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A gas chromatographic (GC) method is described to determine deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn at levels as low as 20 ppb. Ground samples are extracted with water, adsorbed onto a Clin Elut column, extracted with ethyl acetate, and passed through a silica gel Sep-Pak cartridge. The final extract is then derivatized with N-heptafluorobutyrylimidazole and quantitated by GC using an electron capture detector. Recoveries are greater than 85% for spiked samples at levels of 50-1000 ppb. Results for wheat, corn, and mixed feed samples are given as well as the results of an interlaboratory study on a naturally contaminated wheat sample.  相似文献   
The question of what determines plant community composition is fundamental to the study of plant community ecology. We examined the relative roles of historical land use, landscape context, and the biophysical environment as determinants of plant community composition in regenerating citrus groves in north-central Florida. Results were interpreted in light of plant functional traits. Herbaceous and woody plants responded differently to broad-scale variables; herbs correlated most strongly with surrounding land cover at a scale of 8 km, while the only significant determinant of woody species distributions was local land use history. There were significant correlations between herbaceous species and spatial context, habitat isolation, environmental variables, and historical variables. Partial Mantel tests indicated that each variable provided a unique contribution in explaining some of the variation in the herbaceous dataset. The correlation between woody plants and local historical variables remained significant even with other effects corrected for. In the herbaceous community, species composition was linked to functional traits much as expected from classical theory. While spatial influences in our study system are important for both woody and herbaceous plants, the primary determinant of plant community composition in regenerating citrus groves is historical land use. Our results suggest that the fine-scale mechanisms of local competition, tolerance and facilitation invoked by many classical studies may ultimately be less important than land use history in understanding current plant community composition in regenerating agricultural areas.  相似文献   
Leaf reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (400-1000 nm) is related primarily to pigmentation, leaf structure and water content, and is an important tool for studying stress physiology and relationships between plants and their growth environment. We studied reflectance of two co-occurring Alaskan conifers, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), at elevations from 60 to 930 m a.s.l. along a latitudinal gradient from 61 degrees to 68 degrees N. Black spruce samples were collected from 24 sites and white spruce from 30 sites. Overall, reflectance spectra of the two species were similar, but from 400 to 700 nm, needle reflectance was consistently higher in black spruce than in white spruce (all P 相似文献   
Access systems are a necessary element of resource production in bottomland hardwood sites. However, road building may have a detrimental effect on hydrologic function of the site. This report describes initial results of a study designed to examine the effect of different road surfacing treatments on water quality.

Four surfacing treatments installed on two test roads included native soil, native soil with vegetative stabilization, 6 cm of gravel, and 15 cm of gravel over geotextile. During the first flooding season periodic sampling measured floodwater suspended sediments and location of erosion and sediment deposition within the road prism. Initial results suggest that sediment movement was confined to the road right-of-way, with no statistically significant sedimentation effects detected beyond the clearing limits of the road. The study is continuing for another field season.  相似文献   

Summary Incense cedar heartwood infected by the pocket rot fungus Polyporus amarus was subjected to microtensile testing and miscroscopical examination to determine effects of this fungus upon wood substance adjacent to advanced decay pockets. Although springwood of the annual ring nearest the decay pocket in some samples had a slightly lower tensile strength than springwood from the same ring but a distance from the pocket, the difference was not statistically significant. Microscopical examination revealed the presence of small, sparse bore holes and hyphae in approximately the same number inside and outside the advanced decay pockets, and in discolored regions of incipient decay. A few bore holes and hyphae were found in specimens from what was macroscopically considered to be sound wood. Polarized illumination revealed no evidence of diffusion of cellulolytic enzymes from the hyphae in regions other than within advanced decay pockets, but the small numbers of hyphae and bore holes observed in decay pockets indicated that considerable enzyme diffusion might be necessary for decay to procede. The data suggest that possible alteration of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties in wood substance surrounding decay pockets need not be a significant factor for consideration in utilization of pecky incense cedar.
Zusammenfassung Kernholz von Zeder (Libocedrus decurrens), das von Polyporus amarus befallen worden war, wurde Mikro-Zugfestigkeitsprüfungen und einer mikroskopischen Durchmusterung unterworfen. Es sollten die Auswirkungen dieses Pilzbefalles auf jene Teile der Holzsubstanz geprüft werden, die unmittelbar an die Befallsstellen angrenzen. Das Frühholz eines Jahrringes, das einer Befallsstelle am nächsten lag, zeigte zwar bei einigen Proben eine geringfügig niedrigere Zugfestigkeit als das Frühholz desselben Jahrringes, das aber von der Befallsstelle weiter entfernt lag. Die Unterschiede waren jedoch statistisch nicht signifikant. Die mikroskopische Durchmusterung deckte das Vorhandensein von kleinen, etwas zerstreut liegenden Bohrlöchern und Hyphen auf, in etwa gleichgroßer Anzahl innerhalb und außerhalb der Stellen fortgeschrittenen Befalls und in den verfärbten Bereichen des beginnenden Befalls. Einige wenige Bohrlöcher und Hyphen wurden ferner in Proben festgetsellt, die bei makroskopischer Betrachtung gesund erschienen. Im polarisierten Licht ließ sich keine Diffusion von aus Hyphen stammenden celluloitischen Enzymen außerhalb der Befallsbereiche beobachten. Die wenigen Hyphen und Bohrlöcher, die in den Befallsstellen beobachtet werden konnten, gaben aber einen Hinweis darauf, daß bei der Ausbreitung eine beträchtliche Enzymdiffusion stattfinden muß. Die ermittelten Werte weisen darauf hin, daß die möglicherweise eintretende Änderung der physikalischen, mechanischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Holzes in unmittelbarer Umgebung der Befallsstellen als wichtige Faktoren bei der Verarbeitung dieses Holzes beachtet werden müssen.

Presented at the 1968 Forest Products Research Society Annual Meeting.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare two approaches to analysing energy- and nutrient-converted data from dietary validation (and relative validation) studies - conventional analyses, in which the accuracy of reported items is not ascertained, and reporting-error-sensitive analyses, in which reported items are classified as matches (items actually eaten) or intrusions (items not actually eaten), and reported amounts are classified as corresponding or overreported. DESIGN: Subjects were observed eating school breakfast and lunch, and interviewed that evening about that day's intake. For conventional analyses, reference and reported information were converted to energy and macronutrients; then t-tests, correlation coefficients and report rates (reported/reference) were calculated. For reporting error-sensitive analyses, reported items were classified as matches or intrusions, reported amounts were classified as corresponding or overreported, and correspondence rates (corresponding amount/reference amount) and inflation ratios (overreported amount/reference amount) were calculated. SUBJECTS: Sixty-nine fourth-grade children (35 girls) from 10 elementary schools in Georgia (USA). RESULTS: For energy and each macronutrient, conventional analyses found that reported amounts were significantly less than reference amounts (every P < 0.021; paired t-tests); correlations between reported and reference amounts exceeded 0.52 (every P < 0.001); and median report rates ranged from 76% to 95%. Analyses sensitive to reporting errors found median correspondence rates between 67% and 79%, and that median inflation ratios, which ranged from 7% to 17%, differed significantly from 0 (every P < 0.0001; sign tests). CONCLUSIONS: Conventional analyses of energy and nutrient data from dietary reporting validation (and relative validation) studies may overestimate accuracy and mask the complexity of dietary reporting error.  相似文献   
The potential of selenium-enriched rye/wheat sourdough bread as a route for supplementing dietary selenium intakes is reported. In addition to their normal diets, 24 female volunteers (24 to 25 years old) were fed either selenium-enriched bread or non-enriched bread each day (68.02 and 0.84 μg selenium day−1 respectively) for 4 weeks. The chemical form of the selenium in the bread had been characterised using HPLC-ICP-MS, which showed that 42% of the extractable selenium was present as selenomethionine. Plasma selenium levels and plasma platelet glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) activity were measured in the volunteers’ blood over a 6-week period. A statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) was observed in the mean percentage change data, calculated from the plasma selenium level measurements for the enriched and control group, over the duration of the study. A comparable difference was not observed for the platelet GPx1 activity (p = 0.756), over the same period. Two weeks after cessation of the feeding stage, i.e., at t = 6 weeks, the mean percentage change value for the selenium plasma levels in the enriched group was still significantly elevated, suggesting that the absorbed selenium had been incorporated into the body’s selenium reserves, and was then being slowly released back into the volunteers’ blood.  相似文献   
Performance of phyllosoma of thesouthern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)was examined after feeding Artemia-baseddiets. Survival and growth of newly-hatchedlarvae cultured to Stage III were lower(p < 0.05) when fed 0.8 mm Artemia than1.5 mm or 2.5 mm Artemia alone or 1.5 mmArtemia in combination with pieces ofmussel (Mytilus edulis planulatus) gonad.This could not be attributed to deficiencies inthe composition of fatty acids but appeared tobe due to the inability of larvae to capturesufficient appropriate-sized, enrichedArtemia for their nutritional requirements.There was an indication that survival andgrowth were higher between Stages III and Vwhen fed 2.5 mm Artemia than 1.5 mmArtemia alone or in combination with musselpieces. However, Stage VI larvae grew to asimilar size at Stage VIII when fed 1.5 mm or2.5 mm Artemia. Unexpectedly, larvae fedthe combination of 1.5 mm Artemia plusmussel supplement had lower survival than foundpreviously, and generally lower than when fed 1.5 mm Artemia alone. This was despitean apparent nutritional profile (lipid contentand fatty acid composition) of mussel more akinto that of newly-hatched phyllosoma thanenriched Artemia. On the other hand,survival and growth to Stage VIII were higherwhen larvae were fed alginate pelletscontaining Artemia than when fed 1.5 mmor 2.5 mm Artemia alone.  相似文献   
Verlorenvlei, a dryland aquatic ecosystem in South Africa, has been identified as having enormous conservation importance. Although the system has Ramsar status and is widely regarded as being in ‘pristine' condition, neither statutory control nor any form of management is currently in existence. Based on the analysis of fossil pollen derived from the sediments of Verlorenvlei, a sequence of rapid changes within the riparian and aquatic vegetation is identified. Synchronous changes in the rate of sedimentation suggest a threefold increase in annual sediment deposition since the mid-18th century—the onset of colonial settlement. The pollen spectra prior to the arrival of colonial settlers suggest that abundant Poaceae (grasses) and rooted aquatic plants dominated the vegetation of the site. Radical changes in the pollen record become evident after the time of European colonization. Aquatic vegetation, including Gentianaceae (water lilies) and Potamogetonaceae, show a marked decrease while riparian vegetation, particularly reed elements such as Cyperaceae, Typhaceae and Juncaceae, are seen to increase progressively. Terrestrial pollen indicators reveal an expansion in the vegetation of classic disturbance indicators such as Asteraceae, Oxalidaceae and Scrophulariaceae. As the wetland has already endured rapid ecological adjustments in the face of colonial (and more recent) occupation of the broader landscape, it cannot be regarded as being in a ‘pristine’ state. Indeed, Verlorenvlei is interpreted as having reached a state of ‘transitional’ ecological equilibrium in which it continues to endure a number of rapid ecological changes; nonetheless, it is still worthy of conservation and management, not least because of its role as a strategic wetland in a dryland environment. Failing the timely implementation of remedial action in the form of an integrated conservation and management plan, Verlorenvlei appears destined to become irreversibly altered. Dryland aquatic ecosystems are vital aquatic resources in so called ‘Third World’ regions of the world yet, paradoxically, scientific research on, and the conservation of, these environments in the Southern Hemisphere are rare by comparison to wetland environments in the northern temperate zones. Although many dryland aquatic systems may already be altered, most are worthy of urgent management and conservation action, bearing in mind the fundamental question: ‘What is it that we wish to conserve?’. A number of recommendations for the management of dryland aquatic ecosystems such as Verlorenvlei are listed.  相似文献   
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