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K. E. Ney 《Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt》1915,37(5):197-206
Ohne Zusammenfassung 相似文献
By K. K. Newsham K. Oxborough R. White P. D. Greenslade A. R. McLeod 《Forest Pathology》2000,30(5):265-275
Quercus robur saplings were exposed at an outdoor facility in the UK to supplemental levels of UV‐B radiation (280–315 nm) under arrays of cellulose diacetate‐filtered fluorescent lamps which also produced UV‐A radiation (315–400 nm). Saplings were also exposed to supplemental UV‐A radiation under arrays of polyester‐filtered lamps and to ambient levels of solar radiation under arrays of unenergized lamps. The UV‐B treatment was modulated to maintain a 30% elevation above the ambient level of erythemally weighted UV‐B radiation. Naturally occurring infections by oak powdery mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides) were more abundant, and developed more rapidly, on lammas leaves of saplings which were exposed to treatment levels of UV‐B radiation than on leaves of saplings exposed to supplemental UV‐A or to ambient levels of solar radiation over 12 weeks in summer and autumn 1996. An analysis of leaf photosynthetic capacities revealed that M. alphitoides infection reduced the quantum efficiency of photosystem (PS) II by 14% at moderate irradiance. Although there was no direct effect of UV‐B radiation on PSII photochemistry, exposure of saplings to supplemental UV‐A radiation under polyester‐filtered lamps resulted in a 17.5% decrease in PSII quantum efficiency, compared with saplings exposed to ambient solar radiation. The results from our study suggest that photosynthesis of Q. robur may be constrained by exposure to UV‐B radiation in the natural environment through impacts on the abundance of M. alphitoides. 相似文献
The distribution of leaf area and light intensity within wheat crops differing in row direction, row spacing and rate of sowing is described. Regardless of the manner of planting, 75% of the total leaf area was found within a band 31/2 in. wide, centred on the centre of the row. Light penetration within crops spaced at 14 in. was greater than within those spaced at 7 in. Light penetration within rows running N.–S. was more uniform and higher, particularly around noon, than within rows running E.-W. Within N.-S. rows the position midway between rows received the highest amount of light, but light decreased on either side until it was least beneath the rows. Within E.-W. rows at 14 in. spacing, maximum light was recorded at 101/2 in. on the southern side of a row, decreasing progressively as the row was approached. 相似文献
H. Keith R. Leuning K.L. Jacobsen H.A. Cleugh E. van Gorsel R.J. Raison B.E. Medlyn A. Winters C. Keitel 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2009,149(3-4):535-558
Net ecosystem exchange of carbon (FNEE) was estimated for a temperate broadleaf, evergreen eucalypt forest ecosystem at Tumbarumba in south-eastern Australia to investigate the processes controlling forest carbon sinks and their response to climate. Measurements at a range of temporal and spatial scales were used to make three different estimates of FNEE based on: (1) the difference between fluxes of carbon input by photosynthesis and output by autotrophic plus heterotrophic respiration, (2) changes over time in the carbon pools in the above- and below-ground biomass, soil and litter, and (3) micrometeorological flux measurements that provide a continuous estimate of the net exchange. A rigorous comparison of aggregated component fluxes and the net eddy fluxes within a flux tower source area was achieved based on an inventory of the site and a detailed sampling strategy. Measurements replicated in space and time provided mean values, confidence limits and patterns of variation of carbon pools and fluxes that allowed comparisons within known limits of uncertainty. As a result of comparisons between nighttime eddy flux and chamber measurements of respiration, a revised micrometeorological method was developed for estimating nighttime carbon flux using flux tower measurements. Uncertainty in the final estimate of FNEE was reduced through mutual constraints of each of these measurement approaches. FNEE for the period October 2001–September 2002, with average rainfall, was an uptake of 6.7 (5.1–8.3) tC ha?1 yr?1 estimated from component fluxes, and 5.4 (3.0–7.5) tC ha?1 yr?1 estimated from the revised eddy flux method. Biomass increment was 4.5 (3.7–5.4) tC ha?1 yr?1 and the remaining 0.9–2.2 tC ha?1 yr?1 could represent a carbon sink in the soil and litter pools or lie within the confidence limits of the measured fluxes. FNEE was reduced to ?0.1 to 2.4 tC ha?1 yr?1 during a period of drought and insect disturbance in October 2002–September 2003, with biomass increment being the main component reduced. The forest is a large carbon sink compared with other forest ecosystems, but this is subject to high-annual variability in response to climate variability and disturbance. 相似文献
O. K. Gondor G. Szalai V. Kovács T. Janda M. Pál 《Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science》2016,202(3):217-230
To find a connection between polyamines and various protective effectors involved in the development of cold tolerance, eight different cereal genotypes, including wheat, barley and oat species, were investigated during the acclimation phase to low temperature. Exposure to low temperature induced different changes in the levels of polyamines, and other signalling molecules, such as salicylic acid and abscisic acid, and of other protective compounds, namely flavonols, sugars and antioxidant enzyme activity, and in the lipid composition of certain membrane factions. The most remarkable differences were observed in the oat varieties compared to the other cereal genotypes, which was manifested in the lack of spermidine accumulation and of decrease in trans‐Δ3‐hexadecanoic acid content, in lower initial and not cold‐inducible abscisic acid content and guaiacol peroxidase activity after cold treatment. Correlation analysis revealed that spermidine shows strong positive relationship with flavonols, abscisic acid and ascorbate peroxidase, while was in negative relationship with trans‐Δ3‐hexadecanoic acid. These results suggest that spermidine may have a crucial role in the cold acclimation signalling processes in cereals. 相似文献
K. Premkumar A. Pachiappan Suresh K. Abraham S. T. Santhiya P. M. Gopinath A. Ramesh 《Fitoterapia》2001,72(8):398-911
Spirulina fusiformis was tested for its possible in vivo protective effects against cyclophosphamide (CP) and mitomycin-C (MMC) induced genotoxicity and oxidative stress in mice. Pre-treatment with S. fusiformis (250, 500 and 1000 mg kg(-1), p.o., daily for 5 days) significantly reduced the chromosomal damage and lipid peroxidation with concomitant changes in antioxidants and detoxification systems. All the three tested doses were effective in exerting a protective effect against CP and MMC. 相似文献
Two participatory approaches to varietal selection were compared in February-sown (Chaite) rice and main-season rice in high potential production systems in Nepal. One method, called farmer managed participatory
research (FAMPAR), was researcher intensive, while the other, called informal research and development (IRD), demanded fewer
resources. The trials were conducted in 18 villages in high potential production systems in Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts
of Nepal. Six new varieties of Chaite rice and 16 of main-season rice were tested in over 300 trials of Chaite rice and nearly 1100 trials of main-season rice over two years in 1997 and 1998. Surveys were done in 1997, 1998 and 1999
to record the extent of adoption and spread of the new rice varieties in the study villages. In many cases, farmers tested
varieties for two years before deciding whether to adopt or drop them. Varieties were quite
widely accepted, adopted for niches in a few villages, or rejected. The two participatory approaches identified the same varieties,
but FAMPAR, which used formal survey methods, was more useful for diagnosing reasons for adoption or rejection. However, IRD
used much cheaper anecdotal methods of evaluation, so it was more cost-effective. Moreover,farmer-to-farmer seed dissemination
was higher in IRD villages, probably because farmers in FAMPAR villages felt that the project would re-supply seed if needed.
The benefits from both approaches are considerable, but to adopt them substantial policy changes in varietal testing, release
and extension systems will be required.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Abstract Studies on the seasonal abundance of Eurytoma sp. a parasitoid on okra petiole maggot, Melanagromyza hibisci Spencer were conducted for one year. Per cent parasitism ranged from 10 to 68 during the study period. However, there was no significant relationship between percentage parasitism on host density. Data further revealed that parasitoid response to host density was weak. 相似文献
Perennial forage legumes, particularly lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), play a significant role in crop/livestock mixed farming systems in the semiarid region of the Loess Plateau of China as stock feed and a source of nitrogen for subsequent crops. However, there is evidence that lucerne reduces soil water deep in the soil profile, thereby reducing subsequent crop productivity. From 2004 to 2010, this study evaluated the forage productivity and water use of two locally adapted perennial legume species, milk vetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall.) and bush clover (Lespedeza davurica S.), compared with lucerne. The 7‐year total and average annual forage yield of milk vetch were 56 and 8 t ha?1 and bush clover was 42 and 6 t ha?1, respectively, significantly lower than lucerne at 91 and 13 t ha?1. However, despite lower water‐use efficiencies (16 and 12 kg ha?1 mm?1 for milk vetch and bush clover, respectively, compared to 22 kg ha?1 mm?1 for lucerne), the total 7‐year water use in milk vetch and bush clover was 3500 mm and 3490 mm, respectively, which was 135–140 mm less than lucerne. After 7 years, lucerne had extracted water from the upper 5 m soil, whereas bush clover used water mainly from the upper 2 m of the soil profile and milk vetch still had some water available below 3 m. We conclude that while the locally adapted forage legumes were not as productive as lucerne as a source of fodder in mixed cropping/livestock system in this region, they use less water, which may be advantageous in drier regions. 相似文献