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A significant negative relationship between tiller height and resistance to Fusarium ear blight (FEB), following inoculation, was observed in 17 cultivars of winter wheat in the 1995/96 growing season. Tall cultivars such as Kraka and Spark showed fewer symptoms of FEB (6 and 4%) than the shorter cultivars Brigadier and Virtue (35 and 51%). To determine if this relationship was caused by a genetic association or an effect of the microclimate, height and disease were measured in segregating populations derived from tall × short cultivars and humidity was measured in near-isogenic lines with and without the Rht1 and Rht2 dwarfing genes. Among random F3 populations there was a clear tendency for tall strawed lines to show less severe disease symptoms than shorter strawed lines following inoculation. The effect of the individual dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2 on the severity of FEB was also studied in an inoculation trial using a number of near-isogenic lines of Maris Huntsman and Maris Widgeon. Within isogenic lines of Maris Huntsman, there was a clear tendency for tall straw to be associated with fewer symptoms, but this was not apparent within lines of Maris Widgeon. Monitoring relative humidity at ear height in a short and tall isogenic line of Maris Huntsman revealed no significant differences between these genotypes from GS 65 to GS 85, suggesting that microclimate cannot explain differences in severity of FEB between these lines. It is suggested that there are independent genes affecting the severity of FEB that may allow plant breeders to select resistant cultivars of any height.  相似文献   
Lack of a 19th-century baseline temperature against which 20th-century warming can be referenced constitutes a deficiency in understanding recent climate change. Combination of borehole temperature profiles, which contain a memory of surface temperature changes in previous centuries, with the meteorological archive of surface air temperatures can provide a 19th-century baseline temperature tied to the current observational record. A test case in Utah, where boreholes are interspersed with meteorological stations belonging to the Historical Climatological Network, yields a noise reduction in estimates of 20th-century warming and a baseline temperature that is 0.6° ± 0.1°C below the 1951 to 1970 mean temperature for the region.  相似文献   
Phosphorus in the soil microbial biomass (biomass P) and soil biomass carbon (biomass C) were linearly related in 15 soils (8 grassland, 6 arable, 1 deciduous woodland), with a mean P concentration of 3.3% in the soil biomass. The regression accounted for 82% of the variance in the data. The relationship was less close than that previously measured between soil biomass C and soil ATP content and indicates that biomass P measurements can only provide a rough estimate of biomass C content. Neither P concentration in the soil biomass, nor the amount of biomass P in soil, were correlated with soil NaHCO3-extractable inorganic, organic or total P.The calculated mean annual flux of P through the biomass (in a soil depth of 10 cm) in 8 grassland soils was large, 23 kg P ha?1 yr?1, and more than three times the mean annual P flux through 6 arable soils (7 kg P ha?1 yr?1), suggesting that biomass P could make a significant contribution to plant P nutrition in grassland.About 3% of the total soil organic P in the arable soils was in microbial biomass and from 5 to 24% in the grassland soils. The decline in biomass P when an old grassland soil was put into an arable rotation for about 20 yr was sufficient to account for about 50% of the decline in total soil organic P during this period. When an old arable soil reverted to woodland, soil organic P doubled in 100 yr; biomass P increased 11-fold during the same period.  相似文献   
Seafloor diking-eruptive events represent the irreducible, quantum events of upper oceanic crustal accretion. They record events by which a large portion of the oceanic crust has formed through geological history. Since 1993, the U.S. Navy's real-time Sound Surveillance System has allowed location of ongoing acoustic signatures of dike emplacement and basalt eruptions at ridge crests in the northeast Pacific. These diking-eruptive events trigger a sequence of related, rapidly evolving physical, chemical, and biological processes. Magmatic volatiles released during these events may provide nutrients for communities of subseafloor microorganisms, some of which thrive in high-temperature anaerobic environments. Many of the organisms identified from these systems are Archaea. If microorganisms can thrive in the water-saturated pores and cracks within deep, volcanically active portions of our planet, other hydrothermally active planets may harbor similar life forms.  相似文献   
A method was developed for measuring adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) in soil. All three adenine nucleotides were extracted from soil with a solution of trichloroacetic acid, paraquat and phosphate. ATP was measured in the neutralised (pH 7.4) soil extracts by the fire-fly luciferin-luciferase system. ADP was measured as ATP after incubating the neutralised extracts with pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to convert ADP to ATP. AMP was converted to ATP by incubation with the coupled PK-PEP-myokinase system and measured as ATP. The quantities of nucleotides present in the extracts were corrected for incomplete extraction from soil by measuring the percentage recovery of added ATP, ADP and AMP. The adenylate energy charge (AEC) was calculated from the formula AEC = [[ATP] + 0.5[ADP]]/[[ATP] + [ADP] + [AMP]]. Measurements were made on (1) fresh soil, extracted as soon as possible after field sampling (2) soil stored air-dry at 5°C for 18 days and (3) soil stored air-dry at 5°C for 57 days and then rewetted to the original field moisture content and incubated aerobically for 2.5 h at 10°C before extraction.In moist soil the biomass maintains both ATP and AEC at levels close to those of activity growing cells, even though little of the biomass in soil can be in active growth at any given time. ATP accounted for 77% of the total adenine nucleotides (AT) in the fresh soil, with an AEC of 0.85 (a value comparable to that found in microorganisms undergoing active growth in vitro. In contrast, ATP only accounted for 28% of AT in the air-dried soil, with an AEC of 0.46. When the air-dried soil was rewetted, ATP increased to 66% of AT and the AEC increased to 0.76. However, AT in the air-dried soil (7.65 nmol g?1 soil) was of the same order as that in rewetted soil (6.70 nmol g?1) even though the AEC's were very different.These results show that the soil microbial biomass does not maintain a high AEC when air-dried. Once remoistened, the population tends to restore its AEC to the original value. This restoration occurs so rapidly that it cannot be due to the formation of a new biomass.  相似文献   
Near the Mantle Electromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) Experiment, seamounts form and off-axis lava flows occur in a zone that extends farther to the west of the East Pacific Rise than to the east, indicating a broad, asymmetric region of melt production. More seamounts, slower subsidence, and less dense mantle on the western flank suggest transport of hotter mantle toward the axis from the west. Variations in axial ridge shape, axial magma chamber continuity, off-axis volcanism, and apparent mantle density indicate that upwelling is probably faster and more melt is produced beneath 17 degrees15'S than beneath 15 degrees55'S. Recent volcanism occurs above mantle with the lowest seismic velocities.  相似文献   
The formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of a dilute atomic gas has been studied in situ with a nondestructive, time-resolved imaging technique. Sodium atoms were evaporatively cooled close to the onset of Bose-Einstein condensation and then suddenly quenched to below the transition temperature. The subsequent equilibration and condensate formation showed a slow onset distinctly different from simple relaxation. This behavior provided evidence for the process of bosonic stimulation, or coherent matter-wave amplification, crucial to the concept of an atom laser.  相似文献   
Respiration and mineralisation of N were measured in a set of contrasting soils that had either been autoclaved, air-dried, fumigated (with chloroform or methyl bromide) or exposed to gamma radiation. The soils used were a manured and an unmanured arable soil, an acid and a neutral woodland soil, an arable sandy soil and an organic soil under grass. With the exception of the acid woodland soil, the flushes of decomposition (i.e. the increases in O2 consumption, CO2 evolution and N mineralisation that occurred when the treated soil was inoculated and incubated for 10 days) were in the order: air-drying < CH3Br ? CHCl3 < irradiation < autoclaving. All of the treatments, except air-drying, decreased the ratio (C mineralised after treatmcnt)/(N mineralised after treatment). All of the treatments increased the amount of 1N K2SO4 extractable organic C, autoclaving causing by far the greatest increase.Neither of the fumigants increased respiration in the acid soil over the whole 10 day period, although N mineralisation was slightly increased. Irradiation, air-drying and autoclaving did, however, produce a flush in the acid soil, the order being: irradiation < air-drying < autoclaving. A soluble substrate, extracted from yeast cells by ultrasonic disintegration, decomposed to about the same extent in neutral and in acid soil. When 14C labelled glucose was added to the acid soil and incubated for 52 days, the retention of labelled C was slightly greater (31·6%) than in a comparable near-neutral soil (28·8%). However, the flush that followed fumigation of the acid soil was only half that in the near-neutral soil, suggesting that less biomass is formed under acid conditions. Liming increased the size of the flush in an acid soil.For soils from the same field but under different management, the size of the flush caused by CHCl3 is in the order: grassland > cropped arable > bare fallow. The flush is much more sensitive to differences in soil management than is the total amount of soil organic matter; a fallowed soil lost half its organic C in 10 yr whereas the increase in respiration that followed fumigation fell to one-seventh its original value. Two Nigerian soils behaved similarly; a soil that had been 2 years under cultivation contained only 16% less total organic C than an adjacent soil still under secondary forest, yet the flush in the cultivated soil was half that in the forest soil. The amount of substrate metabolised during the flush is thus very sensitive to changes in soil management that alter the amount of fresh organic matter entering the soil each year.  相似文献   
Used in high concentration as a soil fumigant, CS2 was broadly similar to CHCl3 in its effects on metabolism in soil; the amount of N mineralised in 10 days increased roughly 10-fold. the O2 consumption almost tripled and the evolution of CO2 more than doubled. However, the effects of CS2 were consistently slightly less than those of CHCl3.Used at low concentration (10 μg.g?1 soil) on a soil rich in organic matter (2.93% organic C), CS2 stopped nitrification completely, almost without other effect on soil respiration and mineralisation of N. In contrast, when used on a poorer soil (1.07% organic C) even 10 μgCS2.g?1 soil was sufficient to cause a detectable increase in both respiration and mineralisation of N, in addition to stopping nitrification.  相似文献   
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