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Inhalt: Auf Grand fünfjähriger systematischer Registrierung der angeborenen Anomalien bei allen Rinderrassen des Landes Hessen wird festgestellt, daß unter den Nachkommen von Besamungsbullen prozentual nicht mehr mißgebildete Kälber auftreten als bei den Nachkommen von Bullen, die im Natursprung eingesetzt waren. Das breitgestreute Spektrum der Organdefekte umfaßt etwa 43 Mißbildungskategorien und Mißbildungssyndrome; das Zentralnervensystem ist mit ca. 25% am häufigsten beteiligt. Die Aufstellung von "Teratograrnnaen" der Nachkommengruppen ermöglicht die verhältnismäßig frühzeitige Testung von Jungbullen, die für den Einsatz in der KB vorgesehen sind. Da zwischen Nachkommenzahl (Einsatzdauer) der einzelnen Bullen und Mißbildungshäufigkeit bei ihren Nachkommen positive Beziehungen bestehen, bedeuten signifikante Abweichungen von diesen "Normalwerten" der Mißbildungsfrequenzen innerhalb der Nachkommengrößenklassen besondere genetische Situationen der Väter. Diese können in der Anlage für besondere pathologische Merkmale bestehen oder sich in zufallsbedingten embryonalen Entwicklungs-storungen mannigfacher Art als Folge einer individuellen Genomlabilität der Embryonen äußern .  相似文献   
The diagnosis of tapeworm infections in horses relies on copro-diagnostic methods, which are time-consuming and of limited sensitivity for determination of the exact prevalence. The development of serological tests has slightly improved the detection of tapeworm infections, but more sensitive methods are still required. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach may constitute a valuable tool to improve tapeworm diagnosis. Nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is a useful target for species and/or strain markers. Partial 18S, the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1), the 5.8S, the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2), and partial 28S rDNA of the equine tapeworms Anoplocephala perfoliata and Anoplocephaloides mamillana were amplified and sequenced. The lengths and GC contents of the regions sequenced were 2087-2091bp and 49.35-49.69% for A. perfoliata, and 2110-2119bp and 49.15-49.32% for A. mamillana, respectively. Sequence alignment and comparison of both taxa showed 79.3-80.2% identity. The lowest identities were found in the ITS regions with 39.9-43.5% for the ITS-1 and 59.5-61.2% for the ITS-2. No matches of the ITS-2 of A. perfoliata and A. mamillana were found with other species by BLAST search. For this reason, ITS-2 sequences seemed appropriate as accurate species markers and A. perfoliata ITS-2 primers were developed. The ITS-2 PCR enabled the detection of genomic DNA as low as 0.5 pgs. First efforts on the practical application of the PCR-based approach were made. A 6-mg fragment of a tapeworm proglottid was detected in 0.5 and 1g of faeces.  相似文献   
Mycobacteria have low-permeability outer membranes that render them resistant to most antibiotics. Hydrophilic nutrients can enter by way of transmembrane-channel proteins called porins. An x-ray analysis of the main porin from Mycobacterium smegmatis, MspA, revealed a homooctameric goblet-like conformation with a single central channel. This is the first structure of a mycobacterial outer-membrane protein. No structure-related protein was found in the Protein Data Bank. MspA contains two consecutive beta barrels with nonpolar outer surfaces that form a ribbon around the porin, which is too narrow to fit the thickness of the mycobacterial outer membrane in contemporary models.  相似文献   
Oncogenic CARD11 mutations in human diffuse large B cell lymphoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In the least curable (ABC) subtype of DLBCL, survival of the malignant cells is dependent on constitutive activation of the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling pathway. In normal B cells, antigen receptor-induced NF-kappaB activation requires CARD11, a cytoplasmic scaffolding protein. To determine whether CARD11 contributes to tumorigenesis, we sequenced the CARD11 gene in human DLBCL tumors. We detected missense mutations in 7 of 73 ABC DLBCL biopsies (9.6%), all within exons encoding the coiled-coil domain. Experimental introduction of CARD11 coiled-coil domain mutants into lymphoma cell lines resulted in constitutive NF-kappaB activation and enhanced NF-kappaB activity upon antigen receptor stimulation. These results demonstrate that CARD11 is a bona fide oncogenein DLBCL, providing a genetic rationale for the development of pharmacological inhibitors of the CARD11 pathway for DLBCL therapy.  相似文献   
beta-Secretase plays a critical role in beta-amyloid formation and thus provides a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease. Inhibitor design has usually focused on active-site binding, neglecting the subcellular localization of active enzyme. We have addressed this issue by synthesizing a membrane-anchored version of a beta-secretase transition-state inhibitor by linking it to a sterol moiety. Thus, we targeted the inhibitor to active beta-secretase found in endosomes and also reduced the dimensionality of the inhibitor, increasing its local membrane concentration. This inhibitor reduced enzyme activity much more efficiently than did the free inhibitor in cultured cells and in vivo. In addition to effectively targeting beta-secretase, this strategy could also be used in designing potent drugs against other membrane protein targets.  相似文献   
The mountainous environment of the Ethiopian highlands has a great variety of ecotopes and thus demands great flexibility in land management. Different climatic conditions and landscape positions induce different soil forming processes, leading to various soil types with specific risks and potentials. The present study portrays a soil sequence of the central section of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley, from the footslopes of the eastern escarpment to the marginal volcano structures. Six profiles under natural vegetation are described for classification according to the USDA Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources classification systems, and special site characteristics are discussed. The Acacia savannah of the footslopes (1900 m a. s. l.) is characterized by Vertisols (Mazic Vertisols/Aridic Haplusterts), with often pronounced effects of seasonal waterlogging. All other soils are well-drained and reflect the general increase in rainfall with elevation and slope, causing a decline in topsoil pH and a change from cation-rich clay soils of the Podocarpus-dominated forest at 2300 m a. s. l. (Mollic Nitisols/Typic Palehumults) to strongly-leached Humic Umbrisols/Humic Dystrudepts of the Hagenia-dominated forest around 2600 m a. s. l. The highland savannah plain (2700 m a. s. l.) with a drier and cooler environment has typically Mollic Cambisols/Dystric Haplustepts, which are less leached and have a rather brownish colour. At 2900 m a. s. l., Niti-umbric Alisols/Andic Hapludalfs are found in the Hypericum forest at the midslopes of the marginal volcanoes receiving high rainfall, whereas soil development is at a more initial state in the Erica-dominated forest at 3200 m a. s. l. (Umbric Andosols/Alic Hapludands). Clay mineral composition is kaolinite-dominated for the upper five profiles, with a high proportion of poorly crystalline components in the upper savannah and the volcano upslopes. The lowermost profile probably has a polygenetic origin indicated by an abrupt change from a smectitic to a kaolinitic composition in the subsoil. Soil development on quite homogeneous bedrock appears essentially controlled by relief and climate, underlining the suitability of the region as a model area for in-depth gradient studies on ecosystem processes and land use.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to elucidate thedistribution of particulate polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAH) in the air of a remote Norwayspruce (Picea abies (L.) karst.) stand.The study encompassed a total of twenty differentcongeners. Particles in ambient air were alternativelycollected by two different Berner cascade impactors atthe field site in Northern Bavaria over a 14-weeksperiod from the end of April through to the end ofJuly 1994 and subsequently analyzed for their PAHcontent. The concentrations of total suspendedparticulate matter (TSP) ranged from 9–31 μg m-3,suggesting that the field site is an area with a lowlevel of airborne particles. There was a negativerelationship of total particle concentrations with theamount of canopy precipitation due to particle washout at precipitation events. The distribution of theparticle masses on the different size fractions witha maximum in the 1-μm range is typical for remoteareas and indicates a medium-range transport. Theaerosol-bound PAH load decreased from spring sampleswith 2–4 ng m-3 to values <1 ng m-3 in the summersamples. Concurrently, the proportion of low molecularweight congeners in the total PAH load declined.Frequently, the highest PAH concentrations (referringto the air) were found in the 0.1–3 μm sizeseparates (accumulation mode). The results suggestthat apart from PAH input to the soil with litter, dryand wet deposition of aerosol particles is animportant pathway of PAH contamination of acid forestsoils in the Fichtelgebirge mountain range.  相似文献   
Salmon fillets were steamed, or pan-fried without oil, with olive oil, with corn oil, or with partially hydrogenated plant oil. The exchange between the salmon and the pan-frying oils was marginal, but it was detectable as slight modifications in the fatty acid pattern and the tocopherol contents according to the oil used. Primary and secondary oxidation products were only slightly increased or remained unchanged, which indicated a slight lipid oxidation effect due to the heating procedures applied. The same was observed for tocopherol levels, which remained almost stable and were not affected by the oxidation process. The sum of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) increased after the heating processes from 0.9 microg/g in the raw sample to 6.0, 4.0, 4.4, 3.3, and 9.9 microg/g extracted fat in pan-fried without oil, with olive oil, corn oil, partially hydrogenated plant oil, and steamed, respectively. A highly significant correlation was found between the fatty acid pattern and the total amount of COPs (r2 = 0.973, p < 0.001). No change has been determined in the n-3 fatty acids content and in the polyunsaturated/saturated-ratio of the cooked salmon fillets. Moderate pan-frying (6 min total) and steaming (12 min) of salmon did not accelerate lipid oxidation but significantly increased the content of COPs. The highest increase of COPs was found through steaming, mainly due to the longer heat exposure. The used frying oils did not influence the outcome; no significant difference between heat treatment with or without oil has been determined.  相似文献   
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