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鸭梨酶促褐变的生化机制及底物鉴定   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
吴耕西  周宏伟 《园艺学报》1992,19(3):198-202
Introgression of trichome-mediated insect resistance from the wild speciesSolanum berthaultii has become a major focus of the potato improvement program at Cornell University during the past twelve years. Several quantitative characters are involved in this resistance which is effective against a wide range of pest types. Correlative biochemical assays have been developed to assay specific components of the resistance, and the effects of the resistance on the target pests have been studied. Quantitative laboratory assays and specific measurements of insect behavior and biology have increased the precision of selection and enable the investigation of the genetic control of the resistance.We are currently using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for genetic mapping of factors controlling the trichome traits fromS. berthaultii. Backcrosses to both the wild and the cultivated species parents have been evaluated for phenotypes contributing to the resistance mechanism, including trichome density, sucrose ester and polyphenol oxidase production by the trichomes, and the enzymatic browning reaction responsible for insect entrapment. Genetic maps are being developed for these progenies, using RFLP markers previously mapped in potato. Field and greenhouse trials under insect infestations are also being conducted with the mapping progeny. Our goal is to locate genes responsible for quantitative insect resistance by correlating RFLP variation at mapped loci with the trichome phenotypes and insect resistance. Genetic markers for these traits will be useful in transfer of the effective wild chromosomal segments into and among tetraploid potatoes, and for a better understanding of the resistance mechanism.  相似文献   
姜立纲 《华北农学报》1990,5(1):117-123
蜂乐1号烟剂是一种最近研制成功的新型杀蜂螨药剂,其有效成分为溴螨酯.经室内外试验结果,对蜂螨有较强杀伤力,对蜜蜂十分安全.烟剂中的溴螨醋对雅氏大蜂螨的LC_(50)为0.26克/米~3,LC_(95)为2.92克/米~3 对蜜蜂则分别为71.45克/米~3和218.70克/米~3,二者分别相差274.8倍和74.9倍.一平箱蜂群一次用含0.45克有效成分的药,对蜂体上大蜂螨的防除效果平均93%以上.对蜂群每隔5天施药一次,经3次施药后蜂群状况正常.在施药3次后对所取蜜样进行检测,其中溴螨酯的残留量远远低于联合国粮农组织所规定的参考限量.该烟剂适于在蜂箱外施药,比目前国内一般的开箱施药方法提高工效15倍以上,更适用于许多过去不便用药的场合.  相似文献   
Sheep from local farms with and without previous exposure to pigs were tested for their skin and airway responses to a commercial Ascaris suum antigen. There was an immediate reaction to intradermal injection of the antigen in 90% of 101 sheep. A bronchial provocation test by aerosol of the same antigen was undertaken on 43 of the sheep with a positive skin reaction. About 70% of sheep showed an immediate airway response to the antigen as an aerosol, reflected as a significant increase in airway resistance and/or decrease of dynamic lung compliance. The mean peak airway resistance and mean lowest dynamic lung compliance were 165% above and 61% below their baselines, respectively. No significant changes were recorded when the same animals were given an aerosol of phosphate buffered saline. Similarly, no correlation was found between the degree of skin reaction and the magnitude of bronchoconstriction (p>0.05). The sheep with previous exposure to pigs showed no significant differences in airway responses to antigen challenge, although they showed significantly greater skin reactions than those without exposure to pigs. These results indicate that the majority of Romney sheep in the Manawatu have a natural skin and airway sensitivity to A. suum antigen and may therefore be used as an animal model to study human airway hypersensitivity. The origin of this sensitivity has yet to be determined.  相似文献   
自五十年代以来,应用于东亚飞蝗蝗区估计蝗蝻种群密度的抽样方法,是样方为10平方尺的筒单随机抽样。本文是以抽样数、抽样消耗、相对精确度为标准,对三种抽样模型、三个抽样单位进行了比较。根据这些结果,我们提出了在当前蝗蝻密度较低的情况下,应采用样方为100平方尺的最适配额分层抽样。这种抽样方法在精确度方面可以高出现用的抽样方法2倍以上。而抽样时间消耗可相对节约一半以上。  相似文献   
本项工作的目的在于探求水稻三化螟Tryporyza incertulas(Walker)初孵幼虫在稻株上的定向特性,为鉴定水稻的不同生育期、品种植株间的抗螟性能做一些基本工作。其次,以人工合成的“稻酮”进行蚁螟趋化反应试验。工作系于1961—1964年进行。所得结果初步表明:1.在稻株上的定向部位:蚁螟侵入孔距稻株基部的相对高度为,分蘖期<10厘米;圆秆期10—20厘米,孕穗期后>30厘米。在生长期相同的植株上,籼稻>粳稻。入侵途径以叶鞘侧部的脉间蛀入为主,部分咬脉而入。2.蚁螟在分蘖期至圆秆期稻株上主动选择叶鞘部位入侵,并非由“向地性”所支配。3.蚁螟对各生育期水稻叶鞘组织的趋化反应与成虫的产卵选择性相吻合,即偏选分蘖期与孕穗期的稻株(或叶鞘)。4.在稻株叶鞘及孕穗穗苞内含有诱致蚁螟的物质,而在稻叶叶片组织内可能含有拒食作用的物质。5.蚁螟着生数量,在秧苗上为,17天秧>44天秧;在分蘖与圆秆期稻株上,籼稻>梗稻。6.一定浓度的人工合成“稻酮”能明显地引起蚁螟的嗅觉反应。  相似文献   
胡桃长足象是核桃果实的大害虫,为害损失很大。1975年以来,我们在四川平武地区进行了生活习性观察和防治试验,初步明确了以下几个问题。1.胡桃长足象一年一代。11月份以成虫越冬,次年4月上旬开始活动,为害果、芽、嫩枝、叶柄,5月上旬交尾产卵于果中,一般一果一粒,8月中旬产卵结束,10月陆续死亡。当年成虫6月中旬羽化,进行为害。2.成虫有假死性和向阳性,飞翔力弱,具有与核桃树芽苞相似的保护色。3.防治胡桃长足象,应抓住越冬成虫大量出现和卵孵化盛期时进行。用每毫升含孢量二至五亿的白僵菌液或50%的三硫磷乳油、50%速灭松乳剂、82%磷胺乳剂加水一千倍喷雾,效果良好。  相似文献   
棉籽壳对黄萎病菌的抑菌作用和抑菌物质的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据过去观察,棉籽壳有明显抑制黄萎病菌的作用。本试验初步证明这一抑菌物质具有丹宁类物质的某些特性。不同铃龄各部位的抑菌强度总趋势,与用高锰酸钾滴定法测得的丹宁类物质含量趋势一致,即不论大、中、小铃,感病及抗病品种,种壳的抑菌作用均大于胎座。初步认为种壳中较高浓度的丹宁类物质是种子内部带菌率极低的主要原因之一。纯丹宁在棉籽饼粉酒精洋莱培养基中的抑菌作用较供试的其它培养基小,说明此培养基用于种子带菌分离的优越性。棉花枯萎病菌对丹宁的耐受力显著高于黄萎病菌。  相似文献   
Chen CT 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1978,201(4357):735-736
Simple mass-balance calculations indicate that in seawater the calcium variation (DeltaCa) correlates with the variation in the titration alkalinity (DeltaTA) and the variation in the total carbon dioxide (DeltasigmaCO(2)) or nitrate (DeltaNO(3)) according to the equations DeltaCa = 0.46288 DeltaTA + 0.074236 DeltasigmaCO(2) and DeltaCa = 0.5 DeltaTA + 0.53125 DeltaNO(3). The estimated values for DeltaCa from these equations, which agree with the values obtained from direct measurements, have been used to estimate the ratio of the in situ inorganic to organic carbon fluxes in the oceans. The precise vertical distribution of this ratio is shown for the first time.  相似文献   
During 1972 to 1974, 112 Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic piglets were recieved from different parts of the Province of Quebec, Canada. Fifty-six strains elicited a positive gut loop response in three week old piglets and were then considered as Moon's class 1 enteropathogens, while four of the 56 remaining strains reacted only in ten day old piglets and were classified as class 2 enteropathogens. Forty-eight strains produced both a heat-labile and a heat-stable enterotoxin, while 12 isolates which included the four class 2 enteropathogens produced only a heat-stable enterotoxin. Fifty-one enterotoxigenic strains could be serogrouped using OK antisera against E. coli strains commonly associated with colibacillosis in piglets. The most common serogroups encountered were O157: K "V17"; 88a,c, O149:K91; 88a.c. O157:K"V1c, O149:K91; 88a.c, O157:K"V17"; 88 a,c or a,b and O45:K"E5"; 88a,c. No significant difference was observed in the fermentation patterns, antibiotic susceptibility, colicin production, production of a filterable hemolysin and transferable tetracycline resistance between the enterotoxigenic and the nonenterotoxigenic strains.  相似文献   
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