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Oxidative stress can result in insulin resistance, a primary cause of type-2 diabetes. Methylglyoxal (MG), a highly reactive dicarbonyl metabolite generated during glucose metabolism, has also been confirmed to cause pancreatic injury and induce inflammation, thereby resulting in insulin resistance. Recently, resveratrol has been reported to exert antioxidant properties, protecting cells from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to evaluate resveratrol activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) to attenuate MG-induced insulin resistance in Hep G2 cells. Therefore, the molecular signaling events affecting resveratrol-mediated heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and glyoxalase expression levels were further investigated in this study. Our findings indicated that resveratrol activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway but not the p38 or c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways, subsequently leading to Nrf2 nuclear translocation and elevation of HO-1 and glyoxalase expression levels. Moreover, resveratrol significantly elevated glucose uptake and protected against MG-induced insulin resistance in Hep G2 cells. In contrast, depletion of Nrf2 by small interfering RNA (si-RNA) resulted in the abrogation of HO-1 and glyoxalase expression in the MG-treated resveratrol group in Hep G2 cells. Administration of an appropriate chemopreventive agent, such as resveratrol, may be an alternative strategy for protecting against MG-induced diabetes.  相似文献   


The effects of lighting on the human circadian system are well-established. The recent discovery of 'non-visual' retinal receptors has confirmed an anatomical basis for the non-image forming, biological effects of light and has stimulated interest in the use of light to enhance wellbeing in the corporate setting.  相似文献   
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of single layer centrifugation (SLC) and subsequent cold storage on stallion sperm capacitation‐like status and acrosome reaction. Three stallions were included in the study, with three ejaculates per stallion. The samples were examined 4, 24 and 72 h after collection, extension and SLC, with storage at 6°C. Sperm capacitation‐like status was investigated using the fluorescent dye chlortetracycline (CTC). There was no difference in capacitation‐like status between colloid‐selected and non‐selected spermatozoa. Sperm motility decreased significantly during cold storage, whereas the proportion of apparently capacitated spermatozoa increased. There was no change in the proportion of acrosome‐reacted spermatozoa. In conclusion, SLC through Androcoll?‐E does not adversely affect the capacitation‐like status of stallion spermatozoa, although it did increase with time during cold storage.  相似文献   
Chlamydia psittaci was detected by PCR in the lung and equine foetal membranes of two aborted equine foetuses and one weak foal from two different studs in Victoria, Australia. The abortions occurred in September 2019 in two mares sharing a paddock northeast of Melbourne. The weak foal was born in October 2019 in a similar geographical region and died soon after birth despite receiving veterinary care. The detection of C. psittaci DNA in the lung and equine foetal membranes of the aborted or weak foals and the absence of any other factors that are commonly associated with abortion or neonatal death suggest that this pathogen may be the cause of the reproductive loss. The detection of C. psittaci in these cases is consistent with the recent detection of C. psittaci in association with equine abortion in New South Wales. These cases in Victoria show that C. psittaci, and the zoonotic risk it poses, should be considered in association with equine reproductive loss in other areas of Australia.  相似文献   
落花生之黄曲毒素防治与其保健植物化合物之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落花生是全球熟悉与普遍消费的作物,其特殊之香气与酥脆质地吸引绝大多数消费者的味口。然而,由于落花生可能被黄曲毒素产生菌污染产毒,导致许多消费者常将落花生与黄曲毒素(系一种天然致癌物质)联想在一起,因而犹豫甚至拒绝进食含落花生之产品。落花生虽然是黄曲毒素产生菌生长之良好基质,但必须遭受其侵入,且得到充分生长才会产毒。田间栽种时有适当灌溉、采收后花生荚果迅速干燥,以及良好仓储条件,是落花生采收前后有效降低黄曲毒素污染的最重要方法。加工时,先将花生仁轻度焙烤,再脱膜并以色差电子自动筛检,则能更进一步将被霉菌污染之花生仁筛除,筛选后之花生仁可加工制作安全无虞之高品质食品。另外,有鉴于黄曲毒素产生菌普遍存在于土壤中,但采收后之健康花生荚或花生仁几乎均无黄曲毒素之污染,经探讨得知,落花生具有生合成二苯乙烯类化合物(包括熟知的白藜芦醇在内之植物防御素)以抵抗微生物入侵之本能。因此,落花生可经由发芽制备花生芽作为机能蔬菜,并促进生合成二苯乙烯类化合物,包括白藜芦醇,Arachidin-1,Arachidin-3及Isopentadienylresveratrol(IPD)等,这些二苯乙烯类化合物目前已知,具有相当值得重视的抗氧化与抗发炎活性,具有进一步开发作为饮食补充或保健产品之潜力。  相似文献   
Single layer centrifugation (SLC) has been shown to select the most robust spermatozoa from the ejaculate in several species. Here the effects of SLC prior to freezing on various parameters of frozen‐thawed bovine sperm quality are reported. Semen from 8 bulls was layered on top of a species‐specific colloid, Bovicoll. After centrifugation for 20 min at 300 g, the resulting sperm pellet was resuspended in OPTIXcell® (IMV Technologies, l′Aigle, France); the SLC‐selected sperm samples and uncentrifuged controls were frozen. On thawing, all sperm samples were analysed for membrane integrity, production of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and chromatin integrity. The SLC‐treated samples had a higher percentage of live, superoxide‐positive spermatozoa than uncentrifuged samples (27.9 ± 5.1% versus 21.7 ± 6.7%; p = .03). They had a higher proportion of spermatozoa with high mitochondrial membrane potential than uncentrifuged samples (55.9 ± 8.2% versus 40.5 ± 15.1%; p = .03) and also a lower proportion of spermatozoa with low mitochondrial membrane potential than non‐treated samples (42.0 ± 8.5% versus 55.9 ± 14.4%; p = .04). No significant effects of treatment were found for membrane integrity or chromatin integrity. The effect of bull was significant on the proportions of dead, superoxide‐positive spermatozoa and live, hydrogen peroxide‐negative spermatozoa, as well as on membrane integrity, but it was not significant for mitochondrial membrane potential or chromatin integrity. These results suggest that SLC selects the most metabolically active bull spermatozoa from the rest of the population in normal ejaculates; the pattern of reactive oxygen species production may be different in SLC‐selected spermatozoa compared to unselected samples.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Spatio-temporal variation of the sergestid shrimp Acetes intermedius in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan was investigated based on 1546 samples collected by 13 commercial fishing vessels from July to October 1996. Adult sergestid shrimp started a down-estuary migration with the increased river discharge associated with heavy summer rainfall. Fishing season for this species was to commence after that. In July, the shrimp stock was found on the shallow continental shelf off Tungkang and Fangshan. They mainly aggregated in Kaoping Canyon off Tungkang during August and September occurring at very high densities. In October, the shrimp returned to the coastal waters off Tungkang and Fangshan at lower densities. The heavy rainfall is a factor that triggers the shrimps to make a down-estuary migration that could reduce competition for food between adults and their offspring during the period of high river discharge. When the northeast monsoon prevailed, the sergestid shrimp moved back to the estuaries and the fishing season was terminated.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to define the patterns of organogenesis and foetal haemodynamics during the normal gestation of healthy agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) kept in captivity. Thirty pregnant agoutis that ranged in size from small to medium and weighed between 2.5 and 3 kg underwent B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography for the biometric evaluation of the foetal organs. The foetal aortic blood flow proved to be predominantly systolic, and the measured flow velocity was 78.89 ± 2.95 cm/s, with a maximum pressure gradient of 2.12 ± 0.27 mmHg. The liver was characterized by its large volume, occupying the entire cranial aspect of the abdominal cavity, and it was associated cranially with the diaphragm and caudally with the stomach. The flow velocity in the portal vein was estimated to equal 12.17 ± 2.37 cm/s, with a resistivity index of 0.82 ± 0.05. The gallbladder was centrally located and protruded cranially towards the diaphragm. The spleen was visualized as an elongated structure with tapered cranial and caudal extremities, and the foetal kidneys were visualized bilaterally in the retroperitoneal region, with the right kidney positioned slightly more cranially than the left. The morphological characterization and hemodynamic analysis of the foetal organs of black‐rumped agoutis via B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography allow determination of the vascular network and of reference values for the blood flow required for perfusing the anatomical elements essential for maintaining the viability of foetuses at different gestational ages.  相似文献   
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