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This study confirms that CO2 uptake of European conifers increases during needle maturation. Extensive investigations with grafts of several species show that this increase may even mask a deleterious effect of a weak SO2 stress. In plants which are not dependent on air-borne SO2 for S nutrition CO2 uptake was not favored by SO2. Peroxidase activity of tree foliage may be a valuable stress indication, particularly in areas with light air pollution. It is, however, not specific for air pollution and seems to be most suitable for “active” monitoring.  相似文献   
享尔 《国际木业》2007,37(3):28-29
近两年,我国木制家具出口可以说是超常规发展。2004年我国出口木制家具为129亿件,到了2005年,达到了1.49亿件,增幅高达16%;至2006年,尽管国际上欧美一些发达国家对我国家具出口“反倾销”和知识产权侵权诉讼接连不断,国内下半年又有国家出口退税率下调等显然不利于家具出口的政策出台,但所有这些内外在因素的合力,似乎都未能构成对我国家具出口大潮本质上的阻扼。  相似文献   
Summary By means of gas analyzers the gas exchange of leaves of black poplar was measured before and during 4 days after treatments with Gamalo (containing Lindane) and Perfekthion (Dimethoate). Photosynthesis and transpiration of Gamalo sprayed leaves fell to 40% and 60%, respectively, of the original value within an hour. Respiration was not affected measurably. Twenty hours later gas exchange was practically normal again. The observed effect is ascribed mainly to the volatile phase of Lindane which most likely caused a partial stomatal closure.The systemically acting Perfekthion caused but a slight, statistically not significant reduction of photosynthesis 2–4 days after treatment.With both treatments young leaves behaved like mature ones.
Résumé On a mesuré les échanges gazeux chez des feuilles du Peuplier noir qui avaient été aspergées avec du Gamalo (contenant du Lindane) et du Perfekthion. Une heure après ie traitement avec du Gamalo, la photosynthèse et la transpiration des feuilles étaient réduites de moitié, alors que la respiration restait inchangée. Au bout de 20 heures, les échanges gazeux s'étaient à nouveau normalisés. L'effet observé est dû à la phase volatile du Lindane, qui vrais emblablement produisit la fermeture des stomates.L'insecticide systémique Perfekthion causa, 2 à 4 jours après l'application, une diminution de l'absorption en CO2, changement dont la signification n'est cependant pas confirmée statistiquement.Les jeunes feuilles réagirent de la même manière que les feuilles adultes dans les deux cas.
Peroxidase activity (p. a.) of several tree species was investigated in a forest influenced by F-containing exhalates of an aluminium smelter. P. a. increases with age of tissue, particularly under the influence of fluorides. It was used therefore to map the zone of plant reaction in apricot orchards in the vicinity of an aluminium smelter and it supplements foliar analysis. P. a. in foliage of white ash was used to determine whether exhaust of automotive traffic in the city of Zurich does affect vegetation. A significant increase of p. a. was found in the city although the plants did not show any symptoms of injury. P. a. thus is a very sensitive indicator of plant reaction to air pollutants and allows to detect “hidden” injury (no visible symptoms).  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo compare the effects of propofol and alfaxalone on respiration in cats.Study designRandomized, ‘blinded’, prospective clinical trial.AnimalsTwenty cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.MethodsAfter premedication with medetomidine 0.01 mg kg−1 intramuscularly and meloxicam 0.3 mg kg−1 subcutaneously, the cats were assigned randomly into two groups: group A (n = 10) were administered alfaxalone 5 mg kg−1 minute−1 followed by 10 mg kg−1 hour−1 intravenously (IV) and group P (n = 10) were administered propofol 6 mg kg−1 minute−1 followed by 12 mg kg−1hour−1 IV for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia, respectively. After endotracheal intubation, the tube was connected to a non-rebreathing system delivering 100% oxygen. The anaesthetic maintenance drug rate was adjusted (± 0.5 mg kg−1 hour−1) every 5 minutes according to a scoring sheet based on physiologic variables and clinical signs. If apnoea > 30 seconds, end-tidal carbon dioxide (Pe′CO2) > 7.3 kPa (55 mmHg) or arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2) < 90% occurred, manual ventilation was provided. Methadone was administered postoperatively. Data were analyzed using independent-samples t-tests, Fisher's exact test, linear mixed-effects models and binomial test.ResultsManual ventilation was required in two and eight of the cats in group A and P, respectively (p = 0.02). Two cats in both groups showed apnoea. Pe′CO2 > 7.3 kPa was recorded in zero versus four and SpO2 < 90% in zero versus six cats in groups A and P respectively. Induction and maintenance dose rates (mean ± SD) were 11.6 ± 0.3 mg kg−1 and 10.7 ± 0.8 mg kg−1 hour−1 for alfaxalone and 11.7 ± 2.7 mg kg−1 and 12.4 ± 0.5 mg kg−1 hour−1 for propofol.Conclusion and clinical relevanceAlfaxalone had less adverse influence on respiration than propofol in cats premedicated with medetomidine. Alfaxalone might be better than propofol for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia when artificial ventilation cannot be provided.  相似文献   


Bovine paratuberculosis is an incurable chronic granulomatous enteritis caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The prevalence of MAP in the Swiss cattle population is hard to estimate, since only a few cases of clinical paratuberculosis are reported to the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office each year.Fecal samples from 1,339 cattle (855 animals from 12 dairy herds, 484 animals from 11 suckling cow herds, all herds with a history of sporadic paratuberculosis) were investigated by culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for shedding of MAP.


By culture, MAP was detected in 62 of 445 fecal pools (13.9%), whereas PCR detected MAP in 9 of 445 pools (2.0%). All 186 samples of the 62 culture-positive pools were reanalyzed individually. By culture, MAP was grown from 59 individual samples (31.7%), whereas PCR detected MAP in 12 individual samples (6.5%), all of which came from animals showing symptoms of paratuberculosis during the study. Overall, MAP was detected in 10 out of 12 dairy herds (83.3%) and in 8 out of 11 suckling cow herds (72.7%).


There is a serious clinically inapparent MAP reservoir in the Swiss cattle population. PCR cannot replace culture to identify individual MAP shedders but is suitable to identify MAP-infected herds, given that the amount of MAP shed in feces is increasing in diseased animals or in animals in the phase of transition to clinical disease.  相似文献   
Leucorrhinia caudalis is a rare dragonfly, threatened throughout its European distribution. The species was formerly widespread in the Swiss lowlands, but only a single population remained in the 1980s. However, a spread has recently been observed, with additional ponds being colonised, sometimes at considerable distance. Despite this evidence of recent long-distance dispersal, it is unknown whether L. caudalis regularly moves among ponds or whether this is a rather rare event. A combination of an ecological mark-resight and a population genetic study was applied to investigate contemporary dispersal and the genetic footprint of the recent population history of L. caudalis in Switzerland. DNA for genetic microsatellite analysis was extracted from exuviae. The mark-resight study and the genetic analysis gave congruent results. They showed that L. caudalis is mostly a sedentary species, with only a few contemporary dispersal events over distances up to 5 km being observed. The genetic analysis was in agreement with the recent population history of the Swiss populations. The oldest and largest population showed large genetic diversity and acted as source population for the recent spread of L. caudalis in Switzerland. Recurrent gene flow among this source population and close populations caused substantial local genetic variation in the latter, as well as low population differentiation. The two recently founded distant populations (?30 km distance) were genetically less diverse and highly differentiated. These distant populations and another recently colonised population also expressed signatures of genetic bottlenecks.  相似文献   
Over 130 cases of equine periodic ophthalmia (p.o.), which were treated as in-patients at the Equine Clinic of the Free University of Berlin in the last 35 years, were examined statistically in relation to the age and gender of the animals involved as well as to the development of the illness and the season in which it arose. As regards aetiology, the extraction of 71 affected Trotters was investigated. Antibodies to toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis and intestinal parasites were found only in some of the patients. Younger animals, aged between one and four years, and male animals (63.6%) were predominantly affected. The results of the examinations of faeces showed no correlation between cases of p.o. and a vermination of the horses. The examinations for antibodies to toxoplasmosis gave no indication of a participation of the toxoplasmas in the aetiology of recurrent uveitis. In contrast, the results of the examinations for antibodies to leptospirosis, of which 58.8% were positive, showed a seven to ten times higher infection than in healthy horses in Berlin. Breed analysis showed that in certain breeds of Trotters and warm-blooded horses, p.o. illnesses were frequent, supporting the hypothesis that the occurrence of p.o. is due to a hereditary, allergic reaction, triggered by various factors, in particular an infection without clinical signs.  相似文献   
In Exp. 1, 36 individually penned steers (initial BW = 294 +/- 3.8 kg) were used to determine effects of dietary CP percentage and programming gain on performance and carcass characteristics. Steers were fed to achieve a predicted gain of 1.13 kg/d for the first 84 kg of gain and 1.36 kg/d for the next 124 kg of gain and were offered feed for ad libitum consumption for the final 58 kg of gain before slaughter. In these three phases of growth, steers were fed diets, sequentially, with the following CP percentages: HHH (16, 13.5, and 12.5%), LHH (9, 13.5, and 13%), or LLL (9, 9, and 9%). When predicted gain was 1.13 kg/d, ADG was greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the HHH (1.09 kg/d) vs LHH and LLL (0.83 kg/d) systems. When predicted gain was 1.36 kg/d, ADG and gain efficiency were greatest (P < 0.01) for steers in the LHH system. Overall ADG and gain efficiency were greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the HHH (1.46 kg/d, 0.194) and LHH systems (1.38 kg/d, 0.190), compared with steers in the LLL (1.21 kg/d and 0.166) system. Carcass fat thickness was lower for steers in the LHH (0.74 cm) system than for steers in the LLL system (1.09 cm). In Exp. 2, 18 individually penned steers (initial BW = 225 +/- 5.8 kg) were either offered a 13% CP diet for ad libitum intake (AL) throughout the 134-d experiment or fed a high- (16% CP; PI-HH) or low- (10% CP; PI-LH) CP diet and fed to achieve a predicted gain of 1.13 kg/d for the first 85 d of the experiment. Steers in the PI-HH and PI-LH feeding regimens were then offered a 13% CP diet for ad libitum consumption from d 86 to 134. Fractional protein accretion rate was greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the PI-HH and PI-LH feeding regimens than for steers in the AL regimen at d 92, 106, and 120. Fractional breakdown and synthesis rates were not affected (P = 0.63) by feeding regimen. Increased ADG and gain efficiency of steers during compensatory growth periods may in part be due to greater fractional accretion rates of skeletal muscle protein.  相似文献   
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