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Southeastern Tanzania serves as a typical example of soil degradation and soil organic carbon (SOC) losses on the African continent. Although sequestration of SOC through aforestation or reforestation proved favorable, these measures are restricted by the ability to produce rapid, cost-effective and precise sampling schemes. The aim of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of the spatial distribution of soil C in tropical natural and plantation forest. This paper presents sampling strategies for estimating mean SOC values as well as for SOC mapping, based on different methods for SOC determination and on different precision levels. To do so we conducted a carbon variability study in five common forest types of Southeastern Tanzania (coastal dry forest, Miombo woodland, teak plantation, pine plantation and cashew plantation) using conventional statistical methods, as well as geostatistics. In the 5 forest types of this study, SOC stocks in the upper 5 cm ranges between 5 (in the cashew plantation) and 13 (in the coastal forest) t ha− 1. The optimal sampling distance for measuring mean SOC stocks varies between 36 m (in the patchy miombo woodland) and 422 m (in the homogenized cashew plantation). Sample sizes fluctuate between 6 and 72 (1 t ha− 1 precision) for respectively cashew plantation and coastal forest. A rectangular grid with a sample interval of 25 m can be used for SOC mapping with a point kriging estimation error of 3.0 t ha− 1 in the coastal forest, 2.6 t ha− 1 in miombo woodland, 2.2 t ha− 1 in the teak plantation and 1.1 t ha− 1 in the cashew plantation. Since the pine plantation has no spatial structure; samples can be arranged randomly and its best soil map has an average C content attributed over the whole field. Refining the sampling strategy with a new spatial variability study in other forest types can be based on a regular grid with sampling distances of half the range identified in this study. This paper proves that the optimal sampling scheme varies strongly as a result of the different spatial behavior of SOC in forests and depends on the required precision and research question. Only when the right strategy is followed, high standards of precision can be met without economic loss or risk of statistical misinterpretation.  相似文献   
In Tigray-northern Ethiopia, lack of sediment yield data and appropriate methodologies for predicting sediment yield have contributed to poor planning resulting in rapid sedimentation in reservoirs and storage capacity loss. The objectives of this study were: (1) to assess the spatial variability of absolute sediment yield (SY) and area-specific sediment yield (SSY) and to identify their controlling factors for 11 representative catchments and (2) to develop models to predict sediment yield. We quantified sediment yield from reservoir sediment surveys and studied the role of bio-physical characteristics of the catchments and their interactions in controlling SY and SSY variability.  相似文献   
Abstract. Ancient forests which have never been under agriculture often have larger ecological and pedological value than later established forests. We made a reconstruction of the land use history of the Meerdaal forest complex in central Belgium since 1759. Soil profiles of 33 recent forest sites and of contiguous forest parcels were examined morphologically by augering to 120 cm depth. pHKC1 was determined on samples from every horizon. The data were analysed by Principal Component Analysis, and the axes were used as a basis for derivation of horizon parameters. Former agricultural land use since 1759 can still be recognized in three soil morphological characteristics: colour of the eluviation horizon, intactness of the horizon containing illuviated clay and thickness of the organic layer. These parameters were combined into a 'naturalness index', which differs significantly between ancient and recent forest and can be easily and cost-effectively obtained to assess the degree of man-made disturbance of forests on loess-derived soils.  相似文献   
In Tigray (Northern Ethiopia), soil moisture has been identified as the most limiting factor in agricultural production; on the other hand, loss of rain water through runoff as well as the induced soil loss has been determined as a critical problem in the region in the last two to three decades. To alleviate the above paradox, the government has mobilized communities and resources for the construction of physical soil and water conservation structures (stone bunds, terraces) in almost all land uses. However, yield improvement was mainly concentrated within the vicinity of the structures and runoff continued to overtop the structures, as no measures for in situ soil conservation were taken. The terwah system, consisting of traditional ploughing followed by making every 1.5–2 m contour furrows, and permanent raised beds with contour furrows at 60–70 cm interval treatments, were considered and evaluated as practices that could increase the efficiency of in situ water utilization and soil conservation. An experiment was started in Gum Selasa, which is one of the drought prone areas in Tigray, whereby runoff volume and sediment load were measured after every rain event. Permanent raised beds with contour furrows at 60–70 cm interval significantly (P < 0.05) reduced runoff volume, runoff coefficient and soil loss as compared to traditional ploughing: 255, 381 and 653 m3 ha−1 runoff was recorded from permanent bed, terwah and traditional ploughing, respectively during the whole cropping season. The above runoff induced 4.7 t ha−1 soil loss from permanent bed, 7.6 t ha−1 from terwah and 19.5 t ha−1 from traditional ploughing. Overall, contour furrows and permanent raised beds can be part of the ongoing intensification process which includes physical soil and water conservation, slope reforestation, irrigation development and agro forestry in crop lands. Moreover, the use of permanent raised beds if combined with crop mulching and crop diversification is an important component for the development of sustainable conservation agriculture practices in the region.  相似文献   
The relative importance of peak level- and residual level-related flukicidal activity of closantel against immature and mature Fasciola hepatica was evaluated in a comparative efficacy trial using two animal species with a different plasma elimination pattern, that is, the rat and the sheep with an elimination half-life of less than one week and of two to three weeks, respectively. The rats were dosed orally with closantel at 20 mg kg-1 at two, four, six, eight and 10 weeks; the sheep at 10 mg kg-1 at eight, 10 and 12 weeks after artificial infection. Necropsy was performed either one week after treatment or 12 weeks after infection. Efficacy rates and the length of the recovered flukes were evaluated. It was demonstrated that the flukicidal effect of closantel is directly related to its peak plasma levels and less to its residual plasma concentrations. In the rat, a high efficacy (P less than 0.001) could be demonstrated against immature stages of four weeks or older. The two-week immature stages were less markedly affected. No significant differences in efficacy and size of the flukes were noted between the animals autopsied one week after treatment and those autopsied 12 weeks after infection. In the sheep, the efficacy against six-week and eight-week-old immature stages varied between 70.3 and 76.8 per cent and between 92.8 and 96.5 per cent, respectively. As in the rats, no marked differences in efficacy were noted between the animals autopsied one week after treatment and those autopsied 12 weeks after infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Human land use of the Tigray landscape (north Ethiopia) can be traced back for at least 3000 years and is recognizably very complex, but in the past half-century there have been multiple narratives on environmental change in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands in which statements such as “the forest and soil resources in Tigray are dwindling at unprecedented rates” are common. In an attempt to provide an objective assessment, we made a semi-quantitative analysis of observed changes in the environment of the central Tigray plateau, between 1975 and 2006, and its impact on soil erosion. The first part of this period saw strong degradation, caused by a combination of drought, impoverishment, poor land husbandry and war; but over the whole period intense rehabilitation activities have been high on the agenda. To study these changes, two sets of 51 landscape photographs have been used. The older photo-set was taken in 1975 by R.N. Munro during the Tigrai Rural Development Study; locations were revisited in 2006 by J. Nyssen and colleagues, when a new set of photographs was made at the same locations and with the same aspect. Based on longstanding experience in soil erosion and landscape analysis worldwide and in Ethiopia, the time-lapsed photographs were rated for visible erosion, land cover and protective measures. We present a quantitative evaluation of the change of soil loss by sheet and rill erosion, involving the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and particularly the changes in the C (cover) and the P (management) factors. This allowed assessing soil loss in 2006 as a percentage of the 1975 situation. Both the landscape and land unit analysis show that the situation for natural resources has improved (and locally strongly improved) since 1974. The rehabilitation is due both to improved vegetation cover and to physical conservation structures. The USLE application indicates that in terms of a whole landscape the current average soil loss would be at around 68% of its 1975 rate. Exceptionally, degradation is still ongoing around Desa'a forest and some other remnant forests, and conservation should be strongly implemented too in these forests. On average, gullies have expanded slightly since 1975, but these incisions appear to have originated in the drought years of the 1980s. This photo-monitoring analysis invalidates hypotheses on (a) irreversibility of land degradation in Tigray; and (b) futility of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) programmes. The study demonstrates that (a) land management has become an inherent part of the farming system in Tigray, and (b) that the authorities and NGOs are on the right track when promoting SWC.  相似文献   
Land reclamation by rock removal has wide potential in areas with shallow or rocky soils. In northwest Syria, this practice is hindered in its implementation by a lack of physical soil suitability data, principally soil rockiness and soil depth to hard rock. These soil properties were surveyed in a limited study area, resulting in a hard‐boundary thematic soil map (64–94% accuracy per property). Bayesian inference is proposed as a low‐cost upscaling method that yields a set of pixel‐based probability maps, providing improved input for spatial decision support models. Whereas the achieved spatial upscaling (from 2510 to 19 100 ha) outweighed the decrease in overall accuracy (down to 26–57%), probability maps require dedicated validation and manipulation procedures. This research contributes to methods for the creation, validation and interpretation of probabilistic soil property maps for quantitative land evaluation. First, we evaluated three postprocessing and validation methods for probabilistic soil property maps, identifying the use of ‘prediction rates’ as the best approach in a spatial planning context. Next, we demonstrated how the maps can support decision‐making for land management activities by simulating the expected losses and gains from interventions, in a decision‐theoretic approach. Based on the simulations, the investments in large‐scale derocking projects in northwest Syria will pay off in terms of increased agricultural productivity in less than 10 years.  相似文献   
The aim of conservation agriculture (CA) is to improve soil quality and crop yield whilst reducing runoff and topsoil erosion. An experiment was carried out in a rainfed field using a permanent raised bed planting system for 3 yr (2005–2007) in Adigudem, northern Ethiopia in order to evaluate the effect of CA on runoff, soil loss and crop yield. CA practices were introduced in fields with Vertisols in a randomized complete block design on permanent 5 × 19 m plots. Three treatments were evaluated: (1) conventional tillage (CT) with a minimum of three tillage operations and removal of crop residues, (2) terwah (TER) that was similar to CT except that contour furrows were included at 1.5 m intervals, and (3) derdero+ (DER+), which consists of permanent raised beds with a furrow and bed system, retention of 30% of standing crop residues and zero tillage on the top of the bed. All ploughing as well as the maintenance of the furrows of the permanent raised beds was done using a local ard plough called maresha. Results from monitoring over 3 yr showed that soil loss and runoff were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in CT followed by TER and DER+. Average soil losses of 5.2, 20.1 and 24.2 t/ha were recorded from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Runoff was 46.3, 76.3 and 98.1 mm from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Grain yield was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in DER+ under teff in 2006, probably due to the high sensitivity of teff to weeds. The yield of wheat in 2007 was significantly higher in DER+ followed by TER. The terwah system is recommended as a first measure for wider adoption to reduce runoff and soil loss and to increase crop yield. The long‐term goal is to achieve a derdero+ system, i.e. a permanent raised bed planting system along with the application of crop residues.  相似文献   
Background concentration values of trace elements were determined for soils in the southern part of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which are developed on the Bituminous shale (BS), the so-called “Bifrons” shale, and the “Minette” (M) Fe-oolitic sandstone substrates. Sampling sites with minimal anthropogenic influence were selected, and soil profile samples were analysed for major and trace element contents. A clear distinction is seen between the trace element content of the soils developed on the Minette sandstone on the one hand and those developed on shales on the other hand. For the Minette soil samples, most elements are present in concentrations exceeding those reported in literature for soils developed upon sandstones, with, for example, values of up to 278 mg kg−1 As (median value 123 mg kg−1), 287 mg kg−1 Cr (median value 126 mg kg−1), and 95 mg kg−1 Co (median value 33 mg kg−1). In the shale soil samples, concentrations are generally lower except for Cu and Mo. These elements reach maxima of up to 66 mg kg−1 Cu (median value 41 mg kg−1) and 59 mg kg−1 Mo (median value 26 mg kg−1). The results confirm the importance of determining background concentrations locally.Bivariate analysis shows a linear relationship between Fe content and elements such as As, Co, and Ni for the Minette soils. No relationship is found between trace element concentrations and clay or organic carbon (OC) content, but this could be due to the limited variation of these factors among the studied soils. A reconnaissance study with regard to the availability of the trace elements in the Minette soil samples shows that these elements are quite immobile and hence of minimal threat to the ecosystem.  相似文献   
In the Ethiopian highlands, large-scale stone bund building programs are implemented to curb severe soil erosion. Development of soil fertility gradients is often mentioned as the major drawback of stone bund implementation, as it would result in a dramatic lowering of crop yield. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to assess soil fertility gradients on progressive terraces and their influence on crop yield, in order to evaluate the long-term sustainability of stone bunds in the Ethiopian Highlands.

The study was performed near Hagere Selam, Tigray and comprises (i) measurement of Pav, Ntot and Corg along the slope on 20 representative plots and (ii) crop response measurement on 143 plots. Results indicate that levels of Pav, Ntot and Corg in the plough layer are highly variable between plots and mainly determined by small-scale soil and environmental features, plot history and management. After correcting for this “plot effect” a significant relationship (p < 0.01) was found between the position in the plot relative to the stone bund and levels of Pav and Ntot, which are higher near the lower stone bund, especially on limestone parent material. For Corg and on basalt-derived soils in general no significant relationship was found. Although soil fertility gradients are present, they are not problematic and can be compensated by adapted soil management. Only in areas where a Calcaric or Calcic horizon is present at shallow depth, care should be taken. Crop Yields increased by 7% compared to the situation without stone bunds, if a land occupation of 8% by the structures is accounted for. Yield increased from 632 to 683 kg ha−1 for cereals, from 501 to 556 kg ha−1 (11%) for Eragrostis tef and from 335 to 351 kg ha−1 for Cicer arietinum.

No negative effects reducing stone-bund sustainability were found in this study. Soil erosion on the other hand, poses a major threat to agricultural productivity. Stone bund implementation therefore is of vital importance in fighting desertification and establishing sustainable agriculture in the Ethiopian highlands.  相似文献   

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