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Horizontal gene transfer in metazoans has been documented in only a few species and is usually associated with endosymbiosis or parasitism. By contrast, in bdelloid rotifers we found many genes that appear to have originated in bacteria, fungi, and plants, concentrated in telomeric regions along with diverse mobile genetic elements. Bdelloid proximal gene-rich regions, however, appeared to lack foreign genes, thereby resembling those of model metazoan organisms. Some of the foreign genes were defective, whereas others were intact and transcribed; some of the latter contained functional spliceosomal introns. One such gene, apparently of bacterial origin, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and yielded an active enzyme. The capture and functional assimilation of exogenous genes may represent an important force in bdelloid evolution.  相似文献   
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. In Uganda, FMD outbreaks are mainly controlled by ring vaccination and restriction of animal movements. Vaccination stimulates immunity and prevents animals from developing clinical signs which include lameness, inappetence, and decreased production. Ring vaccination and restriction of animal movements have, however, not successfully controlled FMD in Uganda and outbreaks reoccur annually. The objective of this study was to review the use of FMD virus (FMDV) vaccines and assess the effectiveness of vaccination programs for controlling FMD in Uganda (2001–2010), using retrospective data. FMD vaccine distribution patterns in Uganda (2001–2010) matched occurrence of outbreaks with districts reporting the highest number of outbreaks also receiving the largest quantity of vaccines. This was possibly due to “fire brigade” response of vaccinating animals after outbreaks have been reported. On average, only 10.3 % of cattle within districts that reported outbreaks during the study period were vaccinated. The average minimum time between onset of outbreaks and vaccination was 7.5 weeks, while the annual cost of FMDV vaccines used ranged from US $58,000 to 1,088,820. Between 2001 and 2010, serotyping of FMD virus was done in only 9/121 FMD outbreaks, and there is no evidence that vaccine matching or vaccine potency tests have been done in Uganda. The probability of FMDV vaccine and outbreak mismatch, the delayed response to outbreaks through vaccination, and the high costs associated with importation of FMDV vaccines could be reduced if virus serotyping and subtyping as well as vaccine matching were regularly done, and the results were considered for vaccine manufacture.  相似文献   
Digital perfusion pressure (DPP) equals mean arterial pressure (MAP) at the hoof coronet minus digital interstitial pressure (DIP) within the hoof. To test whether lamellar blood flow (LBF) changes proportionately to DPP, anesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane in six horses to target a MAP of 60 mmHg. Arterial, venous, and hoof interstitial pressures were measured in each pelvic limb. LBF was measured using fluorescent microspheres during dobutamine infusions targeting either 60 (low), 80 (medium), or 100 (high) mmHg MAP. Following euthanasia, hoof lamina was collected for microsphere isolation. To reduce intra-individual variability, medium and high pressures and flows were divided by their respective low pressure and flow baseline values, yielding indexed variables of ΔLBF and ΔDPP. The ΔLBF correlated negatively with the ΔDPP. We conclude that LBF was not solely determined by passive pressure-flow relationships and that systemic hypertension may not effectively increase dermal LBF in horses.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo describe the pharmacokinetics of detomidine and yohimbine when administered in combination.Study designRandomized crossover design.AnimalsNine healthy adult horses aged 9 ± 4 years and weighing of 561 ± 56 kg.MethodsThree dose regimens were employed in the current study. 1) 0.03 mg kg?1 detomidine IV (D), 2) 0.2 mg kg?1 yohimbine IV (Y) and 3) 0.03 mg kg?1 detomidine IV followed 15 minutes later by 0.2 mg kg?1 yohimbine IV (DY). Each horse received all three dose regimens with a minimum of 1 week in between subsequent regimens. Blood samples were obtained and plasma analyzed for detomidine and yohimbine concentrations by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using both non-compartmental and compartmental analysis.ResultsThe maximum measured detomidine concentrations were 76.0 and 129.9 ng mL?1 for the D and DY treatments, respectively. Systemic clearance and volume of distribution of detomidine were not significantly different for either treatment. There was a significant increase in the maximum measured yohimbine plasma concentrations from Y (173.9 ng mL?1) to DY (289.8 ng mL?1). Both the Cl and Vd for yohimbine were significantly less (6.8 mL minute?1 kg?1 (Cl) and 1.7 L kg?1 (Vd)) for the DY as compared to the Y treatments (13.9 mL minute?1 kg?1 (Cl) and 2.7 L kg?1 (Vd)). Plasma concentrations were below the limit of quantitation (0.05 and 0.5 ng mL?1) by 18 hours for both detomidine and yohimbine.Conclusion and clinical relevanceThe Cl and Vd of yohimbine were affected by prior administration of detomidine. The elimination half life of yohimbine remained unaffected when administered subsequent to detomidine. However, the increased plasma concentrations in the presence of detomidine has the potential to cause untoward effects and therefore further studies to assess the physiologic effects of this combination of drugs are warranted.  相似文献   
Free-living mountain zebra at the Daan Viljoen Game Reserve, Khomas Hochland, were studied over a two-year period. Attention was given to nutritional, social, comfort and excretory activities and the various activity patterns were determined. Different macro-climatic factors that mav influence this behaviour were considered. Although daily activity patterns were variable, a basic pattern was perceivable. Temperature and rainfall were the two climatic factors which had the most marked influence on daily activity. Disturbance caused by insects also followed the seasonal variations of climate regarding temperature and rainfall. The mountain zebra has adapted itself to the climate in its habitat by evolving certain behavioural characteristics.  相似文献   
Wood in streams functions as fish habitat, but relationships between fish abundance (or size) and large wood in streams are not consistent. One possible reason for variable relationships between fish and wood in streams is that the association of fish with wood habitat may depend on ecological context such as large‐scale geomorphology. We studied the relationship between salmonid assemblages and large wood jams (LWJ) in four settings that differed geomorphically at the scale of the stream corridor along a tributary to Lake Superior in old‐growth conifer–hardwood forest in northern Michigan. The focal fish species of this study were brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), which were wild in the stream. Relocation efforts for coaster brook trout (an adfluvial life history variant of brook trout) were ongoing in the study stream. We measured fish abundance and length in pairs of pools of similar size and substrate, but varying in the presence of LWJ; this allowed us to evaluate associations of fish simply with the presence of LWJ rather than with other channel or flow‐shaping functions of LWJ. The length of Oncorhynchus spp. and young introduced brook trout was not strongly correlated with LWJ presence; however, the presence of LWJ in pools was positively correlated with larger wild brook trout. We also found that the correspondence of LWJ with the abundance of salmonids appears to be moderated by the presence of alternative habitat in this relatively natural, old‐growth forest stream.  相似文献   
Post-harvest apple treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) was previously found to inhibit fruit ripening but also to inhibit the production of volatile compounds that contribute to apple flavor. The first objective of this study was to determine if consumers could distinguish 1-MCP treated and untreated Gala apples [Malus sylvestris L. (Mill.) var. domestica Borkh. Mansf.] following long-term storage. Chemical analysis showed 1-MCP treated fruit had reduced flavor volatiles compared to untreated fruit. Consumer difference tests showed they could distinguish between 1-MCP treated and untreated fruit. A second objective was to compare consumers’ acceptance for 1-MCP treated to untreated apples. Both 1-MCP treated and untreated apples received high overall liking scores that were not significantly different. Equal numbers of consumers indicated preference for 1-MCP treated and untreated fruit and there was no difference in purchase intent. However, subsets of consumers who eat Gala, Fuji or Red Delicious apples showed preference for untreated over 1-MCP treated fruit compared to consumers who do not eat these varieties.  相似文献   
本文调查了三种耐用木材(Afzelia africana J.E. Smith; Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill & Perr.) Brenam. Syn. E guinensis G.Don. or Milicia excelsa (Welw) C.C. Berg. Syn. Chlorophora excelsa (Welw) Benth.)的心材提取物(在60%的甲醇中风干提取)和两种专用木材防腐剂(CCA和Penta)在暴露的土壤区组设计条件下,抑制三种木材腐朽菌(Coridopsis Polyzona Klotzch; Lenzites trabea; or Trametes cingulata Fr.)对见血封喉边材的侵袭的相对潜能,并测定其阈值。提取物和防腐剂的剂量分别是8.009、24.778、48.056、96.111、144.167 kg·m-3 ,样品的暴露处理时间与ASTM D1413-72规定的一致分别是14周和18周。结果显示:在阈值范围内,任何一种心材提取物或木材防腐剂在研究中对木材腐朽菌的抑制能力在0.01的显著水平下,差异显著。这些生物杀灭剂的相对功效是取决于真菌的种类。没有任何一种心材提取物或木材防腐剂(除在用最高的存留水平处理被侵袭的非洲毒箭木的条件下)对于被处理的木材能够授予"非常持久"等级。本土树种的心材提取物相对持久力的减少的可能原因是复杂的。在最高的存留量(144.167 kg·m-3)水平下,在0.05显著水平下每种心材提取物和任一种专用木材防腐剂(CCA和Penta)之间的功效差异不显著.  相似文献   

As the role of forests in climate change mitigation is explicitly recognized in the Paris Agreement, the need to enhance the adoption of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices is crucial. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying and evaluating barriers in adopting SFM practices in the context of forest carbon emission reductions. A total of 15 barriers in adopting SFM practices are listed through literature and expert inputs. Using Cameroon as a case study, the listed barriers are then evaluated by experts to determine their relative importance using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. According to our findings, the ‘Regulatory and Legislative frameworks’ barrier category was attributed to the highest importance among other categories, in adopting SFM practices in the forestry sector. ‘Inadequate political will and incentive to enforce regulations’ appears to be the major obstacle in adopting SFM practices in Cameroon. As carbon emission reduction initiatives are being developed, there is need to move from broad to concrete suggestions that will overcome these barriers. However, proper diagnosis is necessary in order to target barriers with the right incentives and enabling conditions that will support carbon programs and projects to deliver effective emission reductions.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to determine how an E. coil challenge and dietary clays affect the intestinal barrier of pigs. Two groups of 32 pigs (initial BW: 6.9 ± 1.0 kg) were distributed in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement of a randomized complete block design (2 challenge treatments: sham or E. coil, and 4 dietary treatments: control, 0.3% smectite A, 0.3% smectite B and 0.3% zeolite), with 8 replicates total. Diarrhea score, growth performance, goblet cell size and number, bacterial translocation from intestinal lumen to lymph nodes, intestinal morphology, and relative amounts of sulfo and sialo mucins were measured. The E. coli challenge reduced performance, increased goblet cell size and number in the ileum, increased bacterial translocation from the intestinal lumen to the lymph nodes, and increased ileal crypt depth. One of the clays (smectite A) tended to increase goblet cell size in ileum, which may indicate enhanced protection. In conclusion, E. coli infection degrades intestinal barrier integrity but smectite A may enhance it.  相似文献   
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