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Phytophthora root rot, caused byPhytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is the most important disease of avocado (Persea americana Miller). In an attempt to identify root rot-resistant rootstocks that could ultimately be used under conditions in southern Florida, we screened open-pollinated progeny of avocado from the National Germplasm Repository in Miami. From 1996 to 1998, a total of 2,355 seedlings from 51 accessions were examined in potting mix artificially infested withP. cinnamomi. Most seedlings developed severe root rot, but tolerance was observed in some families (i.e., progeny of certain accessions). Although the most susceptible families developed mean disease ratings of up to 97% root necrosis, mean ratings for the most tolerant families were less than 60%. There was also a strong relationship between the racial background of the female parent and the tolerance of seedlings. Seedlings of the West Indian race and hybrids between it and the Guatemalan race were significantly more tolerant than those from other parents (P< 0.05). Individuals in several families developed < 50% root necrosis, the arbitrary standard of tolerance in this study. Twelve families accounted for 82% (188 of 229) of the tolerant seedlings, and only two of these did not have a West Indian or Guatemalan × West Indian pedigree. Broad-sense heritability for PRR tolerance was 0.45. This is the first report on the inheritance of PRR tolerance in avocado and on the influence of genotype and racial pedigree under controlled conditions.  相似文献   
Background and Goal  A number of global events have generated intense scientific scrutiny and public concern of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (dioxin). DIoxins have been associated with a range of adverse health effects. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is recognized as among the most dangerous of the dioxin compounds, and was a contaminant found In one of the herbicides used for vegetation control during the Vietnam conflict: Agent Orange. As a result of purging spray systems and leaking drums of Agent Orange concentrate, TCDD contamination occurred in the soils surrounding Hardstand 7 at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. This research uses a multimedia model to estimate the TCDD concentrations in surface soil around Hardstand 7 for a 70-year time Interval beginning with observed surface soil concentrations 1984. Methods  Hardstand 7 is a nearly 40-m circular concrete and asphalt aircraft parking area. The hardstand was used as a staging area for spraying equipment used to disseminate herbicide In a test area called C-52A within EAFB. Concentrated herbicide was also stored in 208-L barrels for use with the equipment, and later, for disposal. In 1984, a field investigation characterized the extent of TCDD contamination in surface soils around Hardstand 7 using a radial sampling protocol. The 1984 observed concentrations and locations was used in a multimedia model, CalTOX, as an initial source term concentrations and locations to estimate expected concentrations during the subsequent 70-years. Results  The results indicate that more than 94% of the TCDD observed in surface soils 1984 will remain after a 70-year period. Access restrictions and remediation activities at the site eliminate bar verification of the CalTOX estimates. Conclusions. TCDD is highly persistent in the soil medium and natural attenuation may not produce a significant decrease In soil concentrations. Recommendation  Active remediation actions may be required to prevent exposure to TCDD contamination surface soils. Verifying CalTOX concentration estimates an Important step that should be performed, however, the, model provides an easy to use tool to estimate TCDD surface soil contamination at herbicide storage or dispersion staging sites.  相似文献   
Background, Goal and Scope  To date, standardised bioassays for the assessment of the ecotoxicological potential in sediments and dredged material use test organisms like bacteria, algae and crustaceae. This paper presents the development and application of a novel sediment contact test (whole sediment) withMyriophyllum aquaticum, a representative of rooted aquatic macrophytes. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate the value of a sediment contact test with rooted macrophytes as a supplement to existing test batteries in order to improve the assessment of sediment toxicity. Methods  The newly developed sediment contact test withMyriophylhim aquaticum was applied to natural whole sediments. For performing the test, whorls ofMyriophyllum aquaticum were directly planted in the native sediment and incubated in the light at 24°C (cf. section results and discussion). The end points of the test were the number of the shoots and the fresh weight of the whole plants. The duckweed growth inhibition test withLemna minor according to ISO/DIS 20079 was performed in pore waters from sediment samples. The results of the sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum were compared with each other and with those of the aquatic duckweed test. Results and Discussion  A test protocol for the new plant-based sediment contact test using the aquatic plantMyriophyllum aquaticum as an indicator was developed. The best control sediment proved to be the OECD sediment (OECD 207). A test period of 10 days appeared to be sufficient for the test. The increase of biomass and the derived growth rate were found to be the most suitable evaluation parameters. The growth behaviour ofMyriophyllum aquaticum differed depending on the origin of sediments. Therefore, plant-affecting contamination, that is bound in sediments, was indicated. Conclusions  The novel sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum can indicate phytotoxic effects in sediments. Therefore, it allows a better assessment of the overall-toxicity in whole sediments. Recommendations and Outlook  The sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum is a valuable tool for the evaluation of the ecotoxicological risk potential of waters and sediments. It should become a complement to a standardised test battery generally used for the assessment of sediment toxicity.  相似文献   
Female Safari cats are offspring of domestic and Geoffroy parents, and are balanced heterozygotes with equal numbers of Blood cells containing domestic and Geoffroy-type glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD),an X-chromosome derived enzyme. In previous studies, however, we observed increasing percentages of Blood cells with Geoffroy G6PD in cats aged 4–12 years. Similarly, ratios of parental X-chromosome phenotypes greater than three to one are common in women over age 60, while women under 40 typically exhibit one to one ratios. Using a two-compartment hidden-Markov model of the distribution of phenotype in samples taken during the second stage of hematopoiesis (Blood cell production), we estimate, through simulation and mathematical calculation, the Geoffroy selective advantages necessary to reproduce the data obtained from female Safari cats. It is shown that small differences in the kinetics of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), less than might be detected by in vitro assays, can explain the “clonal dominance” observed with aging in cats, and by extension, human females. Conceptually, hematopoiesis in females can be viewed as a competitive exclusion process in which two populations of HSC (defined by parental X-chromosome phenotype) compete for environmental resources. As in many ecological examples, dominance may occur only after long periods of time.  相似文献   
In order to understand the efficiency of residue-N use and to estimate the minimum input required to obtain a reasonable level of crop response, it is important to quantify the fate of the applied organic-N. The recovery of N from 15N-labelled Crotalaria juncea was followed in the soil and the succeeding maize crop. Apparent N recovery (ANR) by maize from unlabelled Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria retusa, Calopogonium mucunoides, Mucuna pruriens and mineral fertilizer at three locations were also evaluated. The maize crop recovered 4.7% and 7.3% of the 15N-labelled C. juncea-N at 42 days after sowing (DAS) and at final harvest, respectively. The corresponding 15N recovery from the soil was 92.4% and 58.5%. The highest mean ANR of 57.4% was with mineral fertilizer, whereas the mean ANR of 14.3% from C. retusa was the lowest. A large pool substitution and added-N interaction effect was observed when comparing N recovery from the labelled and unlabelled C. juncea. The amount of residue-N accounted for by the isotope dilution method at 42 DAS was 97.1% and at final harvest 65.8%. The large residue-N recovery in the soil organic-N pool explains the residual effect usually observed with organic residue application.  相似文献   
The contribution of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed) litter as an origin of CH 4-C was studied in a microcosm experiment. 14C-labelled, dried and ground P. australis root and shoot litter was buried in waterlogged, planted or non-planted fen microcosms. The evolution of 14CO 2 and 14CH 4 from the pots was monitored during the 35-day experiment. The 14C activity in the shoots and roots of the plants, soil, and inundation water was also analysed at the end of the experiment. Up to 40% of the released CH 4-C originated from the added litter, whereas the rest originated from old soil organic matter. The comparison of planted and non-planted pots suggested that the contribution of recent plant-derived C (i.e. root exudates) to CH 4 emission was negligible. The proportion of litter-derived CH 4-C was significantly higher in the planted pots, suggesting that the presence of plants enhanced the formation of CH 4 from litter. The major part of the initial 14C activity was recovered from the soil. About 3% was recovered from the inundation water, about 10% was emitted as CO 2, and only <0.01% as CH 4. However, these results demonstrated that plant litter and old soil organic matter are the major sources of CH 4-C in fens during the early growth stage of P. australis.  相似文献   
The development and use of genetically modified plants (GMPs) has been a topic of considerable public debate in recent years. GMPs hold great promise for improving agricultural output, but the potential for unwanted effects of GMP use is still not fully understood. The majority of studies addressing potential risks of GMP cultivation have addressed only aboveground effects. However, recent methodological advances in soil microbial ecology have allowed research focus to move underground to try to gain knowledge of GMP-driven effects on the microbial communities and processes in soil that are essential to key terrestrial ecosystem functions. This review gives an overview of the research performed to date on this timely topic, highlighting a number of case studies. Although such research has advanced our understanding of this topic, a number of knowledge gaps still prevent full interpretation of results, as highlighted by the failure of most studies to assign a definitively negative, positive or neutral effect to GMP introduction. Based upon our accumulating, yet incomplete, understanding of soil microbes and processes, we propose a synthesis for the case-by-case study of GMP effects, incorporating assessment of the potential plant/ecosystem interactions, accessible and relevant indicators, and tests for unforeseen effects.  相似文献   
In this study, the effect of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) and two migratory endoparasitic nematodes on Musa plant growth, including the root system, were examined. In addition, the AMF-nematode interaction was studied. Seven Musa genotypes with different root systems were selected. Based on their relative mycorrhizal dependency, two genotypes (Calcutta 4 and Obino l'Ewai) were selected for AMF-nematode interaction studies. The experiments were performed under greenhouse conditions. Mycorrhization with Glomus mosseae resulted in a significantly better plant growth even in the presence of nematodes. The effect of AMF on the root system was genotype-dependent and seemed to be related to the relative mycorrhizal dependency of the genotype. The nematodes also affected the root system, decreasing branching. Nematode population densities were significantly reduced in the presence of AMF, except for Pratylenchus coffeae in Obino l'Ewai. In the root system, it appeared that the decreased branching caused by the nematodes was counterbalanced by the increased branching caused by the AMF.  相似文献   
Background. Earthworm heavy metal concentrations (critical body residues, CBRs) may be the most relevant measures of heavy metal bioavailability in soils and may be linkable to toxic effects in order to better assess soil ecotoxicity. However, as earthworms possess physiological mechanisms to secrete and/or sequester absorbed metals as toxicologically inactive forms, total earthworm metal concentrations may not relate well with toxicity. Objective  The objectives of this research were to: i) develop LD50s (total earthworm metal concentration associated with 50% mortality) for Cd, Pb, and Zn; ii) evaluate the LD50 for Zn in a lethal Zn-smelter soil; iii) evaluate the lethal mixture toxicity of Cd, Pb, and Zn using earthworm metal concentrations and the toxic unit (TU) approach; and iv) evaluate total and fractionated earthworm concentrations as indicators of sublethal exposure. Methods  Earthworms (Eisenia fetida (Savigny)) were exposed to artificial soils spiked with Cd, Pb, Zn, and a Cd-Pb-Zn equitoxic mixture to estimate lethal CBRs and mixture toxicity. To evaluate the CBR developed for Zn, earthworms were also exposed to Zn-contaminated field soils receiving three different remediation treatments. Earthworm metal concentrations were measured using a procedure devised to isolate toxicologically active metal burdens via separation into cytosolic and pellet fractions. Results and Discussion  Lethal CBRs inducing 50% mortality (LD50, 95% CI) were calculated to be 5.72 (3.54-7.31), 3.33 (2.97-3.69), and 8.19 (4.78-11.6) mmol/kg for Cd, Pb, and Zn, respectively. Zn concentrations of dead earthworms exposed to a lethal remediated Zn-smelter soil were 3-fold above the LD50 for Zn and comparable to earthworm concentrations in lethal Zn-spiked artificial soils, despite a 14-fold difference in total soil Zn concentration between lethal field and artificial soils. An evaluation of the acute mixture toxicity of Cd, Pb, and Zn in artificial soils using the Toxic Unit (TU) approach revealed an LD50 (95% CI) of 0.99 (0.57-1.41) TU, indicating additive toxicity. Conclusions  Total Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations in earthworms were good indicators of lethal metal exposure, and enabled the calculation at LD50s for lethality. The Zn-LD50 developed in artificial soil was applicable to earthworms exposed to remediated Zn-smelter soil, despite a 14-fold difference in total soil Zn concentrations. Mixture toxicity evaluated using LD50s from each single metal test indicated additive mixture toxicity among Cd, Pb, and Zn. Fractionation of earth worm tissues into cytosolic and pellet digests yielded mixed results for detecting differences in exposure at the sublethal level Recommendation and Outlook  CBRs are useful in describing acute Cd, Pb, and Zn toxicity in earthworms, but linking sublethal exposure to total and/or fractionated residues may be more difficult. More research on detoxification, regulation, and tissue and subcellular partitioning of heavy metals in earthworms and other invertebrates is needed to establish the link between body residue and sublethal exposure and toxicity. Keywords: Bioavailability; Cd; critical body residues; earthworms; metals; Pb; soil; Zn An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
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