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甜柿果实发育期间矿质元素和营养成分变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
甜柿在果实生长发育期间,果实的增大主要在生长前期和近成熟的一段时间;果实近成熟阶段,,糖分积累明显加快,果实中N、Mg、Ca、Mn、Fe、Cu含量在发育的前期最高,随着果实的膨大,各元素浓度下降趋势。P、K的浓度在果实成熟期,随着糖分的增高而升高。Zn含量在果实发育的3个阶段,呈下降-上升-下降趋势。  相似文献   
离子束介导外源全DNA转化拟南芥菜的诱变效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用 30kev的Ar+ 离子 ,以 1.5× 10 17ions/cm2 的注入剂量分别介导外源拟南芥菜 (Lansberg生态型 )、甘蓝、红甜菜和芦荟的全DNA转化拟南芥菜种子 (Columbia生态型 )。转化当代营养期表型变异率与外源供体和转化受体的亲缘远近没有必然的联系 ,而低育性株率却随着外源供体亲缘关系的从近到远 ,呈现一种从低到高再变低的变化趋势。从低育性株后代中选育出 2个稳定的突变体 ,该突变体不但保持了其亲本的低育性 ,而且其他性状也有较显著的变异 ,如株型、叶型等。  相似文献   
人工神经网络在遥感图像森林植被分类中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用人工神经网络模型对陆地卫星TM多光谱图像进行了森林植被分类的研究 ,共选取了 8种主要植被类型 ,重点是研究在不同背景条件下存在同谱异物现象的云杉、油松和落叶松等针叶林树种的分类方法 .所采用的网络模型为 3层误差后向传播神经网络模型 ,鉴于贺兰山自然植被垂直带谱明显 ,利用误差后向传播网络模型的并行分布式结构 ,研究中引入高程数据作为一个独立波段与 3个多光谱波段一起直接进行分类 ,取得了很好效果 .该方法与常规的最大似然法相比 ,存在同谱异物现象的云杉、油松和落叶松的分类精度平均提高了 2 7 5个百分点 .对存在同物异谱现象的阔叶林的分类精度也有一定程度的提高 .  相似文献   
家兔一种新的病毒病——兔瘟的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本病是我国新发现的一种家兔烈性传染病,对青、成年兔具有高度发病率和致死率。已从病兔组织中成功地分离到病毒。经蔗糖密度梯度和氯化铯等密度离心纯化的病毒出现两个峰。两峰病毒均为球形、无囊膜,且均有两种病毒颗粒--完整的病毒颗粒(分别约占80%和60%)和空心病毒颗粒(分别约占20%和40%)。第一峰病毒在氯化铯中的浮密度为1.28-1.34克/毫升;第二峰病毒浮密度为1.36-1.44克/毫升;沉降系数为85s。用氯仿处理和冻融的方法澄清兔瘟肝组织液,再经PEG沉淀、氯仿处理和Sepharose 4B柱层析,得到纯化病毒制剂。该制剂能致家兔发生典型兔瘟。电镜观察,病毒粒子无囊膜,直径32-34nm,蕊髓直径15-17nm,衣壳厚8-9nm,呈特征的20面体T=3“格子样”表面对称,壳粒数为32,壳粒直径为8-10nm,高4nm,包括12个五邻体和20个六邻体,共180个原体,原体直经约4nm。此外,还见有少数空心衣壳和直经为23-27nm的“病毒样颗粒”。纯化病毒制剂煮沸裂解后经SDS电泳,与未经裂解的样品对照,发现病毒粒子具有3条结构多肽,分子量分别为Vp#-(1)76000、Vp#-(2)62000和Vp#-(3)52000,Vp#-2为主要多肽。本病毒具有抗酸性,在1克分子氯化镁溶液中对抗的热有稳定的作用。能凝集人类O型红血球,而不能凝集其他动物(包括兔)的红血球。血球凝集能被特异抗血清抑制。病兔肝组织对家兔的半数致死量为10#+(-7)-10#+(-7.5)(1ml)。通过交叉免疫保护试验,免疫电镜、血凝及血凝抑制试验证明,不同时间和地点采集的毒株具有相同的血清型。病毒保存于-20℃冰箱长达18个月不丧失感染性。目前尚无适合本病毒复制的组织培养,故其分类地位尚未确定。已研制出控制本病的组织灭活苗,並证明免疫效果好。  相似文献   
随着我国经济高速发展,人们对生态环境的破坏日益严重,市场对农产品的需求和质量日益提高,要求农业发展走可持续之路.通过对农一师一团循环经济的调研,运用循环经济理论,对农业循环经济模式和传统农业模式进行比较,创新原有农业循环经济模式,建立农业循环经济指标体系,促进农一师农业循环经济发展.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of ten Robinia pseudoacacia L. populations collected from China was analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique using ten primer combinations. A total of 752 amplified bands were obtained, among which 352 (46.8%) were polymorphic. At species level, the percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 49.87%, the Shannon’s information index (I) was 0.2160, and the mean Nei’s gene diversity index (H) was 0.1403. At population level, P = 25.47%, I = 0.1381, and H = 0.0927. The genetic diversity within populations was higher than that among populations. The coefficient of gene differentiation among populations within species (Gst) was 0.390, which indicated that gene differentiation was mainly within the population, and between populations, it accounted for 33.90% of the total variation. Gene flow (Nm) between the populations was 0.975, suggesting that the gene exchange between populations was small. The UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the ten populations were divided into three major groups, and most individuals from the same population were clustered together. There was no significant correlation between the genetic diversity parameters (D, I N , P, Ne, H, and I) and geographic and climatic factors (longitude, latitude, annual mean temperature, and annual mean precipitation). The results provide useful information about the level of genetic diversity, and it has a wide application prospect in Robinia pseudoacacia L. utilization and breeding in China.  相似文献   
本文在揭示农资质量问题的严重性及其危害的基础上 ,从农资生产、经销、消费者和政府 (农资市场管理者 )方面分析了农资质量问题的成因。结果表明 ,在经济体制转轨过程中 ,农资生产及经销者的经济人行为倾向、农资消费者抵制假冒伪劣行为的低效性以及政府的行为扭曲 ,是导致农资质量的根本原因。据此 ,提出以短期和长期相结合的方式治理农资市场的对策  相似文献   
The antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus KLDS1.0901, KLDS1.0902, KLDS1.1003 and NCFM against Escherichia coli O157: H7 were investigated in this study. The culture supernatants of all the L. acidophilus stains showed high bacteriostatic activities against E. coli O157: H7 and the bacteriostatic substances of their Cell-Free Supernatants (CFS) were preliminarily determined from organic acids. The bacteriostatic activity from CFS or viable L. acidophilus against E. coli O157: H7 was also assessed by using co-incubation methods, CFS had high bactericidal activity against E. coli O157: H7, no viable E. coli O157: H7 was detected when 5×107 cfu of E. coli O157: H7 was added to 5 mL of CFS and incubated at 37℃ for 2 h. However, L. acidophilus themselves had no bacteriostatic activity after directly contacted with E. coli O157: H7. The inhibition E. coli O157: H7 adhesion and colonization of L. acidophilus were also investigated based on competition, exclusion and displacement assays. L. acidophilus KLDS1.0901, KLDS1.1003 and NCFM strains were effective to displace E. coli O157: H7 from a Caco-2 cell layer in competition and exclusion assays. However, in displacement assay, all of the strains showed no significant antagonistic activities. Meanwhile, the probiotic potential of L. acidophilus strains was investigated based on adhesion assay to Caco-2 cells and anti-inflammatory effects by IL-8 produced in Caco-2 cells. The adhesion ability and anti-inflammatory effects of L. acidophilus strains showed a strain-dependent manner. In general,L. acidophilus KLDS1.0901 and NCFM showed better probiotic potential than KLDS1.0902 and KLDS1.1003. Thus, the use of L. acidophilus KLDS1.0901 and NCFM to prevent or treat of diseases associated induced E. coli O157: H7 in vivo was suggested.  相似文献   
中国水产品出口贸易结构的现状及其优化对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年中国水产品出口额首次超过泰国,居全球第一,达45.02亿美元,自此持续保持快速上升趋势,2004年达65.49亿美元,出口创汇能力超过畜牧业,占大农业出口的第一位;2005年达75.27亿美元,占全球出口总额的15.8%。可以看出,水产品已成为中国出口创汇、增加农民收入的重要产品。鉴于  相似文献   
辽东山区落叶松人工林和蒙古栎天然次生林的固碳功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辽东山区两种主要树种长白落叶松(人工林主要组成树种)和蒙古栎(天然次生林主要组成树种)为研究对象,将林木生长过程转换为林木碳素积累过程,对两树种树干碳素积累过程的特征、各林龄段内树干碳素储量的动态及不同器官碳素储量的格局进行了研究.结果表明:长白落叶松树干连年碳素积累和平均碳素积累都明显快于蒙古栎.长白落叶松碳素快速...  相似文献   
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