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The endotoxic activity of Fusobacterium necrophorum bov 5 was investigated. The supernatant (S) fluid and cell wall (CW) preparation, obtained after differential centrifugation of the ruptured cell mass, were lethal for mice. The toxicity of the S fluid was stable during prolonged storage, treatment with formalin, and heating for 15 minutes at 80, 100, and 121 C, but was destroyed by alkaline hydrolysis with 0.25 N NaOH. The toxic factor was found in a high molecular weight (MW) fraction after gel filtration. The properties exhibited by the toxic S fluid resembled those of endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Extracted and partially purified LPS (endotoxin) from F necrophorum bov 5 demonstrated a mouse median lethal dose (mouse LD50) of 16.8 mg/kg of body weight. The toxic LPS material, a high molecular weight moiety as estimated by gel filtration, was resistant to ribonuclease (RNase), deoxyribonuclease (DNase), and pronase treatment. A positive Shwartzman reaction (median skin lesion dose (SLD50) equal to 3.32 mug/kg of body weight) and biphasic fever response (minimal dose required to produce a fever index of 40 sq cm which falls on the linear portion of dose-response curve (FL40) equal to 0.41 mug/kg of body weight) further indicated the toxin was endotoxin in nature. The LPS from F necrophorum bov 5 was less toxic than Salmonella typhimurium LPS; but had considerable toxicity for experimental animals. The toxic activity of the partially purified F necrophorum bov 5 endotoxin was separated into 2 fraction regions by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose chromatography. The data provide evidence for the production of a potent endotoxin, possibly composed of more than one toxic component, which may be released upon cell disruption.  相似文献   
Substituted naphthoquinones, 2,3,-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone, and 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone produced marked changes in the pattern of 14C-distribution during 14CO2-fixation by photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. The most obvious change in the labeling pattern during photoautotrophic 14CO2-fixation was a several-fold increase in 3-phosphoglyceric acid accompanied with a decrease in the amount of glutamate. In photoheterotrophic cells, quinones caused an appreciable increase in 14C-glycolic acid and concomitant decrease, although not proportional, in the amount of 14C-sugar phosphate. The level of 14C-incorporated in poly-β-hydroxybutyrate and ether-extractable lipids was considerably decreased in photoautotrophic and photoheterotrophic cells treated with quinones. The ability of quinones to interfere with the synthesis of NADH and ATP, and their ability to interact with sulfhydryl enzymes and coenzymes appears to be responsible for the changes observed.  相似文献   
The critical acetylcholinesterase component, that is responsible for the resistance mechanism of decreased sensitivity to the inhibitor in the cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Can.), has been isolated from the organophosphorus-susceptible Yeerongpilly and resistant Biarra and Ridgelands strains. With the substrate acetylthiocholine this enzyme component gave a pH activity profile similar for all strains. Optimal substrate concentration for Ridgelands was 1.73.10?2M compared to 2.70.10?4M for the other strains. Computed Km values were 1.98.10?5M, 3.65.10?5M, and 6.43.10?6M for Yeerongpilly, Biarra, and Ridgelands strains, respectively, while the corresponding Vmax figures were 336, 135, and 21 μmoles acetylthiocholine hydrolyzed per gram of larvae per hour. These results are discussed in relation to the resistance mechanism and compared with similar parameters derived for this enzyme from bovine erythrocytes, the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina, and the sheep nematode Trichostrongylus colubtiformis.  相似文献   
The formation of roots and shoots on root segments of Rubus procerus P.J. Muell was prevented by soaking the segments for 24 h in a 10?4M solution of 2,4,5-T or a 10?5M solution of picloram. Shoot numbers were significantly increased after treatment with 10?9M and 10?10M 2,4,5-T, but picloram did not cause a significant increase in shoot numbers. Measurement of the concentration of 2,4,5-T in the extracambial tissue showed that roots treated with 10?4M 2,4,5-T contained 5× 10?8 mmole 2,4,5-T per mg dry weight, and by extrapolation, roots treated with 10?9M 2,4,5-T contained 2× 10?10 mmole/mg dry weight. Action du 2,4,5-T et du piclorame sur la régénération de la ronce (Rubus procerus P.J. Muell) è partir de fragments de racines La formation de racines et de tiges è partir de fragments de racines dc Ruhus procerus P.J. Muell a été supprimée par trempage des fragmenls pendant 24 heures dans une solution a 10?4M et de 2.4,5-T, ou dans une solution 10?5M de piclorame. Le nombre de pousses s'est accru significativement après traitement avec le 2,4,5.-T è 10?9M et 10?10M, mais le piclorame n'a pas provoqué d'accroissemcnt significatif du nombre de pousses. La mesure de la concentration de 2,4,5-T dans le tissu extra-cambial a montré que les racines trailées avec du 2,4,5-T è 10?4M contenaient 5×10?8 mmole de 2.4,5-T par mg de poids sec et par extrapolation, quc les racines traitées avec du 2,4,5-T k 10?9M devaient contenir 2 × 10?12 mmole/mg de poids sec. Die Wirkiing von 2,4,5-T und Picloram auf den Wuchs der Wurzehegmenten von Bromheeren (Rubus procerus P.J. Muell). Die Bildung von Wurzeln und Sprossen aus Wurzelsegmen-ten von Ruhu.i procerus P.J. Muell wurde durch 24-stündiges Einlegen der Wurzelstücke in 10?4M 2,4,5-T bzw 10?5M Picloram verhindert. Die Anzahl neugebiideter Sprosse wurde nach Einlegen in 10?9M und 10?10M 2,4,5-T, nicht jedoch durch Picloram, signifikant erhöht. Im extracambialen Gewebe von Wurzeln, die mit 10?4M 2,4,5-T behand-elt worden waren, wurden 5×10?8mMol 2,4,5-T je mg Trockengewiclu bestimmt. Durch Extrapolation wurde ermittclt. dass mit 10?9M 2,4,5-T behandelte Wurzeln 2× 10?12mMol/mg Trockengewicht cnthielten.  相似文献   
Root-treated alfalfa absorbs, translocates, and metabolizes [phenyl-14C]isopropyl carbanilate ([14C]propham). After 7 days of root treatment, the distribution of radiolabel was 73% for shoots and 27% for roots. Shoots and roots were extracted and separated into the polar, nonpolar, and solid residual components using a mixture of chloroform, methanol and water. The insoluble residues accounted for approximately 40% of the 14C found in shoots and roots. The nonpolar fraction (6.1% of the radiolabel in shoots and roots) was not characterized, but was shown to be some component other than parent propham. Propham was not found in either shoots or roots. The polar metabolites were partly purified on Amberlite XAD-2. Cellulase-liberated aglycones were derivatized and separated by high-performance liquid and gas-liquid chromatography. The infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectral data showed that the polar metabolites of alfalfa shoots and roots were glycoside conjugates of isopropyl 2-hydroxycarbanilate (2-hydroxypropham) and isopropyl 4-hydroxycarbanilate (4-hydroxypropham). Conjugated 4-hydroxypropham accounted for 45.9% of the 14C in the shoots and 3.4% of the 14C in the roots. Conjugated 2-hydroxypropham accounted for 3.4% of the 14C in the shoots and 1.4% of the 14C in the roots.  相似文献   
The establishment of predacious mites in commercial orchards may be accelerated by the transfer of pruned wood in winter and summer from donor orchards to release orchards. Following winter pruning, 3-year-old and older wood is collected and transported as soon as possible in bundles to a release orchard for distribution. If the release orchard is composed of dwarf trees, then one or two bundles of 5 kg each are placed vertically at the base of the trunk of every tree in the block (0.5 to 1 ha); if the trees are of standard size, then four or five bundles used. Following summer pruning, annual shoots and suckers are distributed immediately in a release orchard composed of dwarf trees by placing 12–15 branches on the foliage of fruit-bearing branches; if the release orchard is composed of standard trees, then 50 branches are used. The pruned wood should have 20–25 leaves and not less than one predator per leaf. The release orchard should have a light infestation (two or three mites per leaf) of pest tetranychids. These phytophagous mites would serve as food and help establish the predators. The release orchard grower should develop a pest management program based on the same groups of pesticides used in the donor orchard. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 31, 2005.  相似文献   
Nine different strains of the two-spotted spider miteTetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) were collected on cotton from Adana, Antalya, Izmir, Manisa and Urfa in Turkey. Their responses to bifenthrin were investigated using conventional bioassay and biochemical assays. LC50 and LC90 values of bifenthrin were determined for all strains by using a residual bioassay with a petri dish-spray tower. Resistance ratios were determined by comparing the samples with a standard susceptible strain, GSS. The resistance ratios of the strains ranged from <1 to 669-fold (at LC50). Of the investigated field strains, only three (two from Adana and one from Urfa) were resistant to bifenthrin. There was a correlation between esterase enzyme activity and bifenthrin resistance according to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and microtiter plate assays in the three resistant strains. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 17, 2005.  相似文献   
Predicted changes in average values of global climate variables (increased temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2) and changes in the frequency, duration, and degree of extremes (frost, heat, drought, hail, storms, floods, etc.) will affect agricultural crops, agroecosystems, and agricultural productivity. Although forecasts of regional climate changes are still imprecise, mean temperature increases in Europe are expected to be greater in the north (2.5–4.5°C) than in the south (1.5–4.5°C). Regional forecasts for precipitation changes are also very far from precise; however, problems with drought are expected to increase, especially in Mediterranean countries. Overall, shortage of water will be the predominant factor affecting plant growth. As higher temperatures are known to enhance plant development and especially the grain-filling duration of cereals, grain yield losses are possible in a warmer climate. On the other hand, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations are known to stimulate photosynthesis and enhance growth and yield (“CO2 fertilization”); concomitantly, leaf transpiration is reduced, resulting in improved water use efficiency. Total biomass and yield were enhanced by 20–30% in experiments with elevated CO2 exposure (550–700 ppm) under more or less ideal growth conditions. Elucidating the interactions between positive and negative effects of climate change is of crucial importance for any prediction of future crop yields. The present paper is a brief summary mainly of the potential effects of elevated temperatures and atmospheric CO2 on crop growth, quality, and yield. Also, adaptation measures, possible interactive effects of different climate variables, and interactions of climate change components with other growth variables (pathogens, air pollutants) are briefly described.  相似文献   
A new pest in oilseed rape the cabbage root fly (Delia radicum L.) has succeded to establish – at least regional –during the recent years. It is not easy to monitor the cabbage root fly. Although the usual yellow water trap works quite well, it is still difficult for the farmers to determine Delia radicum exactly. The amount of infestation can be assessed best in the middle of November by analysing the damages of the roots. In this article a classification scheme is proposed. It is also difficult to control this pest. While applications of Pyrethroids against the imagines and the use of Dimethoat against the larva mostly showed only little effect in the tests, some new dressing-substances proved better against the standard “Chinook” (Imidacloprid+beta-Cyfluthrin). To forward this research and to clarify factors, which influence the infestation, a project titled “Possibilities of defence and control of cabbage root fly in winter oilseed rape” has been started in November 2003. Eight crop-protection services at German Federal State level and the BBA are involved in this project, which is supported by UFOP.  相似文献   
Introduction:  We evaluated the totally implantable subcutaneous vascular access port (VAP) in 16 cancer patients undergoing intermittent chemotherapy for more than 30 months.
Methods:  Ports were surgically placed (The CompanionPort, Norfolk Vet Products, Skokie, Illinois 60076) in the jugular vein of 12 dogs and 4 cats between 1/2002 and 7/2004. Body weight determined polyurethane catheter size (4, 5, 7 fr.). The polysulfone port, surrounded by titanium, was anchored to subcutaneous tissue in the dorsolateral neck and confirmed with C‐arm fluoroscopy. All blood samples were obtained via VAP. Nine anticancer agents, other medications, crystalloids/colloids, and whole blood were administered. Ports were flushed every 4–5 weeks with heparinized saline solution (100 IU/ml). Removed catheters were submitted for bacteriology.
Results:  Seven of 16 animals are still alive. VAP were used for 1.5 to more than 30 months with 4–60 injections/port. Catheter tips were visualized from the left atrium distally into the caudal vena cava. Adverse events included post‐operative subcutaneous bruising and/or hematoma (4/16), difficult aspiration (4/16), catheter malposition (1/16), positional flushing (1/16), and occlusion requiring replacement (1/16). No thrombus formation or extravasation was evident. Bacterial colonization without signs of septicemia was observed in 3/4 catheters.
Conclusions:  VAP are an effective way of achieving long‐term venous access in the dog and cat. Complications are typically minor and infrequent.  相似文献   
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