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为筛选直播晚稻蓟马的防治药剂,采用拌种法在大田试验了两种氟虫双酰胺复配制剂对直播水稻蓟马的控制效果,并考查了其对二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟的兼治效应及对水稻生长的影响。结果表明,48%氟虫双酰胺?噻虫啉SC 4~8 g a.i./kg种子处理拌种,可有效控制水稻苗期稻蓟马危害,药后14天杀虫和保叶效果分别为88.89%~95.03%和85.63%~91.67%,药后21天分别为87.64%~94.49%和78.86%~89.69%;2 g a.i./kg种子处理防效明显下降。同时,对二化螟具有兼治效果,并可刺激稻苗生长,提高水稻生长后期结实率和产量,而对稻纵卷叶螟防效较低。10%氟虫双酰胺?阿维菌素SC 1.5~3 g a.i./kg种子拌种对二化螟具有较好的控制效果,对稻蓟马和稻纵卷叶螟防效较低。因此,48%氟虫双酰胺?噻虫啉SC 4~8 g a.i./kg种子处理拌种可推荐用于水稻苗期稻蓟马和二化螟防治,而10%氟虫双酰胺?阿维菌素SC拌种处理不宜用于水稻苗期稻蓟马治理。  相似文献   
为了鉴定评价出小豆资源抗氧化性高的品种,通过测定小豆的总抗氧化能力和羟自由基清除能力,研究来源于不同地区不同颜色的181个小豆品种的抗氧化性。结果表明,粒色,百粒重和所在地区对小豆抗氧化性有不同程度的影响。通过实验研究最终得出,绿色小豆总抗氧化性最高,黄白颜色次之,红色最低;百粒重与抗氧化性成反比,百粒重越大,抗氧化能力越弱,反之则越大;对其中156个红小豆品种进行比较,东北辽宁地区的红小豆品种总抗氧化能力最高,日本最低,但日本品种的羟自由基清除能力很高。  相似文献   
A new composite structure which is composed of steel beam and concrete girder is introduced in fuel electric plant construction. With different height of concrete girders with or without anchor bar, two scale models from an actual project were designed and tested. It is shown that the maximum restraining moment of ends of steel beams is approximately 60kN*m; influence of anchor bar is little; the one with 600mm high concrete beam is damaged by shear, and the others steel beam is damaged by bending failure. Finite element models were built for supplementary analysis, and the result indicates that critical value of the height of concrete beam of different failure modes is 700mm; stiffness of shear key and thickness of floor have great influence on the structure; size of anchor bar has little influence; and width of the end of the steel beam has certain influence.  相似文献   
以无菌铁皮石斛原球茎为材料,采用液体悬浮培养的方式,以正交设计方法研究不同的pH、摇床转速、接种量、植物生长调节剂对铁皮石斛原球茎生长和多糖合成的影响,以确定适合铁皮石斛原球茎生长和多糖合成的不同植物生长调节剂配比最佳组合和不同的pH、摇床转速、接种量最佳组合.结果表明:以干重和多糖产量为指标,促进原球茎干物质形成的不同植物生长调节剂配比最优水平的组合为NAA O.6mg/L+BA0.5mg/L+ KT 1.5mg/L,促进原球茎多糖合成的植物生长调节剂配比最佳组合为NAA 0.4mg/L+BA 0mg/L+KT 1.5mg/L;摇床转速120r/min、初始pH6.0、接种量90g/L是有利于铁皮石斛原球茎的干物质形成和多糖合成的最佳组合.  相似文献   
The settling property, COD removal rate, Ca 2+ retention rate, variations of biofacies and the effect of sludge reduction of the high hardness wastewater of the activated sludge process by adding green and safe scale inhibitor PESA (Polyepoxysuccinic Acid) during the experiment have been studied for the COD was 100~300 mg/L, calcium concentration was 110~280 mg/L of the high hardness of wastewater. The results show that MLSS was less than the ordinary activated sludge reactor, the content of the inorganic substrate in activated sludge was significantly reduced and resulted in the decrease of calcium activated sludge putout, the reduction reached to 41.33%, The purpose of calcium wastewater treatment sludge reduction was achieved.The COD removal rate of PESA activated sludge reactor reached above 90%, the Ca 2+ retention rate reached above 80%. PESA inhibits the sedimentation of a part of calcium salt in activated sludge surface, bioactivity was kept well, and in this concentration range, indicative microbial were able to grow and reproduce. The ability to resist impact load has been enhanced in high hardness water, sludge age extension.  相似文献   
为了丰富玉米遗传变异,从1990年起,我们进行了玉米(Zea mays L.)和多年生二倍体大刍草(Zea diploperennis L.)远缘杂交的研究。经过5年8个世代的杂交、回交和自交选择,目前已获得抗逆性、抗病虫能力较强,农艺性状优良的玉米自交系14个。在测配1000个杂交组合中,所选系表现出较高的一般配合力和特殊配合力。实践证明,这是一条导入外缘种质、拓宽玉米遗传基础,进一步提高杂交种增产潜力的途径之一。  相似文献   
Z.-Y. Deng    J.-C. Tian    G.-X. Sun 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):428-431
Three near‐isogenic lines (NILs) of wheat involving Glu‐B1 and Glu‐D1 alleles were used to study the genetic contribution of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS) to gluten strength. The HMW‐GS composition of each NILs was determined by SDS‐PAGE. No significant differences were found in grain protein contents among the NILs. Gluten strength and dough‐mixing properties were measured by the Farinograph, the Extensograph, and SDS‐sedimentation (SDS‐SE). Results indicated that line 2, containing the Glu‐1B 14 + 15 and Glu‐1D 5 + 10 combination of subunits, had higher values for flour quality, dough rheological parameters, and bread‐baking quality when compared with lines 8 and 13. Line 8, containing Glu‐1B 7 + 9 and Glu‐1D 5 + 10, was better than line 13 with the Glu‐1B 14 + 15 and Glu‐1D 10 combination. Some major parameters appeared significantly different. The presence of Glu‐1B 14 + 15 was associated with higher dough strength based on SDS‐SE volume and several rheological parameters when compared with Glu‐1B 7 + 9. Lines with subunit 10 at Glu‐D1 performed significantly worse than those with 5 + 10 in gluten index, SDS‐SE volume, Farinograph stability time, Extensograph area and bread‐baking quality.  相似文献   
本文以相关史料和日本江户时代商家家训、店训为线索,描绘出江户时期商业伦理思想的变迁,及其对后世商业社会和商业经营活动的影响.江户时代前期,商家主要以投机型经营为主,以经济利益为唯一目的,缺乏长远眼光.经历过长期的经济衰退期后,商家开始重新认识商业经营活动的意义,建立起服务顾客的经营理念.江户末期,人们开始关注商业活动对整个社会的积极意义以及对国家民族的贡献.这些成熟的商业伦理思想,在其后的时代对日本的社会经济和商业行为产生深远影响.  相似文献   
邓三好 《湖南农机》2007,(5):111-112
邓小平法治观具有鲜明的时代精神和个性特色。即在强调法制中彰显法治的理念;在环境营造中重视人的素质提高;在法治实践中务求实效;在法治思想中透射世界眼光。这四个方面,正是邓小平法治思想的精髓所在。  相似文献   
空气负(氧)离子研究的知识图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳空气负(氧)离子研究进展和前沿热点,旨在为未来研究提供参考.基于Web of Science核心数据库以air negative oxygen ion为检索对象,获取2002-2019年收录的空气负(氧)离子文献,并通过知识图谱展现18年间其发展历程.结果 表明,2002-2019年Web of Science...  相似文献   
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