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Restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA hybridization revealed five ovine strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis from South Africa had identical DNA patterns to an ovine strain from Canada. Genetically this strain type has features in common with the two major groups of M. paratuberculosis.  相似文献   
Inhalt: An 81 Versuchs- und 92 Kontrolltieren der Rasse “Potnische Schwarzbunte” aus 3 Problembetrieben wurde ein Versuch zur Sterilitätsprophylaxe rnit der PRID-Spirale durchgeführt. Anhand klinischer Befunde und Milchprogesteronwerten wurde die Untergruppe aus Kühen mit Ovardystrophie (18 Versuchs- und 22 Kontrolltiere) gebildet und extra ausgewertet. Der Behandlungsbeginn lag zwischen 60 und 80 Tage post partum. Die Versuchstiere wurden mit der PRID-Spirale 12 Tage lang behandelt, die Kontrolltiere erhielten Injcktionen rnit Kochsalzlösung und solche rnit Ovardystrophie wurden zusätzlich mit einer Eierstocksmassage behandelt. Die Versuchstiere wurden 56 und 72 Stunden nach Entfernung der Spirale blind besamt. Die Brunstin-duktionsrate betrug insgesamt 90,1%, bei denen rnit Ovardystrophie 77,7%. Die An-wendung der PRID-Spirale führte zur Verbesserung der Fertilitätslage. Die Gesamt-trächtigkeitsrate lag mit 87,6% bei den Versuchskühenüber derjenigen der Kontrollkü-he mit 79,3%. Die Behandlung der Tiere rnit Ovardystrophie erbrachte eine Gesamt-trächtigkeitsrate von 88,8% bei den Versuchs- und 72,7% bei den Kontrolltieren. Die Zwischentragezeit betrug bei den Versuchstieren 101,2 Tage und bei den Kontrolltieren 113,3 Tage (p ≤ 0,05). Bei den azyklischen Tieren lag die Zwischentragezeit bei 104,6 Tage bzw. 134,7 Tage (p ≤ 0,05). In einem anderen Versuch wurde 20 Hybriden zwischen Wisent und Hausrind rwecks Zyklussynchronisation die PRID-Spirale verabreicht. Die Brunstinduktionsrate betrug 66,6%, das Erstbesamungsergebnis nach Doppelbesamung 30%, die Gesamtträchtig-keitsrate nach dem Decken der umrindernden Kreuzungstiere rnit einem Bullen 90%. Die Deckperiode konnte verkürzt werden. Contents: Investigations on the synchronization of estrus cycle in cattle from farms with fertility problems and in cross-breeds between bison and cattle with a PRID-de-vice In 81 experimental and 92 control animals of the “Polish Black and White” breed derived from 3 farms with fertility problems an investigation was carried out for sterility prophylaxis using the PRID-device. Based on clinical findings and milk progesterone values cattle with ovarian dystrophy (18 experimental and 22 control animals) from a special group were used. The begin of treatment was between 60 and 80 days post partum. All experimental animals had received a PRID-device for a duration of 12 days. Control animals were injected with physiological saline solution and animals with ovarian dystrophy were treated additionally with ovarian massage. Experimental animals were inseminated 56 and 72 hrs after removal of the device. All animals taken, estrus was induced in 90.1% of the animals, while only 77.7% of animals with ovarian dystrophy came to estrus. Application of the PRID-device led to an improvement of fertility. Pregnancy rates in experimental animals were 87.6%, while only 79.3% of the control animals were pregnant. Treatment of animals with ovarian dystrophy resulted in 88.8% pregnancies for treated and 72.7% for control animals. Experimental animals were non-pregnant for a duration of 101.2 days, while control animals remained non-pregnant for 113.3 days (p < 0.05). Acyclic cattle had a non-pregnant period of 104.6 days and 134.7 days (p < 0.05) respectively. In a second experiment 20 cross-breeds between bison and domestic cattle were treated with a PRID-device for synchronization of the estrus cycle. The rate of estrus induction was 66.6%, the fertility after double insemination 30%, the total pregnancy rate improved after mating with a bull of animals that had not conceived to 90%.  相似文献   
柿饼贮藏工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冬  李世敏  张家年 《果树学报》2001,18(3):168-171
对柿饼在贮藏过程中的防霉变、防褐变方法进行了研究,并试验了将制作半干食品的技术应用于柿饼贮藏工艺中的可行性。结果表明,柿饼的含水量、熏硫量、熏硫时间对柿饼霉变率有显著的影响,按推荐的熏硫工艺熏硫的柿饼贮藏3个月后,SO2的含量低于国家标准允许残留量100 mg/kg,贮藏期比未熏硫的柿饼平均延长4.5个月以上;避光、真空、低温、熏硫贮藏都可有效防止柿饼褐变,其中低温防褐变最为有效;柿饼经新工艺处理后,含水量由21%~27%(湿基计,以下同)提高至32%~37%,水分活度仍保持在0.75左右,传统风味基本保持不变而口感得到很好改善,贮藏期在9个月以上。  相似文献   
Twelve different mating types among the Hampshire and Landrace breeds were used to determine direct, maternal, heterosis, and recombination effects for performance and carcass traits. Mating types used were two purebred, two F1, two F2, two F3, and four backcross. Carcass data were collected on 238 barrows and 262 gilts over four replications. Traits measured were length (LENG), 10th rib off midline backfat (BF10), longissimus muscle area (LMA), and dressing percentage (DRS%). Average backfat (AVBF) was calculated as the mean of three midline fat depths measured opposite the first rib, last rib, and last lumbar vertebra. The model used to evaluate the carcass traits included main effects of mating type, farrowing season, and sex and included slaughter weight as a covariate. The performance traits of ADG, feed efficiency (FE), daily feed consumption (DFC), lean gain per day (LNGN), and lean efficiency (LNEF) were measured on a pen basis. Comparisons of reciprocal F1 crosses showed that carcasses from pigs sired by Hampshire boars were leaner and had more LMA than those sired by Landrace boars. Heterosis percentages were significant for AVBF (7.2%; P less than .01), BF10 (8.8%; P less than .01), DRS% (1.5%; P less than .01), ADG (11.5%; P less than .01), DFC (10.2%; P less than .01), LNGN (10.6%; P less than .01), and LNEF (6.0%; P less than .05). Epistatic recombination losses in the offspring were significant for LENG (3.6 cm; P less than .05) and approached significance for BF10 (6.1 mm; P less than .10).  相似文献   
本文通过对黄土低山丘陵及坨甸草原区248个风蚀图斑资料的分析,运用线性模型理论,对此地区的风蚀规律进行了研究。获得了下垫面各因素与风蚀量关系的数学模型。找出了影响风蚀的主导因素,并系统阐述了植被覆盖度和土地利用类型对风蚀量大小的影响,且与水蚀规律进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
咖啡黑小蠹的发生规律及药剂防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咖啡黑小蠢是近年在兴隆华侨农场严重危害中粒种咖啡的重要害虫。据1989年对4—5年生咖啡树调查,植株受害率100%,枝条受害率29.7—82.5%,虫害枯枝率7.65—17.8%。该虫以雌成虫钻蛀咖啡枝条为害,幼虫和成虫取食蛀道壁上的真菌菌丝。田间种群数量通常在3月上旬开始剧增,3月中下旬为高峰期,7月至10月田间虫口极少,11月以后逐渐有虫口及虫枯枝出现。温度是影响虫口波动的主要因素。2.5%溴氰菊酶、25%杀虫双、40%乐菊酯各兑水1000倍对成虫直接触杀效果显著,死亡率均为100%。48%乐斯本、40%氧化乐果400—800倍液等12种杀虫剂田间喷雾对咖啡枝条蛀洞内的成虫、蛹、幼虫防效均不明显。  相似文献   
A shrubby plant, abundant in east Kenya, Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Brig., was shown to exhibit repellent and acaricidal properties to larvae, nymphs and adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Amblyomma variegatum ticks. All stages of ticks avoided the leaves of the plant and a high percentage of the ticks which were continuously exposed to its leaves died; surviving ticks were weak and inactive but regained activity when exposed to fresh air. The effectiveness of the plant's leaves as a repellent and acaricide was most pronounced on nymphs and least pronounced on adults. Field investigations indicated that ticks were not found up to 2-5 m from the plant in areas where the plant was predominant. The potential of using the plant for tick control within an integrated tick management system in the resource-poor farming context in Africa was highlighted.  相似文献   
本文对光箨篌竹笋期的出笋规律、成竹规律以及竹笋的生长发育规律进行了研究。初步认为,光箨篌竹林分的母竹立竹度一般应保持在2500株/亩左右、Ⅰ~Ⅱ级母竹株数保持在40%以上时,才能保证林分的优质高产与稳产;抽枝成竹历期长短受竹笋笋级大小、出土早晚或立地环境条件的影响可相应延长或推迟2~4d左右,一般历时25d,竹笋开始抽枝成竹时的高度一般为5m左右;竹笋在生长发育高峰期明显受到气候因子的影响,尤其是对气温更为敏感。  相似文献   
Classical “high-lysine” sorghum lines are characterized by smaller seeds than average, due to a decrease in prolamin synthesis and a subsequent decrease in yield. To exploit the natural variation in lysine content and to identify ecotypes with a seed lysine content higher than average, characterized by plump seeds, a method was developed based on root-growth inhibition of seeds growing on a medium containing aminoethylcysteine (AEC), a lysine analogue. By using a collection of sorghum mutants and ecotypes a correlation coefficient of 0.926 between root length and lysine content was established. This method, which uses the root length of plants growing on aec to indicate which lines have a potential elevated lysine content, can be applied for the screening of sorghum germplasm. Since this is a non-destructive method it can also be used at the individual seed level, for example for screening progenies of regenerated plants from in vitro culture to exploit the somaclonal variation.  相似文献   
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