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The drying process of volcanic ash soils often results in the formation of shrinkage cracks with consequences for their physical properties (i.e., decrease of water retention capacity) and land use management. This study presents the soil water characteristics and shrinkage behaviour (shrinkage phases in terms of void and moisture ratio), the shrinkage potential (COLE index), and the pore shrinkage capacity (PSI) for 5 and 20 cm depth of a Haplic Arenosol (tephric) and two Silandic Andosols under pasture management along a soil gradient from the Andean mountains to the coastal range in southern Chile. The main focus of the presented study is on the effect of soil development in conjunction with the weathering of volcanic ash soils on the shrinkage properties. The water retention and shrinkage curves were continuously determined for undisturbed soil samples (100 cm3) during a drying process under laboratory conditions. In addition, the shrinkage curve data were modelled to distinguish different shrinkage zones. The results suggest that the investigated soil properties vary depending on soil development. The more developed Andosols had higher total porosities (up to 70 cm3 cm?3) than the less developed Arenosol. The shrinkage behaviour of the Haplic Arenosol showed a wide structural shrinkage phase, whereas the Silandic Andosols revealed a more pronounced proportional shrinkage phase, which is related to the pore size distribution. In addition, wide and narrow coarse pores of the Haplic Arenosol and medium and fine pores of the Silandic Andosols determine the shrinkage potential (COLE) and the pore shrinkage capacity, respectively. The finer‐grained and organic matter‐rich Andosols indicate a higher COLE index (> 0.03–0.09) compared to the Arenosol (≤ 0.03). The pore shrinkage index (PSI) of the total pores (TP) varied significantly (P < 0.05) with values of 0.042–0.149 in 5 cm depth and 0.04–0.091 in 20 cm depth of sites 1–3, respectively.In summary, the shrinkage potential and pore shrinkage capacity are positively correlated to the organic carbon content and decrease with increasing dry bulk density. The study points out a higher risk of soil degradation due to irreversible drying processes for the more clayey and allophane containing Andosols than the Arenosol.  相似文献   
Influences of phosphorus and nitrogen on uranium and arsenic accumulation in Lemna gibba L. were investigated in the laboratory hydroponic cultures and in the field pot experiments. The initial uranium and arsenic concentrations in solutions for the hydroponic cultures were 1000 μ g l?1 each, while in situ trials used tailing water containing 198.7 ± 20.0 μ g U l?1 and 75.0 ± 0.4 μ g As l?1 at a former uranium mine in eastern Germany. A test of three PO4 3? concentrations (0.01, 13.6 and 40.0 mg l?1) in the hydroponic cultures, highest uranium accumulated in L. gibba under the culture with highest PO4 3?. Significant differences in uranium accumulation were between 0.01 mg l?1 and 13.6 mg l?1 PO4 3? cultures only (ANOVA p = 0.05). In the field, addition of 40.0 mg l?1 PO4 3? increased the bioaccumulation of uranium significantly. Contrary, high PO4 3? concentrations suppressed the bioaccumulation of arsenic in both the laboratory and the field. The bioaccumulation of both uranium and arsenic increased slightly with the increase of NH4 + concentration. However, high NH4 + concentrations reduced the yield in the control experiments. The concentration of uranium rose temporarily to 856.0 ± 294.0 μ g l?1, while the concentration of arsenic sunk slightly and temporarily immediately after amending the tailing waters with 40 mg l?1 PO4 3?. The speciation of uranium in the tailing water was modelled with geochemical code PhreeqC, which predicted that uranyl carbonate species dominated before addition of phosphates, but after increasing the PO4 3? concentrations, uranyl phosphates species became dominant. Addition of NH4 + to the tailing water had negligible influence on free available uranium and arsenic concentrations. Thus, manipulations to enhance uranium and arsenic attenuation by L. gibba has limitation when the amendments interact with other elements including the contaminants in the milieu, and when the target contaminants have antagonistic behaviour in the tailing water.  相似文献   
Depth‐dependent soil bulk density (BDS) is usually affected by soil‐specific factors like texture, structure, clay mineralogy, soil organic‐matter content, soil moisture content, and composition of soil solution and is also affected by external factors like overburden‐stress history or hydrological fluxes. Generally, the depth‐dependent BDS cannot be predicted or extrapolated precisely from a limited number of sampling depths. In the present paper, an easy method is proposed to estimate the state of soil mechanical stress by analyzing the packing characteristics of the profile using soil bulk‐density data. Results for homogeneous loess profiles exposed to the site‐specific climatic conditions show that the depth‐dependent relation of void ratio vs. weight of overburden soil can be described systematically so that deviations from the noncompacted reference state can be detected. We observed that precompaction increased from forest soils (reference) to agricultural soils with decreasing depth.  相似文献   
Evaluation of the soil consolidation state by using data from penetration resistance probes Penetration resistance data (EW) from handdriven equipment are easily obtainable because the equipment is simple, cheap, and easily carriable. Measurements are performed quickly without extensive destruction of the site. It is the only method to measure soil strength directly and in situ. Therefore, it is worthwhile to propose an interpretation of the results in order to obtain more conclusive statements on the structural soil state. The procedure applied in our study consists in assigning EW values to the principal stress σx and in using an auxiliary construction for the vertical component (σz ) as a function of penetration depth. The EW value obtained at the final soil depth is assumed to represent stresses at rest, i.e., K0 = σxz = 1. Drawing a straight line from this point towards the origin of the coordinates EW and soil depth supplies values of the hydrostatic condition for each depth; e.g., values for σz are available for each depth. The coefficient for the equivalent stress at rest (K0E) per depth can now be calculated simply by comparing the measured EW values with the assumed (hydrostatic) vertical depth function of EW. From a total volume of 29 sets of EW versus depth relations, means and standard deviation of K0E are presented for arable and forest soils from central Europe. K0E of forest soils tends to be close to 1 showing approximately normal compaction. In arable sites, K0E > 2 prevail, indicating precompation. These results confirm the general feasibility of the approach to evaluate the compaction state of soil from EW data. Examples are given to show the K0E characteristics for special cases of mechanical stress situations.  相似文献   
The mineralisation of green manure from agroforestry trees was monitored with the objective to compare the temporal dynamics of mineralisation of litter from different species. Green manures from five agroforestry tree species were used on a fallow field during the long rainy season of 1997 (March-August) and from two species in the following short rainy season (September-January) in western Kenya. Different methods, i.e. measurements of isotopic ratios of C in respired CO2 and of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions, soil inorganic N and mass loss from litterbags, were used in the field to study decomposition and C and N mineralisation. Soil respiration, with the separation of added C from old soil C by using the isotopic ratio of 13C/12C in the respired CO2, correlated well with extractable NH4+ in the soil. Mineralisation was high and very rapid from residues of Sesbania sesban of high quality [e.g. low ratio of (polyphenol+lignin)/N] and low and slow from low quality residues of Grevillea robusta. Ten days after application, 37% and 8% of the added C had been respired from Sesbania and Grevillea, respectively. Apparently, as much as 70-90% of the added C was respired in 40 days from high quality green manure. Weight losses of around 80%, from high quality residues in litterbags, also indicate substantial C losses and that a build-up of SOM is unlikely. For immediate effects on soil fertility, application of high quality green manure may, however, be a viable management option. To achieve synchrony with crop demand, caution is needed in management as large amounts of N are mineralised within a few days after application.  相似文献   
The chemokines CCL21 and CXCL13 are immune factors that dictate homing and motility of lymphocytes and dendritic cells in lymphoid tissues. However, the means by which these chemokines are regulated and how they influence cell trafficking during immune responses remain unclear. We show that CCL21 and CXCL13 are transiently down-regulated within lymphoid tissues during immune responses by a mechanism controlled by the cytokine interferon-gamma. This modulation was found to alter the localization of lymphocytes and dendritic cells within responding lymphoid tissues. As a consequence, priming of T cell responses to a second distinct pathogen after chemokine modulation became impaired. We propose that this transient chemokine modulation may help orchestrate local cellularity, thus minimizing competition for space and resources in activated lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   


The investigation was conducted in a savanna area covered by what was considered an undesirably dense stand of Colophospermum mopane trees, mainly because such a dense stand of trees often results in the suppression of herbaceous plants. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of intensity of tree thinning on the dry matter yield of herbaceous plants (notably grasses) and to investigate differences in herbaceous species composition between defined subhabitats (under tree canopies, between tree canopies and where trees have been removed). Seven plots (65 × 180 m) were subjected to different intensities of tree thinning, ranging from a totally cleared plot (0 %) to plots thinned to the equivalent of 10 %, 20%, 35 %, 50% and 75 % of the leaf biomass of a control plot (100 %) with a tree density of 2711 plants ha-1. The establishment of herbaceous plants (grasses and forbs) in response to reduced competition from the woody plants was measured during three full growing seasons following the thinning treatments.  相似文献   
Objective: To report a surgical implantation of the Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) middle ear implant in dogs. Study Design: Pilot study. Animals: Dogs (n=3). Methods: A lateral approach to the tympanic bulla was used to insert the floating mass transducer of the VSB into the tympanic bulla. Using microscopic guidance the transducer was moved to and inserted into the round window niche by manipulation through the acoustic bony meatus, after reflection of the tympanic membrane. VSB position was confirmed by computed tomography (CT) imaging. Results: No intraoperative complications occurred and CT images confirmed correct placement of the VSB. Conclusions: A VSB can be safely implanted in the middle of dogs.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to analyse how different sewage sludges influence soil wetting and drying dynamics. Three composted and three thermally‐dried municipal sludges from different wastewater plants located in Catalonia (NE Spain) were mixed with a mine‐soil obtained from a limestone quarry. Measurements of the time required to reach zero contact angle () and water holding time (WHT) provided information on the time required for a mine‐soil to reach its complete wettability and the residence time of water stored between ?0.75 and ?25 MPa of soil suction, respectively. One month after sludge amendments, one composted and one thermally‐dried sludge significantly increased . WHT was increased in the mine‐soil treated by composted sludges (50.6% by Blanes' sludge, 65.5% by Manresa's sludge and 52.5% by Vilaseca's sludge) one month after sludge amendments. The amount of water retained in the mine‐soil was increased by all composted sludges and one thermally‐dried sludge after one month (by 42.3% with Blanes' sludge, 42.3% with Manresa's sludge, 65.7% with Vilaseca's sludge and 23.9% with Mataró's sludge) and one year after sludge amendments and at a small suction. Increments in WHT corresponded with the amount of water retained so the time‐scale of soil water availability should also be considered. The value was modified mainly by increments in carbon stock and microbial biomass, while the WHT was modified mainly by increments in pH and electrical conductivity. Under similar air‐drying conditions, mine‐soil treated with composted sludges retained more water for longer compared with thermally‐dried sludges.  相似文献   
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