behandlungen 9 Tage oder später nach der Blüte entwickelten sich Embryo und Endosperm sowohl morphologisch als auch struk-turell sehr ähnlich wie in Kontrollpflanzen gleichen Alters. Daraus ließ sich schließen, daß die Wirkung von Glyphosat auf die Samenent-wicklung umso geringer ist, je später die Behandlung erfolgt.  相似文献   
In the last two to three decades a significant increase of viral zoonotic infections was observed. These zoonoses are not only newly (or previously unrecognized) emerging diseases, but also due to the reappearance of diseases thought to have been defeated (re-emerging diseases). "New" viral diseases can arise when viruses broaden their host-range (monkey poxvirus; equine morbillivirus), or can be a consequence of intrinsic properties of the virus itself, such as high mutation rates (influenza A virus). Most new or reemerging viral zoonoses are due to infections with hemorrhagic viruses. Many of them are transmitted by insects (arboviruses, e.g. yellow fever virus) or by rodents (e.g. Hanta viruses), others by contact with patients and nosocomial infections (e.g. Ebola virus). The emergence and increase of these diseases are a consequence of anthropogenic environmental changes, such as distortions of the ecological balance and changes in agriculture. In addition, the uncontrolled growth of the cities in tropical and subtropical regions without improvement of the public health measures and the increasing international animal trade and travel also favour the spread and recurrence of these diseases.  相似文献   
A field comparison of the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) assay and the single intradermal cervical tuberculin (SICT) test for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis was conducted. A total of 1136 cattle belonging to 85 herds placed in 'Castilla y León' (northwestern Spain) were chosen, and 21 of these herds were subjected to the diagnostic assays two or three times at intervals of at least 4 months. All the animals positive to any of the tests were slaughtered and tuberculosis was confirmed by culture isolation method (CIM) and further identification by means of PCR. Only 10.6% of cattle reacted with the bovine PPD in the SICT test, a percentage that increased to 12.8% in the IFN-gamma assay. The sensitivity of the IFN-gamma assay compared to CIM was shown to be higher (84.9%) than that of the SICT test (80.2%), but the combination of both tests offered the highest sensitivity (92.9%). The number of false positive reactors (those animals in which CIM was negative) was considerably higher for the IFN-gamma assay than for the SICT test and, conversely, the number of false negative animals (M. bovis isolation but negative immunological result) was higher for the skin test than for the interferon assay. In the herds tested twice, tuberculosis was eradicated after the second cycle of testing in 50%, and in 75% after the third cycle in herds tested three times. The combination of these two techniques instead of separately seems, therefore, to be useful in eradication programmes against bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   
During the first week post-hatch, chickens demonstrate an increased susceptibility to infection by bacteria such as Salmonella. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of immune lymphokines on phagocytosis and killing activities of heterophils in chicks during the first 1-7 days of life. Lymphokines isolated from chicken splenic T-cells harvested from Salmonella enteriditis (SE)-hyperimmunized hens (SE-ILK), have in past experiments, demonstrated augmentation of heterophil activity in day-of-hatch chicks resulting in protection from SE organ invasion. The present experiments reveal significant increases (p<0.05) in heterophil phagocytosis and killing when comparing chicks treated with SE-ILK to control groups in vitro. In SE-ILK-treated groups, a two-fold or greater increase is noted in heterophil phagocytosis within I h of incubation as compared to controls. Heterophils isolated from 1-day-old and 4-day-old chicks treated with SE-ILK killed significantly greater numbers (p<0.05) of SE than heterophils isolated from control groups. By Day 7 post-hatch, significance is not noted in the killing activity of heterophils from treated groups when compared to control groups. However, heterophils from SE-ILK groups continue to kill greater numbers of SE than control groups. These data support SE-ILK augmentation results in an enhanced heterophil function in chicks during the greatest period of susceptibility to Salmonella invasion.  相似文献   
N-methyl-D, L-aspartate (NMA) elicited secretion of growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone from both the hypothalamic-preoptic area and the median eminence that were collected from boars. We suggest that the previously described increase in GH secretion that follows peripheral treatment of swine with NMA is attributable, at least in part, to NMA-stimulated secretion of GH-releasing hormone from the central nervous system.  相似文献   
An unusual case of multiple lymphangiomas with lymph node involvement is described. A seven-month-old, spayed female golden retriever was presented with a myriad of cystic masses in the inguinal and caudal mammary regions. She was diagnosed with congenital lymphangiomas (i.e., lymphatic hamartomas). As in human lymphangiomas, lymphatic endothelial cells expressing factor VIII-related antigen and smooth muscle were present in this case. A literature search did not identify similar characteristics in other reported canine lymphangiomas. The dog was treated surgically and had a recurrence. Following a second surgical intervention, she is now disease-free.  相似文献   
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