1. To improve the influence of variation of ME intake, an experiment was carried out using equalised feeding to investigate the comparative effects on protein and energy utilisation in chicks of diets containing medium chain triglyceride (MCT) and long chain triglyceride (LCT). Experimental diets were given at 3 different food intakes, namely, 100, 120 or 147 g/bird/10 d. The diets contained MCT or LCT on an isoenergetic basis. Maize oil and caprylic acid triglyceride respectively, were used as LCT and MCT sources.
2. Body weight gain and food efficiency of chicks significantly increased with the supplement of dietary MCT compared with dietary LCT at all food intakes. Protein retention and the efficiency of protein utilisation (protein retained/protein intake) at all food intakes also significantly increased with dietary MCT, while body fat and fat retention were significantly reduced. Chicks fed the LCT‐supple‐mented diet, on the other hand, had a lower protein retention, but significantly higher fat retention. The value for energy retention and the efficiency of energy utilisation (energy retained/ME intake) were not significantly different between MCT‐ and LCT‐supplemented diets.
3. It was concluded that supplementing MCT to the chick diet would improve body weight gain and protein utilisation while regulating fat deposition compared to the LCT supplemented diet, under equalised feeding conditions. 相似文献
Forsberg, M., R. Tagle, A. Madej, J.R. Molina and M.-A. Carlsson. Radioimmunoassay of bovine, ovine and porcine luteinizing hormone with a monoclonal antibody and a human tracer. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 255-262.– A radioimmunoassay for bovine (bLH), ovine (oLH) and porcine (pLH) luteinizing hormone was developed using a human 125 ILH tracer from a commercial kit and a monoclonal antibody (518B7) specific for LH but with low species specificity. Standard curves demonstrated similar binding kinetics when bLH, oLH and pLH were incubated with tracer and antibody for 2 h at room temperature. A 30-min delay in the addition of the tracer gave sufficient sensitivity when analysing pLH. Separation of antibody-bound LH from free hormone was achieved by using second antibody-coated micro Sepharose beads. The assay was validated and the performance compared with that of an RIA currently in use for determination of bLH and oLH (coefficient of correlation: 0.99 and 0.98). Regardless of the standards used, intra-assay coefficients of variation were <10% for LH concentrations exceeding 1 µg/L. The inter-assay coefficients of variation were <15%. The assay was used for clinical evaluation demonstrating the pre-ovulatory LH surge in two cyclic cows, LH pulsatility in an oophorectomized ewe and LH response to GnRH injection in a boar. 相似文献
Ten cases of bacterial endocarditis in the dog were studied by retrospective analysis of case records. Diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis was based on either strict clinical criteria or post mortem examination. A wide spectrum of presenting signs was seen including pyrexia, lameness, epistaxis, haemoptysis and dyspnoea. Haematological and biochemical abnormalities were non-specific and were attributed to the effects of septicaemia, embolism or chronic inflammation. Haemostatic abnormalities and, or, severe dysrhythmias appeared to be associated with a significantly poorer prognosis. Blood cultures were positive in four cases of eight that were cultured. Lesions compatible with bacterial endocarditis were detected in all eight cases that underwent echocardiographic examination. Right-sided vegetations present in two dogs were not detected by echocardiography. Two-dimensional echocardiography is a useful technique for the detection of vegetative endocarditis in the dog and allows rapid therapeutic intervention while blood culture results are pending. 相似文献
Neurologic abnormalities were the predominant historic and physical findings in 5 dogs and 2 cats with primary nasal cavity tumors that had invaded the cranial vault. Seizures, behavior changes, and obtundation were the most common signs. Other neurologic signs included paresis, ataxia, circling, visual deficit, and proprioceptive deficit. Although 1 dog and 2 cats had historic findings of mild respiratory disease, no physical abnormalities related to the respiratory tract were found in any of the 7 animals. Nasal cavity neoplasia was suggested by radiographic and computed tomographic studies and was confirmed histopathologically in each case. The nasal tumor types in the 5 dogs were epidermoid carcinoma (n = 1), adenocarcinoma (n = 2), solid carcinoma (n = 1), and anaplastic chondrosarcoma (n = 1). An esthesioneuroblastoma was found in each cat. Radiation therapy was effective for 3 months in palliating the clinical signs in the 2 dogs in which it was used. Neoplasia of the nasal cavity should be considered in the differential diagnosis for animals with neurologic signs suggestive of cerebral disorders. 相似文献
The in vitro reactivity of vasoconstrictive mediators that are implicated in acute laminitis was determined in palmar and plantar digital arteries and veins obtained from healthy horses and in palmar digital vessels of horses with early laminitis (Obel grade I). To obtain baseline reactivity data, 3 experiments were conducted, using healthy horses: (1) the reactivity of palmar and plantar digital arteries and veins to angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) were compared; (2) the direct effects of bacterial endotoxin on vascular reactivity were assessed; and (3) the reactivity of palmar digital arteries and veins to angiotensin II, norepinephrine, prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), serotonin, and a thromboxane-endoperoxide analog (U46619) were determined. The vascular reactivity of these same 5 vasoconstrictors then was determined in horses with early laminitis and was compared with data from healthy (control) horses. Obel grade-I laminitis was experimentally induced in horses, using carbohydrate overload. Dose responses were conducted for each agent at concentrations between 10(-8)M and 10(-4)M. The potency of a drug was defined as the mean effective concentration necessary to induce 50% of maximal contraction (EC50). There were no differences in EC50 concentrations and in maximal contractions between forelimb and hind limb arteries and veins for angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Incubation with endotoxin had no effect on the reactivity of arteries and veins to angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and serotonin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Described in this paper are 2 methodological variants for photometric recording of sperm aggregation. Heparin was used to induce aggregation. One of the working principles was related to aggregation-associated alteration of turbidity in an agitated cell suspension, measured by the KZM-1 coagulation-time meter, in analogy to measurement of thrombocyte aggregation. The 2nd variant was based on variation of cloudiness due to sedimentation of aggregates in a non-agitated suspension. Both methods provided equally valid information. They characterised both intensity of aggregation as a combined effect of the number and size of aggregates as well as the rate of aggregation. Photometric recording has proved to be an objectivated method for quantitative assessment of aggregation. Its use is proposed for studies into capacitation or immunological response of spermatozoa. 相似文献
Interstitial fluid pressures, as a possible function of limb load, were measured at 2 sites within the digital coronary dermis of both cranial digits in 10 standing horses. Fluid pressure changes and digital load measurements were simultaneously detected and recorded by use of, respectively, modified wick-in-needle and force plate transducers coupled to a microcomputer. Mean pressures, recorded at limb loads between 50 and 80 kg, were 2.29 +/- 3.17 mm of Hg at the toe and 2.49 +/- 5.91 mm of Hg at the heel. Mean pressures, recorded between 150 and 180 kg, were 5.01 +/- 5.23 mm of Hg at the toe and 1.28 +/- 7.69 mm of Hg at the heel. These data indicate that, in the static limb, no statistically significant change in interstitial fluid pressure occurs at loads up to 180 kg. 相似文献
Mandibular condylectomy was effective in improving mastication and stopping weight loss in a horse. The horse had a history of intermittent purulent drainage from a facial wound and unilateral ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. 相似文献