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The Siberian moth, Dendrolimus sibiricus, Tschtv. is the most harmful defoliator of coniferous forests in North Asia. The pest has already spread over the Urals and continues moving westwards. Recently, it has been recommended for quarantine in member countries by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). The performances of the pest on coniferous species planted in Europe were assessed on a range of potted trees corresponding to the spectrum of economically important conifers in the EU: European larch Larix decidua, Norway spruce Picea abies, Scots pine Pinus sylvestris, European black pine Pinus nigra, and the North American species: Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii and grand fir Abies grandis. Larvae showed a potential to survive and complete the development on all these host tree species. Favorable hosts were grand fir, European larch, and Douglas fir that allowed higher survival, better larval development, and as a result, yielded heavier pupae and adult moths with higher longevity. Black pine was a poor host but, however, could still support larval and pupal development. Norway spruce and Scots pine had an intermediate behavior. If accidentally introduced to Europe, the Siberian moth may become especially damaging in forest stands predominated by European larch and by the North American firs. Norway spruce and especially the two-needle pines will be less prone to intensive defoliation by this species. The fact that the pest may damage the range of economically important coniferous species should be taken into account in the pest risk assessment for Europe and also for North America where the Siberian moth occurrence is considered likely.  相似文献   
Ash dieback caused by the mitosporic ascomycete Chalara fraxinea is a novel disease of major concern affecting Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia in large parts of Europe. Recently, its teleomorph was detected and assigned to Hymenoscyphus albidus, which has been known from Europe since 1851. In this study, we present molecular evidence for the existence of two morphologically very similar taxa, H. albidus, which is lectotypified and Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus sp. nov. Differences were found between the species in the loci calmodulin, translation elongation factor 1‐α and the internal transcribed spacers of the rDNA genes, and strong differentiation was obtained with ISSR markers. It is likely that H. albidus is a non‐pathogenic species, whereas H. pseudoalbidus is a virulent species causing ash dieback. Genotyping herbarium specimens showed that H. pseudoalbidus has been present in Switzerland for at least 30 years prior to the outbreak of the epidemic.  相似文献   

This study deals with the influence of electron beam irradiation (EBI) on the wettability of Norway spruce surface samples. To evaluate this possible effect in detail, the changes in chemistry and wood structure were analysed using the methods of IR spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface wettability was determined by the contact angle measurement method. The results of infrared spectra show decreased relative numbers of available hydrophilic groups (e.g. hydroxyl and carbonyl groups) in the wood surfaces due to the electron beam irradiation. This behaviour is consistent with the values from the surface wettability measurements. Structural differences of the wood surfaces after electron beam irradiation were not detectable. Based on these findings pre-treatment of wood surfaces for industrial usages can be a potential field of application of this technology.  相似文献   
Yam bean [Pachyrhizus DC.] is a legume genus of the subtribe Glycininae with three root crop species [P. erosus (L.) Urban, P. tuberosus (Lam.) Spreng., and P. ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi]. Two of the four cultivar groups found in P. tuberosus were studied: the roots of ‘Ashipa’ cultivars with low root dry matter (DM) content similar to P. erosus and P. ahipa are traditionally consumed raw as fruits, whereas ‘Chuin’ cultivars with high root DM content are cooked and consumed like manioc roots. Interspecific hybrids between yam bean species are generally completely fertile. This study examines the genetic diversity of the three crop species, their potentials for breeding and the identification of useful traits to differentiate among yam bean genotypes and accessions. In total, 34 entries (genotypes and accessions) were grown during 2000?2001 at two locations in Benin, West Africa, and 75 morphological and agronomical traits, encompassing 50 quantitative and 25 qualitative characters were measured. Diversity between entries was analyzed using principal component analysis, cluster analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis. Furthermore, phenotypic variation within and among species was investigated. Intra- and interspecific phenotypic diversity was quantified using the Shannon–Weaver diversity index. A character discard was tested by variance component estimations and multiple regression analysis. Quantitative trait variation ranged from 0.81 (for total harvest index) to 49.35% (for no. of storage roots per plant). Interspecific phenotypic variation was higher than intraspecific for quantitative traits in contrast to qualitative characters. Phenotypic variation was higher in overall for quantitative than qualitative traits. In general, intraspecific phenotypic variation ranged from 0.00 to 82.61%, and from 0.00 to 80.03% for quantitative and qualitative traits, respectively. Interspecific phenotypic variation ranged from 0.00 to 95.02%, and 0.00?81.58% for the two trait types, respectively. The Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H′) was in general high and over 0.80 for most of the trait. Diversity within P. tuberosus was higher than within P. erosus and P. ahipa. Across the 50 quantitative and 25 qualitative traits, the Shannon–Weaver diversity index of intra- and interspecific variation was around 0.83 and 0.51, respectively and was lower for qualitative than for quantitative traits. Monomorphism was observed in eight qualitative traits and one quantitative character. The first, second and third principal components explained, respectively, 39.1, 21.3 and 8.3% of the total variation in all traits. Pachyrhizus erosus, P. ahipa, and P. tuberosus (‘Chuin’ and ‘Ashipa’) were clearly separated from each other by these analyses. Multivariate analysis of variance indicates significant differences between Pachyrhizus species for all individual or grouped traits. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the first two discriminant functions were almost significant. Biases due to unbalanced sample size used per species were small. Within each species a similar amount of diversity was observed and was determinable to 70% by only ten traits. We conclude that the cultivated yam bean species represent distinct genepools and each exhibits similarly large amounts of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei apomiktischen Sippen vonPoa pratensis wurden 165 Samenanlagen auf die Anzahl der in ihren Nucelli ausgebildeten Embryosäcke untersucht. Dabei wurden in 87 Nucelli ein, in 60 zwei und in 18 drei Embryosäcke gefunden. Im Einzelfall sind in diesem Stadium apomiktische von sexuellen Embryosäcken nicht zu unterscheiden; es kann aber aus der bekannten hohen Apomixierate bei Zuchtmaterial geschlossen werden, daß es sich dabei fast ausnahmslos um solche aposporen Ursprungs handelt.Die zahlenmäßige Erfassung keimfähiger mono-, bi- und polyembryonaler Karyopsen erfolgt im Keimapparat auf Filterpapier. Die auf diese Weise ermittelte Differenz zu den mittels embryologischer Methoden erfaßten Embryosäcken ist beträchtlich. Von der Anzahl aposporer Initialen je Nucellus über die Anzahl entwickelter Embryosäcke je Nucellus bis zur Ausbildung keimfähiger Embryonen je Karyopse, ist zahlenmäßig eine starke Verminderung festzustellen.In dem befruchtungsfähigen Embryosack bilden, wie zu erwarten, drei Kerne den Eiapparat, zwei die Polkerne und drei die Antipoden. Durch somatische Polyploidisierung erfahren die Antipoden stets eine auffällige Volumenzunahme, und es kann sich durch zusätzliche Teilungen auch ihre Anzahl erhöhen.
Cytological and embryological studies in nucelli of apomictic specimens ofPoa pratensis L.
Summary In a total of 165 analysed nucelli of apomictic specimens ofPoa pratensis 87 contain only one embryo-sac, 60 two embryo-sacs and 18 three ones. In no case aposporous embryo-sacs could be distinguished from meiotic ones. However, from the high apomeiotic rate in breeding material the conclusion can be drawn that the majority of them are of aposporous origin.The numerical evaluation of the germinating capacity of mono-, bi- and polyembryonic caryopses was performed in a germinating apparatus. There are considerable differences between the values determined in this way and those ascertained by embryological methods. It was found that during the developmental pathway from the aposporous initial to the mature, full-grown embryo sequentially the number of embryo-sacs per nucellus and the number of embryos capable to germinate per caryopsis are diminished.As expected, in the mature, fertile embryo-sac three nuclei form the egg-apparatus, two ones the pole nuclei and three ones the antipodals. By somatic polyploidization the antipodals always undergo a considerable increase in volume, and in few cases by additional divisions the number of antipodals may be increased also.

(Poa pratensis L.)
Poa pratensis 165 , , . 87 , 60 — 18 . , , ; , , , , . -, - . , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , .

The utilization of dredged material in dike construction as a substitute for traditionally used materials is considered as an option to preserve natural resources such as marsh sediments. As a prerequisite for this application, the equivalency with respect to soil physical and mechanical properties of the materials must be assessed. Previous investigations have shown pronounced differences in shrinkage behavior and desiccation cracking between sediments and dredged material. The key objective of the study was to assess whether shrinkage of processed dredged material can be reduced by further processing, i.e., dewatering, which can be referred to as ripening.

Materials and methods

To compare the shrinkage behavior of the materials, three different methods of different scales were applied. Small-scale methods conducted were the standard procedure for the determination of the shrinkage limit and the determination of the coefficient of linear extensibility (COLErod). Large-scale shrink-swell experiments were carried out in a specially constructed test system with 90 l capacity for a period of up to 385 days. Here the materials were ripened, i.e., air-dried, until shrinkage almost ceased, and a rewetting-air-drying cycle was conducted. Shrinkage and swelling were determined during the processes by measuring the changes in volume. On the ripened materials, COLErod was determined.

Results and discussion

The experiments show that the shrinkage behavior of processed dredged material can be ameliorated by ripening. COLErod of the ripened materials were about 20–80% lower than COLErod of the un-ripened materials. The large-scale shrink-swell experiments showed that shrinkage in the second drying cycle amounted to less volume than in the first drying cycle and that shrinkage behavior in contrast to the first drying cycle, where pronounced proportional shrinkage was observed, was dominated by structural and residual shrinkage in this cycle.


Ripening of processed dredged material is considered a useful pre-treatment option to ameliorate the shrink-swell behavior of processed dredged material and to obtain a better functional equivalency with traditionally used dike construction materials such as fine-grained marsh sediments.

Adsorption of the mycotoxin ochratoxin A by activated charcoal, various bentonites (acid, alkaline, neutral), and hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate was tested in vitro as well as in feeding experiments with pigs. In vitro tests showed that the 1% addition of activated charcoal leads to complete adsorption of ochratoxin A from aqueous solutions. This effect was not influenced by pH-values ranging from 3-8. In contrast, adsorption by bentonite and hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate occurred primarily in the acid range (pH 3-4). Dietary addition of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (1%) and acid bentonite (1%, 10%) to ochratoxin A-contaminated feed (1.0 mg/kg) had no effect on the blood or tissue levels of the toxin in pigs. The addition of 1% activated charcoal caused a slight decrease of ochratoxin A in the blood, whereas a tenfold dosage resulted in a 50% to 80% reduction of ochratoxin A levels in both blood and tissue. Reduction of ochratoxin A absorption via the dietary administration of activated charcoal (5%) was confirmed in a 16 week feeding experiment. However, this experiment also showed the serum level of vitamin E to be lower than in the controls receiving adsorbent-free feed.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that saponins produced by Narthecium ossifragum (Bog asphodel) may be the direct cause of the toxicity leading to the hepatogenous photosensitivity disease alveld seen in Norwegian lambs. Lambs fed large quantities of freeze-dried N. ossifragum did not develop alveld. Chemical investigations on the freeze-dried material and fresh N. ossifragum showed no difference in their saponin content. These results indicate that alveld is not caused solely by the saponins produced by N. ossifragum.  相似文献   
Quantitative pathohistological investigations were performed on 300 samples of five different myocardial regions from 50 pigs with had suffered stress-related myocardial insufficiency on their transport to the slaughterhouse (transport exhaustion). The findings were compared to 1,200 myocardial samples from 200 clinically intact pigs for slaughter. Animals with transport-related damage exhibited with significance more and more severe inflammatory and degenerative myocardial alterations, such as round-cell infiltration, fiber necrosis, calcification, and fat infiltration. Many of these lesions had been manifest already prior to transport. Myocardially predamaged pigs were less capable than others of sustaining transport stress and were more predisposed to cardiac failure. Stress-related cardiovascular insufficiency, consequently, depended not only on direct stress but also on the general health condition of the myocardium. Causes and pathogenetic relevance of these alterations are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   
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