Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume crop in Africa and Latin America where rainfall pattern is unpredictable. The objectives were to identify better yielding common bean lines with good canning quality under drought, and to identify traits that could be used as selection criteria for evaluating drought‐tolerant genotypes. In all, 35 advanced lines were developed through single seed descent and evaluated with a standard check under drought and irrigated conditions at two locations over 2 years in Ethiopia. Grain yield (GY), pod number per m2, seed number per m2 and seed weight decreased by 56%, 47%, 49% and 14%, respectively, under drought stress. Eight genotypes had better yield with good canning quality under drought compared to the check. Moderate to high proportion of genetic effects were observed under drought conditions for GY and yield components compared to genotype × environment effects. Significant positive correlations between GY and pod harvest index (PHI) in drought suggest that PHI could be used as an indirect selection criterion for common bean improvement. 相似文献
A study was carried out to determine the prevalence and the species of liver flukes in indigenous adult cattle, to compare the diagnostic efficiency of fecal and post mortem examination and to assess the economic significance of bovine fasciolosis due to liver condemnation in the abattoir. Of the 406 livers and fecal samples examined, 57 (14.0%) and 20 (4.9%) were positive for fasciolosis. The most common liver fluke species affecting the cattle was Fasciola gigantica, 9.1% of cattle were infected with F. gigantica while, Fasciola. hepatica, mixed infections and unidentified or immature forms of Fasciola spp. were present in 3.2 %, 0.7% and 1 % of cattle, respectively. A retrospective abattoir survey revealed that the prevalence of fasciolosis was 12.7%. The prevalence of fasciolosis recorded in this study was lower than that reported by other researchers in this country. There was a strong relationship between fecal examination and postmortem findings of liver lesions, (K?=?0.23) but under local conditions, postmortem examination was considered a better diagnostic tool for fasciolosis. Fasciolosis is of significant economic importance as the resultant liver condemnations caused an average loss of 4000 USD per annum. Hence, this disease deserves serious attention by the various stakeholders in order to promote the beef industry in the study area in particular and in the country in general. 相似文献
A cross-sectional serological survey was undertaken in selected districts of different agro-ecology of Jimma zone (Dedo, Yebu,
Seka, Serbo, and Jimma town) from November 2009 to February 2010 to determine the seroprevalence of African horse sickness
virus and associated risk factors of the disease. Two hundred seventy-four equids (189 horses, 43 mules, and 47 donkeys) with
a history of non-vaccination for at least 2 years were selected randomly from the above areas. Sera samples were collected
and assayed for the presence of specific antibody against African horse sickness virus using blocking ELISA. An overall seroprevalence
of 89 (32.5%) was found and it was 24 (51.1%) for donkeys, 13 (30.2%) for mules, and 52(28.3%) for horses. Seroprevalence
was significantly (X2 = 11.05, P < 0.05) different among the different species of equids. Seroprevalence was also significantly (X2 = 11.43, P < 0.05) different among the different agro-ecological areas being higher in highlands 47 (40.5%) followed by midland 30 (34.5%)
and lowland 12 (16.9%). Age and sex were not significantly (X2 = 3.15, P > 0.05 and X2 = 3.38, P > 0.05, respectively) associated with seroprevalence of AHSV. The present study showed that African horse sickness (AHS)
is highly prevalent disease for the horses followed by mules and then donkeys in Jimma zone explained by lower seroconversion
rate. Therefore, control strategy against AHS should target at high risk species of all age and sex in their locality in the
initial stage for better containment of the disease. 相似文献
A cross-sectional study of lungworm infection was carried out with the aim of determining the prevalence of lungworm infection of small ruminants and identifying the species of the respiratory helminthes circulating in six districts of northeastern Ethiopia: Debresina, Legambo, Habru, Kalu, Chaffa-Dawi and Artumana-Fersejelle. Faecal and postmortem examination were conducted from 1162 and 104 animals, respectively. An overall infection rate of 53.6% and 66.3% was found by faecal and postmortem examinations, respectively. Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between areas of different altitude with an infection rate of 30.4%, 32.5% and 71.3% at low, medium and high altitude areas, respectively. Prevalence on the different months was insignificant (p>0.05). The prevalence of Dictyocaulus filaria and Muellerius capillaris infection showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between young, adult and old age groups. The prevalence of D. filaria decreases and that of M. capillaris increase with increasing age of the animal. Animals under relatively good management system have been found less affected with significant difference (p>0.05) than their counterparts at relatively poor management system. The infection rate between male and female animals showed significant difference (p<0.05) with prevalence rate of 44.4% and 59.3%, respectively. A significant difference between sheep and goats was also noted with infection rate of 24.4% and 50.7%, respectively. Monthly worm burden of D. filaria infection showed significant difference (p>0.05) while it was insignificant in case of M. capillaris. Due to its impact on production, emphasis should be given for the control and prevention of lungworm infection in highland areas. 相似文献
Two surveys were carried out at Dibandiba, a semi-arid site in central Ethiopia, and Aleta Wendo, a sub-humid site in southern Ethiopia, to assess farmers' attitudes toward and perceptions of tree planting, levels of social forestry and uses of tree products. At Dibandiba, farmers planted mostlyEucalyptus camaldulensis trees, exclusively on homesteads andAcacia albida was left on farmland. Trees were planted mainly for construction (32%), fuelwood (29%), shade (11%) and cash (11%). Major (85%) uses were fencing, fuelwood, construction and plough handles. Dung was the major source of fuel (56%). At Aleta Wendo, planting consisted ofEucalyptus globulus mostly on private woodlots and homesteads, ofMilletia ferruginea andCordia abyssinica on farms, and ofEuphorbia abyssinica on fences and boundaries. Avocado and pears were also planted. The uses were the same as at Dibandiba. Major constraints were lack of seedlings and shortage of land at both sites, plus shortage of water at Dibandiba. Also, a review of information obtained from previous surveys on household composition and income, farm holding, cropping pattern, livestock composition and the use of labour was made. 相似文献
Up to 100 single plant derived lines of 18 barley landraces, collected from 18 localities of six barley growing regions of
Ethiopia were studied for two years at Holetta, Ethiopia for variation in five quantitative traits; scald severity, earliness,
plant height, 1000 grain weight, and leafiness. The relative latent period in the adult plant stage to barley leaf rust, a
good measure for partial resistance, was assessed on the landrace lines at Wageningen, The Netherlands. The observed variation
between and within landraces was very large for all traits. The magnitude of variation was so large that most, if not all,
plants within a landrace had a different genotype. The landraces also varied in the degree of variation. Some landraces, 1726
and 3288 for instance, were more variable for most or all traits than other landraces such as 208925 and 212938. Days to heading
and scald severity were significantly (P = 0.01) correlated with altitude, r being 0.66 and - 0.65, respectively. Resistance
to scald and leafiness also increased with altitude. On average landraces became later, more resistant to scald and more leafy
the higher the altitude of collection. This associated complex of traits could be an adaptation to the wetter and cooler conditions
at higher altitudes.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Ethiopian mustard possesses a number of agronomic advantages over other oilseed crops with similar ecological adaptation in Ethiopia. However, its high erucic acid content is undesirable for a vegetable oil. Although efforts have been made to improve its quality, much has to be done to use natural variations that might exist within the species for fatty acid contents. This project was undertaken to study the variability of fatty acid contents, primarily erucic acid, in germplasm collections of Ethiopian origin, with an attempt to develop low (zero) erucic acid genotypes. The study used inbred lines as well as F2 populations of 10 crosses between six parental lines. A wide variation in fatty acids was found. Oleic acid content varied from 5 to 34% and erucic acid content from 6 to 51%. Linoleic and linolenic acid contents were less variable. The high‐oleic genotypes exhibited not only low erucic but also higher linoleic (25%) and considerably lower linolenic acid (8%) contents. It was possible to classify the F2 populations with the lowest erucic acid into three distinct classes. While the first class had an erucic acid content of 6–12%, the second and third classes had contents of 18–32% and 36–42%, respectively. The existence of a multiple allelic series of erucic acid in Ethiopian mustard would enable its fixation at zero levels without necessarily going into interspecific crossing. 相似文献
Genetic diversity in forest coffee (Coffea arabica L.) was estimated using inverse sequence-tagged repeat (ISTR) markers. One hundred ninety two samples representing 16 populations
of C. arabica from four regions of Ethiopia were analyzed with 12 pairs of forward and backward ISTR primer combinations. A total of 144
reproducible bands were generated out of which 37 (25%) were polymorphic and scored as present (1) or absent (0) data matrix.
This data was used to compute Jaccard coefficient to estimate genetic variability among all possible pairs of samples. The
proportion of polymorphic bands within populations ranged from 19% for Bale-3, to 54% for Walega-2 populations. Un-weighted
pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) based cluster analysis generated two clusters at 56% similarity value. The
samples were clustered on the basis of their geographical origin, which could be attributed to a few region specific banding
patterns detected. However, within regions most of the samples failed to cluster on the basis of their respective populations,
which may be due to the presence of substantial gene flow between local populations in the form of seedlings carried out by
farmers. The results may provide information to develop strategies for in situ conservation. 相似文献
The amphidiploid species Brassica carinata A. Braun is believed to have originated in the plateaus of Ethiopia and has been cultivated there as an oilseed crop since antiquity. The species possesses agronomically important genes of rare occurrence. Although there is a large number of collections in Ethiopia, information on the extent of their genetic diversity is very limited. Thirty-six accessions of ecologically diverse regions were tested at three locations and multivariate analyses on 13 morphological and seed characters were performed. There was generally a large amount of divergence in all characters. Geographic isolation of genes, however, was not observed. Both principal component and cluster analyses disclosed complex relationships among the accessions and characters. Accessions with potential genes of interest to improve earliness, yield components and oil and protein contents have been identified. Length of growing period and yield components contributed most for divergence and clustering pattern. Oil, glucosinolate and protein contents also varied among the accessions but not so much between clusters. Increasing protein in high-glucosinolate genotypes reduced oil content and should be more efficient in genotypes of low-glucosinolate genetic background. 相似文献
Xanthomonas wilt, caused by Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum (Xvm), formerly X. campestris pv. musacearum, is the most threatening and economically important disease of enset (Ensete ventricosum), the multipurpose food security crop orphan in south and southwestern Ethiopia. Xvm has also had a major impact on banana and plantain production in east Africa following its detection in Uganda in 2001 and subsequent spread. The only current effective control of this disease relies on integrated disease management strategies including minimizing field pathogen inoculum and deployment of wilt-resistant enset landraces. Identifying landraces with stable and durable Xvm resistance will greatly accelerate breeding programmes. While previous reports have identified landraces with varying degrees of tolerance to Xvm, no systematic study has collectively assessed their relative resistance. Here we undertook a detailed “common garden” analysis of 20 enset landraces previously reported to exhibit lower susceptibility to Xvm using an aggressive Xvm inoculum isolated from a disease hotspot area. Detailed longitudinal and survival analyses were applied to each landrace, using a combination of area-under-disease progress stairs, disease index and apparent infection rate to capture disease metrics as well as disease progression symptoms. Considerable variation was observed among the 20 landraces; however, none exhibited full immunity to Xvm infection. Landraces Haella, Mazia and Lemat showed the lowest susceptibility to Xvm as evidenced by reduced disease units and higher survival rates compared to the susceptible control landrace Arkiya, which exhibited the highest infection level and lowest survival rate, consistent with a high degree of susceptibility to Xvm. Thus, we have in this controlled experiment identified new material suitable for incorporation into future breeding programmes to develop Xvm-resistant enset varieties.