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One of the programs utilized by PPQ-APHIS-USDA2) to prevent the introduction of hazardous pests and pathogens is known as preclearance. Preclearance relies more on inspection at origin than it does on inspection upon arrival or entry into the United States. Two such programs have been developed by PPQ for plant materials. One, established in 1951, is for bulbs, while the other, established in 1975, is for a few ornamental crops. The USDA, in co-operation with the Plant Protection Services of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Israel and South Africa, has been performing preclearance for bulbous plant propagative materials. Flower bulbs are being precleared in all of the above countries at the request of the exporter's groups of the respective countries. The objective of this clearance is to facilitate the entry of this material, reduce the chances of introducing plant pests and diseases into the United States, and save APHIS manpower at US ports of entry. This is achieved by having USDA personnel working cooperatively with foreign plant protection services in the inspection of material in the field and packing houses in the country of origin. Detection and elimination of plant pests and diseases is a co-operative effort for mutual benefit of both parties.  相似文献   
Nerine latent virus (NeLV), first found inNerine bowdenii, may occur also in the otherNerine species investigated so far:N. sarniensis, N. flexuosa Alba, andN. Mansellii. Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, andGomphrena globosa sometimes reacted with local lesions after mechanical inoculation with NeLV.Nicotiana clevelandii andHippeastrum were symptomless hosts. In this respect NeLV resembled the incompletely describedHippeastrum latent virus (HLV).Serologically NeLV was closely related to HLV and to carnation latent virus (CaLV), but differed from the latter in host plant reaction. A more distant relationship was observed with some other carlaviruses, wheareas NeLV also reacted with an antiserum to potato virus X.Depending on the lot, NeLV could be detected rather reliably with the micro-precipitin test inN. bowdenii Van Roon, but less well in 63. Better results were obtained with the microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The average particle length was 664 nm, the sedimentation coefficient 155 S and the buoyant density 1.298 g/cm3.NeLV can be considered as a member of the carlavirus group. On basis of priority HLV may be considered as NeLV.  相似文献   
Pathogenicity and symptom expression of seventeen described isolates of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and five previously unreported isolates were compared on many bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). From these cultivars, a standard set of differentials were assigned to nine groups with different disease reactions. The twenty-two virus isolates comprised seven strain (pathotype) groups, three of which were divided into two subgroups each. To promote international standardization in BCMV research, recommendations are given for test conditions and procedures, criteria for strain differentiation, and maintenance of differential cultivars and virus strains.Samenvatting Zeventien beschreven stammen van het bonerolmozaïekvirus en vijf niet geïdentificeerde isolaten (Tabel 1) werden bestudeerd op een uitgebreide reeks van toetsrassen. De meeste van deze toetsrassen waren in de literatuur als zodanig vermeld, maar door de desbetreffende onderzoekers waren vaak verschillende series toetsrassen gebruikt, hetgeen de onderlinge vergelijking van de stammen bemoeilijkte.De bedoeling van dit onderzoek was: vergelijking en indeling van de virusstammen, samenstelling van een standaard-toetsrassenserie en het ontwerpen en beschrijven van werden zowel in Wageningen als in Prosser, Washington, USA, uitgevoerd met dezelfde virusisolaten en dezelfde zaadmonsters van de toetsrassen.De toetsrassen konden op grond van hun differentiële reacties na inoculatie met de virusstammen worden ingedeeld in negen groepen. De rassen binnen een groep hebben hetzelfde resistentiespectrum t.o.v. een standaardserie virusstammen. Uit elke groep werden op grond van hun geschiktheid (duidelijkheid en reproduceerbaarheid van de symptomen) één of meer vertegenwoordigers gekozen, waaruit een standaardserie van toetsrassen werd samengesteld (Tabel 2).De 22 stammen en isolaten werden op grond van hun pathogeniteitsspectrum t.o.v. de standaardserie van toetsrassen ingedeeld in tien groepen en subgroepen (Tabel 1). De stammen en isolaten binnen een groep of subgroep hebben eenzelfde pathogeniteitsspectrum (Tabellen 4 en 6) en worden op grond daarvan als identiek beschouwd. De differentiële reacties tussen de rassen van de standaardserie en de virusstammen en-isolaten zijn vermeld in de Tabellen 3 en 5. Voorgesteld wordt om de naam van de eerstbeschreven stam van iedere groep te handhaven en de andere stammen in een groep of subgroep op te vatten als isolaten daarvan.De toetsmethodiek wordt uitvoerig beschreven om standaardisatie van de stammenidentificatie te bevorderen. Ter verklaring van de in de literatuur gevonden tegenstrijdigheden in de differentiële reactie van de toetsrassen wordt een negental mogelijke oorzaken genoemd, o.a. het gebruik van planten van toetsrassen die reeds vanuit zaad met een onbekende stam waren besmet en het gebruik van onzuivere virusstammen (mengisolaten).De auteurs stellen zich verantwoordelijk voor het distribueren (op aanvraag) van kleine zaadhoeveelheden van de toetsrassen en, op beperkte schaal, van in zaad aanwezige zuivere virusstammen aan onderzoekers die betrokken zijn bij de identificatie van de stammen van dit virus. Bovendien zal zaad van de standaardserie van toetsrassen worden gedeponeerd in het National Seed Storage Laboratory te Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, terwijl de virusstammen (in zaad) in bewaring worden gegeven bij de American Type Culture Collection te Rockville, Maryland, USA, waar ze beschikbaar zullen blijven voor verder onderzoek.  相似文献   
The in vitro metabolism of the chiral isomers of fonofos and fonofos oxon in the presence of mouse liver mixed-function oxidase and serum esterase was investigated. The metabolism of 35S-labeled phenyl-(S)P-fonofos mediated by mixed-function oxidase took place stereoselectively, resulting predominantly in (R)P-fonofos oxon. Similarly, (R)P-fonofos was converted to (S)P-oxon. In each case, however, a significant amount of racemization occurred. Other products were diphenyl disulfide and diphenyl disulfide oxide. In addition to stereospecificity, the oxidative metabolism of (R)P-fonofos proceeded at a rate faster than that of (S)P-fonofos. Stereoselective rate differences also were observed in mouse or rat serum-catalzyed degradation of the fonofos oxon enantiomers, the (S)P isomer being degraded about twofold faster than its enantiomer. The differences in toxicities of the isomers of fonofos and fonofos oxon were consistent with the in vitro metabolism data.  相似文献   
A continuous in vitro steady-state assay procedure was used to investigate the dependence of trout brain mitochondrial Mg2+-stimulated adenosinetriphosphatase specific activity on temperature and substrate concentration. The inhibition of enzyme activity by DDT was independent of substrate concentration. DDT and several analogs caused increases in the experimental activation energy and frequency factor of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction, which gave rise to a negative temperature coefficient of inhibition. It is suggested that DDT and other highly lipophilic compounds have the potential to allosterically affect membrane-bound enzymes by simply becoming a major lipoid component of the membranes.  相似文献   
The functional capacity of a mirex-induced, enlarged liver was studied in rats. The tests used were sulfobromophthalein clearance, hepatic cytochrome P-450 concentration, serum total protein concentration and electrophoretic pattern, serum total lipid concentration, serum glucose concentration, and the liver response to epinephrine. There was no indication of a loss of functional capacity in the enlarged liver. Sulfobromophthalein clearance and microsomal cytochrome P-450 concentration indicated an increase in total liver functional capacity. We conclude that mirex is not a direct hepatotoxin producing generalized parenchymal cell damage.  相似文献   
The independent modes of action of diuron and atrazine on the photochemical activities of chloroplasts (In vivo and in vitro) from the leaves of crop plants Pisum sativum and Pennisetum typhoides and the weeds Amaranthus viridis and Cyperus rotundus were investigated. Hill reaction activity (DCPIP photoreduction) of in vivo chloroplasts (chloroplasts isolated from herbicide-sprayed plants) was unaffected by treatment at sublethal or intermediate levels of diuron or atrazine while that of in vitro chloroplasts (chloroplasts incubated in the required herbicidal concentration) was severely inhibited. The ferricyanide catalyzed noncyclic photophosphorylation was markedly reduced in both the in vivo and in vitro chloroplast systems. N-Methyl phenozonium sulfate (PMS)-mediated cyclic photophosphorylation was inhibited in the in vivo system while a pronounced enhancement of activity was noticed in the in vitro chloroplasts. The rate of NADP+ photoreduction was severely inhibited in the in vitro chloroplasts. The unaffected in the in vivo system. The herbicidal effects on the photoreactions of isolated chloroplasts were compared with chloroplasts isolated from herbicide-sprayed plants.  相似文献   
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Holley) was grown for 15 days in sand into which S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC) (0, 15.6, 31.25, 62.5, or 125.0 μg/kg) had been incorporated. Growth was decreased more by EPTC under high light intensity (270 μein/m2/sec) than under low light (20 μein/m2/sec) intensity. Wheat grown in the dark did not respond to EPTC at these concentrations. In high light intensity, plastoquinone-9, plastohydroquinone-9, α-tocopheroquinone, and α-tocopherol contents (nanomoles per gram fresh weight) increased as EPTC concentration increased. Similar but less marked results occurred at the low light intensity. Plastohydroquinone-9/plastoquinone and α-tocopherol/α-tocopheroquinone ratios increased at both light intensities as EPTC concentration increased. This indicated an EPTC-induced inhibition of plastohydroquinone and α-tocopherol epoxidation. Chlorophyll a and b and total carotenoid contents increased as EPTC concentration increased in plants grown at high light intensities. Changes in the membrane electron carriers contents per unit of chlorophyll or carotenoid (micrograms per milligram of pigment) occurred. As a tentative hypothesis, it is suggested that transmembrane electron transport systems were inhibited, but growth in size (fresh weight per pot) was inhibited more than was synthesis of the various pigments and quinones. Thus, a separation of growth and metabolic response to EPTC was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Tricyclazole [5-methyl-1,2,4-triazolo (3,4-b)-benzothiazole] controls rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae at concentrations (5–10 μg/ml) which do not inhibit growth of the pathogen in vitro. However, concentrations of 1 μg/ml or less inhibit melanin formation in the fungus. Production of pyriculol by the pathogen is usually enhanced by 10 μg/ml of tricyclazole, whereas production of 3,4-dihydro-4,8-dihydroxy-1(2H)-naphthalenone is strongly inhibited or markedly reduced and delayed. Evidence suggests that tricyclazole blocks aspects of polyketide metabolism in P. oryzae which may have a role in pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Notable differences were found among six species of wild-caught birds in the levels of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome b5, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, and NADH-cytochrome c reductase. Ethyl isocyanide difference spectra showed significant variations among the species in peak height and in the ratios of the 430455-nm peaks. Substantial aldrin epoxidase activity was found in all species, and the amounts of dieldrin produced compared favorably with pigeon and rat liver microsomes. Higher content of cytochrome P-450 was not always accompanied by a similar rise in specific catalytic activity. Thus, no correlation could be established between these two parameters. Aldrin epoxidase activity with NADH as the sole electron donor was 25–49% as effective as with the NADPH-generating system. Addition of both NADH and NADPH-generating systems to the incubation mixture produced a synergistic effect with liver microsomes of two species but not with two other species. DDE and polychlorinated biphenyls residues were found in the heart tissue of all species examined, and this might indicate a possible inductive effect on the microsomal mixed-function oxidase system by environmental contaminants.  相似文献   
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